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Arab Spring or Armageddon?
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Posted by Belly, Thursday, 3 November 2011 6:58:23 PM
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I have not yet purchased a rocking chair.
My work life ending 12 months ago was a hard unplanned landing. Not complaining, quite proud to be brave enough to put my UNION/MEMBERS first. But from the fast lane, no sudden stop. I read every major newspaper here and a big selection from over seas. Yearn to learn still. This subject will rock us all, in time. Yes we will hear of American imperialism, Israel awfulness. But push that a side. Look at todays Iran, those fleeing the country, those dieing cruelly. Those movements for freedom , many have existed all killed. Understand the internal pressures, between its political leader and it religions leaders. We are facing not some one who wants to talk/deal we face people who think 9/11 was good, who long for a bigger one. She will not be all right mate. No big guy in the sky will look after this. We this morning are on the brink of a war we thought the fall of the Soviet Union had left behind. If it starts will Pakistan join in, will India then too. Has North Korea got the bomb? I just wish I was being over dramatic, scare mongering, but it is all too true. Posted by Belly, Friday, 4 November 2011 4:55:04 AM
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hi mr bell..i tried to post this comment here but so far nothing...[so as it relates to pro-testing..!] thus i pro=tested LIKE ARABS CAN DO..but i in a police state cant..! i will add it to your spring time topic im the old guy at the end of the vidio the vidio at 7 shows more detail but to 'play] so as i wrote at the first link [and what hasnt posted] ""i came to listen and watch.. [by the way im a self funded retired person] not some dole bludger..and am concerned with much i hear on the news i heard barnbaby joyce shutdown when he dared to talk of qld debt.. [then at 65 billion...that 'rolls over into 75 billion in 2012 so i hear].. im also concerned with the greek debt..who have the same polulation base as qld..and the fact that out state debt is near theirs..[the only difference being were overtaxed here..and get cheap intrest..while greece is paying 26% each year so clearly i needed facts so sat in the HOT kinggeorge square..watching when *they were moved on..[so much for 'occupy' i went to where they were..[in the shade] and was orderd to 'move on..[lol]..from a public space? anyhow i told them to go away they said repeatedly im under arrest..and picked me up then 6 meters later..dropped i passed out from heat egsaustion Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 November 2011 6:43:22 AM
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and was repeatedly..*orderd to 'move on..
[lol]..from a public space? by council bye-law? police are sworn to her majesty not council thugs anyhow i told them to go away after all i was in the public square they said repeatedly im under arrest..and picked me up then 6 meters later..dropped i passed out from heat egsaustion [the 'new kinggeorge squre is darn hot mate designed to stop protest?] i note from the footage..i was immediatly handcuffed and a nice police man waterboarded [after all this is queensland ruled by those serving the state,..not the queen] even though police are sworn to the queen[like me] and no one is NOT allowed to watch others [ie the 1%..who dare to briefly complain] anyhow..the 7 vision speaks for itself and maybe the 9 i was drenched with water and eventually left alone in the shade.. to wonder what the heck had happend to the right to simply sit and watch the world go by peace man it simply means watching the watchers anyhow have a laugh im bruised..but not batterd about too much was it worth mate im not shot dead so its all good.. anyhow mate all the be4st from johannine Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 November 2011 6:45:29 AM
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and free speach i posted 6 times to yahoo..they ALLOWED..the 2 and 3rd [ok the first was over 500 letters] i cut up the big post into 4 little ones then thought to fillout more details in two posts...that have simply dissapered so here is the second bit [which i will flesh out a bit here i was watching the 1%..who dared protest from the hot [very hot king george public square] and after the left..their occupation of the only shade was orded by police to leave..[i was NOT protesting..only watching from the only shade..from the hot king george square orded to go away or be arrested..i said in a public place go away ORDERD by police..[sworn to serve and protect the queen/common wealth/the people..thus you mate..and me].. but in reality..[by their deeds] serving the corperate state..and special intrrests via a vacious council decree...[not my council] serving other special corperate intrests..[to wit silencing protest about insane excess by the money changers] that serves to make us all into debt slaves..eventually i was waterboarded.. face down on the hot pavenment.. felt them remove my handcuffs and they became human again anyhow in the end i got faulsly detained AGAIN but know complaint wont get heard in the end..i left left to sit in the the same shade they had just tried to steal away from me mate i know how the origonal people feel at least they dont poisen the water and flour anymore but mate...we got it worse than the arabs we just too dumbed down by the mkedia..and govt to know it yet watch them censore us live time mate i cant even blog my side of the story without them censoring it and cause olo dont do that regularilly thats why i stay on line here till next month even if the only way i can talk is by reply to topics you put up thanks bloke Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 November 2011 7:48:50 AM
