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Energy is People, not Oil

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People are the best energy source. Japan has no energy in its soil yet its people took it to No. 2 economy. If governments let the people be, the people will create all the wealth the people need.
Posted by clem gorman, Saturday, 4 August 2012 3:04:23 PM
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Clem, the problem here in oz, is that we simply don't have enough bums on seats so as to say.

That's why we are an export nation, as we simply can't survive if we were to rely on in house use.

We have enough resources to last an eternity, if we kept them soley for our own energy supplies, it's just that we have to export them to feed our life styles, and to feed the demands of our hanger oners, plus all the other forms of support we offer, boat people ect.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 4 August 2012 8:59:14 PM
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Energy is People, not Oil,
Clem Gorman,
In the movies The Island & Goliath lies await people were definitely energy.
In our modern Public Service people are energy too but with the fundamental difference that the this engine uses more fuel than than the load it carries. Highly & excessively inefficient.
This engine needs a tune up. In Qld Premier Newman is doing just that,. I hope he is only removing worn bearings & changes the oil, not throw away the whole engine.
If Australia's Governments were to put Australia first we could turn around the miserable situation in no time. Give overseas aid in materials & products only, no cash. Help our industries here not pay for private jets for the heads of state of other countries.
Surely, there must be a way of making our authorities think & see ?
Include common/practical sense in our school curriculum & we'll get stability in politics & economy.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 5 August 2012 10:15:30 AM
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yes slave wages is great[noting how the rebuild/the war reparations of the nips and the natzies..built huge power bases

invasion is like that...well ewe forced asterity on them
now their broke..but dont know it yet..print more cash[that will cash up the allready too big to go to jail..

sure energy is people..but cheap energy
from petro chemicals got us here..that and slave wages,..for the mugs who's bankers financed govt into war upon other govt..and in the end win

so loosing futile wars..isnt losing power over their people
[unless its your wages that enter austerity..or your taxes paying for wars horror]

lord it over the people you get a mansion/shares/stiocks bond gold and servants to wipe ya bum..loose and your head bum wiper[on minimum wage..forced to live of minimum intrest repayment by credit caRD
Posted by one under god, Monday, 6 August 2012 8:20:29 AM
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Had the Japanese government stood aside after WW2 the Japanese economy would have gone nowhere.

It was government guidance (planning) that help Japan become a leader in steel production, automobile production, optics, etc., etc.

In the fifties Japanese roamed the world picking the best in many technologies and going home to improve on them at the behest of Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), a major government department.

In his recent book, The Price of Civilization" Jeffrey Sachs makes a substantial argument that the USA needs, at least as much as anything else, some competent guiding plans by government.

The only economies which succeed are mixed and carefully regulated just like China is at present.
Posted by Foyle, Monday, 6 August 2012 9:55:53 AM
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Three points, Clem,
First, people are the best source of energy, you say.
What? I should get out and push my car, when it runs out of fuel?
Second, is it just possible that nuclear power may have had something to do with Japan's energy solutions? Been following the news recently? Reactors at risk of meltdown? Just sayin'
Third, Japan's is a highly interventionist government, with tight regulations in many areas, both social and economic; far more interventionist than Australia for example.
Just take a look at their financial and investment regulatory environment.
Is this just a regurgitation of the US Republican/Tea Party line, i.e. if the government would just get off people's backs then everything would be wonderful?
If so, then you might like to consider that the Global Financial Crisis only occurred because government regulation of the Banking industry in the US was relaxed.
Or consider China, where government regulation has not kept up with economic growth and they had melamine being put in milk killing babies.
Posted by Anthonyve, Monday, 6 August 2012 10:00:39 AM
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