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Rapid climate change is real.
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Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 5 June 2012 2:23:32 PM
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Hi joe:) I just love the way you say Hi to old friend:) but its true, I don't share your optimism(both of you). Whether women go to the work force or not, no-one can change millions of years of evolution either.
They will pop babies out without consequence, and Joe:) you might remember this ( when your children leave school, where are they going to go) and since that question was never contested, your theory is some what moot:)....Iam armed to the teeth with facts to the point, but I fear your not up to the task of the guess-work thats abundant when the human/any species, when its threatened with one causing its own extinction:) While I enjoy being right, maybe I'll join you both and share your bold certainties:)... JayB..said,"Humans, apparently, according to some studies, don't like and thank-you JayB...that makes me feel better already:)and then you said...."Do you think the planet really cares about humans?..I think my argument to that is the other way around:) Well, with all the millions of starving people you both don't see and the SBS show tonight you didnt hear either, about how 3/4 of the human population are ready to invade us:) its all fine:) What was I thinking:).....Grease,Spain,Ireland..and up-teen more countries that are doing just fine as well:) by yous two refined gentlemen, we all just wait and see:) It works for me:) Cheers:) c Posted by plant3.1, Tuesday, 5 June 2012 10:25:09 PM
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Hi Plant,
Nothing is certain - that's probably the most important lesson to learn from the Enlightenment, a lesson that even the left retreats from, in the search for Utopia. It all depends. And I respectfully disagree with your view that women are sluts, they all want to just pop out babies and sit at home watching daytime TV soaps, while their innumerable brats are being looked after by the state-funded child-minding service, and their bogan boyfriends, the many fathers of their many children, pull in UB or DP. But just maybe they are not, and maybe most women - going by the numbers enrolling at universities around the world - want to get a far better education than they used to be allowed to get, and maybe they have sworn under their breath that they will either put off having kids until later, have far fewer of them, or not have them altogether. Love that 'pop babies out without consequence': it seems to be a mantra of the reactionary left these days. 'People are evil, a blight on the earth' seems to be another one. Perhaps when you reach adulhood, and start to think for yourself, you may realise how much views like that are amenable to authoritarian, if not outright fascist, 'remedies'. In my singing group, we often do John Lennon's 'Imagine', with its vapid lyrics, along the lines of 'imagine there's no heaven, no religion, no ideologies, no countries, no boundaries, no possessions, no wealth, no poverty, yada yada', and the childish assumption that what would automatically follow is: 'everybody would live in peace, loving one another, sharing all the world', that sort of wishful thinking. You would enjoy singing that, Plant :) Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 6 June 2012 10:12:46 AM
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Plant3.1: 'pop babies out without consequence'
Loudmouth, If I'm not mistaken, I think Plant is talking about the young ferals that inhabit this world. It's wrong to suggest that all women are like that. They say that 12.5% give everybody a bad name & I’m sure that’s true. It should work in the opposite direction but it doesn't. It's always downhill, I'm afraid. 12.5% are Ferals, 12.5% go to Uni. & the other 75% of us just live ordinary lives somewhere in the middle. That's the way I look at this whole issue. 12.5% are raving AGW's, 12.5% are anti AGW. The rest of us are wander about in the middle. As I continue to say, I don't believe in the Doomsayers version of AGW. Nor do I believe in the opposite. I do believe in NGW & humans have to adapt. I do believe that there is a big need to explore & use alternate methods of energy production. Something about keeping ones eggs in one basket, etc. And for some reason I can't seen to get that through to some raving AGW's on here. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 6 June 2012 10:53:17 AM
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Joe and jayB....If I didnt know any better, I'd swear I was listening to the umbilical brothers:) Joe is off to the twilight zone with the hope of wheelchair access, and jayB is completely uncertain whether he's left or right:) Gentlemen, while I commend you both for your outstanding/outrageous fishing:)....this is after all a place for individual opinions,and please save me the tennis competition:) I give you both 7/10 for the baiting and I give you this to think about.
Australia and its 23 million is at its best balance, and add any more, we risk what we all can see right around the world in other countries. (go laugh that one off:) Now to the rest of your greatness. "Plant3.1: 'pop babies out without consequence' Loudmouth, If I'm not mistaken, I think Plant is talking about the young ferals that inhabit this world"...well jayB, do I have some links for you, and thats just the third world countries. Boys, humans are eating this planet alive, and I warn you not to test the evidence:) might have. But lets not panic just yet...females might just understand the NO jobs for cute little bundle of joy:) Thats the females I mostly like to point out, however, the other examples are yours:) "And I respectfully disagree with your view that women are sluts, they all want to just pop out babies and sit at home watching daytime TV soaps, while their innumerable brats are being looked after by the state-funded child-minding service, and their bogan boyfriends, the many fathers of their many children, pull in UB or DP" Joe...your in the same vote as jayB...these are your words and thoughts, not mine:) You know my material is all original. However, which ever way you would like to perceive 7 billion people, and Iam sure you both have your reasons for being coy about the facts:) All the best. cc Posted by plant3.1, Wednesday, 6 June 2012 5:46:34 PM
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Plant3.1: and jayB is completely uncertain whether he's left or right:
I'm neither left or right. I don't have to be one way or the other just to please some loony fanatic of either persuasion. I have a balanced outlook on the whole question. Plant: I give you both 7/10 for the baiting. I wasn't baiting you & I don't think Joe was either. Regarding your links, plant. I think you know my position on the Horn of Africa. I have explained it enough. I feel that it is much more cruel to try to save these people. They will only breed more & compound the situation later on. The last lot that were saved are now running around in boats kidnapping people or in terrorist training camps ready to kill the very people that saved them. I would like to address the ferals popping out children they can't look after. I meant to include the fathers in that also. I don't like the term "slut." Apparently there is no similar term for men or maybe there is. I don't know, but when I was a young feller I would have been considered one of those, I think, just looking back. Plant: However, whichever way you would like to perceive 7 billion people. That's why we have; wars, pestilence & catastrophes. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 6 June 2012 8:51:13 PM
they will come up with something.
before higher levels of education for women kick in, birth-rates fall, and the population drops back a billion or so every century.
See a solution already, aren't humans wonderfully adaptive.
Plant3.1: The climate will always change,
Now you are starting to see reason. Good on you.
Do you think the planet really cares about humans? I don't think so. The planet does what it wants to do regardless of humans. Are we pumping out "new" chemicals into the atmosphere. I don't think so. Different quantities of the same old chemicals maybe. Dinosaurs must have pumped out a huge amount of Methane but the O2 level was higher back then. 28%, I'm told.
Humans, apparently, according to some studies, don't like change. We don't want to change our immediate climate circumstances. But, change is inevitable anyway, regardless of whether we have had anything to do with it or not. What we have to do, like it or not, is to adapt to our changing circumstances. We'll have plenty of time over 100/200 years. By then, people living at that time when the climate changes again, back the other way will complain about climate cooling. Oh that's the other things humans like to do. Complain.
As for population. That's the job of disease, Famine & wars. What was it when Khrushchev threatened Mau with a nuclear bomb. "We'll have 4 thank you" to reduce the population.