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Obama Care mandates RFID Chip Implants
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Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 29 March 2012 7:10:18 AM
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What does your type of freedom mean. I'd rather have a chip than a barcode.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 29 March 2012 10:18:45 AM
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"Obama Care mandates RFID Chip Implants" got my attention Arjay…
It also took me less than 90 seconds to find out that no it doesn't. (I try to be optimistic and use these opportunities to test my search engine skills.) And lest you think it is further proof of the new world order, these people disagree with you Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 29 March 2012 10:43:11 AM
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wntrevor/quote]..""It also took me..less than 90 find out that no it doesn't....*these people disagree with you"""
lol quote/from link""The process as stated in the bill will begin in "December of 2012". This new law requires an RFID (radio frequency identification) chip implanted in all US citizens. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. No US citizen will be allowed in or out of our country without it. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment". It is now the law of the land that by "March 23 2013" we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath the skin. Testing has begun with implanting under the skin of the hand. (I will send a PDF of the bill). Please note to look for "The National Registry" on about page 1000. Revelation 13:16 ~ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark..*in their right hand,..or in their foreheads.""".. note...the lines of your forehead are divid-able..into 6 sections a line interesting..your wrinkles[at that definitive point overlay] results in the number never the lessa..the true 'mark of the done in writing* every time you sign your..;sig-nature* ie enter the world of commerce ""Revelation 13:17..And that no man might *buy or sell*, he that had the mark"" upon govt application forms to get licence/bank account..etc, signing a lie true..[your birth date..isnt first hand KNOWING*] legally its hearsay*[3 rd party] YOU DONT RECALL YOUR BIRTH DETAIL..*OF YOUR OWN KNOWING* Posted by one under god, Thursday, 29 March 2012 11:51:09 AM
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The text of thedocument appears to be online at
A bunch of sites seem to reference around pages 1001, 1002. Some which claim to show proof don't manage to actually show anything requiring implants, rather a rgister of implants. I found requirements for a registry of devices on p1502 to help keep an eye on safety. Is there any proof of the claim that there is a requirement for new devices? If it is in fact in the act as claimed it should be easy to point to. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 29 March 2012 12:42:41 PM
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They will make this a requirement for people with dementure or psychiatric patients and then amke it a requirement for rest of the population.Obama has brought in Preventative Dentention,legalised assassination by the CIA, brought in the Defence Authorisation Act,is now trying to censor the internet.He cannot be trusted.
Govt medicine is never free.It just encourages bloated bureaucracies and over prescription of drugs for bit Pharma. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 29 March 2012 1:16:59 PM
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Hmmm, the plot thickens ... Arjay's got shares in computer keyboard manufacturing?
Posted by bonmot, Thursday, 29 March 2012 3:05:09 PM
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Wm Trevor well done and well researched.
Most of us just had to know it was not true. American Christians, for that matter almost all Christians would never have it or except it. The mark of the beast is well known. Very hard to avoid seeing it seems to be a way of keeping track, of pace makers and such, services, and other things. It feeds from the INSANITY that the American President is a Muslin/Satan/the Beast. Again well done. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 29 March 2012 3:30:49 PM
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Oh, Arjay. Please.
>>This means that in 2013 if you want medical care and don't have a chip,treatment will be refused<< No. It does not. Try to exercise some semblance of a rational evaluation process when you see this kind of stuff on the internet. Otherwise you end up looking like a fruitloop. Again. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 29 March 2012 5:02:38 PM
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We shall see Pericles in the next few months who are the loops of deception and what are the fruits of truth.You want to protect your Zionist mates but they will not save you.
Obama is cutting Isarel free.Isarel is going to take the whole wrap for 911 while the neo con banksters/Wall St get off Scott free.Obama under the instructions of the likes of Rothschilds is trying to contain China is Africa.The NWO mob still think they can take out China and Russia but the Western Oligarchs(NWO) have their populations baying for justice which they fear more than war. The West cannot win a conventional war with Russia/China.They are war weary,demoralised and have this Zibigniew view "A global political awakening." The neo-cons have the angry people at their rear and their created enemies of terror and war at their front.Nukes have to be their escape. Obama,Bush and Blair are war criminals who will hopefully soon face justice. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 29 March 2012 8:23:24 PM
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Arjay, you made a quit explicit claim that should be easy to confirm if true. I've linked to on of the bills, if it's not the right one then feel free to link to thr correct one andprovide some quotes and page numbers to back the claim.
I don't thinkthe claim is legitimate and that this kind of claim deafens people to the actual attacks on freedom that we should be awake to, perhaps a little less alligned with biblical prophecy but worth attention. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 29 March 2012 8:50:00 PM
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RObert very insightful!
I have so very often pointed out to arjay he best serves those who do not want us to know the truth. I suspect,SOME conspiracy sites are there to blacken in the public mind all who try to present the real truth. This thread is descriptive of tens, of plainly wrong and untrue statements from arjay. The end of that last post ranted! And as a result, very many will never even see a post that warns us about the true nature of very real conspiracy's and cover ups. No offense arjay, but you constantly challenge the intelligence and right to differ of those who oppose you. Increasing remoteness from reality concerns me, it should do for you too. Posted by Belly, Friday, 30 March 2012 4:21:54 AM
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G'day, Belly I hope your health doesn't require you to be chipped any time soon. Arjay what we're all trying to point out was probably best summed up by fable 210 by Aesop 2600 years ago…
"There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement. He rushed down towards the village calling out "Wolf, Wolf," and the villagers came out to meet him, and some of them stopped with him for a considerable time. This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterwards he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help. But shortly after this a Wolf actually did come out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out "Wolf, Wolf," still louder than before. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled twice before, thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help. So the Wolf made a good meal off the boy's flock, and when the boy complained... the wise men of the village said: "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."" Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 30 March 2012 8:04:49 AM
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The story is a fabrication. See .
Posted by grputland, Friday, 30 March 2012 8:48:18 AM
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Funny. I did not read it as something mandated for everybody. I read it as a device which could be used if a patient needed to be kept monitored for medical reasons. If I had such a condition I would want to be monitored.
Posted by david f, Friday, 30 March 2012 10:11:06 AM
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some people have a chip on their shoulder, so what's the big deal?
