The Forum > General Discussion > Australian city's violence - why and who is to blame?
Australian city's violence - why and who is to blame?
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Posted by Philip S, Friday, 7 December 2012 11:23:52 PM
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Philip s your question is one we need answers for.
I as you know, have my doubts about your style. Saw the black reference. Nearly went past without posting. But your theme here demands answers. Here are mine, we let PC strangle us, at every step of the way. At 17 years of age, regardless of race or color, these youths are likely to have been in trouble before. And set free, like you I have little regard for them and their actions, but understand, please let it be true, they are not mature adults. Maybe from the first day of their lives they had no future. But if caught, please let that happen, will probably walk free as PC over rules justice. Crime is an emotional subject, always, justice is said to be blind, to race and position. But SOMETIMES parents should share the blame and penalty. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 8 December 2012 11:10:39 AM
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Clarification re- black.
The police description is vague and leaves the reader to try to interpret what they are saying. Quote "The male who punched the woman had a dark skin tone, police said." 1) They did not say dark TAN. 2) They did not say Caucasian as they usually do. Question to others with the above description by the police what would you be looking for? Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 8 December 2012 11:22:10 AM
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Can you post a link? I recall seeing the news item and after reading your post i went to refresh the item but cannot locate in current major press. To my mind there is at least 3 ways to help prevent this type of attack. 1. Better parenting, so kids are taught right from wrong and are instilled with proper social standards and respect for others. 2. Proper enforcement of laws and reasonable punishment for wrong doing. 3. Revue our immigration policies, so that those persons that belong to groups that cannot/will not abide by our laws and social standards are excluded. There are some groups that, for several generations, have shown contempt for our laws and society. These cultural groups should be excluded from immigration eligibility. This latest attack is one of many and the problem appears to be getting more frequent. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 8 December 2012 12:49:56 PM
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Dear Philip,
City violence can be the result of a number of causes. Prolonged economic deprivation, family stress, school exclusion, drug or alcohol abuse, and so on. I believe that a policy of investment in public services ( quality of providing good schools, healthcare, employment) would have a much greater effect of riding anti-social behaviour and crime than just law and order. Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 8 December 2012 12:54:44 PM
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1st - Can some people at least answer my question. What come to mind when you read the police description.
"The male who punched the woman had a dark skin tone, police said." Link Extracted text A 57-year-old disabled woman has been beaten in the face during a violent robbery in Sydney's west. Police say she was riding her wheelchair along Horsley Drive in Fairfield when two teenagers attacked her from behind. Officers allege one of the youths put her into a headlock and punched her repeatedly in the face with a sharp object as the second teenager grabbed her bag and stole cash. One of the attackers then pushed the woman and her wheelchair over, before running away. She was treated for 14 puncture wounds to the face and bruising to her right knee and ankle. Senior Constable Jamie Wallace says a search is underway. "Police are searching for two males described as 16 to 17 years of age, wearing grey pants, black school shoes and light blue hooded jumpers," he said. "The offender who punched the woman had a dark skin tone. "It's obviously a brutal crime on a defenceless member of the community. We would certainly ask for the public's assistance in locating them." Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 8 December 2012 1:25:10 PM
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Phillip S,
You are right, the police discription reeks of political correctness. The victim must have got a good look at them if she put an age on them, so why the vague reference to their ethnicity. Maybe she heard an accent as well. How can the public help the police if there is only half a discription of the suspects provided. The police in victoria and the Fairfax press seem to be the ones not providing adequate discriptions, so am a bit surprized at the ABC and the attack occured in Sydney. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 8 December 2012 2:00:46 PM
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Phillip S,
It appears that the ABC copied the Police media release verbatum, so they are not to blame in this instance. It may be an idea to complain to the NSW Police about the inadequacy of the discription. Afterall the victim gave a discription of the clothing the attackers wore. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 8 December 2012 2:11:25 PM
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Since the kid had her in a headlock and headlocks are typically engaged while standing behind the victim it's likely she may have only seen the colour of the skin on his arms and hands.