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ok belly so much for my winge
lets look at your fears ""Iran is making Nuclear weapons...Testing,"" yes..with nuke reacters gifted them by usa [you know from ge..who owns the nuke INDUSTRY] THEY ARE the isealie biased warhawk industrial media has convinnced you ""taunting the UN"" mate..the media lies AGAIN they really want it for enwergy [recall PEAK OIL MATE..!..] ""it is clear trouble comes.}} it will serve the intrests of those who sek armogeddon ie seek the messiah of come bring his endtime [but thats delusion ol mate god aint going to let that happen thats one thing you must know] ""Will the uncertainty of who rules post Arab spring play a role."" mate the warhawks install the leaders that serve the corperat/money changer intrests mate sadman insane wanted to sell oil for gold..ditto that other freak..that got assaniated under a white flag,,cause they dont want any public trial..[he wanted a gold coin for his oil too[and note no mention of the 300 tons of it he had..!] ""Any morning now, we will wake to the news some one has fired the first shot."" the only shot mate the arabs aint dumb they pray to god 4/5 times a day they dont want war..only a fair trade..and fair terms its not them that want armogeddon..! [i had to get involved] it is all linked..! Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 November 2011 8:07:11 AM
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""If Iran?""
thats the hope of those who think..killing 2/3 rds of all life will make the one life giving god happy HOW DOES ANY DEATH SERVE THE GOD [father]..OF ALL LIFE? ""2012 may well be the year some think"" yep mate//but not because the war moners won "",or as others point out 2011 may prove to be the one told of."" who knows mate...we serve EITHER the god of life/peace/love/grace/mercy or the satan.. who's hate of ALL well known war mongers serve satan mate ""We fail, at every turn, to stop the insanity that war can be, will be,..we at least in the west try."" no mate we dont we let the war industries steal govt and finance and media and education..heck they control julia/alp.obama anyone serving corperate intrsts..over the majority who want only peace ""Those currently in control in Iran appear to think differently."" they by their deeds sek peace ignore the media lies ol mate ""I have not yet purchased a rocking chair."" you can have mine..[its a kiddy one]..but heck its time we went back to being LIKE kids ""I read every major newspaper here and a big selection from over seas."" so you bough their corperate spin? ""This subject will rock us all, in time."" thats why i risked getting shot or taserd and vicious thugs..working to protect corperate deciet supporting armogeddon ""Yes we will hear of American imperialism, Israel awfulness. But push that a side."" i cant mate..the messia came and went..[to build us all a room in HIS [our]..fathers house ""Those movements for freedom many have existed all killed."" notice the pattern satan wants slaves..we EITHER serve love/life/logic or war[death][ ""Understand the internal pressures,"" i do mate the money rules [heck jesus upturned the tables of the money xchangers] despoiling god..[the fathers]..temple dare to ask WHY? Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 November 2011 8:18:06 AM
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Note that Iran is not an Arab country. As such it cannot be part of the Arab Spring if the Arab Spring is confined to the Arabs.
Posted by david f, Friday, 4 November 2011 8:45:41 AM
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So, if Iran invades Israel, and Pakistan decides to help (who? The Shias or the Jews?)- why exactly would India give a rats about it? If they can't be bothered fighting Pakistan for the sake of its OWN borders, then it sure isn't going to care about Israel or Iran. War isn't some kind of game where everyone nearby gets excited and wants to play too.
Lets rewind a bit; 1-At the start of this century, George W Bush adds Iran to the "Axis of Evil" for no apparent reason whatsoever. 2- the US invades other "Axis of Evil" country Iraq, for rubbish and blatantly false reasons 3- Iran, miraculously, decides to start arming itself (so does North Korea)! 4- The USA warns Iran that making the same weapons that causes countries to never get invaded again, is an act of war, and tries to insinuate that this would justify the US declaring war in return. Simply, if we were to simply accept Iran is going to want a nuclear arsenal, and instead negotiate conditions and confirm they are only to use the defensively, and take them OFF the Axis of Evil- we would probably have a shot at peace. Of course, Iran's not stupid- they know Israel and America have plenty of nukes to retaliate against a nuclear strike if they were to attack. Of course, Israel is likely still powerful enough to beat most of the Middle East effortlessly, like they did in record-time the past few attempts. More importantly, nuking Israel means nuking Palestine- whether the rest of the middle east REALLY cares about Palestine is another issue. Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 4 November 2011 9:39:31 AM
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The axis of evil? An axis like any other line is determined by two points. George Bush was geometrically challenged in naming three countries to his axis of evil. It should be called a polygon of evil.