Posted by Austin Powerless, Friday, 30 March 2012 1:21:57 PM
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Wm Trevor chips got me in to this trouble, in part.
I like them too much and can understand that fable about a bloke wrestling a sea gull for the last one. Posted by Belly, Friday, 30 March 2012 2:57:58 PM
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I hope you don't mind, Arjay, but I'm going to refer you back to this thread in future, if ever you drop in with any more of your wacky conspiracy-nut offerings.
>> 2013 if you want medical care and don't have a chip,treatment will be refused<< It is so gratifying, on so many levels, that you managed to commit to the Forum a piece that was so elegantly, comprehensively wrong. The fact that you must feel such an absolute goose right now is only fair, given the insults you spray on those who have dared to take you to task for the gazillion blatant untruths you have published here. Having said that, I'll probably miss you, in a strange sort of way. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 30 March 2012 3:22:50 PM
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I shall now put paid to my lying detractors.
"The secretary shall establish a national medical service registry( in this subsection referred to as the registry) to facilate the analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data,on each device that "(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and (B) is a class (III) device: or " (II) as a class II device that is IMPLANTABLE." In ' real world speak',according to this report,this new law,when fully implenmented,provied the framework for making the United States the first nation in the world to require each and everyone of it's citizens to have implanted in them an radio frequency identification micro chip ( RFID) for the purpose of controlling who is,or isn't allowed medical care in their country. There is no mention of opting out of this national registry.In other words you either have one or expect a long wait to get medical service.So Pericles,I await your apologies, but won't hold my breath. Robert I was unable to open your link that disproves my assertions.Could you please post one that works. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 30 March 2012 7:04:58 PM
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Arjay in real worldspeak that rquires a registry of devices not mandatory devices.
I was horrified when it was revealed that there does not seem to be a record of breast implants when it was found that one manufacturer was using industrial silicon. There should be a rcord of every implant, that does not translate into breast implants being compulsary. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Friday, 30 March 2012 7:29:11 PM
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Robert we are playing with sematics here.If they delay treatment because you refuse a chip and your life depends upon it,that means obligatory implant.So where is your link that works?
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 30 March 2012 7:37:57 PM
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Arjay I just downloaded the Pdf via the link from the post to test it. Whats the error?
R0bert Posted by R0bert, Friday, 30 March 2012 8:25:32 PM
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Don't panic R0bert, your link to the government website of federal documents worked fine for me as did its download.
Arjay I'm not going to do your work for you. That due diligence is your responsibility… But I'll give you three clues: One, try US Food and Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations title 21 part 860 subchapter H – Medical Devices. The different classes refer to the types of safety, scientific evidence and assurances of health benefits and the absence of unreasonable risk of illness or injury. Two, the registry referred to in HR 3200 is of medical devices not people, and Three, implantable medical devices include things like artificial heart valves (my father had one – worked well) or chemo pumps (my mother had one – it worked well, but the cancer worked better, unfortunately). RFIDs don't qualify as medical devices under the FDA definitions which apply to HR 3200 – unless you've managed to find genuine information to the contrary. I am pleased you're not holding your breath – hypoxaemia can be a real bitch to the brain. Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 30 March 2012 8:38:58 PM
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What amazes me WM trevor is that there is no mention of Obama's Preventative Detention,legalised assasination by CIA of suspected terrorists and now The National Defence Authorisation Act.How can you trust him with new legislation on RFID implants when he has trashed just about every promise he made pre-election? A bit like Juliar.
To say you trust Obama on anything based on his track record,you'd have to be a fool. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 30 March 2012 9:20:01 PM
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Dear Arjay,
I did not pay enough attention. I should have noticed who started this string and simply ignored it. Goodbye. Posted by david f, Saturday, 31 March 2012 2:47:28 AM
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Arjay you insist on referring to your detractors as uninformed even fools.
Are you aware of the impacts of those words. Mate how could you convince any one of any thing after this. If you stood behind me on a bus, and told me my pants are on fire. I would wait till I saw the smoke. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 31 March 2012 4:41:45 AM
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This is getting so bizarre, Arjay, that once again I am forced to consider the possibility that you are just a spotty teen, still living at home with mum, who gets his jollies from winding up these old fogies with wild-'n'wacky tales of internet-sourced conspiracy theory, and giggling every time he gets a bite.
I mean... really! >>I shall now put paid to my lying detractors<< With what? A random blog post on The Daily Paul by some delusional nutter calling himself "celeste"? Someone who cannot even spell, for goodness' sake. Arjay, if this is representative of your standard of "proof" - and sad to say, all the evidence says that it is - then I have a very nice Harbour Bridge to sell you, very cheap. I even have the title deeds with me - or I will have, after I've scribbled a bit on the back of this envelope. Now, you'd better go, your mum has made you a nice cup of tea. Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 31 March 2012 9:16:47 AM
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Pericles I gave you this link by Aaron Russo.He was a good friend to Nick Rockefeller. Nick revealled that the ultimate goal was to have everyone chipped and thus have total control of society.
Now their plans are not going quite to plan.Murdoch is being targeted because he is against this totaliatiarian world Govt.I don't see a return of judge Napolitano.Murdoch did show some 911 facts and let http://www.ae911truth advertisements go to air. Bob Brown has again support the idea of "Global Governance."10% or the carbon taxes will go to the UN which will be in charge of this NWO.If we cannot vote on the money sent to the UN,what chance have we on voting on major issues.See Agenda 21.It is real and is being implemented by the UN. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 31 March 2012 11:18:43 AM
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Breathless rubbish! arjay!
So silly every single conspiracy And you packed them deep here as one was proved wrong two just as silly took its place. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 31 March 2012 2:22:38 PM
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My chances of selling you that Bridge increase with your every post, Arjay.
>>Pericles I gave you this link by Aaron Russo.He was a good friend to Nick Rockefeller.<< And who, exactly, is Nick Rockefeller? It's probably just another name for that celeste character, isn't it. He certainly doesn't belong to the Rockefeller family, that's for sure. So exactly why would you put any credence in anything some self-promoting Californian lawyer says or does? The rest of your post is just fatuous dribble. And that's being generous. Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 31 March 2012 3:42:45 PM
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"Fatuous dribble?" I have not seen one ounce of proof from you.Just assertians.The Fact that Obama has an ad supporting RFID chips says a lot.Are you denying that Bob Brown said he wants Global Governance? As Deek Jackson often says,moron this latter.
