The Forum > General Discussion > Truth about refugee crimes is starting to come out.
Truth about refugee crimes is starting to come out.
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Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 28 May 2013 12:35:36 AM
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Part 2
9) Asylum seekers convicted over detention center riots in March 2011 have been granted protection visas by the government and allowed to stay in Australia. Four of seven people convicted had their refugee applications considered on character grounds, which allows the government to reject refugees who engage in criminal behavior, and were granted a protection visa allowing them to stay. Only one has been removed, another is set to be kicked out and a third is in the community on a bridging visa. These figures do not include approx 20 that have escaped from detention facilities in the last 2 weeks. Almost 42,000 people have arrived since Labor was elected. They have budgeted for 13,200 people next financial year. Last year, the immigration department estimated just 5400 asylum seekers would arrive in Australia in 2012-13, before being forced to revise it to to 12,000 in February. IN reality more than 22,500 had arrived in the 2012-13 financial year. Nearly every arrival will be put into the community as the detention centers are full or not ready yet. Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 28 May 2013 8:41:23 AM
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Philip S - Firstly the Government claimed on March 1st 2013 that ''a handful'' - or five or less - had been charged with a crime.
2 stories within the last 24 hours have this number DRAMATICALLY underestimated, here are extracts from them. Now lets see all the do-gooders crawl out of the woodwork :) :) :) I wonder what percentage of the lunatic fringe actually gain financial benefit from asylum seekers ie lawyers, management of charities & other parasites sucking at the public teat ?? Whatever, it is obvious that we haven't been told the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth in respect of boat people. Anyone who can afford to throw tens of thousands at people smugglers could easily pay the $80 or whatever it is for a legitimate visa, so why don't they ?? Could it be perchance that after having left a stable country, travelled through a number of stable countries before reaching the people smugglers in easily the most corrupt nation on planet earth, their motives might be considered suspect and consequently they figure they might not qualify for a visa ?? There is a HUGE difference between 100% legitimate humanitarian refugees (who would be acceptable to most Australians) & purely opportunistic parasites (acceptable only to our own parasites who profit handsomely from the invaders). No gubmunt has yet attempted to define the difference and until that occurs, the majority of Australians will be vehemently (and justifiably) opposed to the boat people invasion. Posted by praxidice, Tuesday, 28 May 2013 8:58:38 AM
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how else can the secularist/socialist destroy the west other than infiltrate people who hate our way of life. whether it be Holland, France, Uk, Germany or any other country that has adopted this madness it is now to late. weak minded people who could see what was going on but were shut up for pc reasons will be despised by future generations. How defiled these woman who were raped must feel by the culprit as well as those who promoted such idiotic policies or should I say philosophies.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 28 May 2013 1:43:48 PM
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At what point can we start describing advocates of Third World immigration as "Rape Apologists"? Don't forget these poor "Asylum Seekers" are overwhelmingly single males, when you add even a small number of extra men to a community the rate of violent crime soars as we saw with the Indian "student" influx of 2008-2011.
The Australian authorities cover up the statistics for immigrant sex crime and the identities of those brought before courts but in Europe they still have some open and accountable governments. 100% of rapes in Oslo committed by non European immigrant men, nine out of ten victims were native Norwegian women. Sorious Samura Reports on Gang Rape in London Part 1 Asian grooming gang convicted of appalling acts of depravity on children: Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 28 May 2013 9:50:20 PM
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Things just go from bad to worse with the passage of time more comes out the Government does not want people to know.
Apparently under our privacy laws the police are not allowed to be told where these so called refugees are in the community. In the past year 63 have escaped from detention, 25 of them are still at large apart from the crime of escaping what other crimes have they committed since escaping? This one if true defies logic if true "in 2011 a Sri Lankan couple in detention at Villawood were taken to a jewellery store in Wentworthville and given $5000 as reimbursement for lost items." When my house was burgled the government gave me nothing, should have come by boat. The cost for running the detention centers (does not include released into community people) is just short of $1.5 Billion, considering the UN budget to look after 25 million refugees is $3.7 Billion SOMETHING IS WRONG. The NO ADVANTAGE is only an illusion by idiotic politicians, the advantage is still the golden welfare because Malaysia and Indonesia give them nothing not one cent. Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 28 May 2013 11:13:39 PM
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Thank you for having the courage to expose another aspect of the biggest baddest scam around.The next time they have one of those Order of Australia nominations I’ll be putting you name in—you must be at least as deserving as many of the previous winners! So, now we find that all the talk we’ve heard about asylum scammers exemplary behavior is BS. And all Minister Bowen’s tough talk about deporting offenders was a double dose of BS. (remember Lexi -and other apologists- telling us to wait and let things play out! ROFLMAO) Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 8:54:08 AM
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The more one learns about asylum scamming the more it becomes apparent just how corrupt the whole process is.
