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Arab Spring or Armageddon?
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Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 6 November 2011 2:55:41 PM
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Lexi the Nuclear accident in Russia most probably played a big part in ending the cold war.
And yes, big powers did understand, the awfulness of such a war. It was a deterrent. Yet at least twice we came seconds away, from its start. Humanity, we all , well the best of us, want it to one day be one. We appear a very long way away from it. I fear, truly always have, the flower power view, we should disarm, go away, leave it to them. And equally am so very concerned at how easy some find fault with us, while over looking our foes. If, after dragging its feet America had kept out of the Balkans? Iraq, did those dancing in the street want America never to have come. I can not continue my list, it hurts to know so many do not want to know. AFGHANISTAN just those girls in schools womens life. Last, the point most can not swallow but deadly true. American power, is the deterrent, nothing else, that has stopped a Holocaust in the middle east. And it CAN NOT CONTINUE, no white wash can cover the true nature and intent of some such as those in control in Pakistan and Iran. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 6 November 2011 4:21:22 PM
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hey bells..did you watch 7 sunday [thats its promo] but watching the full show.. it was made to sound like armogeddon but i prefer Quarter-mile-wide asteroid..near Earth on Tuesday This will be the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years By AP Published Sunday, November 06, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55.[why you 55] The asteroid, bigger than an aircraft carrier, will dart..*between the Earth and moon Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. But scientists say not to worry. It won't hit. "We're extremely confident, 100 per cent confident, that this is not a threat," said the manager of NASA's Near Earth Object Program, Don Yeomans. "But it is an opportunity." The asteroid named 2005 YU55 is being watched by ground antennas as it approaches..from the direction of the sun. The last time it came within so-called shouting distance was 200 years ago. Closest approach will occur at 6:28 pm EST Tuesday when the asteroid passes within 202,000 miles of Earth. That's closer than the roughly 240,000 miles between the Earth and the moon. The moon will be just under 150,000 miles..from the asteroid at the time of closest approach. Scientists have been tracking the slowly spinning, spherical, dark-colored object since its discovery in 2005, and are positive it won't do any damage. "We know the orbit of this object very well," Yeomans said. The asteroid stretches a quarter-mile across. anyhow i know how you like to worry [other spin says it might knock satilites out of allignment or simply cause a high water mark peak tide..] or maybe set off some luna tricks it sure couldnt be wormwood cause that was eros Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 November 2011 9:01:57 PM
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Listened on radio National OUG and known of it for a while.
It is just one of the ways Armageddon is said to be this or next year and one of tens that will not take place. I used the term, but in truth do not think it would be the end of us . History is full of end time dates and ,well I did watch the SBS one last night,very early this morning , repeat about the history of Jewish/Christian/Islamic God. If we set aside, just for thoughts sake, these Gods. And if we give the credit for our brains achievements, music so very much, including every holly book ever written. We then see both our past present and future is was and will be in our hands. Mankind's hands. Now look at those hands, blood covered we even us,stole humans made slaves of them worked them in our cane Fields then, after they found reason to want to stay, deported them. We humans for every achievement have failed too. Nigeria, mentioned up the thread has, think about this 150 million people! Half are Christian half Muslims. I see no other path, that country's internal war is not going to see other than men stop it. Iran, no one country one people, the mortal enemy of other Muslims, Friend of others, its pre American history was wars and invasions both by them and the other way around. International affairs is not on automatic. Diplomacy, the ability to lie as well as your opponent, keeps wars away. But it will only take one cell, maybe 10 people,to get the ability, to explode a Nuclear weapon. We must bank on no one prepare for a day war starts in an instant. Consider this. A terrorist ring/country aware of the prophecy around this year and the next . Understanding the fear an attack would bring, if they had the bomb, if they and they do, thought the only God, theirs wanted them to, would reward them for? exploding it? Posted by Belly, Monday, 7 November 2011 6:44:53 AM
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belly..""Listened on radio National""
not radio overnight..on news radio or bbc online ""in truth do not think it would be the end of us."" no mate..its not us..they want to exterminate ""History..full of end time dates"" yeah sad eh mate ""watched the Jewish/Christian/Islamic God."" yeah me too ""If we set aside,Gods."" at least allow collective good/god..[in spirit] "" for our brains achievements,"" mate by itself a batrin dont do much basicly it needs collectivly other brains.. to each teach it higher knowledge..collectivly..evolving ever higher ""past present and was and will's hands."" only here..not in spirit even so good and bad spirit..can affcet even here ""those hands,..blood covered we even us,"" no mate not you and me.. them..not us thankfully our brains didnt think of that ""I see no other path,..that country's internal war"" too..will in time end.. every war ends.. the trick is in evolving our brains to not allow any..more ways to start ""International affairs is not on automatic. Diplomacy, the ability to well as your opponent,"" no mate diplomacy is also the ability to tell a friend the truth and still be friends ""keeps wars away...But it will only take one explode a Nuclear weapon."" no mate..even a simple israel mossad/abduction takes at least get in and get out.. and mossad wont let that happen[see mate mossad has a policy..its usually the first friend..any disturbed loner attracts [their policy is to get into every movement..*EVERY movement] unl;ess it serves their higher adgenda.. [ie blowing earth life..into armygoddon]..their there to control it ""Understanding the fear an attack would"" COULD..""bring,"" only if the media beats it up only if there are those seeking to beat it up as an excuse to further''if they had the bomb,"" mate they dont..! ""if they and they do,"" they dont when they do mate they wont ""thought the only God, theirs wanted them to,..would reward them for? exploding it?"" mate GOD SUSTAINS..*all life..our/their living no death..serves the life given good/god..of ALL life! Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 November 2011 8:31:34 AM
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Iran on track for nuclear capability, says IAEA. With help from foreign knowledge crucial hurdles have been overcome. Report now being printed.
Posted by 579, Monday, 7 November 2011 1:52:48 PM
I agree.
Perhaps we should leave it up to
them to sort things out and stop
interfering in their affairs.
The more the West interferes, the bigger
the problem grows.