The Forum > General Discussion > What's good about 'good friday'?
What's good about 'good friday'?
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Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 April 2012 4:46:45 PM
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also of this palm sunday thing
is it a time for psalms? or ps;..alm's? or indeed psal*ms the palm's from memory was jesus entering into jerusalume upon a murmer of phrophecy..[psalms] that people strew in prayer..before him.. as he is the long awaited one he came via the same gate he must next appear from to return..but he was all loving..not the vengefull messiah and that gate..from which he must emege..emerges onto a cemetry the gate sealed briefly unsealed a thousand years ago but sealed back up again..[1000 years]..for that next 'life term release'..after that next thousand years wghy measure our years by his birth his death has much more reason what of the baptiser jesus refused to do..till john couldnt jesus often said...cause so it was written yet all he really quoted direct..was from the scrool of issiah [set the prisoners free..[ie the debt slaves.. add that to the money changers...table thing well there is so much i dont understand how come the queenm is a pope but dont do the pope thing both certainly dont do what jesus dun [except washinbg clean feet] sister terrisa washed dirty ones why do i know there is a good living loving god yet cant grasp the rights/rites rituals..or retain a friend we each reveal a different facet[face]..of good,[of god] only by loving them all...!*! can you truelly claim to love god..ahhh men Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 8:48:56 AM
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one under god is dead
thus wont be this topic please lets go with that oug is dead...[forget being nice] he lied..ok i lie...but think about it if jesus died for 3 day's does that buy you only 3 days grace? jesus didnt die for our sins he sees no sin..neither should we* only person asking person no blame shame..only hope that this may lead to a better way have a nice day* i will try to restrain my inner demon's.. if you unleash yours.. for we all are under grace..not of man but wholly of spirit! who sees no sin its win win Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 9:15:09 AM
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one under god,
If you have committed sin against God or another you need good news that you can be forgiven. We all deceive, take advantage of situations to the detrament of others, fail to assist in the needs of others etc. Jesus the righteous [good] one took the punishment that we who had ignored or despised God intention on how we should live can be forgiven. It is liberation from a bondage of guilt because of our misdemeanors. We are clean we are free from guilt. GOOD NEWS! Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 9:48:55 AM
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good friday is a catholic invention followed by many other churches. Jesus did not die on a Friday as Scripture clearly indicates. He died in line with the Jewish Passover and spent 3 days and nights in the grave before being raised from the dead. In WA it would be good to cull a few sharks and put them on the good friday menu.
As for Jesus not dying for your sins you better hope someone has. Only a fool rejects a death sentence and spurns the mercy and grace of God. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 10:14:35 AM
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Josephus: If you do something bad to another person, why should you be forgiven? Why should you be 'clean and free from guilt'? Shouldn't you feel guilty, and do something to make amends? Why should another person (or god - eg. Jesus) shoulder your guilt? Doesn't this concept just make it easier to spend a life doing bad things, in the belief that someone else will take the responsibility -wash away your sins? How does this fit with the idea of taking responsibility for your own actions?
Forgiveness should not be about the sinner, but about the person wronged - who is generous in forgiving. Posted by Cossomby, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 10:20:09 AM
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i have sinned
in every breath i ever reathed..i kill millions of spores/bugs/microbes...bits of dead 'things' let ye without sin..know...your incorrect we are all bound to material sin wether we are bound into moral sin thats the trick recall the root..of sacrifice the goat..when an insane man..heard the voice of death and sought to let innocence take his guilt away... but god in a monent of sanity...offerrd him a sheep ditto the insanity of'blooding up' ya front door no one is going to come knocking...[the decide/clearly insane] or blood of christ on a cross.. [a knock on the door..!] sorry just had a visit from the door knockers and lost my train of thought.. they [the tower watchers] asked how do you vieuuw jesus [i see him in every living thing] cause...he told me..emmanuel[godwithus][good within] so where good is where life is god is she has now gone.. oops wasnt going to comment so im gone Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 10:58:30 AM
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Dear Johan (OUG),
What's good about 'Good Friday'? 'Good Friday' for believers has as much relevance today as it had centuries ago. To many it represents love, joy, peace, faith, forgiveness, and much more. It's a day that Christians observe as a day of mourning for the death of Jesus. Many churches hold a three-hour worship service of Scripture reading and prayer. In some churches, Good Friday marks the beginning of the Paschal Triduum, the three days of Easter. Good Friday can be summed up in the following way: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. So that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:10). Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 11:26:49 AM
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Lexi, forgive me for reminding you that it as only recently, 2005, that the city of Florence removed the death sentence hanging over Dante. He had been dead for some 700 years but in their great wisdom, the authorities decided to grant absolution.
