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The Forum > General Discussion > Where exactly IS this country heading ??

Where exactly IS this country heading ??

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Probably the scariest thing about the bloodsucking parasites (as well as the other parasitic lifeforms as so ably identified by other contributors herein) is that they breed on an exponential scale. One would have hoped that increasing population would invoke some approximation of economies of scale when in fact the very opposite is true. I recall thirty years ago that an average lawyers time was 'worth' around 150% of the average wage whereas the current figure is around 2000% of the average wage. Same applies to a lesser or greater extent with all the other bottom-feeders, and we still haven't considered the prodigious costs of supporting a steadily growing army of has-been bloodsucking parasites. How long will it be before the whole GDP of Australia is devoted to supporting the has-beens ??
Posted by praxidice, Thursday, 16 May 2013 11:36:59 PM
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This is being a bit Marxist doncha reckon, Producer?

They include the majority of lawyers, advertisers, bean counters, Ickydumic’s, politicians, professional sports persons, celebrities, etc. etc. They are screwing the third world as well. Because they produce nothing, if we didn’t feed them they would have to become producers or starve.

advertisers: Ever tried to promote a product without one? They provide a necessary service IMHO!

bean counters: Reduce the ability of government to steal your production through the use of force and their numbers will drop considerably.

sports persons, celebrities: As much as I despise them myself. They provide entertainment and are no different to you or I. You don't have to watch them if you don't like them. Vote with your wallet!
I do however, feel violated paying for their place of work from my own production.

Ickydumic’s ?

It would be a very boring world if we never took time out for some entertainment and all we ever did is produce according to the world view of Producer. What would be the point of life?
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 17 May 2013 12:22:26 AM
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Producer, stop feeding the parasites?
I'm afraid that won't happen either.

One would think that people whose entire life is built on fluff-and-bluff would be that last people to promote policies that will destabilise our society, but strangely they're all card-carrying members of Kill The West.
Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 17 May 2013 1:01:52 AM
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RawMustard - whilst producer can no doubt return his own eloquent repartee, I believe his point was that since all of the identified groups are non-productive, there is a finite limit to how many of them society can feed, and at the rate they are breeding its a hotly contested race to see exactly which tribe sends the country down the gurgler first. My money is on the has-been bloodsucking parasites for first place with legal leeches only a nose behind but YMMV
Posted by praxidice, Friday, 17 May 2013 1:03:33 AM
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RawMustard – It’s called productionism

A complex society requires some essential none productive services (e.g. Health, Education, Security, Justice (not law)) to function. We need to question the balance and degree of these activities and the reward (proportion of productivity) a particular activity attracts. While parasite activities attract more reward than productive ones, productivity will continue to decline along with competitiveness.”

Parasite advertisers are the aids of our society. They are not only super parasites in their own right but spawn a significant number of parasites as well. We need information not advertising. Advertising will tell you DDT kills insects but won’t tell you it will kill you also. Advertising should not be a tax deductable expense.

Parasite Bean Counters receive a generally disproportionate share of our productive wealth. More often than not they are looking for ways to screw the producer to increase their share, not the other way round.

Because advertising cost are built into the products we buy combined with the overwhelming power of the duopoly it is virtually impossible to vote with your wallet when it comes to the corporate entertainment sector. The corporate and advertising entertainment sector receives a disproportionate share of our productive wealth and we pay. This is at the expense of the real grass roots industry which I support with my wallet whenever possible.

Ickydumic’s are academics that crave the centre of attention yet serve no real purpose. They can generally be identified by their scarves, bow ties, brightly coloured spectacle frames and other bling. They are masters of taking over anyone to gain attention.

Until we as a nation of individuals break the current Ineptocracy the parasite class will continue to flourish and production will decline.

“Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

We really need to hang them this September and get thing into proportion!
Posted by Producer, Friday, 17 May 2013 6:48:09 AM
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Producer - A complex society requires some essential none productive services (e.g. Health, Education, Security, Justice (not law)) to function

Maybe, but certainly not to the extent typical of present day versions. For example, Queensland Health employs three mouse jockeys per clinical worker, Energex / Ergon / Powerlink four clerical per operational staffer, IN-justice four administrative per magistrate / judge, and so on. General Disaster did clean out a few departments but as it transpired, the ones dispensed with were mainly lower level types who did the majority of what little work was done.

In Queensland we have a 'Peter Principle'. This entails promoting the hopelessly incompetent beyond their individual level of uselessness. Personally I prefer the generic word 'bureaucrazies' for all public servants. Anyway, after the purge, we now have tribes of high level 'Peter Principle' turkeys who find it a major challenge deciding what end of a biro to suck & which to write with.

I had occasion a while back to do business with one of these galahs. Since it was obvious he didn't fully understand the relationship between us, I figured I needed to enlighten him, but first I asked "do you prefer the Australian, the english or the US dialect ??"
"Australian responds said turkey". "OK says I, here's a Macquarie dictionary, please read the meanings of the words 'public' & 'servant"
True story and one well worth repeating ... really blows the mind of any bureaucrazy.
Posted by praxidice, Friday, 17 May 2013 7:46:56 AM
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