Posted by david f, Friday, 4 November 2011 10:23:17 AM
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Don't worry about Israel, the Saudis will most likely be the spearhead of any attack on Iran.
Israel's army got their face punched by Hezbollah in Lebanon, they're not going to be able to do much if the whole Arab world plus Iran is on their case. It's a misconception that Israel has always fought as the underdog, in 1948 they outnumbered the Arab armies by 90,000 to about 60,000 and they've always had air superiority in the region. Their land army is not really so formidable, their Merkava tanks for example got ripped apart by the latest Russian anti Tank rockets fielded by Hezbollah . There's going to be a huge war in the next few years and it's going to be a massive disaster for the aggressors, but as to what the world looks like after WW3, I really have no idea. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 4 November 2011 1:18:36 PM
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Jay of Melbourne:
IMO life between WW111 and WW1V will be the most interesting and desperate of existence (for those remaining)! Posted by diver dan, Friday, 4 November 2011 6:07:06 PM
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read the book that has not lied up to now and you will clearly see the winners and losers. Can't say we have not been warned!
Posted by runner, Friday, 4 November 2011 6:32:29 PM
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Have you heard of the Siener van Rensburg prophecies? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 4 November 2011 9:33:18 PM
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Well, Einstein (who wasn't an Australian) when asked how the third world war will be fought replied "I don't know but I can tell you that the fourth world war will be fought with sticks"
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 November 2011 9:41:50 AM
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Belly:>> We fail, at every turn, to stop the insanity that war can be, will be, we at least in the west try.
Those currently in control in Iran appear to think differently.<< "WE IN THE WEST TRY" Belly what sort of statement is that, "WE IN THE WEST LOVE ARAB IN FIGHTING" is the truth, and we stir the pot every chance we get. American power is all over the Middle East backing up the banks and their investments in oil. European and American interests have manipulated the region since the first lease was signed in about 1916. The Europeans have screwed the Arabs from day one. Arabs did not manipulate the governments of the First World but the opposite is a fact, little surprise that many Arabs hate the west, Arab governments did not send military advisers to every hot spot on the globe, the Arabs just sat there and got exploited, until OPEC, which came about after the 60 year leases expired and the Arabs had a chance to partly govern their own destiny. Why do we demonize Iran, a country that had Saddam as a constant protagonist at the behest of the Americans British and French? Belly when I list the foreign countries invaded by Arabs or Persians in the past 100 years I come up with a handful, and its neighbour vs neighbour crap. When I list the number of nations that Britain France and America have sent military to in the same period, its a fooking books worth. Belly you don’t know who the true enemy is, you fall for media demonizing of whoever is in the sights of the Banking Cartels and their military attack dogs. Belly producing nukes is easy; the difficult part is the delivery system and for all the blustering about rogue states with nukes the power to decimate humanity is still in the same hands it was 50 years ago. Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 5 November 2011 9:57:00 AM
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King Hazza? Where did that come from?