It is you Pericles who is in denial and la la land. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 31 March 2012 4:49:13 PM
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arjay you must confront your self.
Increasingly your insults are disconnected. If some control was not being shown, by your detractors, this would be an ugly thread. You dash constantly away from reality, and sharply tell us it is us who are wrong. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 31 March 2012 6:12:14 PM
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When a conspirator's argument (for want of a better word) leaks like a sieve, they change the goal posts/playing field.
Posted by bonmot, Saturday, 31 March 2012 6:18:36 PM
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"I have not seen one ounce of proof from you.Just assertians." Not sure whether this is psychological transference, Arjay, or evidence that you've started talking to yourself and posting the discussion here…
In either case it's not healthy – I did warn you about holding your breath. Not wanting the opportunity for a good laugh to go by. Can you confirm if the 'ad ' to which you referred was "Obama Propaganda Ad" uploaded by MaoistRebelNews2; an obvious re-edit piece. Though at 10:03 minutes it's hardly an advertisement is it? What I don't get is that if conspiracists are so concerned about the truth being told, why it doesn't seem to apply to themselves? Why aren't you worried about the one hour's sleep the government is stealing from each of us tonight… That's over 22 million hours in Australia, nearly 1,000,000 days! Who are they selling them to? I would have also thought you would be more worried that Bitcoins had embedded IP addresses… Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 31 March 2012 7:35:57 PM
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Wm trevor,I just love when fools like you and Pericles call me a conspiracy nutter. Here is the site that supposedly puts paid to us,the truth movement.Have a long hard look at their lead picture of the South Tower in the process of collapse.
The top third of the building is pitched at 22 deg and falling over.According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)this top third is the pile driver that collapsed the lower 73 floors via gravity.If you hit a nail at 22 deg it bends.This NIST pile driver not only hits the lower floors at 22 deg,it actually self destructed turning to dust before doing so. How was it able to drive the lower floors to ground zero? How were 110 stories fall to Earth at near absolute freefall speeds? This means that the lower floors had absolutely no structural integrity.These were the only concrete/steel buildings in history to have collapsed due to fire.Steel melts at twice the temps of optimum jet fuel burning. Prof Niels Harrit whom I've shared a beer with,led an international team of 10 scientists that found the existance of nano-thermite,a military grade explosive that melts steel and acts as an expolsive.Dr Frank Legge whom I also know,was the Australian on this team.Their peer reviewed paper has not been debunked let alone acknowledged by the authorities.They are too scared. So if you want to debate real science of 911 ,make a start and place your bets.We can start here Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 31 March 2012 10:17:52 PM
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You lose even more credibility when you refer to people like Pericles and Wm Trevor as 'fools' - as they are so obviously not. Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 31 March 2012 10:36:28 PM
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Poirot,then start debating the science.Start with the science/physics of freefall and the existance of nano-thermite.Does your intellect not allow such debate or is ad hominem the only rebuke you have?
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 31 March 2012 11:59:30 PM
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Some tasks, no matter how worth while are imposable to achieve.
Poirot has under taken one here. No better chance exists to inform arjay than it would be to set out to empty the Sydney Harbor with a shovel. I can except arjay telling me I am quite mad,or any charge he puts against me. But am constantly, baffled by his view, such as those he targets here are fools. But equally I am unsure why I,or anyone,constantly replies to his increasingly bizarre threads. Bonmot has pointed out a truth than can not be ignored. This thread,Ajay's footprints have staggered like a drunk, from one claim to many unrelated ones. I Suspect we are not adding to a fire by defending truth. Science of 9/11! Again true conspiracy's are hidden by people like arjay. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 1 April 2012 4:47:05 AM
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no one here is foolish
sure we all got our own adgenda's and many simply lack the self control..[to jump in and stick the boot in] quote mr bell..""Again true conspiracy's are hidden...*by people >>>like arjay."" that clearly is as silly as the fools thing arjay isnt hiding anything he found an issue..posted it for comment and everyone jumps on him[heck just look at the first link put up[lol] refute it actually confirms it]..[as sepperate from wether its fact or fiction simple thing is rfid chips egsist thing is they will be used..on as many of us as they can get court orders for in fact they long ago surpassed rfid chips [you can buy micro chip paint...[with tiny flecks imbedded with a spray on expensive bits of a car]..these tags are in your shop.. your likely carrying them arround in you right now but could never actually see one without a microscope a link i posted shows the latest computer can 'scan millions of faces in a minute..[what they dont explain is why]to id the forhead and face..[even the body lumps bumps proturisions] even location occupation security risk can all be digetally a number and computers can sort one number from millions yes in live withit the real question should have been will you acceopt govt trackling yoyur every moove do you want govt to barcode your kid...or what is the mark of the beast or anyone of millions of other questions you lot could be asking arjay instead of ripping his [not even a question] shreds [cause the tide..seems to be flowing your] many believe it..i once listen'ed to a woman its her passion .maybe you should too her name? why will just knock the link to alex jones but link the two on youtube..she will be revealed but you lot allready thjink to know govt wont do that..[arjay and me say yes they may] yes and will if they can drive the resistors/resi-stance away forgive them their ignorance as they forgive us..our fears let not ye....with-out sin...cast stones Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 April 2012 6:28:11 AM
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You can't expect to start threads like your usual fare and not to be robustly challenged. It's the sheer scale and number of your conspiracy theories that tends to leave us questioning them - and the fact that if you are challenged you treat us as if we're vacuous and naive. My point was that you chose to label two of the most prudent and thoughtful contributors to OLO as fools. Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 1 April 2012 9:05:37 AM
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It's getting more obvious by the minute, Arjay, that you are just having a lend of us.
