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The Forum > General Discussion > Immigration Minister Bowen - Dangerous statements!

Immigration Minister Bowen - Dangerous statements!

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What happened - "Three asylum seekers on Nauru for processing were locked up in the local police station at the weekend for damaging accommodation and cooking facilities." "minor damage to kitchens, tents and lights occurred"

Here are his statements
Quote "Mr Bowen said the incident was unlikely to affect the men's claims for resettling."
He implies that it is okay to damage property and there claims won't be affected. SORRY Bowen that shows they are of bad character it is a requirement that BE OF GOOD CHARACTER (read your own rules)

Quote "While any behaviour like this is completely unacceptable, when you have people that clearly don't want to be there, you have to expect some damage from time to time.''
Are you kidding " you have to expect some damage " As a country we are helping these ingrates and you say it is okay to damage things.
SORRY Bowen any damage is proof of bad character. They have been there only 2 weeks what will happen after a few months?

The police had to take them away for the night and lock them up - Does that sound like a people of good character?
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 2 October 2012 4:19:01 PM
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They “lose” their papers.
They tell lies.
They blow-up/ignite their boats petrol tanks endangering their rescuers.
They riot and destroy millions worth of equipment.
They assault detention facility staff or fellow detainees.

And at the end of the day we rubber stamp them "found to be genuine" and give them lifelong welfare, public housing and the "right" to sponsor their ten brothers and fourteen sisters, mumma, pappa and uncle Abdullah.

And then... some of us wonder why our "DETERRENTS" aren't working!

It is all part of a plan --a plan to fail.
Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 7:42:15 AM
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The problem is this Government either don't care or just don't listen.

The Afganistan ambassador to Australia said revival of offshore processing on Nauru and Manus Island will do nothing to deter the thousands of asylum-seekers already in Indonesia from journeying to Australia - because life in Nauru was preferable to life on the margins of Indonesian society. (NOTE THE PART THOUSANDS there goes the budget when they arrive)

He is right simply put Indonesia and Malaysia give them nothing NOT ONE CENT so they have to come here that way Australian taxpayers have to support them. In Indonesia they have to work illegally for usually no money just food and housing.

Government needs to take away the incentive (make them work for what they get) and bring back TPV so when it is safe they can be sent home.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 9:37:02 AM
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there is a cheaper option. It's called a torpedo. Our P3C Maritime Patrol Aircraft and our navy should be allowed target practice on these boats before they reach our waters.
Then let some other soft idiots rescue them.
Posted by Austin Powerless, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 1:49:51 PM
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What a sad bunch of people you all are. How miserable must be your pitiful little lives.

It makes me sick to think somebody like Austin mentions the use of the Australian Navy when it is highly likely his kind has not contributed much if anything to Australia, least of all risked his life.
Posted by yvonne, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 3:05:56 PM
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<<What a sad bunch of people you all are. How miserable must be your pitiful little lives>>

There are few things as sad and as pitiful as those who seek to excuse away all of the corruption, cheating & lying that passes for “asylum seeking”
Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 3:41:04 PM
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yvonne - I will comment on only 3 of you words. Quote "you all are" YOU have directed your words to all the people above your post now can you please explain what so disgusts you about my comments? After that what so disgusts you about "SPQR's" comments.
I await your reply or apology.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 3:53:30 PM
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Minister Bowen's Department makes it very difficult for genuine immigrants but seemingly easier for the back door arrivals. Perhaps Mr Bowen is just a victim of his departments as are many other Ministers but it certainly makes one wonder what's really going on. I'm sure there is an agenda re the boat people but why the tough deals for the genuine & the soft touch for the non-genuine.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 5:59:49 PM
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The perfect example of what you say was cap't Emad of the people on his boat he was one of the first accepted. Someone did not do a very good job of checking him out.
Also one of the question they should be asking is were you tortured by the Taliban or some other organization, That was the excuse 1 just used to get off without jail time for sexually assaulting 3 children.
If they say they were not they can't use it as an excuse later.

