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After Greece Defaults

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while were at it[what gives govt the compulsory insure anyone]..third paryty rip off..we dont get any health aid[we dont trust we got rotten teeth..heart disease and a few cancers]

i pay a fixed third party insurance..COMPULSORY
i go to jail if i dont[but insurance is a nice income cash cow]
enriching the elites..till that one day the run away[go broke get bailout]..but too big to fail

yet we paid for bonus
to get what?

govt got no right to take taxes..via compulsory nuthin
IN FACT SHOULD INSURE us...[automaticly[as a benifit of being an aussie]..not for proffit[pbut there to give you the best available

one class[plus thge upper class[who use only their own money]
plus make a proffit for their shareholders on top

BUT BASIC for everyone[for free]
cause govt is there for us[not capitalist gain]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 23 June 2012 1:22:01 PM
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Actually OUG you could get your super, at least until recent changes, maybe still at 55.
And at the end of working life at any age.
Some withdrawal was possible to purchase a home.
State super paid more than two point five to one in my settlement, one in two and a half out, without the tax break.
My last one did better, I would recommend it as the best investment I ever made.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 June 2012 5:14:11 PM
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i own my home outright[or rather did till the kids put a 300,000 mortgauge on the house i built with my own hands..only..near quarter a century ago

but that now mortgauged house is full of 50 cent and dollar items
[that was my idea of super]..i never put all eggs into one basket

so when govt began taking egggs from my basket
and declared war on my person..i stopped playing their dumb games

you forget..about them loyal many
giving away a bob a the master
its the same scam..all your nothing to what they for spending it

i got one option[foreign shares or local]
we forgoe a long awaited wage increase..thats usually followed by a consumable price increase[just a bit more than the wage increase[so many new taxes[even howards tax on invisable carbon tax]

they turnmed unions..very gradually step by step
to where the union robs from the workers too
while out and out lying..spinning

and flat out cast ironclad entrapments[to ever more taxes./levies etc..heck just ex lawyer/guilelard introduced over 100 new charges

way to working for da man
buying at the bossmans store..and so much more
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 24 June 2012 7:27:31 AM
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Well we sure managed to divert the thread,streets, maybe suburbs away from its intended path.
And OUG I remain unconvinced about your views on superannuation, even that you have an understanding about who invests it and how.
But it will not be as easy to put Greece, the EU, or Americas financial strife in the back ground.
We will all be touched by the impending massive loss.
Wish I could think better sounder banking borrowing rules will result, but greed rules always.
We will re visit this subject, not the feather floating on the pond super, but the defaulting of more than one country.
IF some how that is avoided? as unlikely as that avoidance would be, it may in fact impact even more.
Yesterdays print media, therefore maybe not true, said Greece wants less cuts in jobs,more welfare and less repayments.
Not a good look if it was my money borrowed to help them out.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 24 June 2012 2:06:32 PM
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Belly, almost all super funds are built to incorporate a significant
growth into their structure.
Some funds enable the contributer to proportion their investment
between equities fixed deposits or other investments.
In the current conditions most people are opting for fixed deposits.
I think that is the safest way to go at present.

If everything I read comes true and so far since I first took an
interest in the subject back around 2004 all the predictions have been
spot on. Some predictions made during the 1990s have been correct also.

I don't think that there is much doubt now that growth has ceased,
when looked at as a world average and some are already in contraction.
India has just suffered a very large reduction in growth and China is
slowing also. European growth is less than 1% I read but cannot be
certain about that.
Every commentator is talking about how to fiddle the money to get growth.
Just won't happen.

So just keep it in the bank, and hope that if somerhing goes wrong
that Wayne can issue enough pixel money to cover you.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 24 June 2012 4:18:43 PM
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Bazz profit have stalled, but even bank interest is likely to decrease in this environment.
Look at why I am defending superannuation, OUG is attacking shadows.
It is quite true,over all my time in the work place,paying maximums saw me do extremely well out of super.
I said many,far too many, can not be bothered to even consolidate their many funds.
For those letting some one Else, industry super,plan and invest is best.
Others can run self investing funds, even then some very bright people have had massive loss.
I am putting 80% of my pension fund into high risk!
Quite happy to do it.
But a walk into printed media, eyes open this morning should warn us Greece and Europe are too high a risk.
If I was 20 my investment would be superannuation at maximum levels I could manage, and never spend what you do not have.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 25 June 2012 5:01:51 AM
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