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MOSSAD admits Iran no nuke program.
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Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 20 March 2012 8:18:03 PM
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Note that Russia has sent anti-terrorist squads into Syria to quell the uprisings against Assad.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 9:20:59 AM
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Arjay, when it comes to crazy conspiracy theories, I can't decide who to give my vote to, you or Clive Palmer.
Global world order or CIA plot to destroy Australia's coal industry... Hmmm, tough call. Anthony Http;// Posted by Anthonyve, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 9:53:01 AM
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Anthonyve,the facts are there.We have Israel insisting that Iran has a nuke program and now MOSSAD saying there is none.You keep denying the facts and rave on a about unlikely conspiracies.There is a litany of leaders who rave on about their New World Order,yet people like you go into comatose denial of reality.Time and time again the Western Oligarchs have been caught out yet you like others fail to engage in real debate.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 10:29:27 AM
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An alliance of Iran and Pakistan ? Do you have any evidence of this ? If anything, an alliance between Iran and India and probably Russia, and another one between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. In fact, many three-sided relationships: India with Iran as well as with Israel; China with Iran and with Pakistan; etc. And tortuous mixed relationships, such as that between Turkey and Iran, complicated now over Syria. International relations can get very tangled. Interesting times ! Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 10:35:04 AM
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Rare earth's don't have the power it used to. Japan found an alternate for doing the same thing.
Utube tells nothing but the truth, i just can't hack conspiracies. 9/11 , man on moon, etc New world order, what does that mean. Posted by 579, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:17:07 AM
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579,Obama seems to think rare earths are important,why then is Obama saying this? We have all these people in the West baying for Iranian blood all based on a lie and many on this site have fallen for it.
All they can pathetically mumble is conspiracy theory.It was a conspiracy by the neo-cons in Israel and West to invade Iran and do to them what they did to Iraq based on the lie of nuke program.We know Iraq was a lie. Now Obama has turned his attention to Africa where China is securing it's energy supplies.How stupid do you think most people are? Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 12:07:24 PM
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Athonyve far too hard for me.
On making up your mind would you mind voting for me? I give you that right knowing you will pick the right one. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 2:26:14 PM
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I fear your confidence may be misplaced, Belly, as it is a difficult one.
I'l probably choose on the basis of which is the funniest, as I can't decide which is the silliest. Cheers, Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 3:15:28 PM
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Another farrago of half-truths, Arjay. When are you going to learn, that no-one is at all impressed.
You only find yourself, 97% of the time, looking like a goose. >>Obama is attacking China who has 97% of the World's Rare Earth minerals for using this leverage as an access to affordable energy.<< Actually, the vehicle is the WTO, an organization in which China has recently become an active participant, and to whose rules they are a signatory. So it isn't "Obama", it is... ...the United States, Europe and Japan who are leading the charge. Incidentally, this is hardly new news. This, from October last year. The lead-in is key. While China has at present 97% of the market, they have only 30% of world deposits. Driving up the price - which is what a deliberate shortage will cause - will encourage players other than China - Australia among them - to pick up their game, and start digging. Interestingly, it turns out that the money to be made is not in the raw material at all, but in the manufacturing processes. So China was smart to invest in rare earth mining, years ahead of its rivals, and to put itself into a position where it could exploit the fact that they were at the very head of the supply chain. As far as Iranian nukes are concerned, this too is old news - a month ago, the Los Angeles Times reported that all sixteen US intelligence agencies had determined that Tehran was not seeking to build nuclear weapons. What puzzles me is why this should come as a surprise to anyone. And one thing is certain... >>Their Kony debacle fell over within hours of the alternate internet media revealing the truth of China being in Uganda for oil and Kony was an excuse for an invasion of Uganda.<< Kony 2012 was the work of a disturbed, possibly bipolar, loner. Far from it being "their Kony debacle", the US government is as embarrassed about is anyone. Lift your game, Ajay. You're looking very silly. Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 3:15:29 PM
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Anthonyv arjay has a fight on his hands to win this one.