Good Friday is but another Christianic/Medieval feast day that perpetuates the hangover of past centuries. These are: -the divine right of egotistical kings -the inferiority of women -the idea that a wise State knows all -the idea that the individual is always right -the bitter-sweet addiction, that transforms a doctrine from a mere model into something sacred and worth killing for. It is only the modern political ideology and man made religions that sustain and maintain these medieval values. So, what is good about Good Friday? Absolutely nothing! Unless of course one wishes to perpetuate medieval values, mystical beliefs and impose them on the modern world through religion and political ideology. Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 3:07:18 PM
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Cossomby <"Forgiveness should not be about the sinner, but about the person wronged - who is generous in forgiving."
Absolutely true. I always wondered why some poor Jewish bloke 2000 years ago had to be tacked to a cross and left to slowly die because of everyone else's 'sins'? Why didn't the 'sinners' get their own punishment? Why then did 'bad' things continue to happen to mankind after Jesus died, because surely God didn't need to send any more punishments for 'sinners' if his son supposedly died for them all? I wondered why he also was supposed to die for 'our sins' today, that hadn't even been committed when Jesus supposedly died for them on the cross? It all seemed a little confusing for a young Catholic girl. Now that I have grown up and can think logically for myself, I tend to not believe any of it just because some Priests and nuns who read a 2000 year old book told me to. I would suggest that Good Friday is good because it is the first day of a four day holiday for most working Christian people, and the rest of us workers who also benefit from time off! Most people in Australia these days will have no idea of the original, medieval, religious reasons for Good Friday and Easter. Most will look at it as the day before Easter bunny day or Easter egg day. Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 3:57:46 PM
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Susi writes
'I wondered why he also was supposed to die for 'our sins' today, that hadn't even been committed when Jesus supposedly died for them on the cross? ' One fornicater or adulterer is not worthy to pay the price for another fornicator or adulterers sin. Only the sinless One is qualified Susie and that certainly ain't you or me. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 4:08:27 PM
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*Most will look at it as the day before Easter bunny day or Easter egg day.*
Well exactly Suze. To me, Easter is all about celebrating the joys of Lindt chocolate! I even have a photo here somewhere called Easter. It shows a rabbit humping a chicken and now I know how Easter eggs are made :) Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 4:24:07 PM
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Yabby, I have a picture of a chicken humping a rabbit. Swap? Honestly, I’m a genuine collector. Not one of my pictures has been Photo-Shopped and I have the original negatives. (trust me?)
I also have the original mobile phone video of the resurrection, the Cadbury’s dark chocolate nativity set, a genuine piece of the “cross” in milk chocolate and the full cream caramel version of the Stations of the Cross, including colored Roman Soldiers. You would be sooo impressed by my collection. I also have a “Vatican Certified” copy of the original “virgin birth” medical certificate, signed by Richard Branson. I can also offer as part of a bundled deal, the original contract between Virgin Galactic and Senator Bob Brown for transportation to the “nearest alien occupied planet”. This deal includes the previously secret addendum that specifies a “chocolate powered” space vehicle, a two person, heated chez lounge and a legislated galactic gay rights season pass. Would swap for season pass for the Titans, Bulldogs, CWA, Country Cross Dressers, Bob Katter’s Strategic One Person, One Shafting, Bend over, I’m a minor but not underage voter Party. The one thing of which we can all be assured is? Yes, you got it, the world is full of “Bunnies” Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 5:50:10 PM
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LOL Spindoc :) Actually this is an old black and white picture
which I've had for about 15 years, it originated in South Africa. A girlfriend at the time sent it to me and I've had a better understanding of Easter ever since. The hen looks quite startled :) Its a shame that Graham doesen't have a section where we can post pictures, but given that he's always struggling for donations to keep the wheels on the OLO cart, we can't really expect it of him. Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 6:25:13 PM
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Dear spindoc,
My husband gave me a cofee mug a few years ago with rabbits all over it. And I remember thinking at the time - "how cute," until I looked closer and saw what these cute rabbits were doing. Then I got excited. ;-) But I digress. As you probably know - I was raised as a Catholic. And to me - Good Friday is part of the heritage of my family and culture. It's personal, and it's something that I would not dream of forcing onto any one else. It brings me a sense of individual fulfillment and it give meaning to my life. And it's good for me. However, I also believe in live and let live - and to each his own. Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 7:01:56 PM
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Confession of sin entails repentance and having an abrorrence for one's sin. Without repentance [which means turning away from the evil attitude, bad action, or neglect of responsibility] there is no forgivness. See what the Priest says in the Godfather. If there is still a desire to do it again then there is no repentance. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 10:26:37 PM