However.... PC is a set of religious beliefs,like all religions it requires that it's believers say certain phrases and refrain from saying others, to an adherent of PC even allocating a race to an individual or making an assumption that they belong to a certain group is to commit the sin of "othering". Senior Police and public servants either believe in the religion of PC or they choose the road of least resistance for the sake of their career prospects, this is why we had assertions from Victoria Police that they kept no detailed statistics on a criminals race and ethnicity only to have them admit later that they did keep such information but that it was to be kept under lock and key. This is exactly the same as the Vatican keeping the records of the Inquisitions secret lest they fall into the wrong hands and undermine the authority of the church, if the real picture of crime broken down by race and ethnicity were to be known it could undermine the church of PC and cause people to question the authority of the state. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 8 December 2012 4:32:28 PM
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I think people are reading far too much into the ‘dark skin tone’ quote. This description was issued by the police BASED on a description given to them either by witnesses or by the victim. Obviously, if neither described the attacker as appearing to be of asian, African or middle eastern appearance, then the police themselves have little to go on. The issuance of the description is standard procedure. For all we know, the culprit may simply have spent too much time in the sun.
I don’t think we need (on this board, at least) to assist the media in their frenzied efforts of rumour-mongering and innuendo. More relevant is the denouncement of such attacks by any person of any ethnicity. That is the issue here, not the colour of their skin. Posted by scribbler, Sunday, 9 December 2012 7:51:49 AM
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Philip has an underlying agenda, but first he wants someone else to suggest it.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 9 December 2012 8:19:35 AM
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579 Quote "has an underlying agenda, but first he wants someone else to suggest it." Please read comments before putting your foot in your mouth with such a reply.
You would have clearly seen I wrote "it sounds like they are saying black like African." SO IF i WROTE THAT HOW COULD I BE WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO SUGGEST WHAT I HAVE ALREADY SAID. Later I did ask what came to mind when others read the description with such a vague description it is a valid reason for asking such a question. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 9 December 2012 11:06:53 AM
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Dear Philip,
I agree with scribbler. Perpetrators of violent crimes come in all colours and ethnic backgrounds. Singling out their skin colour should not be the issue here. We need to broaden this discussion and look at the causes of why these crimes occur and how to prevent them. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 9 December 2012 12:49:08 PM
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Lexi - Quote "Singling
out their skin colour should not be the issue here." In the context of a description issued by police the origin of the perpetrator if available is vital in an early arrest in some circumstances rather than a vague "dark skin tone". The assailant was (description example only) male - dark skin tone - 165cm tall approx - 65kg approx - short black hair - unshaven. male of African appearance - 165cm tall approx - 65kg approx - short black hair - unshaven. Which description do you think will allow the person to be caught quickest, the quicker you catch someone the safer is for other potential victims. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 9 December 2012 1:36:18 PM
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Philip S,
I'm wondering what the term "African appearance" would denote? Would that be North Afican, Central African, Southern African, Eastern African, etc you realise, oodles of people in the world have a dark skin tone, although you average Moroccan or Egyptian has a different tone of skin to those Africans who hail from other geographical locations on that continent. I surmise that "Black as the ace of spades" is the description you were after. Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 9 December 2012 1:49:37 PM
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Welcome back Lexi, we've missed you. How have you been?
Of course I'm glad to see you, but as usual, disagree with you on these matters, but so what, we still love you. No amount of beating around the bush can disguise the fact we have let in, mostly as refugees, a host of people from very violent cultures. These people were only oppressed because they were the minority. Give them a majority & they instantly become the oppressors. They stayed in line at home because retribution was swift & hard. Give them our slap on the wrist punishment & they become demons. We need instant deportation of any immigrant who brakes any law. No welfare benefits for anyone, until they have 5 years of tax paying employment. No legal aid for anyone until they have had 5 years of tax paying employment. No immigrants, of any description, from countries who's previous immigrants have displayed a high level of criminality. No special treatment of immigrants from New Zealand, unless they have 5 years of tax paying employment in NZ. With these & only with such laws, we may be able to reclaim our night streets. This mealy mouth garbage about criminals from all races is just that. It is well known which races have the highest levels of crime, & not admitting this fact will lead to blood in our streets. Wake up people, before it's too late. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 9 December 2012 2:22:20 PM
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Here is the beginning of a story from August 20th 2012.