Asylum scammers bribe and bully their way to our shores--but just as long as they tell a good story-- they’ll (eventually) get rubber stamped "found to be genuine". The boat crew blame the asylum scammers: “they threaten us and forced us to take them to Oz , we thought we were just taking them for a sightseeing cruise”! The asylum scammers blame the people smugglers: “he took our passport and made us follow him all the way to OZ”! The people smugglers (rebadged by refugee advocates as modern day Schindlers) lead a busy life jetting between their summer house in Melbourne and their winter residence in Jakarta. And everyone gets off: If you are (“ an under age”) boat crew you’re likely to be compensated for wrongful imprisonment and flown home to mummy in time for dinner. If you’re an asylum scammer you’ll wind up with free bed and board and for life, the “right” to bring out all your relos, and the "right" to send your kids (cost free) to the fundamentalist school of your choice. If you’re a “refugee” advocate you get a warm and fuzzy feeling from having struck another blow against those racist, rapacious, rednecks “how dare they think that OZ can control its border”! Only the Australia tax payer* is left deflated and out of pocket (*I can safely use the broad term tax payer because I am confident that any audit would show that most “refugee” advocates would not make a net contribution to our tax revenue) Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 9:14:30 AM
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I agree and Phillip S please keep on recording crimes, etc. carried out by so called refugees. It has taken far to long for the Vic police to acknowledge gang and other crimes committed by refugees. The truth is that many of these people will not or cannot integrate into our society and we should stopp allowing them to come here. there are thousands of refugees in Burma, for example, that could come and we have had no problem with the Burmese that have come thus far. We need to be far more selective. The illegals really have to be stopped forthwith. Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 9:54:34 AM
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I am pleasantly surprised none of the usual do gooders and refugee advocate have tried to dispute anything, maybe they are now reviewing there outlook.
The scammers are not the only problem another is the politically correctness that bullies the public servants into classifying them as genuine refugees. There is no way the 10,000 ones released were properly checked out. The smugglers have won again now the economic invaders are virtually guaranteed release into the community with guaranteed money and housing. They know the detention centers are full. Anyone want to bet $10 this 5 years to get the paperwork done is a big joke, so called no advantage, the advantage as I have always said is Indonesia and Malaysia give them NOTHING not one cent. Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 9:27:31 PM
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Ten billion dollars was the figure quoted in Parliament this afternoon, that's what it's cost the country since Labor's election, and I'm not sure that even includes the cost of the ADF participation in the scheme.
What was Denticare going to cost, was it 4 billion over five years? Well making sure every low income Australian could go and see a dentist at least once a year free of charge was too expensive but helping Third World criminals and economic refugees flee their homeland is apparently a better use of funds. Free Dental care was one of Bob Brown's pet projects, now we have the Green women in charge and because their feelings are feely they'd rather avoid their duty of care to their supporters just so they don't have to feel guilty about sending people back where they belong to face up to whatever it is they're fleeing. Notice that almost all the "Asylum seekers"from Asia are men? Now look at places which are really at war and are genuinely dangerous, notice that almost all the refugees are women and children? When there's real imminent danger afoot men don't flee, they stay and fight so that the women and children can escape safely, this is a universal characteristic of human society. The men arriving on boats are not in danger, if they were they'd be organising and fighting, what did the "poor persecuted" Hazara do during the Afghan civil war? They formed a militia, made alliances and worked as an Iranian proxy in the region, when the ISAF forces leave they'll just do the same again. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 11:07:07 PM
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Further proof the system of assessing refugees is ABSOLUTELY a JOKE an asylum seeker was cleared for community detention even though he was wanted in Egypt for premeditated murder and terrorism. It took 5 months for the truth to come out, in the meantime he was in a low security facility.
What is happening they are being released after "a brief assessment" rather than full check. With the large number of asylum seekers ASIO has been forced to conduct full security assessments only on 10-15 per cent of boat arrivals under a new triaging process. I wonder who is living next to the 85 to 90% of potential criminals? Remember how efficient the system is Cap't Emad was assessed as a genuine refugee and released. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 30 May 2013 7:34:55 PM
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Sri Lanka, Burma and Vietnam are where Aussies go for holidays, my 65 year old mother trekked around Vietnam last year without anyone as much as short changing her.
"Refugees" travel back and forth between this country and their home countries all the time, when little Sudanese "refugee" Ayen Chol was tragically killed in a dog attack a few years back there was great consternation because they couldn't contact her "refugee" father to break the news, he was apparently back working in a remote part of Sudan which had no phone or internet coverage. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 30 May 2013 10:29:10 PM
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Jay Of Melbourne - Assuming what you say above is correct, That is why TPV only should ever be given as soon as they step home or anywhere nearby it should be cancelled also if they send money to another country it (TPV) should be cancelled as that indicates where they really came from.
We are been scammed to the tune of approx 3,000 economic refugees per month. Come on Abbott reintroduce Temporary Protection Visas. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 30 May 2013 11:07:19 PM
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Just as a footnote to the recent/current kid-glove treatment of a convicted "murderer"- "terrorist" and "asylum seeker", a few key points need highlighting, lest they be swept under the carpet:
1) This is NOT an isolated incident (there are numerous cases, over the decades, where questionable characters have been rubber stamped). 2) ASIO has admitted that they are currently checking only 15% of illegals. (and the effectiveness of the “checks” they do is highly suspect/doubtful) 3) ASIO only discovered this gentleman because he was dumb enough to use his real name! If he hadn’t used his real name he would likely have slipped through. 4) Has any bright spark considered sending him home? After all, he was convicted in the 1990s in Egypt –under the former Mubarak regime–(no doubt “refugee” advocates would/will tell us he was framed/blackmailed or otherwise misconvicted!) But given that the Muslim Brotherhood now rule Egypt, why can’t he be sent back –the Muslim Brotherhood would likely welcome him as a hero and kindred soul. Posted by SPQR, Friday, 31 May 2013 7:12:33 AM
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I somehow doubt that, Philip S.