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Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 7:01:56 PM
" ... It's personal, and it's something that I would not dream of forcing onto any one else. ... " Yes, and the fact that you predicate your remarks with "I believe" separates you from the likes of *Runner* who in my view is a delusional, homophobic bigot, amongst other things. Of course, in my favourite Church, as of old I am told, the leaders are not chosen by their gender or sexual preference, but rather on other characteristics and abilities. Thus, as of last I heard, the top spot was shared by 1 woman and 1 gay man. The founder, started as a Catholic but apparently outgrew it, and eventually founded Australia's first independent denomination, following creating quite a stir after "marrying" 2 girls in W.A. in 1971, if I do not misrecall. As someone from their said, "You'll know the Catholics have changed when they have a Black Female Pope." (and I saw *Pope Joan* on BluRay recently which I very much enjoyed) .. " ... Father forgive me, for today I did slaughter numerous blacks, raped their woman, crushed the skulls of their infants, poisoned their wells and left them pox infected blankets. ... " " ... Well, 3 hail Mary's yadayada ... " The political churches disgust me *Lexi* but that is not to say that I do not recognise that there was and are some bright Souls amongst them, but sadly, they are in the minority. .. As for *Good Friday* I suspect that JC's mum warned him, if you keep hanging sh!t on the establishment, they will do away with you boy, and so they did. Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 10:50:46 PM
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'Yes, and the fact that you predicate your remarks with "I believe" separates you from the likes of *Runner* who in my view is a delusional, homophobic bigot, amongst other things.'
and yes Dreamon you are the model of tolerance of others viewpoint. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 11:03:27 PM
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It's not your viewpoint that is at issue *Runner,* you can believe what you like, but rather the fact that you seek to inflict it on others.
If the catholics don't wish to practice homosexuality that is one thing, but to want to prohibit others who do is another matter entirely. As you appear to fail to understand the difference between belief and knowledge, so too I suspect you fail to understand the difference as above. To me, the fact that you of your own word support a party who abuse children says it all. By my interpretation, and here we will perhaps have to agree to disagree, you are no Christian and know nothing of it, other than the misguided conceptions echoing around in your own head. Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 11:41:16 PM
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Reading the deceit in your posts would cause me to be real worried if I had your approval. I doubt whether you could lie straight in bed. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 12:02:15 AM
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Runner as you know I do not believe,in any God.
But see your point here, first what is wrong about good Friday? What is so wrong that some ridicule to the very edge of decency your right to think as you want. Now I have shocked you! But have a good Easter and ask your self why the need to insult your belief? I question it but hope not insult. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 5:03:03 AM
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If we are to accept the possibility that the limited information regarding the life of *Jesus of Nazareth* has some basis in fact, ie from the writings of Josephus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Mary and Judas, then one thing to me to be celebrated is the life of an individual, delusional or otherwise, who made a vehement and vocal stand against the abhorrent practices of his day, notwithstanding that he was perhaps well aware of the potential consequences of doing so. .. Crucifixion was commonly practised by the Roman military at that time, if we are to believe the interpretations of the available evidence conveyed to us by the historians and archaeologists, amongst others.
What is not to be celebrated in my view is how the "greatness" of such individuals, and there are a few of them historically, is then transformed into a blind faith, political control mechanism and used to oppress and suppress the masses and exterminate those daring and or foolish enough to oppose them. .. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 12:02:15 AM *DreamOn* " ... Reading the deceit in your posts would cause me to be real worried if I had your approval. I doubt whether you could lie straight in bed. ... " If you seek a response you will need to clarify what exactly it is that you consider in my writing to be "deceitful." I usually try to make my thoughts quite plain, and am not overly one to run around in the shadows. Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 3:29:19 PM
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Dreamon you accuse me
'the fact that you of your own word support a party who abuse children says it all.' which party might this be dreamon? you also accuse me of prohibitting homosexuality. Anymore lies you would like to sprout? Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 3:46:07 PM
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It's commonly accepted now *Runner* that the activities of both the LNP and ALP and its treatment of the child Asylum Seekers constitutes child abuse, as one example, as has now been broadcast more than once on the mainstream media. As does their treatment of the Indonesian children employed in the facilitation of the Asylum Seekers reaching a country which is a signatory to the relevant convention.
