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Is this Racism

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dear hasbeen there and dun nuthin
if you egsamin the footage...all the groping/pushing/throwing/shoving was done by the police[see we have our own footage]..but you just got the media

and point out to me in the media
where 'we' did anything

it was all security..[that manhandled your pm
and police that manhandled us[in fact pushed us to the pm
[away from the resterant]..towards the pm

[for that matter..whats with a press op..held lol at a resterant
why not these noble volenters recognised at parlement house..or the lodge...[like the real honoured guersts..[1%?]..who vistit her at home later..

not just for snacks
that alone indicates the mindset
of who really is important..and who gets a press oppertuinity[away from their adoring crouds....why not give them crowd recognition..not just a free snack in a rest/

actually turning tourist trade away
on the biggest day

did you notice..the self rightious
godess of frights...[pm]'s doorstop..reply this day

she has been conned
she is lucky..them that rough handled her
are get ya on the gound..and shove your right arm over ya left a stress position

[at least the pm didnt get pain..
by her 'secirity agency' brats[beating up show her..*how good..*they are]

but hasnuthin
look at those doing..the tripping throwing punching
not many dark fellas..or what

a sea of black and blue
and one blue swead'e shoe
[she threw at us]

recall bushes shoe thrower?
Posted by one under god, Friday, 27 January 2012 1:25:44 PM
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Who's defending Racism? In your opinion I'm defending "Racism", you're only saying that because I'm White, anti Racist is a code word for anti White.
There's not one person of quality on this continent who stands "In defence of Racism", are you seriously saying you're frightened of the subaltern Whites, the voiceless, socially disadvantaged "Bogans" who are "too dumb to know any better"?
That's like saying you're frightened by yesterday's display involving the PM.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 27 January 2012 2:09:14 PM
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Words from a statesman or words from someone that doesn't think before he opens his mouth. Not a good example from a would be leader. Why wouldn't anyone be frightened by what happened yesterday, any one of these hooligans may have had a knife or something else.
Posted by 579, Friday, 27 January 2012 2:56:04 PM
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@ Jay

>> In your opinion I'm defending "Racism", you're only saying that because I'm White <<

Non-sequitur - I wouldn't have a clue whether your white, black or in between (nor you I) but "racism" isn't confined to one colour.

Which leads to another non-sequitur;

>> anti Racist is a code word for anti White. <<

Who says, you ... Jay of Melbourne? Don't bother answering because personally, I'm not into "code words" or trumped-up "conspiracy thingies" - I doubt many here are, except Arjay and a couple of other like minded OLO souls.

Aye, here's the rub:

>> There's not one person of quality on this continent who stands "In defence of Racism" <<

Depends on one's definition of 'quality' (or whether it is 'natural' as some other commenter commented). In any event, your definition is obviously different to mine because I, for one, haven't got a clue what you mean by;

>> the subaltern Whites, the voiceless, socially disadvantaged "Bogans" who are "too dumb to know any better" <<

As for being "frightened by yesterday's display involving the PM."

Let me put it this way;

Tony Abbott displayed yet again his diplomatic and political ineptitude of being a real leader by picking Australia Day (of all days) to stir the proverbial pot.

What Abbott said was just as offensive as someone making antiwar comments on ANZAC Day, or making anti-semetic comments in rememberance of the Holocaust - whatever one's personal beliefs.

Indeed, for a 'leader' who takes photo opportunities "helping" indigenous communities, one would imagine he would have enough nouse and sensitivity not to have made those comments on a day that many aboriginal people don't support as Australia Day, whether you like it or not.

Granted, the 'mob attack' was unacceptable and has done immense damage to their cause, but Abbott's churlish comments were ill-timed, insensitive and bordered on incitement.

Yes Jay, I'm frightened. Frightened of having a man like Tony Abbott lead our country. There's only one thing I'm more frightened of, Jay, of Melbourne - the measure of support he is getting.
Posted by bonmot, Friday, 27 January 2012 4:05:46 PM
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Basically then you're not anti Racist, correct?
I'm criticising anti Racism as a deviant stream of egalitarianism which is neither rational nor reasonable. Anti Racism exceeds the moral boundaries of the egalitarian Left and actually eschews political correctness, I merely point out the hypocrisy of a stream that promotes Genocide of those it identifies as "The White Race" while claiming to be part of a wider egalitarian milieu, they say they are anti Racist, what they are is anti White, anti Racism is a CODE WORD for anti White.

I don't understand why anyone from the Left would be frightened of Tony Abbot.
-He's anti Racist.
-He's pro globalisation.
-He's pro assimilation and pro multiculturalism.
-He supports action on climate change.
Liberalism in this day and age is a variant of Leftist thought, granted it's an obsolete tendency but there's no course of action action of any consequence which you could expect from Gillard or Brown that you wouldn't see from Tony Abbott if the need arose.
For the sake of being concise I'll pick one example, multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism has failed inasmuch as it's original inception was as a preparatory program to the goal of a genetically and culturally mixed monoculture, a concept which has been rejected by the vast majority of Australians who tend to a more cosmopolitan, tolerant mind set.
In this regard Abbot's alleged views on assimilation via Multiculturalism are out of step with the mainstream but in truth we don't really know which side of that fence he stands on,.
He's supposedly still clinging to the idea of racial assimilation but if he wants to be taken seriously by anyone besides his core supporter base (Wingnuts in most people's estimation)he'll have to modify his position.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 27 January 2012 4:40:54 PM
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Bonmot, tried to reply to your barb yesterday but dropped out.
I am as confused as you are ? just what are you on about.
The tent Embassy thing? junk comment!
Telling us they are well educated a bloke looking out of place in such a group used words not yet invented.
Launching in to Abbott for some thing he never said .
More damage done to true Aboriginals than any thing
JOM, I agree! at last! quoting from your last post
*I do not understand*
Thanks for the honesty.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 28 January 2012 4:19:51 AM
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