Until recently I ignored Palmer, but after another filed me in, can not get enough of his silliness. He actually truly said,head shaking stuff, cutting our carbon emissions. Believe me he said it, would do no good as it was up there circling the earth! However I have no doubt our arjay is a worthy contended. Lets call it a draw,no gain in leaving one out. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 4:34:01 PM
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All of you have a long hard look at this short video by George Carlin.He died in 2007 but predicted the theft of pensions and property from the US people.
If you all cannot see the truth by now,then it is too late.You too have become corrupted by this evil system and will go down with it. The Oligarch's next plan will be more of the same.China is the new enemy now they have eliminated the Bin Laden fantacy.China and Russia stand in the way of their Global dominance.The USS Enterprise will soon be in the Gulf.They may scuttle that and blame Iran,like Israel did on the USS liberty in 1966 and blamed Egypt,or some new false flag attack like a dirty bomb in the USA.The Enterprise has 8 nuclear reactors and cost a fortune to decommission.They announced this as it's last voyage.Far cheaper to sink it.The Twin Towers was full of asbestos and would have cost $ billion to clean up,far cheaper to insure it against terrorism and blow it up,thus make a profit. They are desperate and divided,thus will do stupid outrageous things to maintain power. The elites throughout history have plotted and schemed for power and advantage.Nothing has changed much except the scale of their treachery. Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 9:54:44 PM
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Hi Arjay,
Seems like I'm the first to get in line :) So you're banking on the Yanks staging a phony sinking of the Enterprise, in order to start a war with Iran ? After all, that would be quicker and cheaper than decommissioning an old nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, just drop it into the Persian Gulf. That's your point ? That the Yanks will destroy their own ship and blame the Iranians, in order to have an excuse to invade Iran, and to what ? force up the price of oil ? The Russians will be over the moon: up will go their oil price to the EU. Brilliant. Of course, the Chinese will be pretty p!ssed off. Okay. Here's a bet: it won't happen. What do you reckon ? If you are right, if it happens this way, I - and probably many other OLO readers - will eat humble pie, re-think all of your conspiracy theories and consider you an incredibly wise political genius. If it doesn't happen, what will you do ? Yes, perhaps the Yanks are much more devilishly cunning than even you thought, and have merely led some people to think that they were going to sink their own ship, but have some other scheme in the pipeline. Or maybe not. So a bet: * If you are right about the Enterprise, many of us acknowledge you as a far-sighted, highly intelligent realist ? * And if it doesn't happen, then you quietly lick your wounds and take a spectator role for a few weeks, while some of the rest of us crow and cavort and make disparaging remarks about you ? Let the contest begin ! Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 10:33:31 PM
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In any program to develop nuclear weapons 95% of the time and cost are involved in building the infrastructure to enrich uranium to weapons grade, and obtain nuclear fuel rods that can be reprocessed for their plutonium.
That Iran is enriching uranium to 20% where 5% is required for power generation and are going to reprocess the rods themselves would indicate that even if they are not intending to immediately build a weapon, that they want to be in the position to do so at short notice. Given that Iran is rich in oil and gas, and that nuclear fuel rods can be purchased under strict monitoring directly from Russia, the vast cost of the nuclear enrichment plant (> $100bn) would make the cost of the power generated from one or even 2 power stations about 1000x more expensive than conventional sources. Either the Iranians are financial morons, or they have an ulterior motive. As the construction of a basic nuke is very simple, once the Iranians have collected the fissile material, the time to nuclear deployment from a "decision" could be as little as 6 months. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 22 March 2012 6:13:13 AM
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Both the CIA and now MOSSAD say Iran has no nuke program.I think they might know more than you or I Shadow Minister.Isarel has many nukes 200+ and they are no sanctions or weapons inspectors there.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 22 March 2012 10:51:17 AM
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The generally accepted reality is that Iran does not yet have a nuclear weapon capability, but is clearly intent on either developing the capability or getting close enough to be able to develop at fairly short notice.