Government is not serious they want it to appear that they are doing something without actually doing anything.
Nearly 3500 have arrived in approx 1.5 months.
They have started moving them to the Australian mainland in WA and Vic.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 3 October 2012 7:09:19 PM
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makes me sick to think somebody like Austin mentions the use of the Australian Navy when it is highly likely
Well, the way things are I'm guessing that using the Navy now out there on the ocean might negate the need for using the Army here on land in a few years.
I condemn any sort of violence especially the kind of latent prospective violence that arrives here by boats lately.
Posted by individual, Friday, 5 October 2012 11:38:27 AM
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It was noted that - yvonne - never did come back, the comments about using the navy in such a way were out of line by the poster but her comments attacking everyone were wrong.
But it shows the level of frustration in 1.5 months 3,500 have arrived the Government is still in denial by saying it will work. Every situation has an ENOUGH IS ENOUGH point these welfare for lifers have gone way past that point.

It won't work simply because in Indonesia and Malaysia THEY GET NOTHING not 1 red cent from the government.
The Afghan ambassador has said there are THOUSANDS in Indonesia and they will come, simple economics will force them to come.
The worst part a lot the passage is being paid for by ones who have already come to Australia.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 5 October 2012 11:52:17 AM
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paid for by ones who have already come to Australia.
Philip S,
Yes, probably with our tax Dollars handed out to them way more generously than our pensions etc.
Posted by individual, Friday, 5 October 2012 4:28:51 PM
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Part of Individual's comment;
Perhaps Mr Bowen is just a victim of his departments

I think it goes further than that, policy has been captured by the
trendies in the dept and the greens.

It is "The poor threatened escaping asylum seekers" syndrome.
The minister dare not do other than go along with it otherwise he will
have the wrath brought down on his head.

However those arriving by plane, well obviously they cannot have been
under threat or they would not have been able to buy a plane ticket
and arrive at Macot complete with passports and baggage.

The first type were only able to buy airline tickets to Malaysia and Indonesia.
Then they had the misfortune to have their documentation
stolen or lost or sold on the black market.

This whole situation shows how the greens and the labour party are
either stupid or just trying for the trendy vote.
What other explanation is possible ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 5 October 2012 4:34:00 PM
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Perhaps one way to prevent a total collapse would be a rule that only second generation offspring of these so-called asylum seekers are eligible to vote.
First generation are obviously still very much entrenched in what they left behind & unlikely willing to put Australia's interests high in their priorities. After all, they're sent here to change Australia but my guess is that second Generation would integrate.
Posted by individual, Friday, 5 October 2012 6:10:00 PM
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Bazz - To arrive by plane from any of the countries they come from they need a visa, they would not be able to get it. If they arrive with no visa it is the responsibility of the airline that bought them to take them back.

Misc note - Taxpayers have again paid the bill for lawyers etc for 1 who was deemed a threat to go to the high court and now it has ruled ASIO can't reject him.

Another joke for Gillard and Co we are paying for them to fight any adverse decision.

Screw the taxpayer.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 5 October 2012 7:02:20 PM
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Philip S, you misunderstood what I wrote.
The point I was making is that both groups had the same documentation
and must have left their countries in an orderly manner and did not
have to make a run for the border in the night.

Those that arrive in Australia by air and then or later apply for
asylum should be transported to Christmas Island and join the rest there.

That seems to me to be fair.
I think that would stop the boats as well.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 5 October 2012 11:08:05 PM
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Bazz - It won't stop the boats, it comes down to basic economics Malaysia and Indonesia give them nothing not 1 red cent therefore to survive they have to work there illegally usually for a room and some food that is all. Also the are illegally there and possible have to pay the police not to find them.

Now if they come here they get supported with EVERYTHING at taxpayer expense.

Quote "Those that arrive in Australia by air and then or later apply for asylum should be transported to Christmas Island and join the rest there." That number is extremely small because they know if they try it they can be returned home easily because they have the passport and the airline that bought them would have to take them back. There may be more reason I am not aware of or they would do it $500 air ticket as opposed to $9,000 leaky boat.

That is why in England they hide the passport because without documentation the return process is very difficult
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 6 October 2012 2:01:29 PM
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