The Forum > General Discussion > You Saw us tell Julia,
You Saw us tell Julia,
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Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 14 September 2011 10:25:58 PM
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""Why has Labor now become so intent on their own self destruction?""
because its only a front for the public service..that runs the two party scam advising both sides ""What has divorced them from the political reality that gives them sustaince"" the public service tellls them..what is the party line then gives thenm spin/ the smoking statistics again created and presented by the public servants just like the social costs...31 billion[social cost's are every ATTRIBUTABLE..smoking expenditure..including deemed loss for a day off or the presumed cost..if every butt was collected..and killed a fish] its all leveraged spin..designed to make the 2 party as they are told regardless of which party they claim to represent its too clever i spent 10 years fighting it and it only made 'no difference' wiorse are these enquiries that NEVER see the light of day an inquiry is a thing you do to make the current destraction go away Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 September 2011 8:23:10 AM
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Arjay, thanks for representing our views in Canberra. Can I answer this question: "What has divorced them from the political reality that gives them sustaince?"
You know what has driven them, the United Nations and the Fabian wealth distribution program. We will be shipping tax payer funds to U.N. Fabian bureaucrats so they can model the world in their image. We know that the current Labor leadership team consists of Fabian ideologues and they are sending OUR money to strangers to secure THEIR future with the U.N. gravy train. Rudd is an example of the mindset of these Fabian demigods, ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN TRAVELL EXPENSES and nothing to show for it, NOTHING. Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 15 September 2011 8:26:56 AM
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We all have to the rage to coin a Whitlam expression.I see now attacks on Abbott because many in the finance and banking want this tax and the associated ETS implemented.
We need to identify exactly who these groups are and reveal their motivations for wanting the tax.Who benefits? Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 15 September 2011 8:57:50 AM
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The Politicians and Journalists seem to have the same problem with conjoining their remarks with the history of events. For instance:-
Greece has a very poor economy at the moment. It has corporate tax of 22/25%, Personal tax 0-40% with 19% VAT. USA is in financial trouble, Corporate tax of 15-35%, Personal tax 10-35%. UK is not too bright, Corporate tax 30%, Personal tax 0-40%, VAT 17.5% Australia workers suffering, Corporate tax 30%, Personal tax 17%-45% GST 10%. When you consider that USA had a top personal tax of 94% in the 1950’s with a good economy and remained with a good economy until the personal tax was reduced. It is unbelievable that people with intelligence do not see the problem. The UK had a top personal tax of 80% in 1946, with a penalty of 146% if the income was over 8,000 pounds. Greece has been in serious financial trouble and has called on other countries for help, if a higher top tax was implemented, it would be able to finance its own way and give its own workers the benefit of a better employment and economy. The same can be said about every country in the world, and they cannot contend that it is not of the making of their own members of their parliament. The motto that could be and should be seen from this is that as the top tax comes down, the uncontrolled incomes go up and so does the cost of goods and services, and the economy goes down. It seems that the top personal tax should be 65-70% with zero tax on approximate $30,000, Corporate tax should be about 55-60% as in the 1960’s, and the GST should be wiped out to give an impetus to wage earners in our Country. Mervyn Jacobi 13 Marlborough St. Sherwood. 4075. Posted by merv09, Thursday, 15 September 2011 10:50:10 AM
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Just a wild-ass guess, merv09.
>>Corporate tax should be about 55-60%<< You've never run a business, right? Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 15 September 2011 11:48:56 AM
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I knew
Before opening the thread It was arjay LUXURIATING in his protest. One of 60? massive! Shouting inside and outside the house, extraordinary, well no. The Bills will still pass. Opposition one day,will not even try to remove it. And those who chant today, tomorrow will totally forget the stand they take. That is the nature of life. We took it to Julia? Bet she has already forgotten the protest. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 15 September 2011 12:17:51 PM
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Belly here's some songs we sang.
Labor's EVIL WAYS ( Santana) You've got to change your evil ways Labor, Before we stop loving you, You've got to change Labor And every word that we say is true, You have us slavin and bleedin,all over town, You've been sneakin and pimpin and running us down, This can't go on,lord knows you got to change Labor. When you go home, Labor, Your house is dark and your hearts are cold, You're hanging around Labor, With Green and Brown and who knows who, We're gettin tired of waitin and foolin around, We'll find a party,who make us ,feel like a clown, This can't go onnnnnnn,Lord knows you got to change Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 15 September 2011 6:19:29 PM
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Belly this one is for Julia.