The world may well have to live with it. There is no doubt that an attack on Iran by either Israel or the US will result in Iran using its fleet of patrol boats to mine the straits of Hormuz. This would send the price of oil to at least 200$/barrel, which would plunge the world into depression, given the fragility of the US recovery and the EU mess. In short, an economic disaster. More than 60% of Americans, according to credible polls, do not favor a strike. Much of the current spate of hawkish sentiment is to do with the impending US and Israeli elections. (in the US case, Republicans playing to their far Right base). Once they're out of the way sanity will prevail. In the meantime, diplomacy and sanctions may push Iran back to the table, but i would guess probably not. All meaning that, in the long run, we'll learn to live with a nuclear Iran just as we have learned to live with a nuclear Pakistan, India, Nth Korea, and so on. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Thursday, 22 March 2012 12:25:47 PM
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iran has 20/25%
so what it needs be much more pure[well up into the 90% pure] to make a bomb..there is no bomb live withit this is about endtime nutters wanting to revenge a two thousand year old fued something about the maccabies..enslaving some tiny tribe or some other such bringin on some end time judgment or resercting the dead back into a war zone lol mob of drongoes why talk up delusional army gedd on the good god of life is not served by any death Posted by one under god, Thursday, 22 March 2012 12:45:34 PM
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Well said OUG.Their prejudices preceed any logic or good judgement.This is the tribal mentality that has this planet in such a mess.
I think the USA is building to anarchy.Obama has established a virtual police state and their next revolution will be far more violent than the last. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 22 March 2012 4:17:28 PM
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I grant you one thing arjay, you have the power to stun me.
To think you may actually think the things you post does that. Every time. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 March 2012 4:47:40 PM
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You do open yourself up to criticism: Obama running a police state ? The US heading for anarchy - what, from the Left or the Right ? What if American politics was nowhere near as exciting and extreme as all that ? What if it just continues to flub along, inefficient, corrupt, wasteful and imperfect as it is ? Here's another bet: that the Grotesque and Obsolete Party (GOP) will eventually choose Romney as its least lack-lustre, least incompetent and least crackpot candidate, and that Obama wins the presidential election in a landslide, with close to a record turn-out ? Sit back and enjoy it ! Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 22 March 2012 5:00:34 PM
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Given the 5th fleet is just around the corner from the strait of Hormuz, any attempt to mine this corridor would be severely dealt with. I cannot believe that Iran would wish to bring this down on itself. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 22 March 2012 6:32:10 PM
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Shadow minister,
You're not thinking it all the way through. Precisely what would the US do? If it is in response to an Israeli strike, then any action by the US would make it the aggressor. Iran has been exercising precisely this rsponse for at least two years. It has hundreds of small boats capable of laying mines. At one point the passable section of the straits is around ten miles wide. US technology is not designed to deal directly with this kind of action. So, America either does nothing or strikes at Iran proper. That will result in a major regional conflict and guess what, the oil price goes up further. The american, (and European) economies are in no shape to deal with such a scenarion, which, btw, increases Iran's revenues. The scenario I've outlined was gamed last year by the Pentagon, and the then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mike Mullen, acknowledged that every variation of the modeling produced a disastrous result for the US. Obama is mindful of this, so he will do all he can to stall until after the election in such a way as it won't hurt his reelection chances. Once the election is out of the way, a first strike against Iran will be off the table. So long as the Israelis are kept under control, the Iran nuclear problem will be solved diplomatically. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Thursday, 22 March 2012 7:08:32 PM
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Loudmouth both the Democrats and Republicans are controlled by the Federal Reserve,Wall St and to a degree Israel.This is not a left/right issue.They don't care what system you pick since they will be in total control.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 22 March 2012 10:30:28 PM
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Firstly some 90% of Iran's oil passes through the strait, so it would be unlikely to increase Iran's revenues, and secondly, it would almost certainly provoke a strike on Iran proper. While I don't see a land invasion, I do see an aerial assault that severely degrades Iran's military and strategic assets such as its air force, navy, etc. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 23 March 2012 4:03:14 AM
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Shadow Minister,why not have an aerial assault that seriously degrades Israeli Nukes.What's the difference? Are Iranians of lesser genetic subtance than Iranians?
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 March 2012 6:29:22 PM
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Correction,Are Iranians of a lesser genetic substance than Zionists.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 March 2012 6:31:10 PM
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For once, Arjay makes a valid point.
