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Nuclear weapons for Australia.

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The "no worries brigade" is echoing the same arguments heard before WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam war. Why waste money on a military when there is no threat.

Time and time again Australia has found itself militarily with its pants around its ankles.

Because there is no threat now is no indicator that there will be no threat in 10 years or 20.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 29 April 2012 10:43:17 AM
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SM, I'm thrilled to see you have found time to leave the shrine of the Mad Monk and post a comment, thank you. You alluded to 3 different wars and Australia's preparedness when these conflicts involved us, lets take them in turn. Once Britain was partially defeated by Japan in 1942-43, and make no mistake following the fall of Singapore Britain's position in this part of the world was precarious, took a real effort to protect India from a Japaneses thrust in that direction. Australia was in no position to defeat Japanese expansionism regardless of any military build up we may have entered into during the 1930's, and we were hardly in a position to spend millions of pounds on the military during those years, besides we seen ourselves as part of the British empire and well protected by Britain.
Australia's involvement in the Korean War is hard to comprehend. After the defeat of Japan who ruled Korea from 1910 to 1945, there was a period of destabilization following the partitioning at Potsdam. The Korean War began as a civil conflict but quickly escalated into an ideological war between the super powers of communism and capitalism. Why 339 Australian's had to die in Korea and here 60 years later we are no closer to a solution to the problem, I don't know the answer. SM Why did 339 Australians die in Korea?
The Vietnam War was a war that clearly Australia had no place in. Like Korea, Vietnam become another cold war conflicts between the super powers of communism and capitalism. Why 500 Australian's died in Vietnam is also beyond me, SM can you shed some light on the out come for Australia, following the defeat of capitalism in Vietnam? Here it is 37 years later and still the communist hoards are yet to launch their invasion of Australia. SM when will they be coming? Keep that musket under the bed loaded and ready for action.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 April 2012 5:38:58 PM
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Glad to see that you have left the greens' tea party in wonderland to comment.

The disaster that befell the British in Asia, was largely due to the lack of spending on the military between the wars, and Singapore fell to a smaller but better prepared force with my Grandfather and great grandfather spending years in Changi.

If the UK had modernised its Navy, and trained its men would they have defeated Japan? No, but they would have stopped them a lot sooner than Burma. Perhaps in Malaysia. As for Korea, I am surprised to see you happy to let the entire Korean peninsula fall under the North Korean murderous regime. As for Vietnam, while we lost the war, we cemented an alliance with the US upon which we still rely.

Perhaps you could shed some light on why China suddenly needs aircraft carriers and submarines?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 30 April 2012 5:46:56 AM
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