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Bank of America Insolvent.
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Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 26 October 2011 8:25:40 AM
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Fair enough, one under god, the audit wasn't the "full" audit. But it was a neat line of mine, wasn't it?
But enough of the sidetracking. Coming back to the Arjay's opening post for this thread: >>The US Federal Reserve (A private group of banks) has moved debts of the Bank Of America onto the the FDIC<< We now know that this did not happen, don't we? We now understand a little bit more about the function and capability of the FDIC, so in future we won't make the same elementary mistake, will we. >>This is another bailout and means more debt for the US people while the bankers get off Scot free again... This bailout will mean more money printing and the further destruction of the US $<< We now understand that underwriting the losses of ordinary depositors does not necesarily mean either i) more debt for the US people, or ii) that "the bankers get off Scot free" - primarily because the premiums from the Banks will be lifted to cover any payout. >>This is the third biggests Corporation in the world that makes up 80% of retail banking in the USA<< We also have found out, have we not, that neither part of this sentence is true. In summary, none of Arjay's assertions holds up. Factually incorrect, plus faulty reasoning. Additionally, we have learned to differentiate between "gross" and "net", have we not? This will come in handy when trying to get one's head around the concept of "$75 trillion of derivatives", the amount detailed in Arjay's complaint. In the article he points us to, they sneak in the odd subtle qualifier, which tends to go unnoticed by you thrillseekers... "...the New York-based firm’s $79 trillion of notional derivatives..." Did you see it? It's that word "notional". Your homework for today is to understand why they slipped that word in. Once you work that out, you'll know how a Bank with only a little over a trillion dollars in deposits, can support "$79 trillion of notional derivatives" It will help you sleep better, I promise. Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 26 October 2011 1:30:09 PM
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per's quote..""in future we won't make the same elementary mistake,..will we.""
oh come on pericules..the same old defaults as in the past will be made by the same money loving phycopath's jesus went angry at the money changers in the temple mate ceasor got killed by the bankers for minting his own money sadam insane..[iraq] killed for daring to make gold coin the only legal tender for his oil ie sought to demand..his own money] so too gladfly[caddaffee]gadaffie] they tried to bring back balance [AWAY FROM THE BANKERS who run govts] and then we get into the other events where bankers made civil war..assasinations thousands of them cause the same sickness of the money lenders needs the same cure stop govt lending at intrest from the bankers stop letting bankers set their own terms why do you need to twist what we are saying arjay..quote..>>This is another bailout and means more debt for the US people..while the bankers get off Scot free again...!"" THATS TOTALLY TRUE..! qrjay..""This bailout will mean more money printing and the further destruction of the US $<<"" thats true too mate the yanki dollar has deflated in its value [inflation only inflates the ammount not the bying power] one dollar today buys what one penny used to buy if you hold gets deflated..into nothing[inflation] the more paper..the less its worth then you say..""We now understand that underwriting the losses of ordinary depositors"" we arnt talking about depositers were talking about those..who steal..the depositers money! think WHY GOVT NEDS TO UNDERWRITE..a bank? it needs to honour its 'underwriting'.. by borrowing it AT INTREST FROM THE BANK...! govt debt can only increase! look at its history by numbers! Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 October 2011 8:32:26 AM
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we defate the value of the top end[paper]
but that aslso deflates the coin[at the base] till we reach the absuditY..that the metal in a coin *costs more than its face value! [thats why i say reflate back to its historic[true real value] adding back two zero' face value[by right of siegnorage] we got to sepperate the 'virtual paper/promise from the real economy[coin] [dont try to split words meanings] govt control didnt work banker control has failed so govt asume BACK coin[at its intended true value in silver by face not content] and capitalists lease paper..from a fed run equally by accountable govt members and bankers with no bonus for any trustees on the fed board and wage parity with govt official..not corperatre excess thats how qld got 80 BILLION into debt thats how qld' 100 million in intrest on it PER WEEK* thats why our power/water/rego/fines/etc costs double usa power/etc cost adin the local council debt.. plus the ever growing fed debt plus govt dept privatised national asset debt plus corperate debt.[for things like sport clubs/hospitals/power generation systyems etc] and you got the hide to mention govt guarente of OUR SAVINGS ""does not necesarily mean either i) more debt for the US people,"" yes it do mate govt bailout needs cash[or rather an intrest bearing GOVT BOND that increases any debt NEEDING FUTURE..bailout..[its a vicious circle] ""or ii) that "the bankers get off Scot free""" lol yes i know the prisons are full of em lol they got huge money for lawers[thanks to their anual bonus] so more govt 'borrowing'..from banklers to fight the courtcase[then when they loose as the surelly will[recall oj simpson] MORE URSURY DEBT lent from bankers ""primarily because the premiums from the Banks will be lifted to cover any payout.}} but mate WHAT IF BY CLEVER BRIBE[or clever loophole or clever lawyer..THEY WIN[again] and if all else faile start a new war or kill the messANGER again Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 October 2011 8:39:35 AM
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sems the 'stock exchange is having a 'teqnical glich'
lol the virtual economy meltdown? they only trade in promises for share not actual shares Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,..but rather reprove them. 12/for it is a even speak of those things..done in secret.. 13/but all things that are reproved..are made the light.. for what ever doth..* of the light ie only the real economy egsists bankers stealing houses rebuked whats the real issue heck get your own info Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 October 2011 9:28:06 AM
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Oh dear.
Was it something I said, I wonder? Take a deep breath, one under god, and try again. Only this time, be a bit more specific, instead of just objecting incoherently to the little truths I have been introducing you to. Incidentally, one other point in Arjay's post that is incorrect: Bank of America is not insolvent. Just thought I'd mention it. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 27 October 2011 11:20:26 AM
a cumalitive total reveals...that many bailouts have been gifted to banks...[yes their outstanding debt..CURRENTLY..might sound small using spin
but then AGAIN
you take that too far
we say audit the fed..FULLY and completly
stock take the assets etc
you say its been audited
so lets read what was audited[from your link]
and what wasnt
""Why GAO Did This Study
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act directed
GAO to conduct..a one-time audit/
*of the
emergency loan programs and other
assistance authorized by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (Federal Reserve Board)
during the recent financial crisis.*""
report examines
*the emergency actions taken by the Federal Reserve
Board from December 1, 2007, through
July 21, 2010.*
For each of these
actions, where relevant, GAO’s
objectives included
*a review of (1) the
basis and purpose for its authorization,
as well as accounting and financial
reporting internal controls;
*(2) the use,
selection, and payment of vendors;
*(3) management of conflicts of interest;
*(4) policies in place to secure loan
repayment; and
*(5) the treatment of
program participants.
To meet these
objectives, GAO reviewed program
documentation, analyzed program
data, and interviewed officials from the
Federal Reserve Board and Reserve
Banks (Federal Reserve System).""
hardly what is needed
full audit..not a partial audit
ol mate stop spining/distortion
face full facts