If any country, be it the US, or Israel, or anybody else, conducts a first strike on Iran, it would be an unprovoked act of war. Especially as no such first strike was ever carried out against North Korea, India or Pakistan, all of which did develop and test nuclear weapon capability. The evidence is not perfect that Iran is doing that, (although, I admit, I do think it is). I've got no barrow to push for Iran, but there does seem to be a glaring inconsistency. If Iran was not a muslim country, I rather suspect that the world would be saying, oh well, that's another member of the nuclear club, we'll just have to live with it. However, I still remain confident that most of the sabre rattling we're hearing now is for US and Isreali domestic political consumption and once the elections are over in both countries, there will no longer be a need to pander to the far Right and sanity will prevail. (Sanity and the far Right being mutually exclusive). Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Friday, 23 March 2012 10:01:23 PM
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If Israel struck Iran, Blocking the Hormuz strait would not affect Israel, but would be an unprovoked attack against all countries that rely on this water way that had nothing to do with the attack, including the US, Quatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. This is why sanctions are being applied to Iran, not a blockade. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 24 March 2012 4:20:01 AM
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Shadow minister,
You've got it half right. Mining the straits does not, under international law, constitute an attack of any kind. But, you're right, it's largely the threat of mining the straits and the devastating effect it would have on the world economy that is droving ongoing efforts to make sanctions work. That is precisely my point. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Saturday, 24 March 2012 6:41:23 AM
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The Hormuz strait is not all Iranian territory. Planting mines in someone else's territorial water is an act of war in any one's book. That it is a major international shipping route used by all nations is an attack. If Iran had territory on both sides of the strait, it would be a different matter. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 24 March 2012 7:05:58 AM
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looking for updates>? Free Ride! Meet the Companies That Don't Even Pretend to Pay Taxes Need something to kickstart your American Spring protest? Consider that big corporations are [lol]..happy to take our tax dollars -- while finding new ways to skip out on Uncle Sam. Like me, you’re probably knee-deep in receipts and forms right now, getting ready to pay your share in taxes so that our country can function. Meanwhile, many giant corporations are getting a free ride. Fairness is one of our most treasured American values, but “scam and dodge” has become the mantra of our corporations and the pols who protect them. continued Is the US Fed Truly Evil? A Dialog Between a Goldbug and a Bank Apologist In response to an my earlier post about the operations of the US Federal Reserve, Harry raised the following question, which I paraphrase : Is not the Federal Reserve the creature of the monied interest, and if so, how does it serve that interest? In answer, I have to admit that I don't know. However, I gained some insight into the question from the following dialogue between an advocate of gold as money (Goldbug), and a defender of the Fed (Fed Apologist). Goldbug: Gold has been money for thousands of years..and it has always held its value [lol] ever deflating dollar values lol..thats only proof of criminality THE TYPE OF CRIMINALITY THAT LEADS TO ENDLESS WARS...on credit[by diss credit] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 March 2012 7:12:46 AM
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Shafow Minister,
It may be "in anyone's book", but it is not an act of war to lay mines in international waters. It would contravene treaties and international agreements, but that does not make it an act of war. Take a deep breath and think about it. Who would it be an act of war against? It's really helpful to the debate if we stick to reality. Sadly, wishing won't make it so. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Saturday, 24 March 2012 8:32:54 AM
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OUG,Gold has backed our currencies and at times being the currency but we don't need it.Currency can be cyber digits or paper money.For stability we need new money to be created by a democratically elected Govt that is restricted by a constitution.Only Govts should have the power to create from nothing the money to equal our productivity.A Constitution protects people from the excesses of Govt.We don't have one.
Anthonyve,I'll get you educated on the powers of the Global Elites if you have the vision to consider what is outside of your usual emotional paradigm.Everyone scenses that the world is out of kilter but few know the reasons. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 24 March 2012 4:05:15 PM
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Is it an Israeli False Flag Again?
