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The Forum > General Discussion > If you were a guidance officer

If you were a guidance officer

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The opportunities of the future are unknown, so
1. acquire a wide range of skills - language, maths, digital, practical, social
2. be flexible and imaginative
3. be prepared to have several careers through your life - expect to be doing something you never imagined in 20 years time
4. continue to pick up skills either on the job or further training
5. take all opportunities offered and build on them
6. in the meantime, start with something you really like

I accidentally did this back in the 1960s, (you can do the things you like because you're a girl; we boys have to think of future careers). As a result I have continually changed paths (really building and extending from one to the next) and I've never been unemployed. I learnt new technology early (computer programs 1965, GIS mid-90s), but continued to do things that just interested me (eg an extra degree out of interest, then turned to work advantage). While my personal experience is professional/technical, the advice applies across the board.
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 8:47:12 AM
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Well said, there are people here that can't see past the back door. A stick in the mud, whyngers, The country is evolving all the time. Unless you move with the times you get left behind. One line of work closes and another opens. Life is a learning experience, you can not rely on something your grandfather used to work at, to still be there.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 9:08:25 AM
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To the rehctub's of this site!

...Any industry that panders to the Chinese would be aimed in the direction of growth. Think back to economic ascendency of the Japanese in the 70’s and 80’s for examples. Some of the winners were tourism and real estate.

...The inverse approach to the problem of course, is to ask, who will be the losers. In “losers” group will be those who rely on the traditional norms of society for their dwindling support. The traditional mentality of teaching children in the school environment, is to be subject to radical change; so school teaching as we know it, for example, is a dying trade. To be pre-emptive is a necessity requiring insight into social changes.

...Attempting to plot the course of the “paradigm shift” in society, as it “morphs” in response to economic fortunes and misfortunes, will become the “test of metal” of our children. But could I suggest “Policing” as an obvious growth industry: Governments will as usual, be slow to respond to catastrophic social mayhem, as normally stable markets collapse in a heap, spilling desperation onto the streets as mass protest, (Greece in particular, Europe generally and the Middle East).

...Living inside the earthquake zone of social decay, wrought from a paradigm of social manipulation inflicted on society by desperate money markets, attempting in their greed, to claw back dwindling profits by all means “fair and foul”, will leave a bewildered base of naiveté, scrambling for solutions to plundered savings, and lost and shattered dreams.

…Policing is the way forward, offering the most stable and predictable future of any comparable industry offering long term financial security (looking forward). Policing, you will notice, brings with it as a career, guarantee of stable wages and special considerations towards the satisfaction of the employees by Governments desperate for protection and intent on social control. It brings with it career advancement into an almost unlimited array of options which incorporate all aspects of “law and order and social control”, and is a must to any child exhibiting a pathology towards "control".
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 10:37:11 AM
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rehctub: (Butch)!

...Sorry, I forgot to mention "organised crime" in the same breath as I mentioned Chinese ethnicity.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 10:43:00 AM
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Well said, there are people here that can't see past the back door. A stick in the mud, whyngers
you described yourself better than any of us could have, well done !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 11:38:15 AM
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Rechtub you put fences around this thread that may not exist, ever.
I would advise Chinese and Japanese as second and third Languages.
Tec jobs and computers health, food education .
Defense and services such as police too.
Australians will still make thinks, export goods and develop them only to see them made over seas.
Mining will be here for Century's.
We will continue to be a world leader in food production.
Increasing our share of sea food, your state grows a great deal of prawns.
Australia is well placed to continue to be the lucky country it was while riding on the sheep's back.
We may even develop an over seas market for the Hanrahan style we will all be ruined Henny Penny stuff.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 11:38:40 AM
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