I am not looking for the roots of todays troubles. We can not change the past. India/Pakistan both have the Bomb. And will go to war one day. JW Bush? he too has nothing to do with today. In truth it was Dick Chain in charge George took two days to tie his shoes. Knew the anti Yank stuff would get a run. And even if that increasingly weird Nation ceased to exist ,instantly, the Zeal/Bigotry/hate behind those who enslave/control Iran would remain. OUG video would not work try again soon. Do not laugh off the Detour to world predictions for this and next year. Not my preferred path, but see the million dollar winner in America who dreamed exactly how he would be told. If we stop talking about the past, understand it is the past. If America can no longer be blamed, after the blame is transferred to Israel. Can we agree the force driving the murders and hate ,the wish to die for a cause, is not going away without war? May just as well put those flowers in your ears as America and Britons guns. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 5 November 2011 10:02:33 AM
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sorry ol mate..[about the vidio]
seems that they only hold them for two days max then the vidio[and comments]..DISS-appear..[forever] unless someone downloaded it..or posted it to youtube [even then no doudt in time they will stop youtube too] your getting good advice ol mate the delivering of a bomb.. is more important than 'having a bomb even then the stux net virus..[or other clever bug..wouldnt allows a delivery system..[to deliver it] no doudt guidence a big key here they wouldf scamble anything[not in the right place..or moving as fast as a rocket] so mate your fears are groundless..[void of fact] so its juast haters spinning reasons to hate or fearmongers speading fear liars lying never the less..there are those who hate life so much..*they would love to destroy it all.. [heck just look at plant animal extinctions] but as for them attacking 'us' mate that simply cant happen mate think if some real terrorist wanted to destry..[with a suitcase nuke] anywhere they wanted would be turned into dust..just in a backpack [now look at big drug seizures...mate a back pack boom is more likely than iran doing anything to israe.. or us or australia or china etc etc Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 November 2011 10:24:13 AM
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Dear Belly,
I fear that our world can become so obsessed with the problems of hatred and aggression, that it will allow peace and co-existence to be regarded as soft and weak. Yet our survival depends on their dominance. The threat of nuclear war is frightening. We need new ways of thinking to cope with the nuclear age. The writer Dorothy Green once wrote, " ...If we blow up our world, we cannot hope to put it together again... We cannot create something out of nothing...our worst illusion is that we might return to the state of primitive man. But he did not have polluted soil, poisoned streams, irradiated game and vegetable foods." Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 5 November 2011 10:28:26 AM
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In truth Lexi I hold the same view wishes thoughts and ideas.
However we must look at history. Who would have thought Hitler would rise and set out to murder every Jew in the world. I need not tell you of the deaths cruelty and horrors done in his name. Then Communism, born at a time working class people thought it would free them from serfdom. And it too murdered and you know that story. History is full to the very top, with such truths. America, I am pro America, executes so many people, has so much crime, drugs, no heaven our savior. Yet it is a power for good as well as bad, far too many forget if America went back in to its pre ww2 shell we may not be free. Harsh? I understand my next few lines will offend great numbers. But honesty DEMANDS I say it. Islamic Terrorists, believe they have the Right and duty to kill us. Us laying our weapons down? Suicide. We will, see a massive bomb go off one day. I think then America Russia China will join to end any future trouble. World peace may come then. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 5 November 2011 4:24:43 PM
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Dear Belly,
I think you've summed things up rather well. I can't fault anything you've said. People have been hoping for peace in their time for years. Perhaps one day as you say - it will come. We can only live and hope for the sake of this planet and future generations. Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 5 November 2011 5:21:00 PM
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I don't see the United States staying united for too much longer,Aztlan will come to fruition, the South will become Afro Centric with Atlanta as it's capitol and the economic overlords of Manhattan simply won't be able to hold the rest of the country together.
The goal is global hegemony and this seems to be make or break time for the elites, they have to go now, with or without their New World Order. If I had to pick a prophecy it'd be Van Rensburg's simply because of his track record, England/The U.S will be all but destroyed in this coming war while Germany will rise again as the head of a European axis including Russia, with China the dominant power in Asia. Sonofgloin. Plenty of countries have Nuclear weapons only one has used them in war. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 5 November 2011 6:59:35 PM
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Simple Belly- when Pakistan and India developed nukes, war ceased. It became too much a risk to attack a country with a nuke for the sake of over a few lost territories.