Israeli press reported this evening that French gunman Mohamed Merah..had been on a trip to the past. According to the report, Merah's passport had Israeli stamps in it. The purpose of his visit is unknown. Israeli analysts suspect he was either trying to visit the Palestinian territories or preparing for a terror attack. However, I won’t rule out the possibility that Merah was actually trained by Israeli forces...Marah may have conducted a false flag operation. By way of deception is, after all,..the Mossad’s motto. And how magnificently convenient..for all that the suspect wasn't taken alive..(where he could, possibly blabbed at trial..about who actually put him up to this), but taken down in a hail of bullets..before he could be arrested. These are not coincidences. Read the story of Naeim Giladi, an Israeli agent operating in Iraq in the late 1940’s. innocent people,..slaughtered in cold blood in front of that Jewish school in Toulouse. ask: who benefits? ...Sarkozy may well ride this event right down to a comfortable victory over his opponents. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 March 2012 4:26:18 PM
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Arjay, thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass.
In my twenty years in the military, I learned a valuable lesson that I'll pass on to you though, with regards to your obsession with conspiracies. It's this. When confronted with the choice of either a conspiracy or a stuff up, bet on a stuff up every time. So, far that approach has never led me astray. Another point I'll offer is that your general view appears to be pessimistic in nature, hence you see something wicked around every corner. I prefer an optimistic world view, informed by facts, not the junk circulating the internet penned by any imaginative idiot with a PC. You should try the basic rule of journalism, double check your facts. Anthony Posted by Anthonyve, Saturday, 24 March 2012 4:38:41 PM
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The results of sanctions:
India Using Gold To Buy Iranian Oil! Sidestepping US Sanctions Against Iran By: portos Matt Taibbi "Bank Of America Is Supposed To Be Buying Back Bad Loans & They\'re Not Doing It!" By: portos Saudi Arabia And China Team Up To Build A Gigantic New Oil Refinery – Is This The Beginning Of The End For The Petrodollar? In what Riyadh calls “the largest expansion by any oil company in the world”,! Sinopec’s deal on Saturday with Saudi oil giant Aramco will allow a major oil refinery to become operational in the Red Sea port of Yanbu by 2014. The $8.5 billion joint venture, which covers an area of about 5.2 million square meters, already under construction. It will process 400,000 barrels of heavy crude oil per day. Aramco will hold a 62.5 percent stak.. in the plant while Sinopec will own..the remaining 37.5 percent. At a time when the U.S. is actually losing refining capacity.. this is a stunning development. Essentially, China is running circles around the United States..when it comes to locking up..strategic oil supplies worldwide. imagine living in China..(too ornery..and question-asking prone to survive there very long),the one thing I appreciate..about the way in which the Chinese government does things, *is how it ..a single shot. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 March 2012 4:56:06 PM
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One Under god,
You're forgetting the Golden Rule of Conspiracies - the complex and totally hidden role of the Swedes. Do you think they don't have agents, under deep cover, in Mossad ? Just ask yourself, who forged Merah's pasport ? Where had he been in between times, from France to Afghanistan to Israel ? Isn't it most likely that he has been sheltered, and coached, in Sweden ? Probably he stayed in some apartment block, with people associated with the attack on the Twin Towers. I know their agents in the Toulouse Police Department would have arranged the removal of all bullet casings from Swedish weapons around Merah's hiding place by now, so it would be difficult to find evidence, but isn't that precisely the technique they use, to remove all evidence, and come out of it all squeaky-clean ? It seems pretty open-and-shut to me. They're behind so much of what people think were Mossad or Shin Bet activities, and perhaps SAVAK and the Iranians' various secret police forces as well, helping them to get around the sanctions. It's all part of their Plan for World Domination. Try this: ask any Swede about World Domination. They will deny it, JUST AS YOU WOULD EXPECT, which is a dead giveaway. They think they are incredibly cunning but some of us have twigged to them !They're not all just cuckoo-clocks and cheese. Anon Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 24 March 2012 5:05:25 PM
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Posted by Anthonyve, Saturday, 24 March 2012 5:13:31 PM
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Mining international waters not an act of war? You must be joking. Deploying arms (mines) against foreign nationals where ever they are is a clear act of war. To actually block the strait they would have to lay mines in the territorial waters of Oman or Dubai which is a clear act of aggression. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 25 March 2012 3:12:16 AM
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Obama has really pissed of Israel and now looks like even dismantling the the trade embagoes with 11 States in the USA now allowed to trade with Iran.