"Pulang! (Poolung - go home, home, home, E.T. phone home!)" I think that there should be another burning. .. Come now *Runner,* you have made your views regarding homosexuality quite plain. At least have the courage of your convictions. Do you really need me to dig some of them up and re quote them to you? As you have also made your views opposing their individual rights to have their unions sanctified. In short, the consequential result of your wish to impose your beliefs on this group of people in the first instance turns on discrimination and a denigration of their *Human Rights* Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 4:28:34 PM
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with your reasoning anyone supporting the Greens is guilty of murder as they have encouraged kids to get into leaky boats. Your reasoning is illogical and sick. Also my views of how unhealthy homosexuality is clear. However I have never believed it should be prohibited anymore than those living in fornication. You seem to be a master at either self deception or misrepresenting others. You would not belong to the Greens would you? Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 6:05:33 PM
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*Runner* it appears we are drifting some ways off topic, so, in recognising the celebration of the life of that person we now refer to as Jesus of Nazareth visa vi "Good Friday," and though personal interpretations obviously vary greatly, that which he stood for, I would ask:
Are the Asylum Seekers not you "neighbours?" Would you detain them and their children indefinitely or otherwise for indeterminate lengths of time in circumstances all factors considered evidenced to produce adverse general health and specific adverse mental health outcomes? Have you been into any of the detention centres as I have and seen with thine own eyes and heard with your own ears from the people concerned? We have a friend down the road originally from Vietnam, now well and truly Ozzified, who arrived in a leaky boat as a child via Indonesia and she certainly has a very different view from you and is all for people getting to a signatory country by any means, as is traditionally accepted. All I have ever read from your mouth, as in your previous post is second hand LNP propaganda. Do you really think that you know what you are talking about? Did not the genocidal crown of the transplanted genocidal pom and its ill begotten spawn turn back boat loads of Jews (and possibly some homosexuals and "crazy people" mixed in)from settling in Western Australia even though the people had voted to accept them in the lead up to WWII? Has not your communion wine been evidenced as a class 1 carcinogen? And re unhealthy practices, not all homosexuals practice anal sex, and of those that do some wear protection, and of course, "Greek" is also practised by heterosexuals is it not? Is there something else that you were referring to regarding your views for the relegation of certain persons to 2nd class citizen status? Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 6:58:47 PM
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I notice you failed to answer the accusations you made against me. As far as my neighbour I am quite upset that I have friends who are Sri Lankan and African who have been waiting years for their families to come to Australia legally. If they had the money to pay people smugglers the red carpet would of been laid out for them. That is plainly unjust. It is plain that illegal entry is encouraged by a very incompetent Government influenced by the Greens who display a very waqrped form of compassion. They never mention the hundreds drowned after being encouraged by them to take the trip. Try answering a question before making your next accusation. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 8:20:13 PM
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Come on guys the subject is about the relavence of Easter.
More truly about Passover, as Jesus was put to death on Thursday afternoon before passover and was raised on Sunday; three days later. The Romans period of rhe celebration Easter - [god of new life]. Because The Roman Catholic church syncretised its seasons from existing religions in the Empire hence the term Easter remains. However the sacred season for the Jews was and still is Passover. Many Christian Churches respect traditions of Passover. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 9:10:53 PM
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In actual fact Christ more than likely died on a Wednesday if you consider the Jewish day commenced at 6pm. It is true more and more Christians now celebrate parts of Passover as Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 11:34:26 PM
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Hi Runner,
So if he died on the Thursday afternoon - Wednesday in the Jewish schema that a day starts at sunset - Wednesday was the first day. Thursday was the second day. Friday was the third day, when he is supposed to have risen. So Christians should be commemorating on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ? And I'm as puzzled as Suse - why should a person die for the sins of others, including those not yet born ? It does sound like the old tribal system, practised all around the world, of 'scapegoating' that we can detect in the story of Abraham about to sacrifice his son, the burning bush, etc. All pretty primitive, I'm sure everyone would agree. It just makes more sense to be atheist ;) Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 5 April 2012 10:32:24 AM
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I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish
each and everyone a very Happy Easter break. And for those of you who may be interested - "Q and A," on Easter Monday, should be worth viewing (9.35 pm - ABC). The guests will be Cardinal Pell versus Richard Dawkins. Now that should be interesting. Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 5 April 2012 10:38:59 AM