A war in the Middle East would see Iran and Syria against Israel and the whole Arab Peninsula. Outside this region, nobody could care less. Plenty of major countries might make donations, or sell weapons- America might stick its head in, and promptly pull it out when publicity drops too much (or the fight gets too severe). The idea that Russia, China, or the rest of Asia would stick its neck out for Iran, Arabia or Israel is infeasible to say the least. Russia might have a hand to try to bump up Iran's power, to take control of the region- America would do the same- but neither of these countries would dare attack the other; or otherwise the Cold war would never have been cold. Posted by King Hazza, Saturday, 5 November 2011 7:32:30 PM
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belly be carefull with jumping to wrong conclusions
you said..'"Who would have thought Hitler would rise and set out to murder every Jew in the world."" every jew? no just seize back their assets mate recall the camps..[i posted last year an interesting stat from just one of them camps...[of that camps..death numbers..only one third were jew] so this 6 million number becomes suss [dont the other 2/3 rds rate any mention is it 18 million? or 2 million at any rate..its not all [ps the camp capoes..[jews]..running the camps selected who no longer could work selected who would die most killed were poles just like the semite looking[dark skin]..jews were kicked out of israel...[i believe the fear spin..was to colonise the holy land].. and get political control over usa ""I need not tell you of the deaths cruelty and horrors done in his name."" no mate...he had bankers who financed him who just like bankers do today..tell him who to kill [who's wealth they want][who they want gone] ""Then Communism,"' comrad..the politariate was the same faces as the previous lot so the commie thing was still them/us..with many of their mates living in splendor..and their enemies dead mate there is much untold about russia..did you hear that bbc broadcast yesterday.. [how the party members took everything again when communism had done its bit heck look at who runs russia today..the head of the stazie. [another thing not mentioned in your that japan surrenderd,..not cause of the nukes..but because ussr was about to invade..[they prefered 'surrender to capitalists mnot capoes][also heard over night at bbc..[2 days ago] ''people thought it would free them from serfdom.'' and were always blame others..but the same elites rule think ol mate Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 November 2011 6:23:45 AM
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OUG I do think often and hard.
But on some things mate we will forever be far apart. Iran, yes has been medaled with, all of its history, by many more than America. Today may, but I can not see it, be a result of its history. Consider this, in Nigeria, last night and yesterday, about 150 people died. Murdered. By an Islamist group, named something like this *Western Education is Sin* Remember OUG from Islamic culture we got great things, and use hem still. But this is not that culture. Within Islam, not all, lives a hatred a blind one educated entrenched hatred. Iran is in the hands of such. In time we will understand, religion divides humanity, Islamist have as much right to their God as you have to yours. But without any of them, my fear/understanding we are on the brink could be layed to rest. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 6 November 2011 12:00:53 PM
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Dear Belly,
Some people hold the view that nuclear weapons have helped prevent war. Throughout the most recent decades since these destructive devices have appeared on the scene, most superpowers have tried to avoid outright military conflict. However, unfortunately, the arms race introduced recent instability into the balance of power. Each new weapon or defense system seems to offer one side or the other a chance to gain or maintain some temporary advantage. In practice therefore, reliance on nuclear deterrence means a continuation of the arms race and the constant threat of annihilation. Nuclear weapons don't guarantee that war can't happen - only that it will be calamitous if it does. They don't so much defend as threaten, and in threatening, they elicit still more threats in return - as the world's stockpile of bombs and missiles attests. Is anything that Iran and others value so important that it justifies risking the destruction of their own societies, the murders of billions of people, and the jeopardizing of our very species? Let's hope we won't ever have to find out. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 6 November 2011 12:39:02 PM
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They can-not see past their own religion. Our way of life doesn't fit with theirs. We can-not live in the same world. It is kill or be killed.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 6 November 2011 12:55:43 PM
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Dear 579,
Then why are so many Iranians fleeing their country - looking for refuge elsewhere. Obviously many of their people don't agree with the regime that rules them. They're voting with their feet. Hope lies with the various movements in these areas that are anti the government line. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 6 November 2011 1:14:18 PM
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Exactly right, but like all one man organizations they are entrenched in their own belief. It is not the people it is the organization. But how can you separate one from the other. If the people won't or unable to go against their leaders, it's becoming very obvious we can not go on with radical regimes.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 6 November 2011 1:41:43 PM
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dear belly...tomorrow
the papers will be raving on about israel about how them arab semites are sending rockets..into greater israel if you watch the news tonight you might even see some vision..[from them sky thingies.. you know that bomb terrorists...operated by cia from usa] well the vision i saw..didnt end with a bang the vision showed some shadowy figures taking a long tube from a truck [and the voice over says they are putting it onto a 'launcher'] now the thing is mate how come israel didnt just blow them up? [you know like the yanmks do...EITHER it wernt a rocket or they didnt want to shoot their own..setting up the palisteins] think mate it should have ended with a huge bang why didnt it? israel neds the spin the deception that..''they are under attack''..[so next it send in troops or bombs them back to the stone age..but mate..THINK* why didnt the footage show them actual terrorist actually throwing a bomb into israel..[supoposedly] why didnmt that footage show them being blown up mate its propaganda thats why they set up the scene but forgot that that type of vision is SUPPOSED to end in a bang... not some later attack on..*not bomb delivering t-erroists its just sems suss mate a reason for israel to fight poor israel..all them terroists but why didnt the vision end in a bang? fix it there and then they had them..on vision who for whatever reason..didnt blow them into hell" right there right then why not..! it was propaganda! Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 November 2011 1:59:55 PM
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Dear 579,
I agree. Perhaps we should leave it up to them to sort things out and stop interfering in their affairs. The more the West interferes, the bigger the problem grows. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 6 November 2011 2:55:41 PM
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Lexi the Nuclear accident in Russia most probably played a big part in ending the cold war.