China has now become the prime focus of the Western Oligarach's attention.These morons work in Biblical terms.2012 in the book of Revelations predicts the end of the world as we know it.It is their manifest destiny. Next yr is the 100th anniversary of the US Federal Reserve and these ageing Royalty and their banksters have little time left to realise their dreams.This is what makes them so dangerous.If they don't win,they will take their bat and ball home and annilhilate the playing field. The USA and Israel have this mini-nuke technology which seems to produce little radiation.Add into the mix the defence sheilds of the USA and a nuke war looks winable.This is why the USA with it's 700+ bases around the planet is so aggressive Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 25 March 2012 8:22:03 PM
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Hi Arjay,
Apocalypse not quite yet: this item from al Jazeera - [The case for bombing Iran is quickly collapsing] What a victory it would be for Obama to defuse the whole Iranian situation before the presidential election campaign really gets going in August-September. Or at least, seem to. I should have put a figure on that bet, Arjay :) Let's say $ 100 ? Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 25 March 2012 10:36:09 PM
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That's what they want you to think, Anthonyve.
>>I think it's the Swiss who do the cuckoo clock thing.<< Further proof of the infinite cunning of the Swede, and their talent for disinformation. Blå Gotland, anyone? Posted by Pericles, Monday, 26 March 2012 8:58:46 AM
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They lied. 6 million Jews were not killed. Even Holocaust scholars no longer promote such a ridiculous number. There is no evidence of gas chambers or death camps. In fact, the real holocausts of Jews and Germans alike as well as Indians, Slavs, and Africans came not from gas or camps but from starvation. A tactic used by the Allied powers and a tactic STILL being used today! to kill hundreds of thousands. That's the real holocaust. WARNING Do not post this to youtube they will remove your account. civil war all war is sin they will do anything they are told to do yes more 911 stuff ops and next google listening for background noises not traking down crimelords..or war mongers like they could be doing Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 March 2012 3:30:56 PM
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Graham most likely won't let me express what I think of your feckwit comment but you really are a complete moron - and that's being charitable. There are very, very many of us out here who find your comment utterly reprehensible. No gas chambers ? No death camps ? My Hungarian stepgrandfather, Joe (Otto) Gale, lost all of his relations except his mother who he had brought out here, and a brother who spent the war up in the mountains with Tito, and a cousin in Romania. In Australia, you have the right to write such ghastly rubbish, but you have no idea how many people you have alienated forever. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 26 March 2012 3:45:13 PM
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OUG,I've been to the death camps in Germany and you must have seen the video footage.Whether is was one million tortured and slaughtered or six million,they were still people like myself and family who suffered an awful fate.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 26 March 2012 7:44:38 PM
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arjay/quote..""..OUG,I've been to the death/ Germany
and you..must have seen..the video footage."" yes i did and have no doudt you have seen 'them' too [from my recall..'the cremation ovens' ,in the footage i recall..was a bank of 5 plus 5 on the other side again..[im presuming..say ten or maybe 20 'ovens']...the time from memory is 4 hours burning per corpse..[say 5 or 6 maybe 50 per day].. that equates to say a kilo..[of ash].. that seemingly hasnt added up to..'6 million'[burned in oven's] the books..dont reveal 'it'[in the fuel cost] and just last year..i heard a 'surviver'..speaking..[at his camp..35.000[the big one]austwhich?] [one third[who died],were jew 2/3rd=not] lest we forget,,the 25 million that died on the[warsore?]death march but heck..sorry they were..*christians arjay/quote..""Whether is was one million..tortured and slaughtered or six million,..they were still myself and family..who suffered an awful fate."" im sorry about that but let recall there was capoes[jews] who ran the camps..[yes worked to death..too] but they chose..who went into the ovens[gas chambers]..etc [after being worked to death] BUT.....there is current genocide..going down is palistein...mutation tipped munitions/phospher/bombs and clusterbombing of kids [in their* gulag].. with active ongoing{zionist]..oppression for 60 years sorry i feel more sorry for those needlessly foolisghly dying today! as well as those 4 billion iranian/zionist[armogeddon}..will claim based on a lie! joe/quote..""Graham most likely won't let me express what I think of your feckwit comment"" thats ok he wouldnt let me..say what really needs saying[either] live in today's reality not past lies ""you really are..a complete moron"' thank you ""and that's being charitable"' thankyou again [the ongoing/aborigonal genocide next?] Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 March 2012 8:36:09 PM
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I haven't been reading your posts for a while now, one under god, but Loudmouth's observation caused me to take a look at this one.
