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Drugs - Criminalise or legalise?
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Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 May 2012 9:10:26 AM
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Why are some drugs legal and others illegal? Two extremely dangerous drugs (nicotine and alcohol) are legally sold, and in huge amounts, so some addicts can consume their drug of choice openly while others are hounded by the authorities. Criminalising drug use is counter-productive and corrupts our society. The consumption of recreational drugs is a health problem and should be treated accordingly, the only beneficiaries of the current legal regime are drug dealers.
The American experience of prohibition, nearly a century ago, should have been enough evidence against our current hare-brained drug laws. Instead the Americans have forgotten the lesson and forced their puritanical ideas on more enlightened societies, to all our cost. There are only two logically consistent approaches-- either prohibit the use of all recreational drugs or treat drug use as a health problem. Posted by mac, Wednesday, 23 May 2012 9:12:34 AM
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Back in the 30s, the Americans tried prohibition of alcohol.
What they got was the Mafia, which irrevocably established itself on the vast fortune it made smuggling booze. Fast forward to now and what has a prohibition like approach to drugs got us? Well, for one thing, It's gotten us drug gangs around the world that are far richer, more powerful and more ruthless than even the mafia. What it hasn't gotten us is any reduction in drug use, as usage has grown steadily throughout the decades since Nixon announced the war on drugs and Australia followed suit. We have to change our strategy for one reason only. The current strategy has failed disastrouly while introducing the scourge of immensely wealthy drug lords. We simply have to quit doing what obviously ain't working. Once we accept that reality, then we can get to figuring out what strategy or combination of strategies might actually solve the problem of growing addiction rates with all its attendent problems. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Wednesday, 23 May 2012 9:42:34 AM
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Legal or not, drug users will use. No drug use - obviously pot, heroin etc - should be legal. Decriminalising will only create a subculture in the work force of stoned twats. I don't want people with an excuse to be more dangerous.
I used to be pro-pot, but now I'm more "what's the point". People who really want to smoke it, will. They can be a hazard and are a real hassle to work with stoned. No, from me. Posted by StG, Wednesday, 23 May 2012 11:30:24 AM
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I worked in an industrial environment as a sales rep only to see young men turn into idiots as cannabis was introduced by one into the lunch room. Production output and quality of the product was so deleterious we had to sack the lot and hire a new drug free work force. I saw highly skilled and valued workers turned into schizophrenic dopes.
If you want drugs freely available as alcohol and nicotine be prepared for the increase in social ills and costs that will accompany such. Most crime and anti social behaviour is associated with users of drugs. To legalize drugs gives assent to a level of anti social behaviour, like DUI, domestic violence etc. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 23 May 2012 1:26:30 PM
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It's a large step from where we are now to legalizing drugs.
The first step to a solution is to recognise that what we are doing right now is an abject failure. Then we can begin the discussion about what we ought to do. Lrgalisation? I doubt it. Decriminalisation? Possibly. But whae do know is that countries that decrminalise generally do not see an increase in drug use. But they do see a reduction in the negative associated phenomena, e.g. HepC infection, aids, overdose deaths, etc. But doing harder what isn't working is no solution. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Wednesday, 23 May 2012 2:21:41 PM
over 90%=cannabis..[a plant]..DEEMED a drug
[though under realestate law..a fixture*]
a plant in the ground is deemed to be asffixt to the ground
thus belongs to the land..[fixt to the gound]; fixture
ground cant be owned
yet the leasie has the privlidge of harvest of fixture
creating fingable..[things that CAN be 'possesed']
but simply speaking even when simply possesion is deemed a crime
the fact police took their possesion..proves we didnt even have that
and for simple posesion..20 out of 21 plead guilt
in ignorance..but its not all bad..all these guilty please..get THE SAME LEGAL AID PAYMENT* not guilty
but heck thats why govt formed 'legal aid'
to get guilty pleas..upon ignorants
ignorance of the law is no excuse
but i fixed the law[see wikiseed/wikigeld]
read genesis 1;23/25
then rev 22..same plant as in exodus 25..[the lampstand..masde from the bush that burned but wasnt consumed..all quotes from the highest law book
yet still a plant is deemed a drug
hey i got some asprin[well not actual aspin..but willow bark..CONTAINING asprin..[the plant..of thge lampstand..has 5000 other things not drugs
heck if ya bust a real drug user[feroin]..they only charge for the % of heroin..but not the plant of that gets you jail..via the lawyer..selling out his due diligence...
but dope never killed anyone..EVER..
1 in 10 ADVERSE REACTION..[1/10 die]..
to persribed..and legal drugs..huge killers..and you persicute dopers
treating living plants as fungables
[only god can..make a seed grow]
you must be so proud
80%..of you want to keep the law..
that's a HUGE LIE...JUST THERE*.its al lies