You probably sit in front of your screen, sniggering away at the reaction you never fail to get from your audience here, as you find time to post another glob of nonsense in between squeezing those zits. Your material, whether it is the forcible implanting of RFID chips in the US population - "in 2013 if you want medical care and don't have a chip,treatment will be refused" - or the nonsense about nanothermite in the WTC, comes from the same sources, every time. This should be evidence enough that you cannot possibly be serious. I confess that at one point I was of the opinion that you actually believed the stuff you wrote. I felt sorry for you, as I would feel sorry for anyone who leads their life under the cloud of such delusions. But this RFID venture of yours is clearly a step too far. Your cover is blown. Stick to WoW. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 1 April 2012 9:15:34 AM
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We are are persistant OUG.When you look at all the draconian laws by Obama,NDAA,Prevantative Detention,legalised Assassianaton by the CIA,attampts to censor the internet and no RFID Chips,you'd think the alarm bells would be ringing.
All they are arguing about is the the semantics of "mandatory'Why do you put anything in a bill if it is not going to be implemented?I saw no words imlying choice.They will not not force people physically,just imply long delays in receiving medical treatment. They will make the rfid chip replace the passport and it will contain access to your bank account.There will be no cash and so if they not only create from nothing all your money but control accesss to to hard earned money,then they own you like farmer's pig.This is why some refer to it as the mark of the beast. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 1 April 2012 9:16:06 AM
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I wondered when you'd get to that, Arjay.
>>This is why some refer to it as the mark of the beast.<< Your mum says "breakfast's ready". Better go, eh. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 1 April 2012 9:18:05 AM
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OUG this is interesting .Aust special forces have been sent to Kenya Nigeria and Zimbabwe.These 3 countries have been ranked at the top in Africa for investing.They have lots of oil and gas and China is in there doing deals too.It is all about limiting China's access to energy.China is also in Uganda and Sudan securing oil and gas.
So why our our taxes going towards special forces securing more oil for foreign corporates? Who invited us? How would we feel if kenya sent special forces here? Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 1 April 2012 9:56:39 AM
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More implants :(
Posted by bonmot, Sunday, 1 April 2012 10:01:13 AM
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Morning all. If we regard this twisted thread as Shakespearean...
Then being the Fool (of whom someone observed "His speeches bear the stamp of the biting irony which is not an acquired thing, but which usually comes with age in one whose humble station does not correspond with his intellectual abilities") to Arjay's King Lear (described by Charles Lamb in 1807* as a character who "so little guided by reason, and so much by passion, filled all his courtiers with astonishment and sorrow..."*) – becomes a compliment which I for one can live with. And whilst we're casting roles instead of stones that makes Poirot, Cordelia ("the maid who had so rightly thought, and so discreetly spoken; and only wished that... speeches might be answered with deeds of love"*) and Belly, the Duke of Kent ("nor now that Lear was most his own enemy, did this faithful servant of the king forget his old principles, but manfully opposed Lear, to do Lear good; and was unmannerly only because Lear was mad"*). I know who I have in mind for Goneril ('cause the name sounds funny) but readers can decide the other characters for themselves. Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 1 April 2012 10:18:46 AM
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i recall reading proof one day..that shaksaspear..plagerised many of his plays..from lesser lights in his time..
never the less..the shakes.peer has a body of work..covering the tumult of human emotion [or so im told] too thick./.its all trajic..why think how society COULD have evolved..if he plagerised good stuf..not misery anyhow arjay/quote..""Aust special forces.. have been sent to Kenya Nigeria and Zimbabwe."" thats not some phony konie thing is it? special compitant to handle anything [as long as its not following usa/cia closed eyes and ears usa-way] i note..too..the run them sky bombs..from australia..[great a drone..them damm ozzies] ""These 3 countries have been ranked at the top in Africa for investing.They have lots of oil and gas and China is in there doing deals too.It is all about limiting China's access to energy.China is also in Uganda and Sudan securing oil and gas.''' yes its an isue but ozzies sending drones thats huge[too] much going down [quote]..So why our our taxes going towards special forces securing more oil for foreign corporates?''' thats what the pentigram [ for trade running drug wars... ""Who invited us?"" juliar/obama join the dots [did ya catch the big hug juliar wrapped arround obama...[like when keating cupoped the majesties buttox] but waste high ""How would we feel if kenya sent special forces here?"" per riidicules wont answer that he wants to rest his laurals..on simple things..[mindless taunting's] like ''follow the money'' ''cup of tea'' yes one of our greats [gone to seed] when good men feign ignorance and reply in taunt..they would be better doing nutghin if ya not helping you hinder you as a groan up could have been kinder whoever u r Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 April 2012 11:22:48 AM
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Interesting points, Pericles. Most normal, rational adults would have to concede
that Arjay could mearly be a kid playing pranks. This topic actually interests me from a neuroscientific point of view, ie how are the brains of some people wired, for them to land up believing what they do. One only has to take a closer look at the LaRouche movement and their CEC Australian website, to realise that they do in fact exist. I know of a real life case, where a pretty wealthy individual has given them a large chunk of his assets. I knew him before his "LaRouche" days and he seemed reasonably normal then. His whole family is perplexed, for it seems as if he has been brainwashed. Something must be triggering in these people, which takes them over the edge. I wish we could do a detailed MRI on Arjay, it would prove interesting Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 1 April 2012 1:46:57 PM
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This stuff reminds me how normal I am.
Posted by StG, Sunday, 1 April 2012 4:05:39 PM
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With exception of OUG not one of you is capable of rational debate on the science of 911. It is very simple.Look at their lead picture of the South Tower and explain how this supports NIST's assertions that the top floors crushed the lower floors.
More attempted character assassination will not save you pericles,wm trevor,Yabby and Belly.It makes you all look like liars and agents of deception. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 1 April 2012 5:38:44 PM
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So OUG and arjay are the posters with the right views.
Hardly modest arjay. Yet you have so much to be modest about. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 1 April 2012 5:59:18 PM
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It's up to you to convince us - not abuse us. "...liars and agents of deception." So are you now saying that Pericles, WmTrevor, Yabby and Belly are conspirators to 'hide the truth'? (Just between you and I, I've always suspected as much...cads!) Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 1 April 2012 6:21:25 PM
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Poirot,if you in your analysis of the evidence have not asked these questions ,then you have absolutely no credibility , intellect or integrity.Start with the science of freefall and don't weasel out.