I am staggered that you choose to deny the Holocaust. And if that isn't bad enough, appear at the same time to revel in that denial. Even Arjay has seen fit to chide you a little - you are putting his class of internet-driven conspiro-trivia completely in the shade. Perhaps you are unaware, but there are still a large number of people walking about whose lives were totally trashed by the legacy of the concentration camps, people who lost parents, siblings, relatives, friends. They must find the kind of flip, casual, pseudo-clever attitude that you adopt to their tragedy, thoroughly disgusting. As do I. Thoroughly disgusting. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 27 March 2012 10:10:40 AM
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Thank you, Pericles.
Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 27 March 2012 10:29:14 AM
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pericules..i normally dont read your posts
so i wont comment on what you say what do you want from me [fact..or opinion..or blind obediance?] great grand mother got raped by natzies can i claim any points for doing..*the same thing to a natzie? doesd that excuse me from doing it today mate was it 6 million who died [in total..[jew and non jew] or just 6 million jews..[see mate i recall reading much] right from the time i hung a star arround my neck i now nknow''FIRST they hollocausted 'the'.mentally feeble[these thus must be jews too [right?].. there was so many of them..[insane 'jews' they expermented with poisen gassing them [with gas..from that great natzi..bayer*] anyhow after the metally feeble they killed old/homo/jipsy poles especially[and christian russian peasents..[in total far more than maybe 6 million jew only] but the thing wernt me dont guiltme..with your rape[I DIDNT DO IT} i never heard indisputable PROOF*[and neither have you] but go ahead prove it no mountains of ash no pits of boddies yet so many dead[then] how many more tomorrow because of a lie joe decides to take it personal that is his problem..[if you dont know this ISNT PERSONAL[its generic] mad dogs bite live withit..or resist glorifying it i have seen a few natzie tattroo's and je-wish imagry.. i know/what the jew [zionist]in palistein do with the same the natzies did to many not just jew next they murder then it too late to say ENOUGH! and those who defended a lie..will help form the next one Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 March 2012 3:09:51 PM
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the topic is iran/mossad
not the hollowcost im sorry joe's relations died i didnt do it!..[that isnt the topic] how it became the topic seems to be you [pers]..refuting an 'implication'..or post somehow by arjay this lable was fresh in my mind [when i found that link..and posted it] arjay asked if i had seen/and i have seen [not whats at the link]..but i agreed..the wurds we sem to have two faces regarding the hollow cause its no justification what jews do to palistein ie a link i have read i doudt anyone reakllky watched the links vidio cause we all set our minds according to peer presures long ago ye the natzies did vile but so too the goings on in israel and all to soon in iran..thanks to the zionists running the mossad who plan long term we set up things so neatly..its just too clever by half again joe this isnt re you so im sory.. but now we got real *current issues..current evil.. a time for learing/recalling the lessons.. not reliving guilt/blame/shame.. [that changes all too neatly...'the topic'] [iran!/mossad/zionist armoggeddon...writers like david] the dead feel no pain save sympathy for the still living they are living in hell[and know it not] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 March 2012 5:14:48 PM
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sorry perri
it wernt you it was joe quote;""Hi Arjay, Apocalypse not quite yet: this item from al Jazeera"" regardless the thought was fresh the info at the clip not refuted only attack the mess/anger not the content of the link aint that just mossad teqnique 101 attack the man.not the mess-age the message thus stands unrefuted as noted by the attacks on me..[not the link i posted] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 March 2012 5:32:25 PM
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its not your fault