JULIA MOVIN OUT ( Billy Joel) Julia works at the people's store, Stealing our pennies for her pay, Swanny the only ,left a note at the door, He said,"Sonny move out of the country" Ah but working too hard , Can give you a heart attack ack,ack,ack,ack,ack You oughta know by now, Who needs a house with a with a carbon tax, Is that all we get for our money? And it seems such a waste of time, If that's what's it's all about, Gillard if that's movin in then ,you're movin out. Mmmm,you're movin out. Sergeant the Greenie,is taking our treats, At night he's the mass debater, He works in Mr Catch a Story's Down on Bob Brown Street, Across from the communist centre, And he's trading in his Chevy, For a Cadallic,ack,ack,ack,ack,ack, You oughta know by now, If he can't drive with a carbon tax, Julia will polish his fenders. And it seems such a waste of time, If that's what's it's all about, Gillard if that's movin in then,you're movin out. We should always argue with these crazy mi,mi,mi,mi,mi,minds, You oughta know by now. We have to pay Uncle Wayne with our over time, Is that all we get for our money. And if that's what you have in mind, Yeah..Then that's what you're all about, Good luck movin up,cause you're movin out. Mmmm you're movin out. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 15 September 2011 7:02:51 PM
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extraordinary stuff arjay!
I like country and western and 60,70, 80, rock n roll myself. Sang once, pubs clubs and on Anzac day, still write the odd song. And boy yours seem odd. 60 of you? on camera? old fellas like me mostly. Tell you what, next time I will try to make it bring along my battle photos of hundreds of people marching in hundreds of places. You enjoy you time in the spotlight, of a very small near flat battery's hand torch. Me? gee hope I have ten years left! By then carbon tax/ETS will be excepted and conservatives will cringe wiggle and hide at the thought they ever stood against it. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 15 September 2011 7:51:38 PM
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Belly:>>60 of you?
on camera? old fellas like me mostly.<< Cmon Belly be fair, the rest of the population were busy working their clacka's off to pay the NINETEEN new taxes the Labor government have introduced to help WORKING thats a term that has passed it's used by date. Belly you represent swine, enemies of the people. Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 15 September 2011 11:09:24 PM
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Again I am aware of my surroundings.
And comments best ignored. here and in one I started about trolls, personal insults run free. We can do nothing about it. I doubt GY can or even should. Our best action is to refrain from getting involved or is it? Are the strong better to be seen as weak by not replying to such. Is free speech worth that? I see only one truth, no point is ever other than dirtied by it being wrapped in such insults. No victory won by victims reacting to such child like BIGOTRY. No theme, idea,thought, should not be freely debated. Gillard is our country's Prime Minister,even I have no time for her but am I a traitor because I have opinions that this person does not, are these comments an attempt to silence my thoughts. Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 September 2011 5:52:17 AM
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Dear Belly,
I have just read your post....there is a dilemma my friend, when someone insults the Party in which you believe, to either fight back or call on your dignity to just ignore some of these inane posters. I thought that the invasion of that rabble which appeared both inside and outside of the House was rude, and uncalled for, these people are to be pitied Belly. Have a great weekend my friend, Noisy Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:20:36 AM
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NSB my regards your well wishing habits is a credit to you.
I do not mind most protesters on any subject but the ranting, the fixed view that the other side are bad or mad gets me fired up. I should not, with certainty I think ten years from now todays events will be seen far differently. Public debate currently is at a low point. Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:56:42 AM
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well it looks like abc heard you
4 corners is covering the topic on monday its futile to pro-test fear only fixes their vile into bad deeds their closed mind's have closed their eyes and ears fear has made them numb its so clever casting the basis of life [carbon] as the villan..near everything is carbon based but fear based ignorant spin..[lies] in these times is hardly new nor clever the greedy money changers want their next trade with.. [the very air we need for life].. and the ju-liar gave them what they wanted we KNOW ..john howard thunk of it first but thats how the two party scam works they both follow their masters orders.. unthinkingly so gratefull are they that the boss man [master]..chose them.. for this mission..[per-mission] tax the people to death bonus all round iots not enough that state debt has exploded that power prices have doubled..that those who got free solar now feel they share the guilt...shame share the blame [but spin the guilt into credit] and they all feel so good so clever ohhh if only you lot..*knew the evil you give aid and confort to and most of your super and future income too if you lie down with dogs you get fleas..and coverd in doggie drool anyhow enjoy sitting on the dog stool Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 12:58:00 PM
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OUG, sorry bloke have not got a clue what you are on about.