>>I am pleasantly surprised none of the usual do gooders and refugee advocate have tried to dispute anything, maybe they are now reviewing there outlook.<< More likely they simply scan down the torrent of bilious bigotry, and turn to the next topic before the stench becomes too overpowering. Have a great day, y'hear. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 31 May 2013 10:53:47 AM
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Pericles - Quote "they simply scan down the torrent of bilious bigotry"
Please be so kind as to tell me where stating FACTS is bigotry? I notice you as usual come out with childish and sarcastic remarks rather than say what is wrong, or is it you can not dispute anything. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Please in future dispute things you think are wrong or inaccurate that way people will be more inclined to take you seriously rather than regard you as an advocates STOOGE Posted by Philip S, Friday, 31 May 2013 11:23:06 AM
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Sarcasm, Philip S?
>>Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.<< Don't think for one moment that was sarcasm, I was being completely sincere. Because this isn't about facts at all, it is about the conclusions that you and your fear-mongering white-bread cronies draw from those facts, is it not. >>how else can the secularist/socialist destroy the west other than infiltrate people who hate our way of life... At what point can we start describing advocates of Third World immigration as "Rape Apologists"?... Asylum scammers bribe and bully their way to our shores... If you’re an asylum scammer you’ll wind up with free bed and board and for life, the “right” to bring out all your relos, and the "right" to send your kids (cost free) to the fundamentalist school of your choice... many of these people will not or cannot integrate into our society and we should stopp allowing them to come... helping Third World criminals and economic refugees flee their homeland is apparently a better use of funds...<< It's just a re-run of the Alan Jones show, only in printed form, complete with mindless generalizations and suburban white-picket-fence parochialism. Nothing wrong with that, of course. This is after all an opinion forum, and it is always an education to hear your collective opinion. No sarcasm there either, by the way. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 31 May 2013 1:39:29 PM
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Pericles - If it was not sarcasm then it just goes to show how blind you are to the truth.
Quote "Because this isn't about facts at all, it is about the conclusions that you and your fear-mongering white-bread cronies draw from those facts, is it not." The only conclusion I drew from those FACTS (which you are still unable to disprove) is that the truth about the Governments statement on March 1st 2013 WAS A BIG LIE and I backed that up with proof just released by that Government. So either dispute the facts or just admit YOU are wrong. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 31 May 2013 2:25:01 PM
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"The only conclusion", Philip S?
Bull. >>The only conclusion I drew from those FACTS (which you are still unable to disprove) is that the truth about the Governments statement on March 1st 2013 WAS A BIG LIE and I backed that up with proof just released by that Government. So either dispute the facts or just admit YOU are wrong.<< These are the conclusions that you and your fellow-travellers drew from those FACTS. >>how else can the secularist/socialist destroy the west other than infiltrate people who hate our way of life... At what point can we start describing advocates of Third World immigration as "Rape Apologists"?... Asylum scammers bribe and bully their way to our shores... If you’re an asylum scammer you’ll wind up with free bed and board and for life, the “right” to bring out all your relos, and the "right" to send your kids (cost free) to the fundamentalist school of your choice... many of these people will not or cannot integrate into our society and we should stopp allowing them to come... helping Third World criminals and economic refugees flee their homeland is apparently a better use of funds...<< That's the stuff of cowardly rabble-rousing. Which is also a FACT. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 31 May 2013 4:27:36 PM
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Ok Pericles (aka commissar of the anti-rabble-rouser flying squad) I’ll take ownership of the snippets you lifted from my post.
Which of the four below do you find not factual –and, remember, you being unaware of something does not make it inaccurate. 1) Asylum scammers bribe and bully their way to our shores... 2) If you’re (a successful) asylum scammer you’ll wind up with free bed and board and for life, 3) If you’re (a successful) asylum scammer you’ll wind up with … the “right” to bring out all your relos, 4) If you’re (a successful) asylum scammer you’ll (be able to) …send your kids (cost free) to the fundamentalist school of your choice… Posted by SPQR, Friday, 31 May 2013 5:31:41 PM
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Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and check out this thread for awhile.
Re: the overpowering stench - (Peg's in place on nose) Go, Pericles.... : ) Posted by Poirot, Friday, 31 May 2013 5:54:37 PM
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Pericles - I will put this in very simple easy to understand English so even you can understand.
The Government claimed on March 1st 2013 that ''a handful'' - or five or less - had been charged with a crime. I am sure even you remember that. NOW just a few days ago the Government released information that- 1) 71 asylum seekers have had their community release revoked by the government, including ten who were charged with criminal offenses, eight who were found to be national security threats by ASIO and 12 who absconded. 2) A Sri Lankan man accused of murdering his girlfriend before fleeing to Australia on an asylum boat was released into the community on a bridging visa in 2012. 3) Four people in community detention have been charged with animal cruelty, theft and assault, while four on bridging visas have been charged with stalking, custody of a knife, and assaults. 4) Police have been called to asylum seeker housing five times over assaults from November 2011 to December last year. Four asylum seekers living in the community have since absconded and are yet to be found. 5) In detention centers across Australia, asylum seekers who have not had their refugee claims processed since the government began a "no advantage" policy in August have been involved in 56 critical incidents and 155 major incidents in two months to October. 6) 18 had their residence determination cancelled on behavioral grounds between October 2010 and December last year. 7) Alleged offenses include a mugging at knife point by a group of asylum seekers, indecent assaults, drunken behavior and cases of domestic violence which have not been pursued by the victims. 8) At least ten asylum seekers released into the community have been charged with crimes including a mugging at knife point. Now if you add them up that equals more than 5 which means the first statement was a lie FACT. That does not include the ones involved in the detention center riot. The conclusion is the Government initially LIED that is a FACT, to anyone with a brain. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 31 May 2013 6:22:00 PM
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<<Re: the overpowering stench - (Peg's in place on nose)>> Wow that's a bit a change (new hairdresser?) Usually you wear a peg in each ear! Posted by SPQR, Friday, 31 May 2013 6:28:28 PM
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Poirot - Quote "Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and check out this thread for awhile.