"Police have expressed concern over new figures that show Somali and Sudanese-born Victorians are five times more likely to commit crime than the wider community." These ones were born in Australia but still have failed to assimilate. There are good and bad people in every country. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 9 December 2012 3:18:18 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,
Thank You for your kind words. However, I still feel that sweeping statements about any particular group is arguing on an emotional level rather than a mature intelligent one - because as we know there always are individual differences within each group and you have only to listen to the news to realise that violence and crime does come in all colours. And as Philip pointed out - there are good and bad people in every society. Ours is not exempt. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 9 December 2012 4:38:26 PM
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Of course we're not exempt Lexi, but why would you import future population with known difficulty assimilating into Oz, & known high criminality.
Peoples are not the same every where. There are deeply ingrained differences in attitude, & responses, which can only be changed after assimilation, & then over generations. No assimilation no change. I am heartily sick of Ozzies, who are prepared to see many of ours suffer, just so they can feel generous to those who abuse us. When my son had his skull fractured in 4 places, by a bunch of "lebs", shouting "get the whitie", simply because he was alone on a suburban street, I became very hard hearted. Without the assistance of the people in 2 cars that stopped, he would probably be a vegetable now. Are you too surprised I do not want this scum in my country? When you have a group of people, who can feel hard done by because of their origin or religion, you have problems coming. No amount of kindness or handouts will get these people to change. The more of them you have, the worse they become. Forget global warming tipping points, race/religion tipping points are closer, & much more dangerous. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 9 December 2012 5:26:01 PM
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Hasbeen - One other factor is that the majority are coming from Muslim countries our under VERY strict Islamic laws etc for there whole life the closest they got to a female is in a burqa with all the family standing next to them.
When they do get caught out comes the story I was tortured by someone so let me off with a slap on the wrist. England had lots of trouble with the Pakistani's grooming underage girls. WE ARE IMPORTING BOATLOADS OF POTENTIAL TROUBLE the future will tell - 95% are single men. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 9 December 2012 8:46:16 PM
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HORRIFIC violence happened in Australia prior to 1770.
HORRIFIC violence happened in Australia throughout the entire 1800s. HORRIFIC violence happened in Australia way back in the "good ol' days" prior to WW2. HORRIFIC violence happened in Australia post WW2, right up to the end of the 1900s. HORRIFIC violence happened in Australia from 2000 to the present day. People, study "actual" history and gain an education. You folks need to get real and understand REALITY, and to stop using your prejudices and paranoiac attitudes towards those not like you as an "excuse" to falsely moralise. Posted by DiamondPete, Sunday, 9 December 2012 9:40:54 PM
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If the poor unfortunate victim or a witness had told Police Sergeant Phil "had a dark skin tone" Naturally to avoid ambiguity Police Sargent Phil would have written in his notebook "BLACK African, an illegal Muslim boat people." With that detailed description Sergeant Phil would have immediately dispatched Constable Banjo with orders to "arrest every nig,er in site." They would then be brought before Judge Hasbeen, for sentencing. Case closed.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 December 2012 6:55:16 AM
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Struth! remember that old word?
I am a happy man this morning. See I never knew. Had no idea. Thanks to this thread I now know. WASP are not involved in city Violence. You have made me proud its those OTHERS! Posted by Belly, Monday, 10 December 2012 8:57:04 AM
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Such a fuss over a couple of words.