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To the best of my understanding of Scriptures and the Jewish Passover Jesus rose some time after 6pm Saturday (Sabboath). Working back 3 days and 3 nights leads to Wednedsday as death. I would not put my life on it but feel fairly confident this is so. Easter rather coincides with Jewish Passover. As to when Christians should be commemorating this event I don't really think it matters all that much. Any believer will remember everyday Jesus death and resurrection and maybe take communion on a regular basis. Churches that make a big deal out of symbolism will usually be filled at Easter and Christmas while churches that take the Scriptures more seriously will be often full on a weekly basis. As to why followers of Christ think that a 'person die for the sins of others, including those not yet born ?' The Scriptures declare in Romans 5:8 that '(Rom 5:8) But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful. ' God's would not be just if He did not punish sin (law breaking). Justice in God's eyes demands death for law breaking. In our own way we all scream justice. We call for paedophiles to be castrasted or rapist to be jailed. Jesus was the only Man ever to keep the law thus qualifying Him to take humanities punishment upon Himself. That is why He was called the Lamb of God. The Jews killed a lamb at Passover to paint the blood on the doorpost so the angel of death would pass by them in Eygpt (I am sure you have seen the 10 commandments). Jesus blood was shed to be applied to the believer in order for the angel of death (leading to eternal punishment) to pass by them. Posted by runner, Thursday, 5 April 2012 11:03:07 AM
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Hi Runner,
Let's run through this again: Wednesday was the first day. Thursday was the second day. So Friday was the third day. Saturday was the fourth day, right up to sunset. Sunday, beginning at sunset on what we call Saturday, was the fifth day. So on the fifth day, he rose again, is that it ? Lucky he was divine, otherwise he would have been a bit whoofy. So Easter should be spread out over five days ? Plus Easter Monday, six days ? So confusing :( Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 5 April 2012 1:32:10 PM
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Perhaps you could attend a Church on Easter Sunday and ask about the time line. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 5 April 2012 10:04:19 PM
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Hi Josephus,
If I went to church on Easter Sunday, it would be for the music as well as the sense of celebration. I always get a thrill listening to Rachmaninoff's Vespers. I wouldn't want to spoil the mood :) Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 5 April 2012 11:55:38 PM
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As one of the majority, a nonbeliever,I will not go to Church.
Not eat easter eggs. No fish, love it but costs too much at this time. But am surprised at some heated stuff here. Majority? nonbeliever? yes that is my view westerners are not following in the numbers others do. May just goggle the beginning of religion some time today, interesting stuff Posted by Belly, Friday, 6 April 2012 5:51:24 AM
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ISAIAH: said about the suffering servant 600 Before Christ
The Lord Will Vindicate His Servant 52:13 “Look, my servant will succeed! He will be elevated, lifted high, and greatly exalted 52:14 (just as many were horrified by the sight of you) he was so disfigured he no longer looked like a man; 52:15 his form was so marred he no longer looked human – so now he will startle many nations. Kings will be shocked by his exaltation, for they will witness something unannounced to them, and they will understand something they had not heard about. 53:1 Who would have believed what we just heard? When was the Lord’s power revealed through him? 53:2 He sprouted up like a twig before God, like a root out of parched soil; he had no stately form or majesty that might catch our attention, no special appearance that we should want to follow him. 53:3 He was despised and rejected by people, one who experienced pain and was acquainted with illness; people hid their faces from him; he was despised, and we considered him insignificant. 53:4 But he lifted up our illnesses, he carried our pain; even though we thought he was being punished, attacked by God, and afflicted for something he had done. 53:5 He was wounded because of our rebellious deeds, crushed because of our sins; he endured punishment that made us well; because of his wounds we have been healed. Posted by Josephus, Friday, 6 April 2012 7:16:52 PM
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53:6 All of us had wandered off like sheep; each of us had strayed off on his own path, but the Lord caused the sin of all of us to attack him. 53:7 He was treated harshly and afflicted, but he did not even open his mouth. Like a lamb led to the slaughtering block, like a sheep silent before her shearers, he did not even open his mouth. 53:8 He was led away after an unjust trial – but who even cared? Indeed, he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the rebellion of his own people he was wounded. 53:9 They intended to bury him with criminals, but he ended up in a rich man’s tomb, because he had committed no violent deeds, nor had he spoken deceitfully. 53:10 Though the Lord desired to crush him and make him ill, once restitution is made, he will see descendants and enjoy long life, and the Lord’s purpose will be accomplished through him. 53:11 Having suffered, he will reflect on his work, he will be satisfied when he understands what he has done. “My servant will acquit many, for he carried their sins. 53:12 So I will assign him a portion with the multitudes, he will divide the spoils of victory with the powerful, because he willingly submitted to death and was numbered with the rebels, when he lifted up the sin of many and intervened on behalf of the rebels.” Posted by Josephus, Friday, 6 April 2012 7:17:49 PM
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@one under god - You obviously have not researched very much scripture or bothered to find out what various events mean. I think you should go and seek this before casting judgement on christianity in whole. You have embarassed yourself enough, but I shall spare you your change so you can buy at least some sympathy on this topic.