Re: the overpowering stench - (Peg's in place on nose) Go, Pericles.." Obviously you have nothing to contribute but sarcasm (lowest form of wit) or do you have the ability to counter the facts, please just admit the truth. Quote "Go, Pericles.." This is what one would expect of a coward hiding in the background egging on a crowd or in this case a fool (Pericles) who can not dispute facts so resorts to childish sarcasm and a repetitive diatribe. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 31 May 2013 9:42:40 PM
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Stop blustering Philip S. You know exactly what I mean.
>>The conclusion is the Government initially LIED that is a FACT, to anyone with a brain.<< You can cite all the facts you like, just like all the rabble-rousers have done throughout history, who have cherry-picked incidents that they proceed to suggest are representative of the whole of their target cohort. It is a cowardly and uncivilized act, which even you have to recognize somewhere in the dingy recesses of what passes for your soul. Precisely the same applies to you, SPQR. No point in trying to wriggle away by pointing at your chosen facts and pretending you haven't used them to stir up hatred against a bunch of people, careless whether you include people whose lives have been unfortunate beyond your petty, parochial, suburban imaginings. Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 1 June 2013 12:40:55 AM
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Philip S,
I wouldn't dream of interrupting your flow. After all, you were bleating several pages back that us "do gooders" were reviewing our outlook. Btw, you got it wrong again. If, as is your wont recently, you insist on telling fellow posters that they are indulging in "sarcasm, the lowest form of wit" - then perhaps you should ascertain that that is what they are actually doing. For instance, if I was to say to you that this thread has been a refreshing change from the usual OLO fodder of fear-driven, bigoted and hysterical clap-trap... ....that would be sarcasm. Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 1 June 2013 12:41:18 AM
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Go easy on Poirot, she’s just had a bit of a let down, she tried to pick-up (groom?) Antiseptic for the AGW cause and thought she had a real goer for a while only to be embarrassingly rebuffed (LOL). And as for the old fellow he's fine with our current immigration quagmire –the more the merrier – just so long as the huge majority stay south of the harbour bridge well away from Château de Pericles on the leafy north shore. Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 1 June 2013 7:41:00 AM
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Pericles - Quote "It is a cowardly and uncivilized act," You must have a warped sense of reality when stating proof that a government has lied is what you claim a "cowardly and uncivilized act"
Poirot - Quote "After all, you were bleating several pages back that us "do gooders" were reviewing our outlook." SORRY to point out your lack of understanding I wrote Quote. "none of the usual do gooders and refugee advocate have tried to dispute anything, maybe they are now reviewing there outlook." Please note the last 6 words (they are now reviewing there outlook) not as you read it (were reviewing our outlook). It has also to be noted that with all your comments you have both still failed to disprove anything. Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 1 June 2013 9:55:24 AM
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Philip S,
I'll have to congratulate you on your whopping nit-pick, re: "are now" vs "were" ".....reviewing there [sic] outlook." Did you notice I was addressing your announcement in the "past tense" - hence my employment of the word "were". SPQR, I wasn't attempting to groom Anti at all. He's genuinely interested, and seeing as he has more intelligence in his big toe compared to most "skeptics", it was reasonable to throw him a few links. Admittedly, he appears to think that a good mind and high school science somehow trumps years of training and work in the various fields of climate science...and that those scientists have somehow "missed" all the stuff he's going to stumble upon. But, at least he's not your garden variety abusive denier. Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 1 June 2013 10:45:55 AM
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<< least he's not your garden variety ...>> Talking of garden variety types --we may not be hearing from Pericles for a while-- I've heard that while he was dozing on the front lawn of Château de Pericles between posts (or, was that between ports?). Anyway, while he was dozing in his garden a squad from the Garden Gnome Liberation front, mistaking him for a victim, kidnapped and carried him off. They later released him in the nearby forest but he hasn't as yet been able to find his way out. Apologies I have a lot to do --I shouldn't be wasting time like this. Cheers Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 1 June 2013 11:38:02 AM
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This is from a few months back, but it is an interesting perspective that sometimes the crimes are against refugees... "Ms Riley said Mr Hussain had enjoyed celebrating his first Christmas "Australian style" despite his Muslim faith." Like racism, not everything is black and white. Except Collingwood FC. Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 1 June 2013 12:13:37 PM
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It is a struggle, getting one simple concept into your skull, Philip S. But I guess someone has to do it.
>>Pericles - Quote "It is a cowardly and uncivilized act," You must have a warped sense of reality when stating proof that a government has lied is what you claim a "cowardly and uncivilized act"<< The cowardly and uncivilized act has nothing to do with identifying politicians' untruths. They do it all the time. They even tell lies in writing, and sign their names to it. The cowardly and uncivilized act is to use a few random facts to fan the flames of bigotry, and in doing so incite your fellow-travellers to unburden their shrivelled souls into a bucket of fear and loathing. But you already knew that, didn't you. Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 1 June 2013 3:45:41 PM
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Pericles - The Government claimed less than 5 refugees had committed crimes further questioning brings that number to MORE THAN 300
You wrote Quote "a few random facts" when a few random facts equal difference more than 300 crimes that is a big issue. Except to anyone except do gooders and refugee advocates. Would you be happy to have even a small proportion of that number as your neighbors. IT also has to be noted you are still unable to dispute the facts, even the fact that only 10 to 15% only are checked properly. As stated before talking to you is like having a discussion with a brick wall. Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 1 June 2013 4:02:47 PM
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Amazing, Philip S.