And yes, big powers did understand, the awfulness of such a war. It was a deterrent. Yet at least twice we came seconds away, from its start. Humanity, we all , well the best of us, want it to one day be one. We appear a very long way away from it. I fear, truly always have, the flower power view, we should disarm, go away, leave it to them. And equally am so very concerned at how easy some find fault with us, while over looking our foes. If, after dragging its feet America had kept out of the Balkans? Iraq, did those dancing in the street want America never to have come. I can not continue my list, it hurts to know so many do not want to know. AFGHANISTAN just those girls in schools womens life. Last, the point most can not swallow but deadly true. American power, is the deterrent, nothing else, that has stopped a Holocaust in the middle east. And it CAN NOT CONTINUE, no white wash can cover the true nature and intent of some such as those in control in Pakistan and Iran. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 6 November 2011 4:21:22 PM
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hey bells..did you watch 7 sunday [thats its promo] but watching the full show.. it was made to sound like armogeddon but i prefer Quarter-mile-wide asteroid..near Earth on Tuesday This will be the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years By AP Published Sunday, November 06, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55.[why you 55] The asteroid, bigger than an aircraft carrier, will dart..*between the Earth and moon Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. But scientists say not to worry. It won't hit. "We're extremely confident, 100 per cent confident, that this is not a threat," said the manager of NASA's Near Earth Object Program, Don Yeomans. "But it is an opportunity." The asteroid named 2005 YU55 is being watched by ground antennas as it approaches..from the direction of the sun. The last time it came within so-called shouting distance was 200 years ago. Closest approach will occur at 6:28 pm EST Tuesday when the asteroid passes within 202,000 miles of Earth. That's closer than the roughly 240,000 miles between the Earth and the moon. The moon will be just under 150,000 miles..from the asteroid at the time of closest approach. Scientists have been tracking the slowly spinning, spherical, dark-colored object since its discovery in 2005, and are positive it won't do any damage. "We know the orbit of this object very well," Yeomans said. The asteroid stretches a quarter-mile across. anyhow i know how you like to worry [other spin says it might knock satilites out of allignment or simply cause a high water mark peak tide..] or maybe set off some luna tricks it sure couldnt be wormwood cause that was eros Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 November 2011 9:01:57 PM
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Listened on radio National OUG and known of it for a while.
It is just one of the ways Armageddon is said to be this or next year and one of tens that will not take place. I used the term, but in truth do not think it would be the end of us . History is full of end time dates and ,well I did watch the SBS one last night,very early this morning , repeat about the history of Jewish/Christian/Islamic God. If we set aside, just for thoughts sake, these Gods. And if we give the credit for our brains achievements, music so very much, including every holly book ever written. We then see both our past present and future is was and will be in our hands. Mankind's hands. Now look at those hands, blood covered we even us,stole humans made slaves of them worked them in our cane Fields then, after they found reason to want to stay, deported them. We humans for every achievement have failed too. Nigeria, mentioned up the thread has, think about this 150 million people! Half are Christian half Muslims. I see no other path, that country's internal war is not going to see other than men stop it. Iran, no one country one people, the mortal enemy of other Muslims, Friend of others, its pre American history was wars and invasions both by them and the other way around. International affairs is not on automatic. Diplomacy, the ability to lie as well as your opponent, keeps wars away. But it will only take one cell, maybe 10 people,to get the ability, to explode a Nuclear weapon. We must bank on no one prepare for a day war starts in an instant. Consider this. A terrorist ring/country aware of the prophecy around this year and the next . Understanding the fear an attack would bring, if they had the bomb, if they and they do, thought the only God, theirs wanted them to, would reward them for? exploding it? Posted by Belly, Monday, 7 November 2011 6:44:53 AM
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belly..""Listened on radio National""
