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What's good about 'good friday'?
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Posted by Josephus, Monday, 9 April 2012 8:42:04 AM
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Try "I believe" when predicating beliefs *Josephus* or it is impossible to take you seriously and that comment was intended more for *Runner* than *OUG* who seems to hold in his beliefs a recognition of what he considers to be the divinity within all of us, perhaps our common human inheritance post the shedding of divine blood, that each of us may have the potential to evolve beyond the limits of the flesh, not just the muddle headed powerless muggles who stand on the "street corners" screaming Jesus.
.. Agape as I have read it is a *GodLike UnCoditional Love* indeed as distinct from *Eros* and the other 2 (family and nationalistic Love from memory?) Thus " Love one another as I Love you." .. Consequently, if 2 Souls come together in Love, whether it be 2 homosexuals or otherwise, to demonise them and relegate them to second class citizens, by means, amongst other things, of refusing to legalise the sanctification of their marriages by the religious organisations who also represent them, is quite clearly not to have love for them. Rather, some of the homophobes and the bigots would have us believe that they bring abuse and suffering upon themselves for "disobeying" their version of what they believe is god's law which in their prideful foolishness they seek to inflict upon all of us, a fact about which is attested by history. Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 9 April 2012 5:53:18 PM
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i the old testy-ment..
that the exclusion of ritual..was standard operating procedure....wether that was that womans present...diverted from the practice of loving men...has been speculated.. it seems to hang on the 'every sperm is sacred' principle how it relates to good as much relitive the rest..that jesus taught... [as opposed to that he definitivly didnt.. ;like the flawed..'just war'...[or shock and awe][and/or] regardless all nuns..i believe wed the christ..[or wed the god?] and each other? lets get real..material maters..and spiritual matter's are each uniquely sepperated as the delusions of death...and 'life'...we are energy being human...from energy we energy we return.. in the end all that matters is that you found love...better than hate found helping others..more satisfying than hindering them found a the first step into the bounty of eternity..that lies before us all once we drop things like sex/race/creed greed gluttony...shame/blame and the other mortal material entrapments..injurous to self and worse upon other passions...usually the result of the lack of love [agape]...that creates the hunger for that 'forbidden' missing longed for 'thing' thoughts seeking the realisation..into material realities..adjudged sin..[by those seeing sin] jesus loved all cause he saw no sin he knows a judgment call and only god knows enough to judge fairly[and god dont judge] to strive to be as the christ loving all god has chosen to sustain living[cause he knows in the end..we all 'get it'..and better start doing 'it'..[works..not honouring with lips/wurds[talk is cheap..yet by it we sell our souls but the life spirit..within that belongs to god...but is gifted to us for eternity infinite love..dont seek reasoning to hate but seeks ever more for reason to love despite the inner urging to purge the stronger passions Posted by one under god, Monday, 9 April 2012 9:36:21 PM
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i cant recall...the reason..for beginning this topic
and got the comments formed not into any flow so add more info from quote..""As it spreads, becomes necessary to define the various memories of Easter,..even to codify and explain them. And clearly..there are some the detail. Paul refers to Jesus as the Passover lamb,sacrificed for the great Jewish feast of liberation."" ie saul [who percicuted him...thoughout his life right? ""This resonates with the account in John's Gospel that Jesus was crucified..on the day before the Passover, and so was excluded *..from the feast! – a poignant scene of rejection and a powerful image of innocence betrayed. This theme is echoed in the Hymn to the Risen Christ, early piece of church poetry traditionally recited..on Easter Sunday morning. All three..have a different our traditional story of Good Friday,...""" lol as well as their expectations plus that of non jews...[who couldnt grasp such basic jews not eating with unclean hands [no handwash jars no eating..not miracle the insult telling serrvants to serve EVEN THE BEST WHINE>>>in a toilet!...[which is what the unclean handwash jars equate!] one sees miracle the others servants serving up their best wine to save face lol i dont care if you give them toilet water...![A MIRACLE] no habdwash jars..we can feed billions [all the wished] without the RITUAL..they cant [note the clever sitting arrangment...facing/watching each other! to report to the high priesty he is unclean..he didst eat! which comes from the other Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. They appear to show Jesus..eating the Passover meal and then being crucified the following day,..Friday; though they may also be referring to the day before, depending on whose expert commentary you follow."" see a night PRECEEDS a day darkness preceeds the light tomorrow begins with the darkness [yet the darkness new it not and flees beore the light] dawn sepperates the first night..from the first day [dawn is when a black thread...and a white thread..both look grey] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 10 April 2012 8:51:40 AM
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jeasus...came to re-unite the fathers divided house
to simplify...cast out rite/ritual/messenger that have subverted lives into so many meaningless fear's the lie of a day of judgment and of a 'reserction day....of labling all skin blemishes as if really 'unclean' much of the miracle stuff was jesus saying i see no sin..[your not sick]..i see god..[good] you.. see good in me..[seeing you i see seing me see him within us all dont sort the vile tares from the good wheat let this be done at harvest[physical death]..but we are eternal spirits death has no sting only the useless rites/rituals/blood ..*he is SOOOOO sick of blood!..get it demons and wild mans'fklesh..drink mans blood it cant drink gods blood..cause good is the good silent voice within that cries..has delusional; fears faulse hopes..strict but man is eternal spirit but only briefly in the meat yes we ARE REBORN..immediatly after we die! born again short hand elitism.. for we ALL GET REBORN AGAIN and again and again..A GAIN..! death where is thy sting the church stops at the grave side it should begin there! tell people the reveal of emmanue-EL the truth is he our heart.. in every living thing* where life is..[any life] there is he...[supreeme good..god] to 'be godlike' has to be all good one bad and its of men...[who have leavend the loaf] depoiled the simple truth...where life/love/logic light is god is jesus didnt 'die' for noone..indeed he died yet he lives as will you [recall his promise...'that ye se me shalt do yet greater' greater than 'god'[supreem good] of course not..better cause now its god plus one one by one doing a whole lot better* than just..that one true good [as one]..could alone rhyme/reason..learn your life lesson more of the same is a given till you get it repeat repeat repeat Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 April 2012 7:24:11 AM
You claim in your reply to UOG "And to advocate against HomoSexual marriage is to err in my view against the view that JC espoused in his "New Commandment."
Are you advocating from Jesus words [Gk agapae] that we should have sex with whoever and all men? This is certainly not what Jesus taught in the commandment.
Homosexuality is a sex act [Gk pornea] with a person of the same sex as the word "homo" one "sexuality" attraction of - implies in its meaning.
The word love {Gk agapae] he uses has no sexual implication or even marriage implied, which you imply. It means care for all men even enemies.