"The offender who punched the woman had a dark skin tone" This is pretty vague. I have met many Greek, Italian, Spanish etc. people who could easily fit this description. To use it to riff on the dangers of "Pakistani's grooming underage girls" (thanks, Philip S) seems to me, y'know, to be just a little errr... energetically imaginative? But this, in contrast, is amazingly specific: "Police are searching for two males described as 16 to 17 years of age" I don't know about you, but I have seen twelve year-olds who look eighteen. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 10 December 2012 10:25:39 AM
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Paul1405 - I like the humor in your post above but you forgot to mention that advocate paul would be demonstrating in front of the police stn and courthouse on there behalf, while asking the Government for taxpayers money to support his activities.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 10 December 2012 11:16:46 AM
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Phil you have to make it sound funny. Like there will be Paul in his Green Pixie suit emonstrating in front of the police stn and courthouse on there behalf, while asking the Government for taxpayers money to support their rehabilitation at his organic tofu farm.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 December 2012 11:25:56 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,
My nephew was bashed very badly by a group of white youths on campus where he was a student when he came to the aid of a young girl that they were harrassing. He ended up in hospital and today wears a plate in his head. He'll never be the same again mentally. The only reason that I'm telling you this is to again stress that - violence is not restricted to just one particular group. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 10 December 2012 12:34:03 PM
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>>"The offender who punched the woman had a dark skin tone"
This is pretty vague. I have met many Greek, Italian, Spanish etc. people who could easily fit this description.<< Bit of an understatement Pericles. People with dark skin tones don't just come from Africa: they come from every continent except Antarctica where nobody comes from. I'm saddened by some of the comments so far but I'll try to look one the bright side: reconciliation has come a long way in this country if the knee-jerk reaction from the melanophobic community is to blame an African and not an Aboriginal. Cheers, Tony Posted by Tony Lavis, Monday, 10 December 2012 1:00:53 PM
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Did you see or hear the report of the linesman in a youth soccer match
in Holland that was murdered by three members of the losing team ? The police and news reports made no mention of ethnicity as PC requirements are that information be suppressed. It later turned out that they were Moroccan/Dutch. The police handicap themselves when they issue descriptions as in the wheelchair case. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 10 December 2012 2:47:12 PM
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Jay, the statistics can be found in the gaol records of the ratio of
ethnicity. A relative is a Correction Service (another PC) officier and the gaols are mostly divided into Moslem, Asian and Islander gangs with Australians in the minority. Lexi said; Singling out their skin colour should not be the issue here. It IS an issue Lexi. For those who have not previously read anything of Lexi's, what you should know is that she is real PC, PC, PC breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ! Unfortunately she is so PC that she becomes meaningless. Sorry Lexi, to be so hard on you, but thats what it looks like. Lexi said; I'm telling you this is to again stress that - violence is not restricted to just one particular group. Lexi, we all know that, remember the Push, remember the razor gangs. I don't believe you have missed the point, I think you are just being difficult. The offenders could have been Indian, Sri Lanken or aborigine. The lady may not have been able to decide that. The police would probably know because they have a very good idea on what goes on in an area. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 10 December 2012 3:15:19 PM
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Yeah, Lexi.....don't you know that people with dark skin are much "badder" than people with more of a pink tinge.
It stands to reason. (There was once a strange little thread on a backwater site called OLO, where the inhabitants posted every story they'd ever heard of a "dark skinned" person causing grief. They never stopped to note that they omitted to mention all the stories that involved white people causing grief. The End) Posted by Poirot, Monday, 10 December 2012 3:30:13 PM
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I think that concealing a person's identity, whether it be race, accent, etc. is ridiculous. If we were to go the 'full nine yards' of political correctness', any infirmity would also be concealed.