w hy is it so hard to complain/critize israel? Divide and conquer folks! OH AND ISOLATE! Israel Cuts Ties With UN Human Rights Council, Bars Entry into West Bank. Cutting ties and barring entry to the Human Rights a revealing confession by the Israeli government..that its policy of settlement expansion in Palestinian territory..*indeed violates human rights Gaza Ambulances..Stop Responding to Calls as Fuel Reserves Hit Zero..! Gaza faces an unprecedented humanitarian situation from a lack of gasoline..*and electricity..due to the Israeli blockade of the nation..and political infighting...with mossad shills..[its s.o.p 101] israel.. fears loosing its 'victim status more dots to join [did you catch obama.../russian leader] [talking re nukes?.. Goldberg writes,..“is that a strike on six or eight Iranian facilities will not lead, as is generally assumed, to all-out war.” Russia,China,and Pakistan have gone on record publicly, stating that if Iran is attacked.. they will come to its aid militarily. So we are looking at a potential global thermonuclear war, over an *alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program.. which cannot, to date, proven to exist!! Anyone who believes..for one moment any Israeli "intelligence"..regarding Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program..should go back and look at..the alleged "yellowcake uranium" Iraq was''supposed to have been'..purchasing..for the creation of alleged "*weapons of mass destruction."[ya bought that] but heck that wont stop mossad FABRICATING A "SMOKING GUN" TO ATTACK IRAN? Israeli Spies Disguised as Iranian Soldiers..on Mission Inside Iran Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 28 March 2012 6:36:57 AM
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a cover story
for the use*..of nuclear weapons.[by us/israel] [more/mossad 101] Netanyahu went before a joint session of Congress. Each member of Congress had a single gallery pass to give out, and most..gave theirs to their largest AIPAC donor*. With the hall packed with supporters, Netanyahu received one thundering ovation after another. revisionism continues Michael Rivero of Watch entire 2012-03-26 Broadcast here: Ken O'keefe of and but why worry no-one reads this anyhow yet somehow mannages to comment regardless..[if a point can be scored] like usa leads in killing its own as well as others peoples VIA STUPID DUMB IDIOTIC SNEAKY WAR'ss lets have terror exorsizes[with your kids][usa only ;for now] 'israel' is delusional delusioning they lie[and know it] its time you knew it too Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 28 March 2012 6:51:32 AM
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The Roman empire failed,
because Romans exhausted manpower and resources in civil wars fighting amongst themselves for power. The British empire failed, because the British exhausted themselves..fighting Germany in two world wars. empires[then and now] 14 'signs' of facism revealing report into NDS in Israel,... [shutting down opposition] [standard mossad opperating procedure] ..are accused of hiring expert hackers and providing codes for pay t.v cards. NDS is funded by the Rupert Murdoch empire, and is part of News Corporation. NDS deny any involvement, despite testimony from hackers and people involved but fear no weasals 'Evil destroys itself.''[eventually] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 28 March 2012 6:58:37 AM
The elites who have stolen $ billions from good hard working people throughout the West seem to be in disarray.
Obama is attacking China who has 97% of the World's Rare Earth minerals for using this leverage as an access to affordable energy.They are demonising China now since it will soon surpass the USA as the number one economy.The Oligarchs trashed their own economies,made China the factory of the planet and now cry foul that they are losing the game?
Their Kony debacle fell over within hours of the alternate internet media revealing the truth of China being in Uganda for oil and Kony was an excuse for an invasion of Uganda.Jason Russel the founder of Kony is now featured on youtube masturbating in public.
Let's do a hypothetical.If you were an Oligarch in the West with 200 million guns in the USA,growing awarness of the theft and fraud perpetrated by you on the US people,a demoralised military,the alliance of China,Russia,Pakistan,Iran and the increasing neutrality of India,what would your next move be?
Would you continue to try and restrict China's access to energy in Africa under the guise of humanitarian invasions,find an excuse to invade Syria or finally realise that your plan for global domination has failed ?