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The Forum > General Discussion > The gravy train is coming to an end!

The gravy train is coming to an end!

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QLD premier elect, CN says that labor's public service sector is about 40% top heavy.

Well, at least that answers some of the question as to where has our money gone since the year 2000, when we received three huge win falls, GST, mining and huge increases in stamp duty, thanks to the property boom.

So let's hope this broom also goes throug the top heavy consultant sector as well, as these leeches have enjoyed an unchecked passage, thanks to Anna.

Of cause, it's all CN's fault!
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 20 June 2012 7:34:04 AM
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"win fall".

Do you mean 'windfall'?

Like, when apples fall from the tree?

Funny how Cando says there is no money at all but can afford to give his mates in Scripture Union a cool $1m.

A real windfall for them, eh wot?

That, by the way, is on top of the $40m plus Blight gave them.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Thursday, 21 June 2012 8:56:17 AM
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Notice how every time you turn around some government minister or
other is saying, we can't do this or that because we do not have the money.
NSW workers compo is broke and the govt cannot fund it.
Qld is cutting back. Same story overseas, Brits cutting back on green
power programs because they cannot afford it.
Spain closing alternative energy programs.
In the US, roads going back to gravel, police forces being shut down.
Local councils going bankrupt.
It goes on and on country after country.

Not much doubt it is all connected.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 21 June 2012 10:00:36 AM
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I think it worth considering as a backdrop to this that money is like an energy in that it doesn't dissapear. Of course, I am not saying that you can't burn it or print more of it, however ..

Some of the state wealth can be blown out of state and over seas, but otherwise, in accord with the nature of whichever capitalist system it is that we are considering, one of the things that can mar a healthy economy is when there is a lack of equitable flow, and where there is an ongoing erosion of the base into concentrated minority holdings.

Thus, it is reasonable in my view to speculate that if a whole lot of poor people have become poorer, then at least a few people have become obscenely richer.

One solution is to simply freeze bank accounts, apply a normalising algorithm, roll out some new concurrent regs designed to maintain profitability, such as regulating bonuses, salaries, wages etc to only a nominal percentile of net profit after expenses and reserve, and then simply reboot the system back into the black.


And, there you go, a corner stone of the crisis is thereby solved.
Posted by DreamOn, Thursday, 21 June 2012 12:53:31 PM
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DreamOn - a few concepts for you to consider:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Posted by Peter Mac, Thursday, 21 June 2012 2:14:30 PM
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What we are about to see coming is a fundamental change in capitalism.
Up till now it worked by borrowing and investing in industry and used
the resultant growth to repay the capital and the interest.

However, and this is the problem that a majority of economists do not
accept, we are now entering a period of very low to zero growth,
depending on country. Therefore borrowers do not have the increased
income to repay the loan or the interest.
Most economists believe that growth can go on indefinitely.

This is the situation, made worse by public over borrowing, that has
happened in the US and Europe. A small number of economists have
understood this problem and have written on the subject.
One that is readily available is Jeff Rubin who previously was chief
economist to the Canadian Investment Bank CIC. I gather equal to
our Macquarie Bank.
His book "Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller" is a very
interesting read. Amazon sells it, $17 I think.
He has written a new book also called "The End of Growth".

Another book is Richard Heinberg's "The End of Growth" has the same
message but from a different more detailed angle.
Also $17 at Amazon. Here endeth the adverts.

Our growth is something of a mirage because so much is involved in
the mining industry, with labour being spent here but sales and
processing (added value) occurring overseas.
If China continues to decline only a couple of years will see a major
downturn in our balance of trade and around zero growth.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 21 June 2012 3:29:05 PM
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