By this criteria, the ethnicity or origin of a missing person should be concealed. Idiotic! Yes! A few years ago, on a busy city street, I went to the aid of an elderly woman who had fallen down some steps. This poor woman was considerably taller and heavier than myself. Every white person who passed, deliberately looked the other way. Every Asian who passed, stopped and asked if they could help. Eventually with the assistance of these kind people, who not only called a taxi but assisted with getting her comfortable and into the taxi, I managed to get her to hospital and the care she needed. And yes, they all looked and sounded Asian! If they hadn't come to this person's aid, we would still be there, or both plummeted off our respective twigs. Posted by Danielle, Monday, 10 December 2012 3:52:36 PM
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"They never stopped to note that they omitted to mention all the stories that involved white people causing grief." Utterly, utterly agree! That is why I do not think ethnicity should be concealed. This tends to muddy the waters as to numbers of crimes committed by one group vis a vis others. Posted by Danielle, Monday, 10 December 2012 3:58:14 PM
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Dear Bazz,
You are entitled to think whatever you want of me. However I do want to clarify your suggestion that my opinions are PC. That suggests to me that you think that your opinions are of more value. Which is arrogant. I'm simply expressing what I have experienced and how I feel on any given issue. I am not deliberately trying to be difficult. And if I tend to see the good in most people - that's the way I am. You don't have to like it - or me - for that matter. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 10 December 2012 5:16:42 PM
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I must admit I am very confused about this entire issue.
If a person is a serial rapist preying on women in a certain area; or is a serial child molester ... or perhaps committing lesser crimes, to apprehend such a person, and indeed, warn the public, surely it is necessary to state their details, whatever they are. Of 'X' appearance' hardly cuts it - the subtext says it all! But ... can also be confusing, as already discussed. One finds in other countries (non-western) of mixed ethnicities,there is no coyness about this. Each group has its bad apples - not one is immune. Rational people do not blame entire racial groups for this. Surely, to hedge about racial descriptions is a form of racism in itself. I find no problems in referring to someone as Chinese, Indian, or whatever. I do not see this as denigrating; nor indeed would the person him/herself. Posted by Danielle, Monday, 10 December 2012 6:13:32 PM
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If a statement is the truth then it cannot be either racist or discriminative.
The simple fact is that there are more indigenous people in prison ( and there would be more if the courts did their job rather that live in fear of the "Deaths in Custody" crap, because they commit more crime. They do not have to commit crime, they do it because the want to. Interesting isn't though the pedophile populations are predominately white males. CG Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 10 December 2012 9:24:24 PM
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Racial and ethnic minorities have long been
associated with criminal behaviour in some people's minds. Does this over representation result from discrimination within the system or do racial or ethnic minorities actually participate more in criminal behaviour and what part does marginalisation, geographic location, gang memberships play - and what are the differences between groups? For example - Aboriginal people have different values and practices which may disadvantage them in the justice system during police interrogation and courtroom procedures and lead to unjust levels of intervention and sentencing. Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 9:39:46 AM
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Lexi said;
That suggests to me that you think that your opinions are of more value. No, I can be as wrong as anyone else, perhaps even more so. What I was suggesting is that you always take what can be described as the PC position on everything. That position, in my opinion is, in the majority of cases, nonsense. As you have not been around for a while, many may not have realised that. Anyway, hope you had a good holiday from this babbling tent. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 12:04:50 PM
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Bazz, "PC" is not just a left wing thing. The right wing also have their equally expansive and entrenched right wing PC attitudes .... they just don't call it "PC".
Posted by DiamondPete, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 12:41:14 PM
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Dear Bazz,
My views have nothing to do with "political correctness." They are usually views based on research from a wide variety of resources ( books, databases, newspapers and so on). As for crime in Australia? It has existed from early days of settlement - long before the mass migration of Europeans post World War II. I believe the greater majority of the population pre-World War II was of English/Irish ancestry. Historical accounts of major criminal activity in those early years can be found in history books. Bushrangers, murderers, thieves, made for some good yarns - especially for authors, storytellers, and film-makers. BTW - my husband, was educated by the Christian Brothers. His school had regular visits from the Pentridge Chaplain who one day said that the greatest number of inmates in Pentridge jail were "old boys" from the school. Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 12:52:11 PM
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Ahhh, there you are see;
It was all the Irish ! Hi ! Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 1:03:35 PM
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English, Scottish, aboriginal, USA, Italian, Afghan, Australian, Irish, New Zealand, Pacific Islander, Welsh, Spanish, Greek etc etc etc etc etc.