not radio overnight..on news radio or bbc online ""in truth do not think it would be the end of us."" no mate..its not us..they want to exterminate ""History..full of end time dates"" yeah sad eh mate ""watched the Jewish/Christian/Islamic God."" yeah me too ""If we set aside,Gods."" at least allow collective good/god..[in spirit] "" for our brains achievements,"" mate by itself a batrin dont do much basicly it needs collectivly other brains.. to each teach it higher knowledge..collectivly..evolving ever higher ""past present and was and will's hands."" only here..not in spirit even so good and bad spirit..can affcet even here ""those hands,..blood covered we even us,"" no mate not you and me.. them..not us thankfully our brains didnt think of that ""I see no other path,..that country's internal war"" too..will in time end.. every war ends.. the trick is in evolving our brains to not allow any..more ways to start ""International affairs is not on automatic. Diplomacy, the ability to well as your opponent,"" no mate diplomacy is also the ability to tell a friend the truth and still be friends ""keeps wars away...But it will only take one explode a Nuclear weapon."" no mate..even a simple israel mossad/abduction takes at least get in and get out.. and mossad wont let that happen[see mate mossad has a policy..its usually the first friend..any disturbed loner attracts [their policy is to get into every movement..*EVERY movement] unl;ess it serves their higher adgenda.. [ie blowing earth life..into armygoddon]..their there to control it ""Understanding the fear an attack would"" COULD..""bring,"" only if the media beats it up only if there are those seeking to beat it up as an excuse to further''if they had the bomb,"" mate they dont..! ""if they and they do,"" they dont when they do mate they wont ""thought the only God, theirs wanted them to,..would reward them for? exploding it?"" mate GOD SUSTAINS..*all life..our/their living no death..serves the life given good/god..of ALL life! Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 November 2011 8:31:34 AM
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Iran on track for nuclear capability, says IAEA. With help from foreign knowledge crucial hurdles have been overcome. Report now being printed.
Posted by 579, Monday, 7 November 2011 1:52:48 PM
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OUG no intention to debate Christianity here.
If we must however consider this. From an intellectual point of view. First do you think all humanity is one. I do. And if you do too, we both must consider, look past our education. They have every right, absolutely, to think their God is the only one. To think other is,well bloke a form of xenophobia. Iran as 597 said is testing . That may be no more than brink man ship. Taunting. North Korea's does it well. I think, strongly, any Nuclear attack would result, if from a smaller power, its destruction. China/America/ Britain/ Russia, may well stop others by force ever using them again. Hence my belief one controlling force will rule us all one day. Posted by Belly, Monday, 7 November 2011 6:13:30 PM
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Well I wanted to clean it up a bit ,under line what my thoughts are based on.
Religion first, it matters not who is right. My thoughts are this, OUG and many are totally Christian. And as they have the right to, believe their God is the one true God. Totally. That belief *must* be understood. It by association, says other Gods are false. Now if OUG was Muslim/Buddhist/any other. We *must* not forget he then too would believe those teachings. As is the right of EVERY HUMAN my view is we westerners, far too easily, discount all views other than our own. We defeat ourselves in doing it. We even paint Jesus as a white Anglo Saxon. He was Jewish, probably smaller and brown skinned. So as we have all types of Christians, who believe totally in their God and no other. Others do too, in the name of different Gods. That does not make for inclusiveness. Humanity divided. Haveing try ed to set a case,to say not single belief can claim us all this year and the next threaten us all. Given propercy, Bible and all others. Just as a fundamentalist Christian once try-ed to burn the temple on the mount down, to hasten Jesus return. Will terrorism/terrorist country's act based on those predicted events. continued Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 4:27:41 AM
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ww1 and ww2 saw both sides beleiving God was with them.
And looking from the other side it must be clear they too think like that. We know, those of us who care to see,great evil lives within some Islamist country's. Why is Iran testing/taunting. Soon I dread it, but you can bet those charged with protecting the west are aware. Use will be made of the prophecy's that the world will end soon. Fear is a weapon. While any true review would show Iran,any such country could not win. A belief God is with you approves of your actions and wants those actions? Western country's will be watching every act closely and for that I am grateful. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 4:37:37 AM
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Iran is of no threat to the USA or Israel.Israel has 300 nukes and the USA enough to wipe Iran from the map 1000 times.The neo cons want Iranian oil and a war because their own peasants are revolting over the theft by bankers of their money.How many countries has Iran invaded? The USA has invaded 6 or 7 threatening Syria,Iran,Pakistan and even China.The fascists are in the USA and the Military,banking complex wants it all.The USA like us does not have much industry these days.