>>IT also has to be noted you are still unable to dispute the facts, even the fact that only 10 to 15% only are checked properly.<< It still hasn't sunk in, that I haven't been disputing the facts, as you call them, at all. I have instead been commenting on the way that you have been using these particular facts to stir up fear and loathing. Blind Freddie etc. Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 1 June 2013 11:41:10 PM
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Pericles - So what you are telling people is you can not dispute the FACTS but because I inform people about them I am Quote "stir up fear and loathing".
So what you are saying every news presenter who reports a story or newspaper that prints a story is to quote you "stir up fear and loathing". Your logic here is so far beyond belief, I have to doubt your sanity, as one criteria is knowing the difference between right and wrong. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 2 June 2013 12:17:25 AM
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There is one FACT which should be addressed above all others - and that is WE have to STOP the boats, come hell or high water, no ifs, buts, excuses.
Would you sit back and let someone walk into your home and set up house? Not on your Nelly. So, what's the difference? They may be just as needy as any asylum seeker (say, any one of the thousands living 'rough' on our streets). So, what's your excuse for not letting them stay for as long as they like, with you feeding and clothing them, etc? So with Oz, WE have to be in charge of who we invite, and on what terms, else we are just plain suckers. And, since we are a secular society, with due separation of Church and State, every individual seeking residence MUST have and demonstrate a primary allegiance to the State (ie the Nation of Australia), and its laws and Constitution. How can anyone apply this to boat people seeking residence? Exception upon exception, it's a losing battle, with us the losers all the way. We wouldn't invite all and sundry to bring their wars here, and we can't accommodate all those fleeing wars and strife around the world, so why are we kidding ourselves that by taking 'boat people' we are taking the most needy? (Especially since we know this to be false.) It is and must be OUR right to choose how we help those in need and strife, and by this I mean the OZ people, not our government, not the UN or Amnesty International, or the Greens or Ms Gillard. Something has to be done to stop people killing one another. Share the wealth, use diplomacy, bring all the religious (or anti-religious) scoundrels before the International Tribunal, send drones or assassins to kill all despots - something - BUT taking in refugees hand over fist is no solution, it just invites more problems to our shores (and more and more boats). Posted by Saltpetre, Sunday, 2 June 2013 4:22:37 AM
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Yes, well I hope they never turn your post into a bronzed plaque and pace it beneath a statue. I much prefer this one.... Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 2 June 2013 9:24:04 AM
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And still you are in denial, Philip S.
>>Pericles - So what you are telling people is you can not dispute the FACTS but because I inform people about them I am Quote "stir up fear and loathing".<< Let me repeat my position on this - my opinion, if you will - that this isn't about facts at all, it is about the conclusions that you and your fear-mongering white-bread cronies draw from those carefully-selected facts. Which I illustrated as follows, with some cut'n'paste excerpts from your mates. >>how else can the secularist/socialist destroy the west other than infiltrate people who hate our way of life... At what point can we start describing advocates of Third World immigration as "Rape Apologists"?... Asylum scammers bribe and bully their way to our shores... If you’re an asylum scammer you’ll wind up with free bed and board and for life, the “right” to bring out all your relos, and the "right" to send your kids (cost free) to the fundamentalist school of your choice... many of these people will not or cannot integrate into our society and we should stopp allowing them to come... helping Third World criminals and economic refugees flee their homeland is apparently a better use of funds...<< And this is hardly analogous: >>So what you are saying every news presenter who reports a story or newspaper that prints a story is to quote you "stir up fear and loathing".<< News media have standards. They have a commitment to balanced reporting. You have neither, it would seem. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 2 June 2013 11:13:23 AM
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This is purely a dog whistling exercise by the Opposition. The Opposition was the government that extended Temporary Visas allowing asylum seekers to live in the community. Was this also irresponsible? The whole debate is deep seated in hypocrisy on both sides.
In hindsight the TPVs were probably a better option than the farce and chaos of the current detention system. It is indeed a difficult issue but this is the issue that needs bipartisan support much more than whether politicians get to line their pockets with more dollars from the public purse. Groups of asylum seekers are like any other group of people. Some will commit crimes (ie. a small percentage). To imprison all asylum seekers on the basis they 'might' commit a crime is akin to oppressive dictatorships and certainly not part of a functioning democracy. For those asylum seekers who do commit a crime, they will feel the full force of the law as any other person with a good chance of being deported to country of origin once the sentence is served. Posted by pelican, Sunday, 2 June 2013 11:32:09 AM
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Pericles - Quote "News media have standards. They have a commitment to balanced reporting. You have neither, it would seem."
