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Perfect Storm: Globalisation, Loaded Dice, Killer Equation

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@ Spindoc

LOL! I was going to ask him what he fears the most personally about all this. losing a trip to barli for the holidays perhaps?

I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as he assumes. There are a lot of answers to his unasked questions, too many to really get into on this forum with its limited word count and editing abilities.

Perhaps that's why his post is watered down?
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 22 February 2013 3:44:58 PM
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Dear Bazz,

Ignore people who have to stoop to personal insults
in order to hide their ignorance on any given topic.
These Gentlemen if they are really interested in
the topic can always Google the article by Dr Tim
Morgan either under "Perfect Storm," or "Armaggedon."
There are many "simpler" websites explaining the issues
Dr Morgan is dealing with. However, that's probably too hard
for them. Insults are so much easier.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 22 February 2013 3:57:51 PM
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Spindoc said; Come on, you can do better than this.

Well not at this hour of the night.
By socialism, I did not mean the government organised large scale
bureaucratic organisation, I mean a grass root community effort to
help those in need.

By capitalism I meant the local furniture maker, and the man who has
rented out a shop and repairs radios, toasters, and will come around
and fix your TV, if the TV stations have been able to pay their electricity bill.

You said; “I have all the questions but no answers”.
Very true because there are so many unknowns that the questions are
never precise enough so that we have to guess as to how fast and in
what order services either fail completely, or partially.

However we predict it will always be wrong.
Who would have thought that the chairman of the IPCC would admit that
there has been no warming for 17 years ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 22 February 2013 10:58:30 PM
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Raw Mustard said;
losing a trip to barli for the holidays perhaps?

Maybe, I have not been there yet.
Oh, I can assure you, it will be worse than I have illustrated, but I
probably won't be here to see that.

An increase in fuel prices to very high levels is absolutely certain
over the next ten years. It is mathematically certain.
The only doubt over putting exact figures on it is whether the massive
amount of pixel money will cause Weimar like inflation.
It is the only way the US can get out of debt, or simply say "st^%f U.
Just watch what is happening in the airline industry, and yet people
are still waffling about building a second airport for Sydney !
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 22 February 2013 11:10:13 PM
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I forgot to mention this;
There are a number of books on the collapse of empires, eg Rome Persia
etc but there is another by someone called Trantoir or similar and
it deals with the collapse of complex systems & societies.
It seems that simple societies just wind down when their resources
start declining, but complex societies, such as ours collapse very
dramatically and quickly.
Imagine, that tomorrow mornings news the government announced that
there was no diesel fuel available.
The refineries in Singapore could not supply it.

How long before shoppers were fighting in the isles for the last cans of beans.
Three days !

Thats how long it took in the UK.

Sweet Dreams !
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 22 February 2013 11:21:23 PM
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Much better Bazz,

You still telegraph your fears for our societies but this demonstrates you have a social conscience. Googling links, papers and reference books are part of understanding the questions; they do not provide the answers, they are your job.

In fact if you have fears or concerns about specific policies and their impact upon us, reading opinions about those potential negatives simply reinforces those fears because you are left to focus upon the symptoms rather than the causes. It’s evident you read a great deal about these things but I also get the feeling that the multiple areas of concern you articulate are all symptoms and not causes.

You made a good start with capitalism vs socialism. Outside of particle physics this is probably one of the most complex, divisive and emotive issues humanity faces. So good luck.

Have a look at it from an economic perspective first. Capitalism is spruiked as wealth creation for those lucky enough to be participants. Socialism presents itself as socially conscious and equitable in the distribution of wealth. The difference between these two ideologies in the industrialized nations is quite narrow, particularly where they meet in politics. Start at the top of the information pyramid where things are tight and focused, rather than lower down where the issues expand exponentially.

Lastly, the Tullett prebon Group publish risk assessment papers for the wholesale markets. They have absolutely no relevance to social political constructs; they produce narratives for investors based upon negatives. Reading such papers is interesting but futile because you are trying to apply their investment assessments to your social fears and conscience.

You’re trying to drink from a fire hose!
Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 23 February 2013 10:30:59 AM
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