So 4 corners, are they talking about what? climate change? Carbon, a word used to describe all the green house gases that concerns science and half the population of the world. Not going to change your mind. But research, find worlds total population in 1750. Then now. After the projected population in ten years. Chart the numbers dieing of starvation. Show me any thing. Any at all, man has not changed about our planet. In those years. What if it is true? Do we constantly look for lies in only one side of issues. Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 September 2011 4:00:28 PM
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sorry belly was talking to arjay
anyhow..u said..""Carbon,..a word used to describe all the green house gases"" sorry mate...but thats not true a non metalic CHEMICAL element that is present in ALL organic compounds in food its in your your chair mate carbon is even in your hair..your teeth all life is based on carbon [we are called carbon based life] here mate i did a google search for you please mate read it or this its important stuff to know mr bell i Not going to change your mind. worlds total population in 1750. 125 million in 1750, Then now. arround 7 billion 4 billion not knowing where their next meal is comming from 3 billion without any acces to clean water ""the projected population in ten years."' so what mate think belly..the only difference will be more starving [cause by then juliar will have taxed many into poverty and bankers will have re-possed your kids homes] this tax on life mate is by satanic forces intending to kill most of those living THEY PLAN..the world population to be arround half a billion mate mostly enslaved by bankers do what they say..or die thats who juliar is serving mr bell thats what those running yOUR party are planning read some of the links arjay and me have posted mate these people are pure scum..[and thats being nice] ""Chart the numbers dieing of starvation.""..NOW..! 4 billion ""Show me any thing...Any at all, has not changed about our planet."" mate the bible says gen 1;28...'be fruitfull and multiply'' 'and replenish the earth'' ie..*not let demons run it not let satanic bankers plunder its resources you know of course..that one third of all food goes into the rubbish bin? that farmers in the EU are PAID by govt..NOT TO FARM...! recall mate back in the 70's MOUNTAINS OF BUTTER..thrown into the sea have you forgotten? Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 5:27:41 PM
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heck the starving are paid to mono-crop
[ie grow flowers for europeans.. instead of ALLOWED to grow their own food..!] heck mate...the watwer storage.. is cause we WANT green..hydro power.. not primitives growing free food..! you control people by making them work for money MAKE them buy food from a shop MAKE them spend money on rent.. to make the landlord rich those same commodity traders that doubled the price of petrol that have trippled the price of coal MATE what you think they going to do in 3 years when they can BUY..*hoard and sell for ten times their buy ing price..carbon permits this is about KILLING all carbon based life belly its DEADLY serious ""What if it is true?"" Do we constantly look for EXCUSES>.for their lies my oath mate..any thinking person KNOWS they lie heck you seen ALL THE LINKS WE POSTED one lie is enough but mate this whole builtt on lies ""only one side of issues."" yes the side those WHO OWN THE MEDIA who run political parties..who own banks who want to murder..[so the bible says..two thirds of all life..! two thirds will die mate unless these scum are stopped Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 5:28:58 PM
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look juliar has gotten her tax into parlement
NOW she is ALLOWED to talk about 'saving the labbrotten party] NOW [from now..on ..she says she is listening..[now the killer dead has been struck] look mate steven posted just posted..a new topic let me explain it to you steven says ""Here is the net photosynthesis equation: 6CO2 + 12H20 + light photons - C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2"" yeah is gibberish BUT MATE READ THE NEXT BIT..! ""We start with six molecules of carbon dioxide"" get it mate that 'poisen''lol "" + 12 water molecules + photons"" from the sun..[light] ""We end up with 1 glucose molecule, 6 water molecules and 6 oxygen molecules"" ie MATE NOT POISEN ""Two things to note: --It is the water molecules that are split, NOT..the CO2 molecule."" note this next bit..! ""The CO2 is used to make the glucose molecule."" get it my brother? ""--Water (H2O) appears on both sides of the equation. The water molecules that come out the other end are not the water molecules that go in. Plants rearrange the atoms."" ie CARBON based life..! note this mate..! ""The equation gives you the general idea of photosynthesis"""[WHAT PLANTS DO WITH c02..!] ..""in the sense that saying iron ore, plastic, bauxite, glass, etc..that..go into the making of an Aston Martin""...or food or any living thing..! ""It tells you the raw materials that are the starting point"" for making ANY carbon based life or food ANY ORGAINIC thing[except metal] EVEN PLASTIC..! here is how plants DO IT ""Photosynthesis takes place in little “organelles” called chloroplasts. Physically chloroplasts in land plants appear to be discs about 5 micrometres in diameter. *Every leaf a land plant contains 10-100 chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are exquisitely precise little nano-factories."" for converting dead carbon chemical into life..! ""For decades scientists have been trying to piece together what goes on inside the factory."" that sustains all life..! via carbon..! Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 5:43:02 PM