You have just shot your own argument down because the FACTS came from the main stream media. If you read the thread heading "Truth about refugee crimes is starting to come out" so the conclusion is that the Government LIED, a FACT you can't deny. Logic on March 1st 2013 Government said "'a handful'' - or five or less - had been charged with a crime." That means it could be 5 people - 4 is less than 5 so it could be 4 people. 3 is less than 5 so it could be 3 people 2 is less than 5 so it could be 2 people 1 is less than 5 so it could be 1 person When calculating the newly released information the figure is over 300 criminals that is based on around 52,000 refugees. These figures do not include the 100 detainees where involved in a brawl at Darwin's Wickham Point detention center April, 2012. Just admit the FACTS or admit you are wrong and have a hidden agenda. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 2 June 2013 12:32:59 PM
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I would not feel obliged to respond to Pericles’s posts.They consist of little more than him asserting that he knows better than you (and any/everyone else) without any attempt to support it. What hasn’t “sunk into” Pericles head is that your concerns have little to do with “fear” and much to do with: 1) Our right to be told the truth, and 2) Our right to control our borders Tellingly, every time someone raises concerns about our immigration/refugee policies Pericles reads it as “fear mongering” –a psychiatrist might be needed to provide some insight into that. As for <<The news media has standards>> Yes , and the most important of those standards is to report the full story –not hide or edit it (for political purposes. _________________________________________________________ Pelican, <<For those asylum seekers who do commit a crime, they will feel the full force of the law as any other person with a good chance of being deported to country of origin once the sentence is served>> We currently have jailed foreign nationals who are convicted drug pushes who will never be deported, due to UN covenants we’ve signed. We have Tamils who have been deemed security threats ( read lead figures in the Tamil tiger campaign of terror) who are not likely to be ever deported. And we have judges/magistrates declaring they do/did not want to jeopardize “asylum” claims when handing down sentences. ___________________________________________________ Poirot, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhubarb! The only thing you’d be happy to see bronzed is the Communist Manifesto. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 2 June 2013 2:47:49 PM
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And a Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraspberry to you. One gets bored of reading the hackneyed spiel of all the fearful and hysterical bunnies on this forum. Ho hum......... Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 2 June 2013 3:37:28 PM
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Thanks for jumping in, SPQR. Trying to get a point across to Philip S is like talking to a Telstra call centre.
>>What hasn’t “sunk into” Pericles head is that your concerns have little to do with “fear” and much to do with: 1) Our right to be told the truth, and 2) Our right to control our borders<< Well yes, if that was as far as it went, I would have no issue, since I am in favour of both the above. But the lasting impression given in the first two posts in the thread was of a red-faced blowhard holding an overworked dog-whistle. It has been edifying - and not a little amusing, to tell the truth - to witness the subsequent scramble to hide that dog-whistle, and the attempts to say "who, me?" when accused of rabble-rousing. >>Yes , and the most important of those standards is to report the full story –not hide or edit it (for political purposes. << So where, I wonder, did Philip S get his information in the first place? Where did those "2 stories within the last 24 hours" to which our attention was drawn, come from? Divine revelation? Oh, right... >>You have just shot your own argument down because the FACTS came from the main stream media.<< Exactly right. You have selected a group of facts, and put them together in a manner calculated to get a strong supportive reaction from your fellow-travellers. They are not all the facts about Australia's refugee intake, of course, just the ones that will justify the foam-flecked diatribe from your companions-in-arms. And it is not even those facts that are under discussion, Philip S, but the fact that when you put them together in this fashion, you are deliberately setting out to instill fear and loathing in others. It might be a somewhat difficult point to grasp, I do understand, but one that you really ought to try to get your head around. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 2 June 2013 3:45:55 PM
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Pericles - You just can't accept the truth.
To Quote you "you are deliberately setting out to instill fear and loathing in others" Please read the thread heading it points out about Government lies. To Quote you "Exactly right. You have selected a group of facts, and put them together in a manner calculated to get a strong supportive reaction from your fellow-travellers." Correct and the facts do support the thread heading that the Government lied. To Quote you "They are not all the facts about Australia's refugee intake" Correct again, if I included all the facts about the refugees I would have included the 85% still on welfare after being here over 5 years, the fact that there are no homeless refugees but thousands of homeless Australians. There are lots of more facts I have but they do not relate to the Thread heading. Thank you for your time but just admit in this case you are wrong. I would rather talk to "a Telstra call centre" than a brick wall. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 2 June 2013 4:47:36 PM
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I read things a little differently. Philip is highlighting some previously under-reported events--balancing the narrative. If Philip was a little excited it might because he is so unaccustomed to hearing such reports. There is generally minimal to no reportage of “asylum” scammer indiscretions. When such things do get aired they are usually blamed on the police, detention centre personnel, or (Marilyn Shepherd’s favourite) a case of misreporting. As a result advocates have been able to come onto forums like this and declare that asylum scammers were as a group exemplary candidates for citizenship. Not a case of a few bad apples, but of no bad apples at all. Plus, it is hardly likely that Philip’s obscure thread on OLO is going to become the dominant narrative and whip the “rabble” into a pogrom.There are scores & scores & scores of “asylum” scammer sympathetic sites on the internet which spout nothing but: 'asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings'.And many “respectable” sources appear to have a policy of not carrying anything that reflects poorly on “asylum” scammers. “Our” ABC (with little exaggeration) accompanies every news story on refugee policy with a (mandatory) 3 minute spiel from a refugee advocate. While SBS runs yearly “Go Back To Where You Come From” misrepresentations interspersed with sermonmentaries about the white Australia policy. And it is amazing how short some people’s memories are.Within a month or two of Philips post you will have the usual suspects declaring none of the indiscretions (Philip highlighted) ever happened. Likewise, within a month or two of ASIO admitting it only checks 15% of “asylum” seekers you will have the usual sources proclaiming that ALL asylum scammers are thoroughly vetted. So, sorry, but I don’t see Philip’s posts as any great threat to OH & S. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 2 June 2013 6:10:14 PM
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Surely you jest, SPQR.