Good Friday is an important moment for reflecting on the man Jesus whome died on the cross to become the successor of God the one and only. The man who committed no sin and was betrayed by Judas who was replaced by Matthias as the 12th disciple. It is also noted that Judas later bought some land where he fell head long and his intestines spilled out of his body, this was his gruesome death for the betrayal. The blood of Christ cleans us of all sin, we all sin and are on death sentence until we repent and ask for forgiveness, for if we don't we will always feel guilt and will be judged accordingly, the laws are simple and flawless. Christ rose on the third day which is really two days after his death in our way of saying it. He was witnessed three times by his disciples and Mary Magdalene that he had risen from the dead, and after this event he was taken up to heaven. It is said in the same way he will return. This is why Good Friday is important, it is the beginning of the story of Jesus and is the foretelling stage of his return, and when he does be prepared. Posted by Featherlite, Friday, 6 April 2012 10:50:08 PM
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you are quite unlearned
se first i read a new age/new tesiment and had many questions then i read the old testiment [via the two books..[bi-ble]..and re read the new test[in the old i read..the king james.the morman/koran and finally the doorknockers bible.. i learned much re god..but so much more rite/ritual/creed..each level dividing christ's..own'church' the cathoholics..if inclusion-ry..rather than exclusionary.. cothopholics..holds the most secrets...has the recognise the luther's...weslie's/swedenberg/mary baker edi revealations.. to add to the gospell of paul/saul...[and the proper gospil..the 4 witness statements.. se we forget evil will do anything to do its love of sure the christ forgiven..but this sworm enemy..of the chist..diverted the simple chist message[as well as refining..'the origonal mess-age']simple witness..and wprks of charity../loving god by loving neighbour but i wasnt going to fight especially not when ''HE IS RISEN"! this day..[refuting 'reserction'..'day'.. plus the insane day of judgment..or endtome..[whatever] i have been off line for..a few days.. jesus was 'offline'..for a mere still trying to catchup i wish those claiming 'jesus..aas their own would pl;ay close the fact..he died for you [for 3 two nights]..but his big message was..her didnt die..!] tghus cant have 'died'..'for'..sin but rather saw no sin..tried to return.. the fathers own...back to the father.... [what means gods law against imagry]..[symbolic blood/mortal corpses..easting the aavious/savery flesh[sigh] you got demons in the temple... and paul/ his extra testy bit thus ignoring the 'true gospil'..of the witness of his WORKS>>! by which means ALONE we may know him..deeds/works.. not 'honouring..the mesiah..with unclean lips' let alone his father..*and ours!.. with our vile work's/ unclean/unclear,..*words/spell's demon*ic rite/ritual...and 'blood' al *he deserves so much better both him..AND our father..which *his good work*s this day do ours? he is arisen! Posted by one under god, Sunday, 8 April 2012 8:22:46 AM
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*OUG* I think you are well learned if you realise that it is largely a waste of time reading the common bible as it is been bastardised a thousand + times over and badly translated i.e. "Servant or Slave" St Paul?
