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China Hacks Crucial US Military Secrets.

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Spindoc if you cannot be civil,don't bother commenting.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 5 May 2013 5:49:19 PM
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If you can’t stand your own corner, on your own thread, with your own facts and your own research, you can take a long walk on a short pier.

You launch CT rubbish, can’t substantiate it, can’t back it up, can’t rationalize it, can’t apply any logic, can’t assimilate it, and don’t have any opinion other than the one you have adopted from the internet.

Then you have the unmitigated juvenile audacity to wonder why you get challenged.

Why don’t you go back to year 7, get an education, have words with your parents and ask them why they screwed your head, ask them why, at whatever age you are, you still have the mentality of my six year old granddaughter? She would run bloody rings round you.

Go see a doctor, get some medication, stop feeding off the internet CT sites and get yourself a life.

You are a sick puppy, a no hoper, you blame anyone and everything for your condition, you don’t understand reality and you never will. You need help, go and get it.

You ask for civility, that my friend is the last refuge of an idiot pretending to be a real person
Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 5 May 2013 7:03:35 PM
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Both Paul Keating and Malcolm Fraser warned last year about the containment policy the US had on China.They were trying to surround China.We had all the rhetoric of evil China and even Julie Bishop posted a couple on OLO about the rise of China.Our leaders just roll out the rhetoric given to them by US intelligence agencies.

Now China is again our friend.Why the change of rhetoric? The invasion of Afghanistan was based on the lie of terrorism.The US was there for drugs, oil access ,lithium and strategic access to China.

So Spindoc can you suggest a reason why there is a sudden change in attitude towards China ? Graham Cook has just posted an article on OLO saying Aust does not have to choose between USA and China.

Try to be just little bit polite as Graham Young wants to elevate standards on his sight. You can get your point across without ad hominem.

If you want to know what is really happening see
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 5 May 2013 9:59:01 PM
Find out more about this user Visit this user's webpage Recommend this comment for deletion Return to top of page Return to Forum Main Page Copy comment URL to clipboard Two ex-Pentagon officals has said that China has hacked almost every major defence contractor and made off with their most closely guarded secrets.This is not a one off small contractor.

This is a very big story and confirms my suspicions of why now China is being treated with more respect.If the USA now go cold on the dangers of North Korea,this will further add fuel to the fire that their military secrets have been seriously compromised.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 5 May 2013 10:29:04 PM
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Sounds like more bulldust to me, Arjay to bring in tougher internet regulations. The US have been trying to censor the internet for ages now with their SOPA, PIPA, crap. And didn't they just get blasted out of court with their latest harebrained scheme? Bureaucrats will spin any hogwash to get their way, think of the children!

I mean look at the bombings in Syria by Israel yesterday. It was on the net that Israel had bombed Syria while the flames were still rising and the body bits hadn't hit the ground yet. How can CNNCNBCABCMSNBC spin the bull of Assad using chemical weapons when some pesky little kid is filming the black-ops trying to perform their nefarious acts with his IdiotPhone?

Do you honestly believe the yanks would have their most prize secrets on computers connected to the internet? I'm just a lowly mug and I don't keep private stuff on my home network!
Posted by RawMustard, Sunday, 5 May 2013 10:53:55 PM
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Rawmustard how do these various defence bodies communicate their enormous amounts of data if not via the internet? They'd have to set up separate cabling systems to have total security.Don't forget also the satellite communications which messages can be intercepted.

Their encryption systems are supposed to give them 100% security.

Nothing surprises me,since the West is so wracked with nepotism and corruption,that no one now really cares.We are going down just like the Roman empire.

The Romans used to have a cheap bronze money that was carefully regulated by the state.Caesar came along and made gold the new currency.Since the rich had most of the gold they assumed most of the wealth.Hence the real productive economy was starved of the medium of exchange.

Just like an engine that is starved of oil,our economies seize up and collapse.The elite bankers are starving the real productive economy of liquidity and inflating their gambling economy of derivatives to higher levels of insanity.

China produces 80% of its new money via Govt banks.This is another reason why they can grow at 12% pa.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 5 May 2013 11:34:45 PM
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