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The Forum > General Discussion > Putting in the slipper. Your say.

Putting in the slipper. Your say.

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Rechtub let me tell you some true human trash work in Labour hire
Running or owning it, NSW gives evidence Government officers take bribes to give some the work.
Former union officials, government employees own them.
Another time another thread.
SM I think you are quite inventive.
Abbott's bilge pumping on slipper in truth began after he jumped ship.
So unskilled, politically unwise, is Doctor No he let QLD cost him a number.
Support him as much as you like but watch his members sitting beside or behind him cringe as he steps up to question box.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 November 2011 4:00:48 PM
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I think the general public will see this as a labor stunt.

Cast your minds back a few years when labor had that huge majority and passed all thier hair brain schemes.

About the only thing that has seen a reduction is labor's waste and miss management on new schemes is the fact that they have not had the free will to do as they like because many of thier ideas have not been passed through the parliament.

How many more scuff ups would have occurred if they had been allowed to continue un checked.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 28 November 2011 6:13:38 AM
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butch sure you haven't got things out of proportion there. An electrician on $ 85 / hr. thats $ 3500 / wk. What would an electrician want with a labor hire mob. ' A stunt' I would have called it a good move. Who was it that won the unwinable election. [Paul keating i think]
Posted by 579, Monday, 28 November 2011 6:58:11 AM
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I know I ended my last post in this thread (on Saturday, 26 November 2011 at 6:56:25 AM) with a seeming non-sequitur, given that the post dealt with speculation as to the possible return of Kevin Rudd to the Labor leadership, when I asked:

"Will automatic enrollment save [Labor's] bacon, or burn it to a crisp?"

What should a matter involving the mechanics of the maintenance of the electoral rolls (For Pete's sake!) have to do with a possible leadership spill within the government that may lead to the return of Rudd, the giving of him room to 'slip in', as it were, many may well ask? My answer is "perhaps nothing directly, but it may have had an awful lot to do with his removal in unbelievable, and to this day, unexplained, circumstances in the first place". Of course, many of those taken as being the more erudite in public debate (to the extent that it really occurs at all) may well go one further and say "well, stupid, what could automatic enrollment possibly have to do with anything as it hasn't even been legislated yet!".

The problem is that automatic enrollment had already been introduced in NSW in December 2009, and the reason it is a problem is that, as admitted by the NSW Electoral Commissioner, its introduction amounted to a defacto abandonment by NSW of the Joint Roll Agreement with the Commonwealth, but search as I may, I have not been able to find any gazettal of the giving of 12 months notice of intent to withdraw from the agreement, such noticification requirement having been a term of the original agreement.

In early 2010 DPMC (under Rudd) called for submissions in an Electoral Reform Green Paper. . What if that exercise in some way was seen as threatening an already planned (by the faceless faction lords?) introduction of automatic enrollment for the Commonwealth, or if indeed planned official introduction of automatic enrollment threatened some already emplaced clandestine equivalent thereof?

Would such, perhaps, have been enough to provoke the unexplained deposition of Rudd?
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 28 November 2011 7:15:02 AM
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579, mimes are renowned for employing this way, as the alternative, that being the engaging of multiple contractors is just to hard for them.

This guy, a mate of mine, fought for years in his home town to run a local electrical business.

Finally, he though, if you can't beat them (the mines), best he join them, the result now being that his entire business comes from a few mines in the area.

And yes, $85 per hour is right. This is what he has to pay to compete with the mines and, domestic work just can't sustain these wages.

I also know a young guy who is an electrician for QGC. He is an employee on $186,000 per year, working on the construction of the gas pipeline.

This value adding of wages just increases our cost of living.

I remember when councils used to be a major employer in towns, well, they still are, except the staff are provided through an agency and it is these agencies who ar making a killing.

Why can't councils employ directly and save the tax payer this additional cost.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 28 November 2011 7:34:42 AM
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Rehctub I also doubt those figures, he's probably charging them out at more than that. If they are right, expect your mate to go broke very soon.

By the time an employer has payed for public holidays, sick leave, holiday pay, workers compensation insurance, payroll tax, superannuation levy, & made provision for long service leave, & overheads, he requires at least a 55% mark up on the wage he pays, just to break even. This assumes he is able to charge out at least 95% of his employees time, often not achievable in real life.

One of the main reasons young businesses go broke is that they underestimate the number of add on costs an employer has. In a charge out labor hire situation, it becomes obvious rather quickly.

About 30 years ago A young electrician working for me went out to the mines. He hated it, but was so well payed he stayed for his family's sake.

He was a very hard worker, always finding something that needed doing. At the mine he was on night shift. They were there for safety, & were not allowed, [union rule] to do any maintenance, or instillation work, that was day shift territory. They spent all night doing nothing.

He reckoned some of them lost most of their pay playing poker all night, every night.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 28 November 2011 12:02:27 PM
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