The top third of the South Tower separated from the main structure and pitched at 22deg because......? I'm waiting... Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 1 April 2012 6:56:24 PM
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I see ... never about implants (a diversion) but ... 911!
The plot thickens ever more. Posted by bonmot, Sunday, 1 April 2012 7:06:26 PM
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I wasn't under the impression that credibility, intellect or integrity was an integral feature of this thread. Actually, I have in the past pondered your premise...but I don't like your tone, so I'm gonna read a book instead ('The Fabric of the Cosmos' - Brian Greene) Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 1 April 2012 7:12:22 PM
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Arjay leaving aside the 911 topic I'm wondering about a few things related to this issue.
- Do you now accept that "Obama has mandated in his new health Care Bill Radio Frequency Identification chips" is not actually true? - If you still believe it to be true as written then can you point to the section(s) which mandate the fitting of RFID chips. Note I'm not asking what direction you think Obama is heading in, rather I'm asking for proof of the quite specific claims that you made in the opening post. - If you now accept that Obama has not mandated RFID chips in that health bill were you aware that the statement was false when you opened the thread or did you read what others had written and not check it? R0bert Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 1 April 2012 7:28:46 PM
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Robert it is in his health care bill.You have witnessed the ads by Obama premoting it.It does not specifically use the word mandate or compulsory but as I've stated they will delay treatment if you don't comply.
You are not physically forced to wear a seat belt but will get fined for not having one on.Are seat belts mandatory? It is creeping fascism and Aaron Russo did a movie called,'From Freedom to Fascism.' Arguing the degree of fascism will not lessen it's effects.Obama has done more to destroy the US Constitution under left cover than Bush could ever have achieved.Have a look at Naomi Wolf's 10 easy steps to fascism.The USA is almost there. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 1 April 2012 9:02:23 PM
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The foot prints continue, is it in an effort to forget the mandate claim.
Or to hide the true intent was not to identifies people but medical parts. Poirot joins us on the silly beggars bench, no place here, it is full. I think we can not over look 50 plus posts have been seen here so far. So saying some thing so controversial is at least bringing interest. And much Laughter. Posted by Belly, Monday, 2 April 2012 4:26:35 AM
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Arjay, the health bill did not mandate RFID chips to be implanted in the US polulation. By claiming that it did you lose an audience which might otherwise be interested in the implications of the RFID advertisement combined with the scope of the mandated device register (and links to other data sources).
There is a case to make regarding the loss of freedom and the potential dangers to freedom associated with implants which would aid monitoring of the movements of people. I can invisage that once the use of RFID chips was common place things could be made much more difficult for those without them, special treatment at airports and other government controlled sites, back of the queue processing for medical treatment etc. There are some real risks (and some potential benefits). By starting the thread with a false claim discussion of those issues has not so far occurred. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 2 April 2012 6:36:50 AM
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Why not simply admit that you were wrong, Arjay. Then we can all move on.
>>It does not specifically use the word mandate or compulsory but as I've stated they will delay treatment if you don't comply.<< That is actually close to the truth, when you think about it. Since the whole point of implants being to monitor the patient's physical status in some way or another, having one will almost certainly ensure faster - and more accurate - treatment. But as we know, that doesn't even come close to what you had in mind. >>...if you want medical care and don't have a chip,treatment will be refused... They will make this a requirement for people with dementure or psychiatric patients and then amke it a requirement for rest of the population... making the United States the first nation in the world to require each and everyone of it's citizens to have implanted in them an radio frequency identification micro chip ( RFID) for the purpose of controlling who is,or isn't allowed medical care in their country... Nick revealled that the ultimate goal was to have everyone chipped and thus have total control of society... They will make the rfid chip replace the passport and it will contain access to your bank account.There will be no cash...<< Which, if any, of those assertions are you prepared to stand by? And who exactly is this Nick Rothschild anyway? Your mum's calling. It's time for your nap. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 2 April 2012 7:17:29 AM
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I wonder if we all got it wrong… Maybe Baldrick had a cunning plan on the 29th to set up an April fool's day joke?
On second thoughts… nah. Posted by WmTrevor, Monday, 2 April 2012 7:29:26 AM
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875,000 results where there is smoke there is a good chance there is some heat[will/desire...aim../preferance] seems congres tried to mandate airport workers getting chipped rfid chips mandated in israel there is plenty of reason that underpins the unreasonable attack on be unfair but as i said..they dont need them..cause they make the lines on our forehead..into a barcode number in a computer mainframe in computer language..your a number betwixt 1 and zero...[just a dumb tax payer.. doing as nanny state tells ya to do]..meakly.. unlike your feroicious attack on a question asker...[sure it can never happen lol] here wear this 'yellow star' take it off..*an die..[gosh who would have thunk it] not the snappy geriatric adult nappy wearers.. no not just pets..ol folks govt servants..nutters and babies for their own good.... of course Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 April 2012 7:47:12 AM
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Well Arjay's threads are always fun.
But let me try and bring some sanity to this discussion. ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) does not give a rodent's rectum about the health of (non-Zionist) Americans. There is a deeper, more sinister agenda. Implanted chips will have the ability to measure your emotions when the word "Israel" is mentioned. If it registers anything other than unconditional love the implant releases a slow acting virus that causes Alzheimer's. The more negative the reaction to Israel the more virulent the strain of virus released. This virus, it's called Zionist Alzheimer's Pandemic (ZAP) virus has already been tested on people who show insufficient love for Israel. It's no coincidence that people who hate Israel are more likely to display symptoms of Alzheimer's than the rest of the population. So beware lest you get ZAPped! Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 2 April 2012 10:36:30 AM
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Careful, Mr Meyer. On a thread like this, it might be hard to tell who's joking and who's not.
Posted by grputland, Monday, 2 April 2012 10:44:14 AM
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Taking up WmTevor's reference, it does appear as if "Arjay's threads" bear a strong resemblance to "Baldrick's trousers" - which in turn, according to Blackadder, bore an uncanny likeness to "Pandora's Box".
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 2 April 2012 10:52:48 AM
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LOL Are there any posters on this thread who show signs of having been ZAPped? Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 2 April 2012 11:07:12 AM
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A distinct possibility, but for the life of me ... I can't remember Baldrick.