Prof W K Black says 90% of the Fannie and Freddie was mortgage fraud onsold to pension funds and other institutions as safe investments.They have the evidence,but the Bankers have too much power. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 5:38:59 AM
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relax Belly the god deniers have caused much more death and destruction than all the religous fruitcakes put together.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 3:05:06 PM
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I under stand and except arjay and runner have every right to their views.
As I have to mine. Runner it is rare, extremely so, you and I agree. I truly hold those like you, for my awaking to the falseness of religion. Arjay, every now and again I see some of what you say is not wrong. You seem to often circle the camp fire of truth. But never quite get there. I am one of your deniers runner. You tell me these things, please. Did God create the heaven and earth. All men and women. Are we all his children. Then did he get Moses to cast out the Idols Jews had started to worship. Why then 3 major religions all with roots to the Jews his chosen people. Runner no heat, not bitterness, no emotion, just why. If today, we sat down all humanity, and rewrote God. One God one humanity, one set of rules to live by. Soon half the world would follow the other half? make a new one to clutch in fear of the river of life and death. We will again, see the mushroom cloud in the sky. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 4:29:53 PM
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A political analyst says that the Zionist regime is pushing a new law which would classify Jews as a separate race with links to the Palestine land - justifying their 'expulsion' of Palestinians. An exclusive interview with Bruce Katz, co-president of the Palestinian & Jewish Unity (PAJU) A political analyst says that the Zionist regime is pushing a new law which would classify Jews as a separate race with links to the Palestine land - justifying their 'expulsion' of Palestinians. The irony is that Israel-born Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came from a Jewish Polish family with the last name of Mileikowsky, which his grandfather changed to Netanyahu. heck why bother tribalism...when one tribe wants to make their way global we all go global..or get picked off one by one heck read the news israel beating the drums of armogeddon again Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 8:07:05 AM
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Belly I think you ask
'Why then 3 major religions all with roots to the Jews his chosen people. Runner no heat, not bitterness, no emotion, just why. Plenty of counterfeits usually means their is a genuine. Just like their is genuine science and you have gw as a counterfeit you have Christ the substance and many other poor imitations or perversions. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 9:44:38 AM
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Runner you are never back ward in putting your view, that is your right,
And as I do some times you put it at times harshly. If this was a formal Oxford style debate. I would claim in reply to your post, you conceded defeat. Lets look 7 Billion humans alive today on this planet. True Christian will say all Gods/Christs Children. How many? Billions have lived and died? How many follow/followed Gods other than yours. Runner, do you understand in naming others imposter's, you over look your Gods holly book. His chosen people are Jews. I am baffled, concerned, how can such as you change the intent of that book. But remind you, your Church is shrinking another, already far more followers than yours, growing. Every follower of every God, thinks his is the only one, others and those who follow second grade humans. A PLAN FOR NEVER ENDING WARS. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 11:27:44 AM
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Christ is the only One qualified to forgive sin. Either He is a fraud, liar or He told the truth. Its not rocket science. Non belief in God is far more likely to cause war than belief. Look at the millions of babies murdered by non belief let alone the millions killed by athiest in the name of their non belief. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 2:51:07 PM
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There is none so blind was he who will not see.
In one sentence you throw the belief of the biggest section by far, of humanity in the rubbish bin. More Muslims, and very likely more of a couple more religions exist than Christians. God was love in my childhood, you push us in to thinking he made most of us, so we could die and be punished in hell. BUT you show in seeming giant Neon lights, why I think humanity is divided still by our child Hood comforters Gods. That we still kill each other in his names. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 3:57:45 PM
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She will be right mate!
They would not dare. Not dare 9/11 Bali Real war tonight in London. No not the NRL thats on weekend, Murdock fronts Parliament. Was that an explosion? She will be right,wont it? Posted by Belly, Thursday, 10 November 2011 6:28:57 AM
Testing, taunting the UN it is clear trouble comes.
Will the uncertainty of who rules post Arab spring play a role.
Any morning now, we will wake to the news some one has fired the first shot.
If Iran?
2012 may well be the year some think, or as others point out 2011 may prove to be the one told of.
We fail, at every turn, to stop the insanity that war can be, will be,we at least in the west try.
Those currently in control in Iran appear to think differently.