Even this weekend, you have *Jenson* on tv saying that the resurrection is a fact. I have no problem with people wanting to believe, but a fact as the term is commonly accepted by reasonable and rational people it is not, and it has no more rationale basis than any other fairy tale. As for you *Runner,* you have been well enough answered but it appears you have not the wit to comprehend. But perhaps this should not be a surprise as you are a homophobic bigot, and if anyone doubts that they can judge for themselves based on your own words. I recall the words of a learned High Court judge, who said something to the effect of: " ... registered - like a dog. ... " You may come to learn the hard way *Runner* that people do not like being treated as 2nd class citizens and having their innate Human Rights peed on like the painting *P!ss Christ* And to advocate against HomoSexual marriage is to err in my view against the view that JC espoused in his "New Commandment." As for the Sri Lankans, and I wonder if you mean the Tamils, you need to realise that Australia sold the Butchers of Beijing raw materials, from which they used some to make weapons, and in turn sold them to the Sri Lankans, who used them to slaughter the Tamils, who quite rightly fled in any manner that they could, consistent with the terms of the convention. No, they are not illegal immigrants, as they may come anyway they please, but not doubt like the Jews, if your child abusing idols get in, they will turn the boats around just as they did in the past. You are little more than a moronic propaganda parrot. Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 9 April 2012 1:51:23 AM
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im not well learned..i read a lot
i have compared verses from rev and genesis[line by line] the new age ones take the most liberties/take the words on material values not spirit value to bah humbug..jesus reserction is without sense or reason...its written in the book by respectfull and clever men...[yes some with adgenda's.. paul took it a level further..than jesus.. but jesus took it further than john[the intended messiah] [his parents were geriatric priest class..[levie?]..john mum was 78? that is a sure 'sign'...childless geriatricks dont get pregnant thats more a miracle than a 'virgin' birth...[lets face it...virgins yet allow sperm in..[even if nuthing else got in] but virgin at the time signified unwed jesus thought john the messiah..the people thought it john too that in the end it was confounded by the fact...of the angel..telling his mum to call him emanuel..[god with..[in]us [all].. sure i got no time for religion/on the abstract level but the people and god..and the writings are what they are as real as shake-sphere's collective/plagerised plays its beyond doudt.. the bible gave english language more yet many regard shaking spear sacred too lord the plagerist...but for whom.. the wordplays would be as mist.. god is within live with it within you within me..within every living thing thankyou jesus...paul/judas..and the many translators Posted by one under god, Monday, 9 April 2012 7:39:33 AM
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You claim in your reply to UOG "And to advocate against HomoSexual marriage is to err in my view against the view that JC espoused in his "New Commandment." Are you advocating from Jesus words [Gk agapae] that we should have sex with whoever and all men? This is certainly not what Jesus taught in the commandment. Homosexuality is a sex act [Gk pornea] with a person of the same sex as the word "homo" one "sexuality" attraction of - implies in its meaning. The word love {Gk agapae] he uses has no sexual implication or even marriage implied, which you imply. It means care for all men even enemies. Posted by Josephus, Monday, 9 April 2012 8:42:04 AM
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Try "I believe" when predicating beliefs *Josephus* or it is impossible to take you seriously and that comment was intended more for *Runner* than *OUG* who seems to hold in his beliefs a recognition of what he considers to be the divinity within all of us, perhaps our common human inheritance post the shedding of divine blood, that each of us may have the potential to evolve beyond the limits of the flesh, not just the muddle headed powerless muggles who stand on the "street corners" screaming Jesus.
.. Agape as I have read it is a *GodLike UnCoditional Love* indeed as distinct from *Eros* and the other 2 (family and nationalistic Love from memory?) Thus " Love one another as I Love you." .. Consequently, if 2 Souls come together in Love, whether it be 2 homosexuals or otherwise, to demonise them and relegate them to second class citizens, by means, amongst other things, of refusing to legalise the sanctification of their marriages by the religious organisations who also represent them, is quite clearly not to have love for them. Rather, some of the homophobes and the bigots would have us believe that they bring abuse and suffering upon themselves for "disobeying" their version of what they believe is god's law which in their prideful foolishness they seek to inflict upon all of us, a fact about which is attested by history. Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 9 April 2012 5:53:18 PM
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i the old testy-ment..