>>There are scores & scores & scores of “asylum” scammer sympathetic sites on the internet which spout nothing but: 'asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings'<< A link, perhaps? Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 2 June 2013 11:30:00 PM
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Pericles - Why don't you start providing evidence of your claims.
While you are at it provide links to reputable media that support the inference you make the refugees are all good citizens. When you come to read your comments you say the exact same thing lots of times, over and over again just like a broken record. Now you can't counter my facts so where is your evidence that shows the current load of refugees are of reputable character. Quote - "Surely you jest, SPQR" >>There are scores & scores & scores of “asylum” scammer sympathetic sites on the internet which spout nothing but: 'asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings'<< Do a Google search are you really that useless you can't find anything. You will be pleased with this news HOMELESS AUSTRALIANS WON'T a suspected asylum seeker boat carrying 207 people has been intercepted north of Christmas Island. So much for border protection. Posted by Philip S, Monday, 3 June 2013 1:12:01 AM
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Staggering, really. Still you don't get it, Philip S.
>>While you are at it provide links to reputable media that support the inference you make the refugees are all good citizens.<< I implied no such thing. I'm talking about your rabble-rousing. If you believe that your opening posts were merely observations on a mendacious government, all you have to do is to look at the reaction it drew to show otherwise. >>When you come to read your comments you say the exact same thing lots of times, over and over again just like a broken record.<< That is because you insist on misreading them, as you have done here, yet again. It was amusing to start with - I assumed that you were embarrassed to admit the dog-whistle - but it is now becoming clear that you are simply avoiding the issue completely. >>Do a Google search are you really that useless you can't find anything<< SPQR will have them - "scores & scores & scores" of them - at his fingertips, a shortlist of which I await with interest. >>You will be pleased with this news HOMELESS AUSTRALIANS WON'T a suspected asylum seeker boat carrying 207 people has been intercepted north of Christmas Island.<< This news pleases no-one. Except perhaps a certain class of person who uses the information to boost their personal campaign of fear and loathing. To everyone else, it is more evidence of how desperate people can get when faced with so little hope in their own land. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 3 June 2013 7:12:22 AM
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Pericles - Quote "Staggering, really. Still you don't get it, Philip S."
Funny because the way I see it it could be written. "Staggering, really. Still you don't get it, Pericles." Posted by Philip S, Monday, 3 June 2013 9:13:18 AM
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Arrrh! you got me Pericles ...caught me out darn! darn! darn!
LOL No actually, I am wasn’t jesting about the numbers. Now, I don't intend to serve them up to you (à la breakfast in bed) but I’ll give you a clue (since you’re lacking in that regard). Start with UN bodies, the UNHRC, but not limited to the UNHCR –big on telling OZ about how needy “refugees” are and our obligations. Drop in in passing at Amnesty International –always big on telling OZ its border controls are inhumane (and by inference we should accept all comers) Then take a left turn to the political groupings/parties to the left of the Labor Party—The Greens and a whole lot of other little groups with “socialist” in their names –their major plank is refugee advocacy Then have a look at the websites of various eminent citizens who view themselves as champions of human rights --Australia seems to have such persons in locust plague numbers –and almost to an Acrididae they are very vocal refugee advocates. Then have a look at the various sites which go under ethnic banners . Sites that claim to speak on behalf of say, for example, Australian Tamils, Hazaras or Iranians –their message is more along the lines of “Come on down, have we got a deal for you” (and don’t make the mistake of thinking that there is ONE site per group, across the web there might be dozens for each group) Posted by SPQR, Monday, 3 June 2013 1:23:13 PM
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Then have a look at some of the major Oz based forums New Matilda, Crickey, ABC Drum and Punch,the editorial/journalistic input of each is almost exclusively sympathetic (panders even) to asylum scammers.
Then you have look at the multiple sites of/for the ABC & SBS at any one time each could be running a number of “moderated” programs and discussions which by design present asylum scammers favourably. Then have a look at the refugee advocacy policies and statements of various local inner city councils (and while you’re there drill down into their library websites and see the “diversity” of opinion on such issues –betya by a ratio of 10:1 its all pro-refugees) And then you have the govt funded groups like the Refugee Council –no need to say what they are spouting! Then have a look at the myriad of tin pot sites --whose sole reason for existing is to advocate for asylum scammers—with names like, this or that city’s refugee support group, men for refugees, women for refugees, puppy-dogs and pussy cats for refugees… these are literary too numerous to link/list. So while I’ll concede it isn’t up there with breakfast in bed at the Hongkong, Mandarin Oriental – if your purpose was to be better informed (rather than to try and catch me out) it’ll give your something to chew on. Posted by SPQR, Monday, 3 June 2013 1:26:15 PM
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literary s/b literally (otherwise some pedant will pick me up on it)
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 3 June 2013 2:39:53 PM
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I woould''t dreamt of pickking youu up on thhat _ somme of my best stufff is peppreed with typos. : ) Posted by Poirot, Monday, 3 June 2013 3:19:46 PM
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Just as I thought, SPQR.