Posted by bonmot, Monday, 2 April 2012 11:12:39 AM
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fluride is so good for you
govt puts it in water [this was first the lands of the ottoman [now divided into good bits of the cake and better bits of the kake'] we should be informed enough to know of that clay man..ya put notes..[instructions]..into ie goy if we can modify moods.. we overcome the result of the mood such is that cost of that white smile...the poisen that passifies[flueride] if they can they will heck if the mossad dont investigate the possability of turning the goy into evermore servile servants they will do it if not by choice but by party policy if your so sure thats ok..we arnt is that ok with you? thank you boss masta sur Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 April 2012 11:33:37 AM
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steven your 'zap'
got 13.300 search results's+Pandemic+(ZAP)&shva=1 just for fun im reading this one Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 April 2012 11:43:31 AM
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I know many of you think ZAP virus is some sort of joke.
But it isn't. The proof: There really is an Israeli ZAP company. Not for nothing is Israel considered a scientific and technological powerhouse. Abd if more proof were needed isn't it obvious that two dire enemies of Israel, Assad and Ahmadinejad, are displaying signs of dementia. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, now in his 88th year, shows no sign of mental deterioration. Could it be because he has wisely refrained from attacking Israel head on? On the other many of the Wahabbi and Salafi Imams who hate Israel have obviously lost their marbles. See for example: Beware the ZAP virus Be careful lest you be ZAPped and find yourself dementing like Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Yaaqub. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 2 April 2012 12:13:27 PM
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Champagne comedy gold, Poirot… I'm still all a titter. So, not so much Shakespearean as Regency?
You would have noticed that Edmund said: "We are told that, when the box was opened, the whole world turned to darkness because of Pandora's fatal curiousity. [to Baldrick] I charge you now, Baldrick: for the good of all mankind, never allow curiosity to lead you to open your trousers. Nothing of interest lies therein." Posted by WmTrevor, Monday, 2 April 2012 12:59:30 PM
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Well OUG has sourced several reports including Mexican workers forced to take RFID chips or lose their jobs.I rest my case.Thank you OUG.
I suppose my equivocating detractors will attempt more character assassination.None can explain these the South Tower anomolies of 911 and will never dare to attempt to because they know that they are wrong.Piss ant cowards the lot of them. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 2 April 2012 7:29:12 PM
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*None can explain these the South Tower anomolies of 911 and will never dare to attempt*
The thing is Arjay, that nobody can really keep up with your new conspiracy a week postings. Every time that you visit one of your voodoo websites, you have a new bee in your bonnet and we have been through so many. Once it was tower 7. Then when it was shown that the building was hollowed out and had all sorts of issues, you moved on to the next one. Then we had Osama bin Laden not really being killed, he'd been dead for a long time. We went through all of that, even his wives are now in court and his rugrats are around, but now its the South Tower this week. Sorry Arjay, but you can gullibly suck in new ones, faster then any of us could be bothered to disprove them. Posted by Yabby, Monday, 2 April 2012 8:54:46 PM
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Yabby you and your Zionist supporters have lost the plot.OUG and myself have given scientific evidence on many issues yet you have failed to debate the evidence.So how did the South Tower of 911 come down? Perhaps you need to refer to this site http://www.debunking and explain their flawed conclusions.
Name calling will not save you.The elites in USA/Europe look like making Israel totally the scape goat.They are all insane and seriously think that a winnable nuke war is possible. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 2 April 2012 10:28:14 PM
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Welcome yabby to the fools bench.
No doubt you are aware it is full. Twos it opposite,one informing us the world is quite wrong. And he never is. Yet it is us, who return to be insulted and the thread grows. I had a chip implant yesterday,many in fact by the sea chicken salt, good end to a shopping trip. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 4:00:19 AM
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dear belly
'known knowns unknown knowns'..[whatever] i dont post a thing..unless im relitivly may be true could be true...or feverantly hope its not true.. if that comes across..however it comes accros welll so be it...mate you are one of our best posters.. if not the most responsive... this is because we all need an outlet..for the info we hear/read..etc..but then..find we are obligated..we need to hear the other side..or inform or ask others..equally in the dark..[fed the same lies] now i know evolution theory..isnt science i know the 911 thing was as exuse to go to war[for israel adgenda] i know a 'jew'..owned it..busches brother did swecurity over it and mossad arranged primary insurance via a complacent israel insurance of course they got it underwritten and in insurance if the perimary insurer pays[all pays] its so insurance would underwrite the two billion asbestos removal[a term of the 100 year lease] also mate paying twice on two geting exclusive lease for 90 years on a brandnew building..mate it stinks mate were a union man[ok are a union man] why couldnt the mugs speak for themselves? cvause the mugs by and large let the boss do as the boss choses to do IF* govt said... no health care AT ALL..if no chip.. THERE IS NUTHING ANYONE CAN DO THEN! its get the chip..or those trusting docters dont get their acces to them oversubisidised perscribed drugs.. mate they chip ya pets the [plan was[and will yet again chip us cause its only too easy..govt just says do it..and you must just like i must pay ever more charges increased fees extra taxes,..just cause juliar guilelard says so you pay 'compulsory insurances/taxes etc if govt made in got no choice as said previously..its the wrong question it should be will you take their id chip.. is it fair they force you to wear a gold star? [see mate you read todays newspapers.. i read histry..]luckey we both lived through a big chunk of it but we have..and now got further questions [some of us] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 6:57:52 AM
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Some people have had chip implants. These include some Mexican law enforcement officials and workers on oil rigs. That's all old news. But that's not the point. You made a specific claim. You asserted that Obamacare mandated chip implants. And that is not the case. You are wrong. Your assertion is groundless. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 7:00:58 AM