There ya go Bazza ..... I hope you "now" understand. Posted by DiamondPete, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 1:07:33 PM
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Dear Bazz,
No! Not just the Irish old chap. But the "Christian Brothers Irish". And as for being Christian that's highly debatable. Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 1:41:29 PM
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Touche !
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 3:36:00 PM
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Dear Bazz,
On the subject of "political correctness," this one's for you: Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 8:59:32 AM
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Politically Correct Little Red Riding Hood, Lexi?
My ars... pert little behind... it was. Surely not, when the only perpetrated violence in the story was by males! {Great to hear from you as always, though} Posted by WmTrevor, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 9:30:35 AM
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usually it is only those affected and living in high crime areas that face the simple fact that some people groups are far more violent than others. Look at the use of Police Resources in Regions in WA and only the willfully ignorant will deny a violence culture among certain groups (usually not white males). The mantra of spending more on education reducing this problem has proven to be a myth.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 9:51:21 AM
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Do ya think violence and "that sort of thing" might be connected to socio-economic circumstances - social dislocation and various other related phenomena...or do ya think some people (usually not "white" males) are just inherently "like that"? It seems to me that white males in a general sense are just as warlike as other races in the universal scheme of things. They beat their chests in exactly the same fashion...(funnily enough, whenever I'm close enough to note the driver of the car hooning and squealing its tyres in a particular chest-beating way - it's always a white male driving) I'm surmising that white (middle-class) males in a predominantly white and fortunate society would find little reason to upset the apple cart and not toe the line...maybe we could do with a little more equity in our society? Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 10:05:46 AM
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Dear Wm Trevor,
Re - your statement regarding the Little Red Riding Hood story: "... the only perpetrated violence in the story was by males." Perhaps the tale's implication is that females are inadequate to males? Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 1:34:14 PM
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'Do ya think violence and "that sort of thing" might be connected to socio-economic circumstances - social dislocation and various other related phenomena...or do ya think some people (usually not "white" males) are just inherently "like that"? ' Partly so however one would be dreaming to ignore the violence that was very prevelant in the communities well before white man arrived on the scene. The causes might be debatable but it seems the more we make excuses for murder, wife bashing, child molestation the more people accept that its acceptable. Simple fact is that the levels of violence, child abuse etc would not be accepted the the wider community. If the number of murders that have happenend in Wa this year was done in the white communities we would have already had 4 royal commissions. Nothing will change as long as we think that more education and money will are going to change ingrain cultural norms. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 4:18:24 PM
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"Perhaps the tale's implication is that females are inadequate to males?"
Silly moi, Lexi... I wrongly assumed that, based on a fairy-tale, the political correctness described was a fantasy. Posted by WmTrevor, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 4:54:18 PM
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WmTrevor, any police/lawyers and intelligent citizens would be able to tell you that male against female, and male against male violence in our society by far overtakes any other violence.
That is not an anti-male or feminist fact, that is a reality .... Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 13 December 2012 1:32:04 AM
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Suseonline... I know. Hence my - apparently inadequate - use of irony.
Still, it's Christmas, so "PC on earth, goodwill toward all men, and non-men." Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 13 December 2012 8:18:35 AM
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Dear Wm Trevor,
The classic fairytales (from Pernault to Grimms) showcase "passive, helpless, females," amd little girls wish to become "glamorous victims." Sometimes fantasy reflects reality. Aren't men who chase women described as "wolves?" Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 13 December 2012 10:19:32 AM
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Hi Lexi... "The classic fairytales showcase "passive, helpless, females"" – and sometimes old Queens who pea the bed – as Hans Christian Andersen did.