Not one single link to sites "which spout nothing but: 'asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings'" Just a feeble attempt at bluff and bluster, together with a laundry list of organizations of which you personally disapprove, and therefore imagine would hold views opposite to your own. I'm willing to bet that you have never visited any of their sites, which is why you can only imagine what their position might be on the topic. And also why you suggested that I do your research for you. >>Now, I don't intend to serve them up to you (à la breakfast in bed) but I’ll give you a clue (since you’re lacking in that regard).<< It is so glaringly obvious that you haven't a snowball's chance of supporting your ridiculous proposition that they "spout nothing but:'asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings'", that you now pretend that it is not your responsibility to back up your claim. Good try. But fundamentally unconvincing. And this was a good attempt at muddying the water, too: >>...if your purpose was to be better informed (rather than to try and catch me out) it’ll give your something to chew on.<< My sole purpose was to find out whether you had anything to support your ridiculous suggestion. At which I have succeeded, quite convincingly. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 3 June 2013 3:32:40 PM
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Pericles or should I say Ian Rintoul -
Quote "Just a feeble attempt at bluff and bluster," I see it a different way, you are just too scared to look for yourself because you know you will find them. "Staggering, really. Still you don't get it, Pericles." As previously stated a discussion with you is like talking to a brick wall. Posted by Philip S, Monday, 3 June 2013 4:37:51 PM
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Pericles or should I say Ian Rintoul - Quote "My sole purpose was to find out whether you had anything to support your ridiculous suggestion. At which I have succeeded, quite convincingly."
Congratulations because you were too lazy to look you now perceive yourself to be a legend (in your own mind). So you now have a fan base of 1. Posted by Philip S, Monday, 3 June 2013 4:42:03 PM
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<<Just as I thought, SPQR...Not one single link to sites "which spout nothing but: 'asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings'">> Doh! [he slaps his head Homer Simpson style] Did you go searching the sites for the exact wording "asylum seekers are dear sweet little darlings"? I thought you were more sophisticated than that Pericles! Of course, I meant: words to that effect. Of course, all those sites couldn't all use the exactly same phrasing--if they did they might get had for plagiarism! <<Just a feeble attempt at bluff and bluster, together with a laundry list of organizations of which you personally disapprove, and therefore imagine would hold views opposite to your own. I'm willing to bet that you have never visited any of their sites>> I DID TOO! LOL Frankly, I couldn't give a damn whether you believe me or not. But I am very interested in how peoples thought processes work. So, how did you conclude from this little exchange (paraphrased, of course --in view of what happened above I though I had better spell that out) Perciles: Give me the links, SPQR SPQR: I'll not spoon-feed you the links but here's the organizations names To this conclusions? SPQR you have "NEVER VISITED" those sites. Are we to conclude my refusal to spoon-feed you is sure fire proof that I didn't know where to look? The only thing it means is that unless you pay me substantially more than you pay your butler I will not be serving things up for you. And as for this: <<And this was a good attempt at muddying the water, too:>> It is your red herrings which are muddying the waters! Cheers Posted by SPQR, Monday, 3 June 2013 5:00:53 PM
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Yep, as I thought.
Still no links. What a surprise. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 3 June 2013 6:07:22 PM
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And more comes out GOOD JOB LABOR.
Asylum seekers involved in violent attacks while in immigration detention are being released into the community, including one man who assaulted staff and was involved in more than 250 incidents. The violent detainees are released before security checks into their background are completed, according to an insider with intimate knowledge of the detention system. The disturbing account by the whistleblower follows Prime Minister Julia Gillard's decision on Wednesday to launch an inquiry into the release of a convicted terrorist into a low-security detention facility, where he remained for months even after his background came to light. According to the latest account of security problems in the immigration network, one man, Khoda Doost, was involved in more than 250 incidents, including assaulting staff, and released in Victoria where he threatened to kill people and burn down his house. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 6 June 2013 7:23:17 PM
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Now for the latest.
Senior Constable James Waterson of the police Southern Metropolitan Multicultural Liaison Unit said young Afghan men were turning to crime including property damage, sexual assaults, and violence. Sen-Constable Waterson said police were being called to incidents where men awaiting residency were threatening self-harm, including a case where a man set himself alight. "The common theme across these incidents is that the offender/person involved has recently arrived in Australia, is suffering severe depression and anxiety and has turned either a criminal offender or to self-harm," Sen-Constable Waterson wrote. "Further discussions with these males has revealed many of the causal factors are around lack of employment options, which has an effect on their ability to repay loans and/or send money back to Afghanistan for help. "This, coupled with the prospect of not being granted residency in Australia, is influencing these people to either commit crimes for financial gain or as an outlet." Need to send money back to Afghanistan, = economic refugees. The s--t is starting to hit the fan and come back and bite us. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 13 June 2013 12:22:02 AM
2 stories within the last 24 hours have this number DRAMATICALLY underestimated, here are extracts from them.
1) In Australia, 71 asylum seekers have had their community release revoked by the government, including ten who were charged with criminal offenses, eight who were found to be national security threats by ASIO and 12 who absconded.
2) A Sri Lankan man accused of murdering his girlfriend before fleeing to Australia on an asylum boat was released into the community on a bridging visa in 2012.
3) Four people in community detention have been charged with animal cruelty, theft and assault, while four on bridging visas have been charged with stalking, custody of a knife, and assaults.
4) Police have been called to asylum seeker housing five times over assaults from November 2011 to December last year. Four asylum seekers living in the community have since absconded and are yet to be found.
5) In detention centers across Australia, asylum seekers who have not had their refugee claims processed since the government began a "no advantage" policy in August have been involved in 56 critical incidents and 155 major incidents in two months to October.
6) 18 had their residence determination cancelled on behavioral grounds between October 2010 and December last year.
7) Alleged offenses include a mugging at knife point by a group of asylum seekers, indecent assaults, drunken behavior and cases of domestic violence which have not been pursued by the victims.
8) At least ten asylum seekers released into the community have been charged with crimes including a mugging at knife point.
Continued in part 2