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i googled your words 118,000 responses where there is smoke[how does that go?] where there is a will there will be found the way! its not as if the issue is without grounds the suggestion/question/topic.. is reason-able the personal attacks uncalled for* [and let ye without sin..not cast the first stoner] stoning requires the stoned..not to throw the stones back but we hurt with words we who know the power of wurd...weep stcks and stones [and pipe bomb casings]..break bones] but wurds pentrate direct into our pshyche' break each others hearts[and/or make them soar...[or sore] heart feels achey/breaky but not yet cold Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 7:48:00 AM
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*They are all insane and seriously think that a winnable nuke war is possible.*
So which insane elites are calling for a nuke war, Arjay? All that is being pointed out, as far as I can tell, is the bleeding obvious. The tensions between Sunnis and Shias are enormous and countries like Saudi Arabia have made it clear, that if Iran has the bomb, they will have it too. Next every country in the ME will buy their bomb and a bunch of crazy religious fanatics armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons and with their finger on the trigger, will indeed at some time result in a frigging disaster. Now if you can't see the logic of that argument, then frankly there is nothing that I can do. Radioactive oil wells burning are not going to be so easy to extinguish, well frankly just about impossible. As the whole global economy would grind to a halt without ME oil supplies, just think through the implications. Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 7:48:33 AM
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OUG wrote:
>>i googled your words 118,000 responses>> LOL, I googled antichrist+ufo+melbourne and got 1,520,000 hits. Hope I don't get attacked by a UFO piloted by the antichrist when I cycle into Melbourne later today. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 8:02:56 AM
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ol jabbers/quote..""All that is being pointed out,
as far as I can tell, the bleeding obvious."" i can agree fully with that but we each have our own point..of vieuw that your pointing out was set up..deliberatly...when the brits divided conquer sending muslims running in exile to pakistan and the other mob to india cutting and dicing the ottomans ""The tensions between Sunnis and Shias are enormous"" yep as intended by the colonising war mongers ""and countries like..Saudi Arabia""" ie an elite few lording it over a masive income with an oppressed 'native population..of same faith as iran's main faith.. ""have made it clear, that if Iran has the bomb,they will have it too."" of course..mate their 'own'..are being oppressed.. by one tribe made usa/briton/eu much like 3 javanese islands controll the thousands of other islands we collectivly call 'indonesia' BUT SUNSHINE* the religious leaders.. have declared the bomb anti god..[have forbiden it..[has the pope?] the queen?..israels lords?..usa pres?... get a life ""Next every country in the ME will buy their bomb"" stop watching the mossad owned media fox=israel murdoc...*..[ned we saty more..conrad black..the list is endless media has a zionist endtiome messianic adjenda ""and a bunch of crazy religious fanatics armed to the teeth with nuclear..weapons and with their finger on the trigger,"" IS ISRAEL! usa/briton/! phewww..[are we to die..for the few?] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 8:03:03 AM
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from the 1st/page..quote
Coverage under Obamacare will require..*an implantable microchip...1 Sep 2009/ Hidden Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants" Mandatory for All ... 4 May 2011 ... Hidden Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants" Mandatory for March 23,2013.,_2013.html Obamacare Secret:“RFID Chip Implants” Mandatory for All This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will..not only contain/your personal information *with tracking capability..but it The Technology for..the Mark of the Here Now Smart Skin...Will the Mandatory Microchip in ObamaCare End Up Being the Mark of the Beast? ... The adults who choose to have a chip implanted..are the lucky..(yes,lucky)... Obamacare Secret:"RFID Chip Implants" Mandatory for ALL by March 23, 2013 -Prepared Society On Sunday March 21,2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday. Page 1004 of the new ... This "Obamacare" law..requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking ... Obamacare: Mandatory RFID Chip Requirement For Everyone « Cry ... 21 Mar 2012 ... Obamacare: Mandatory RFID Chip Requirement For Everyone. March 21 ... This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip ... thing is you dont know neither do i neither arjay arjay sees smoke you put up the mirror i play my card you played yours googled antichrist+ufo+melbourne and got 1,520,000 hits. i rearranged the term and got 1.530,000 ""Hope I don't get a UFO piloted by the antichrist when I cycle into Melbourne later today."" never say know ya just know it aint so so dont waste a second more thinking on the absurdity i got my chip was via a blow gun thing [much im that unbrella mossad injected poisen into that spy with]..but much smaller it has affected my mood made me more angry Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 8:19:00 AM
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This is getting rather pathetic, Arjay.
>>OUG has sourced several reports including Mexican workers forced to take RFID chips or lose their jobs.I rest my case.Thank you OUG.<< Resting your case? On a 2004 report that describes the voluntary implantation of chips that allow the wearer access to secret files? And to allow them to be tracked, in the event they are kidnapped? That is not even on the same planet as their being "forced to take RFID chips or lose their jobs". Nor is it true that RFID chip implanting is mandatory in Israel. Nor ever has been - the 2008 "report" was complete rubbish, as anyone who bothered to check would quickly find out. But you never check, do you? It would spoil the fun. >>I suppose my equivocating detractors will attempt more character assassination... Piss ant cowards the lot of them<< No need. You are doing a magnificent job of making a fool of yourself without any external assistance whatsoever. Simply magnificent. >>you and your Zionist supporters have lost the plot.OUG and myself have given scientific evidence on many issues yet you have failed to debate the evidence.<< Debating anything with you is pointless. It's like trying to argue with a child who believes the sky is blue because God spilt some paint over it. They don't understand refraction, or particulates, or the wavelength of blue light. But they do understand paint. You had no credibility before this RFID fiasco, Arjay. Now you are actually in negative territory. Quite an achievement. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 2:50:24 PM
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We have gone past 80 posts,talking to a brick wall.
Even seeing claims proved baseless recycled further down. Yet is it an April fools day joke? I fear not. I do however fear no better way exists,to brand all conspiracy's as silliness, exists than reading this. We can be found by our mobile phones, chips in our cars to stop theft. Our banking is known,what we spend and how. The idea a government needs to chip us is strange. Because he is not WASP a world leader is said to be even the anti Christ. In truth the charges in this thread are weird and untrue. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 4:20:22 PM
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The point has been well made that "I suppose my equivocating detractors will attempt more character assassination..." is inaccurate – it's been more a case of suicide. But I have to tell you the repeated use of the word 'attempt' really hurt.