"Sometimes fantasy reflects reality." True, although I'm at a stage where I'd prefer that reality just occasionally reflected my fantasies. (But not the part about peaing the bed) "Aren't men who chase women described as "wolves?" Again true. I wonder if men would continue with the description if they realise it involves being a single breeding pair constantly surrounded by their offspring? As for women being described as "vixens" – that just seems speciesist in a vulpine/lupine sense as any old caprine will tell you. Though his claim, "No, I think I'm the real victim, here" seems too common an assertion in the real world these days to be mere fantasy, the woodchopper should have been described as chromosomally challenged rather than 'he'. Even the old joke is gender inclusive: "She was only the woodcutter's daughter but you could hear her ring-bark from miles away." Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 13 December 2012 1:22:26 PM
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Dear Wm Trevor,
I like these three: She was only the ... Wood-chopper's daughter, but she was tree to watch. Woodcutter's daughter, but she was knot bad looking. Woodcutter's Daughter, but she wooden tell on a feller. And how about these: She was only the ... Athlete's daughter, but she was always ready to play ball. Banker's daughter, but she wasn't a teller. Barman's daughter, but she bottled me up. Blacksmith's daughter, but she knew how to forge ahead. Butcher's daughter, but she loined me a thing or two. Clergyman's daughter, but you couldn't put anything pastor. Cobbler's daughter, but she was built to last. And so on ... Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 13 December 2012 10:17:52 PM
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Just because there is always someone who has never heard them... but I self-limited it to six more:
Only a Corporal's daughter but now she's an officer's mess. Only a Croupier's daughter, but she could deal with the outcome. Only a Hangman's daughter, but knew how to drop her boyfriends. Only the Mortician's daughter, but anyone cadavar. Only a Poet's daughter but she went from bed to verse. or He was only the pharmacist's son but he was a dispensable pill. Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 14 December 2012 7:21:08 AM
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Dear Wm Trevor,
Brilliant! Posted by Lexi, Friday, 14 December 2012 9:44:02 AM
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You asked a good question about a complex subject. I always think of Singapore as setting a good example of different ethnicities crammed into small spaces, and living side by side in harmony most of the time. Few drug problems due to harsh laws, and would think almost non-existent street violence by gangs, as Singapore has a very strict policy of ensuring their people behave like civilised human beings. Possibly we need a fundamental change in our laws, and ensuring we have enough police to enforce them. Regardless of race, at the present time our laws are far too lenient towards any law breaker - it has even been the case where harsher penalties are handed down for lesser crimes than murder. The onus is on us to instil a sense of responsibility in our children. Despite all the gadgets they have, our children are bored and unchallenged. Many Asian cultures ensure their children not only study hard, but many of them are involved in extra curricular activities as well. Music, gymnastics, etc. Stimulates their minds and bodies, doesn't leave them enough time to be bored, and generally prepares them to become future well rounded adults. Schools and parent committees could also play a larger part in children's lives by encouraging them to expand their interests beyond footie and cricket, into a wider range of activities. To answer your question 'what comes to mind?". I immediately thought of those nations who in their culture have no respect for women, which unfortunately means mainly Muslims, and the nations where children have experienced so much violence they and have learned to prey on the weak. While many people are afraid to mention our own Aborigines, it is true a large percentage of the inmates in children's correctional facilities are Aboriginal. So, the races other posts have mentioned came to mind. It could also refer to suntanned Aussies. To conclude, from the top of government who have the power to change laws, down to every parent - children's behaviour and training should be the responsibility of us all Posted by worldwatcher, Saturday, 15 December 2012 12:33:47 PM
"One of the attackers got the woman in a headlock and repeatedly punched her in the face while holding a sharp object. The other attacker took money from the woman's handbag as the assault took place."
This part of the story did not impress me "The male who punched the woman had a dark skin tone, police said." I interpret this to the police trying to be politically correct and not accused of racism, to me it sounds like they are saying black like African.
Now what do others think everyday there are more and more stories about bashing's, attempted abductions of children, violent assaults mainly on the elderly.
The increased volume in the past 6 months has been dramatic.
Who is to blame I think we can start with the parents who mostly do not even know where there children are, the judges and magistrates have to take a lot of the blame for sentencing or lack of it (slap on the wrist)