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further thompson revealations tonight
the tip of the iceberg of ju lies the cover up just keeps revealing EVER MORE vile tonights news cant cover it all between the union now dumping its assosiations with alp to the computers in nsw/vic going 'down'..[compromised] see lateline the mention of major labratter faceless men..'figures'..DEEPLY involved and juliar..trying hard to get some new destractions going faux prom,'to NOW..offer to listen to the membership'....[then caucus saying she could begin with listening to them] the whole thing not only stinks it tastes like muck...smell like fuc and then there is tim growing testicular muscles saying the poor girl..stop picking on the leader.. the frail flower poor petal what has happend to the respect due to ju[liar] she has squnderd it all...[the real juliar..there is no such thing] the lies are piling up the complicity and conspiricy then 2 years that smart choices [work choices].. work cover..a govt quango investingation unit..has hushed it up the failed nsw police investigation [i see nuthing] hey the silence is deafening at least she got her new carbon tax subsidy for the eu [pew] about we let that go to a conscieinous vote oh forgot they got no conscience lol where the rebuttal from the lab bloggers? defending the indefensable liar and her party of mugs//[patisies..spouting pr spin and proper gander]...cant you see whats being coverd over ? major collusion to decieve defraud voters..with lies Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:33:03 PM
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Interesting letter I saw last week -
"So who runs Australia? Is it Julia Gillard? No. Tony Abbott? No, much as he thinks otherwise. Is it Kevin Rudd, or Malcolm Turnbull, or the unions, the miners or Big Business? No, it's none of these. Australia is now run by the flat-earth, know-nothing, believe-everything, paranoid, redneck ignoramus, whose overblown sense of self-entitlement dictates how loudly he or she will scream over any and every issue. This is particularly true of issues that will never directly affect them, like boat people or gay marriage. It doesn't matter how wrong, illogical, insane, offensive, counterproductive or disturbing what they want is, our two political parties are at their beck and call, with shock jocks and the Murdoch press to encourage them." Says it all, really. Posted by wobbles, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:53:53 PM
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And well said, Wobbles.
Posted by Ammonite, Saturday, 17 September 2011 5:57:05 AM
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Wobbles the so called shock jocks are not wrong on everything and Juliar Dillard has no mandate for a carbon tax.Both the left and right need to wake up and see how they're being conned by a cabal of Global Central banks and their military industrial complex.
911 was a lie and so is the theory of Global warming.Dr David Evans worked as computer climate modeller for our Govt, he said,"by 1996 the evidence did not support the climate theory which he used to endorse" The ship of AGW would not however turn around because too many including Govt were on the gravy train. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 September 2011 7:22:35 AM
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Dear Wobbles,
Well said, I applaud every word in your post, I am fed up with some of these puerile clones of Toby Abbott and others. Enjoy your weekend, NSB Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Saturday, 17 September 2011 2:58:20 PM
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Noisy Scrub Bird verifys my observation.Left is good right is bad.This is the depth of analysis that many on both sides of the spectrum aspire to.The elites have NSB sucked in also.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 September 2011 5:27:34 PM
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This link has a little more substance than this thread. More to say About Abbott and his team, about the small crowd that arjay is so proud to have been part of. Not my words, not from my side of politics but worth a read. Posted by Belly, Monday, 19 September 2011 7:57:27 AM
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Belly AGW is a lie.All the evidence points to a big scam.Just because you make a link to something,does not make it true.
I don't trust Abbott but will back him in eliminating this illegal treacherous carbon tax. Your problem is that you are totally blind and tribal to labor.Nothing they do can be wrong or questionable in your eyes. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 19 September 2011 6:02:05 PM
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Arjay, the way this gov dismissed the recent ruckies protest is anything to go by they dont give two hoots what we think.
It will also cost that pollie his seat because you simply can not treat people with that type of arrarence and get away with it. Posted by rehctub, Monday, 19 September 2011 6:42:50 PM
I was really impressed with these great Australians who had worked hard all their lives,never complained and nearly all had never been politically active until now.
Julia Gillard had obiviously lied to us all saying,"There will be no carbon tax under a Govt I lead." However there is a lot more to the slowest suicide quest for Labor that Tony Abbott alluded to just today.
Why has Labor now become so intent on their own self destruction? What has divorced them from the political reality that gives them sustaince?