But I'm prepared to try and rise above it by testing the hypothesis, above, that "Debating anything with you is pointless." Here is a suggested methodology: I have read "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" by Harrit et. al. (have you?) and have a number of issues with it, but I think its title is very cleverly worded. Doesn't actually say nano-thermite. Does it? Once you have, and also read 'Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation' by Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso published in JOM the Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society and explained why you think their analysis is wrong – I'll debate the two issues with you. My prediction is the hypothesis will be validated. In case any readers think this is an attempt to hijack this RFID thread, Arjay – remember you started it. Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 4:29:18 PM
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Seems like it's anything goes on this thread at the I thought Id fill you in on my reading of "The Fabric of the Cosmos".
Did you know that there is actually a planet called "Arjay" located in the nebula Beatrix Potter. Apparently it's behaviour is somewhat erratic and it often spins so uncontrollably that it ends up entangled in its own ring (which is apparently made up of random chunks of conspiracy theory). Radio telescopes have detected garbled waves of abuse emanating from this planet - but scientists have put it down to attention seeking. Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 6:37:01 PM
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Just thought I'd let you know that despite 1,520,000 Google hits for antichrist+ufo+melbourne I made it into the city and back wihout being kidnapped by an antichrist piloted UFO. Hope my luck holds tomorrow. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 8:32:40 PM
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Incidentally Arjay, OUG
Whenever I see something that looks a bit suspect I rely on two marvellous websites: To see what Snopes has to say about your topic, Arjay, see: Microchip off the Block Do yourselves both a favour and do some fact checking before posting nonsense. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 3 April 2012 8:53:43 PM
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Thanks for the link Steven, never know why but it was my first visit to the site.
Will not be the last. Waiting to be informed it is a fraud site! Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 4:55:00 AM
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Snopes and Factcheck are not hoax sites. And, in a different sort of way, neither is Borowitz. See eg: Posted by stevenlmeyer, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 8:00:14 AM
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Thanks Steven I am aware of them, never needed them but will visit often.
Was, lets face it, thinking arjay would soon brand them as he has us all, uninformed and wrong. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 12:05:25 PM
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Where's Arjay - it's his thread?
Posted by bonmot, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 6:10:39 PM
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Bonmot,"Where is Arjay in his thread?" I actually create and produce real things in my business.Not like a lot of public servants who feed off the masses.
If all that I say is BS,why are there 92 posts on this topic? Mostly I ignore BS and post nothing,since BS suffers it's own fate. We have a litany of world leaders talking about the NWO but you lot are in total denial or believe in their oppression of all humanity. This argument about the sematics of "madatory" just shows how pathetic you all are.It is in Obama's leglislation along with other repressive edicts I've listed and you lot just ignore them. To para-phrase George Bush the moron,"Either you are with us or you are with the financial terrorists." That is the reality.It all started in 1913 when Pres Woodrow Wilson signed away the right of Congress to create money from nothing, that equalled the productivity of all the people Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 4 April 2012 10:32:39 PM
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bonmot you had to ask.
So the list of fools grows. One true thing arjay,you have produced a thread that has been well used. It may be worth while to list those opposing your view. Hang on! best look at those who agree,2 I believe. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 5 April 2012 6:12:16 AM
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I don't think he's finished yet Belly.
Started on RFID chip implants, moved onto other conspiracies, next will be the Easter Bunny. This thread could go on and on ... and on and on and on. Who knows where and when it will stop? Cue Arjay. Posted by bonmot, Thursday, 5 April 2012 7:02:33 AM
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Easter Bunny?
bonmot, if you are privy to any info linking the Easter Bunny to conspiracy, then it's incumbent upon you to spill the beans...and this thread is the perfect place to do it. Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 5 April 2012 7:51:22 AM
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Aw shucks, what's up doc? (apologies to Walt)
I have it on good authority that the Easter Bunny is a manifestation of the Christian Church when they wanted to take control of the Pagans - so there. Perhaps this thread can be known in wider circles as ... drum roll ... The 'Arjay Thread' Cue Arjay? Posted by bonmot, Thursday, 5 April 2012 8:06:24 AM
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Please don't, bonmot, there are too many conspiracies in play here without ripping the scab off whether Tex Avery or Ben Hardaway created Bugs – no one seriously believes any more that Walt did.
I'm even prepared to put aside the 'assumed' pathetic "argument about the semantics of mandatory"" especially now that our Thread Captain has told us, "Mostly I ignore BS and post nothing…" A fact, I admit had escaped my notice. I'll have to live with my disappointment that in a spirit of rapprochement and responding to the demand (tanty?) to debate nano thermite as well as WTC collapses scientifically, no progress has been achieved. Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 5 April 2012 8:43:46 AM
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Bugs is dear to my heart.
When I was a small child, he was my favourite character. I suppose it was because things hardly ever fazed him - he'd just look up and say "What's up doc?" and then proceeded to be fiendishly clever in untangling himself from his dilemma. I thought that was a pretty good way to be. But, as my daughter points out, most of us aspire to being like Bugs Bunny, yet we're more likely to end up behaving like Daffy for thought on this deep and meaningful thread. Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 5 April 2012 9:11:27 AM
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Tiny correction, Arjay.
>>Mostly I ignore BS and post nothing<< I know you are busy making things and keeping the Australian economy rolling despite the efforts of the international bankster criminals, but I think what you meant to write was... "Mostly I ignore nothing and post BS". I could be wrong, of course. But it would a whole lot more sense that way round, don't you think? Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 5 April 2012 9:35:30 AM
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It would appear arjay is not the only one who has a theory. Be careful who you shake hands with, please Posted by Belly, Thursday, 5 April 2012 4:52:49 PM
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The Lucrative Future of CCTV:
Remote Biometrics and Behavioral Suspect Detection CCTV surveillance is projected to explode to a massive $3.2 billion industry and will soon incorporate biometric tracking and lead to behavior based...*detentions. add in phone tracking/govt listening in/others listening in there are no secrets they dont need chips inside you just your cards phone etc..[wait till we get wrist phones] you put it on your wrist...ya self lol there are no secrets sure there are many ways but the gist holds a seed of truth whats one more shock from a chip...slipping in tag you would never know Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 April 2012 10:14:35 AM
This means that in 2013 if you want medical care and don't have a chip,treatment will be refused.See also Obama's TV add.
This is the thin edge of the wedge whereby in the future,everyone will have to be chipped with their money,medical and other details in a RFID chip in their bodies.They will be able to track you via GPS and you'll have no freedom.George Orwell was way ahead of his time.