that the exclusion of ritual..was standard operating procedure....wether that was that womans present...diverted from the practice of loving men...has been speculated.. it seems to hang on the 'every sperm is sacred' principle how it relates to good as much relitive the rest..that jesus taught... [as opposed to that he definitivly didnt.. ;like the flawed..'just war'...[or shock and awe][and/or] regardless all nuns..i believe wed the christ..[or wed the god?] and each other? lets get real..material maters..and spiritual matter's are each uniquely sepperated as the delusions of death...and 'life'...we are energy being human...from energy we energy we return.. in the end all that matters is that you found love...better than hate found helping others..more satisfying than hindering them found a the first step into the bounty of eternity..that lies before us all once we drop things like sex/race/creed greed gluttony...shame/blame and the other mortal material entrapments..injurous to self and worse upon other passions...usually the result of the lack of love [agape]...that creates the hunger for that 'forbidden' missing longed for 'thing' thoughts seeking the realisation..into material realities..adjudged sin..[by those seeing sin] jesus loved all cause he saw no sin he knows a judgment call and only god knows enough to judge fairly[and god dont judge] to strive to be as the christ loving all god has chosen to sustain living[cause he knows in the end..we all 'get it'..and better start doing 'it'..[works..not honouring with lips/wurds[talk is cheap..yet by it we sell our souls but the life spirit..within that belongs to god...but is gifted to us for eternity infinite love..dont seek reasoning to hate but seeks ever more for reason to love despite the inner urging to purge the stronger passions Posted by one under god, Monday, 9 April 2012 9:36:21 PM
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i cant recall...the reason..for beginning this topic
and got the comments formed not into any flow so add more info from quote..""As it spreads, becomes necessary to define the various memories of Easter,..even to codify and explain them. And clearly..there are some the detail. Paul refers to Jesus as the Passover lamb,sacrificed for the great Jewish feast of liberation."" ie saul [who percicuted him...thoughout his life right? ""This resonates with the account in John's Gospel that Jesus was crucified..on the day before the Passover, and so was excluded *..from the feast! – a poignant scene of rejection and a powerful image of innocence betrayed. This theme is echoed in the Hymn to the Risen Christ, early piece of church poetry traditionally recited..on Easter Sunday morning. All three..have a different our traditional story of Good Friday,...""" lol as well as their expectations plus that of non jews...[who couldnt grasp such basic jews not eating with unclean hands [no handwash jars no eating..not miracle the insult telling serrvants to serve EVEN THE BEST WHINE>>>in a toilet!...[which is what the unclean handwash jars equate!] one sees miracle the others servants serving up their best wine to save face lol i dont care if you give them toilet water...![A MIRACLE] no habdwash jars..we can feed billions [all the wished] without the RITUAL..they cant [note the clever sitting arrangment...facing/watching each other! to report to the high priesty he is unclean..he didst eat! which comes from the other Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. They appear to show Jesus..eating the Passover meal and then being crucified the following day,..Friday; though they may also be referring to the day before, depending on whose expert commentary you follow."" see a night PRECEEDS a day darkness preceeds the light tomorrow begins with the darkness [yet the darkness new it not and flees beore the light] dawn sepperates the first night..from the first day [dawn is when a black thread...and a white thread..both look grey] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 10 April 2012 8:51:40 AM
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jeasus...came to re-unite the fathers divided house
to simplify...cast out rite/ritual/messenger that have subverted lives into so many meaningless fear's the lie of a day of judgment and of a 'reserction day....of labling all skin blemishes as if really 'unclean' much of the miracle stuff was jesus saying i see no sin..[your not sick]..i see god..[good] you.. see good in me..[seeing you i see seing me see him within us all dont sort the vile tares from the good wheat let this be done at harvest[physical death]..but we are eternal spirits death has no sting only the useless rites/rituals/blood ..*he is SOOOOO sick of blood!..get it demons and wild mans'fklesh..drink mans blood it cant drink gods blood..cause good is the good silent voice within that cries..has delusional; fears faulse hopes..strict but man is eternal spirit but only briefly in the meat yes we ARE REBORN..immediatly after we die! born again short hand elitism.. for we ALL GET REBORN AGAIN and again and again..A GAIN..! death where is thy sting the church stops at the grave side it should begin there! tell people the reveal of emmanue-EL the truth is he our heart.. in every living thing* where life is..[any life] there is he...[supreeme good..god] to 'be godlike' has to be all good one bad and its of men...[who have leavend the loaf] depoiled the simple truth...where life/love/logic light is god is jesus didnt 'die' for noone..indeed he died yet he lives as will you [recall his promise...'that ye se me shalt do yet greater' greater than 'god'[supreem good] of course not..better cause now its god plus one one by one doing a whole lot better* than just..that one true good [as one]..could alone rhyme/reason..learn your life lesson more of the same is a given till you get it repeat repeat repeat Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 April 2012 7:24:11 AM
i was raised athiest..thus have no conception..of the rites[let alone the meaning]...of good friday...what's it all about
how about 'great monday'
[when jesus rose from death?]
proved that judgment day is fraud..
that reserction day is delusion
jesus said..'that ye see me do
ye shall do greater'''..
[how is just war..'greater']?
greater than good?
good fryday..whats it all about
a fish fry?
a good..[but not great}
friday fish fry?
q:..what does good fryday mean for you
[a day off?..or a great feast..last super?]
or is it the bitter herbs..thing..
exdus blood on the lintle..blood on the cross
[whats that about?]
especially what's good about good fryday?
please explain