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The Forum > General Discussion > Ten years after 9/11 has the world really changed?

Ten years after 9/11 has the world really changed?

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So how would the world be different if 9 / 11 had never happened?

Would the US economy be in better shape?

Maybe a little bit. But I suggest reckless tax cuts, poor regulation of the banks and general bad economic management have contributed more to the state of the US economy than 9 / 11.

Would the US have invaded Iraq?

My guess is that's what Bush intended all along. 9/11 Simply made it easier to sell the invasion to the American public. We’d still have had the WMD story.

Would the banks still have been so reckless with our money?

Are you kidding?

Would Greece have been able to pay its debts?

Not worthy of an answer.

When you take a good hard look at the world I suggest most of what ails us has at best a tenuous connection with 9 / 11.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 11 September 2011 11:31:40 AM
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im online..avoiding the rehash of 911 spin
but lets take your points

""So how would the world be different""

usa would be 3 trillion better off
300,000 people would still be alive
many more would not be injured or burnt out

[noting one third of those who died...were resque servants
[police firies etc]..from memory 30 were muslim

and im sure 'that flight'
was shot down by friendly fire

""Would the US economy be in better shape?""

hard to say..the economy was going to melt down on 911
911 at leastr gave an excuse for a bailout..and invester direction
[and considering usa one third based on arms production..well who knows

""I suggest reckless tax cuts,"'
yes sure..the rich have done well all round

""poor regulation of the banks""
its more the 'other markets..derivitive..or short selling stock you dont the hope you can buy it back cheaper if you get a panic/run going..

bonus all round

""and general bad economic management"'

lets not let the federal reserve off the hook
or enron type practices, gone global

lest we forget..the 'evidence'..was held in the only stteel frame buildings ever to have fallen down..despite bigger planes ..and hotter fires..hitting them

""Would the US have invaded Iraq?""


""My guess is that's what Bush intended all along.""

thats not a guess
thats a certainty
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 11 September 2011 9:08:44 PM
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but dont forget dikkk cheekey..and the rest

""9/11 Simply made it easier to sell the invasion to the American public.""

""We’d still have had the WMD story.""

but much harder to sell

""Would the banks still have been
so reckless with our money?""

they wernt reckless with 'our' money
they were reckless with the truth

""Are you kidding?"'

nope im deadly serious

""Would Greece have been able to pay its debts?""

it joined eu
to get more credit
it and italy and spain have been broke for a long time

ireland is more like usa
not willing to tax the rich multinational business leaders

""Not worthy of an answer.""

dont be negative

""most of what ails us
has at best a tenuous connection with 911""

every little lie hurts
collectivly..too many liars
wanting too much fame glory and credit

what about israels 1 trillion of 'gifts'
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 11 September 2011 9:09:36 PM
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I agree Steven,
The cost of Iraq & Afghanistan is not all that significant
compared to the US debt.
Travel by air seems to be the area most affected.
There have been some reductions in privacy but nothing that affects me.

Anything else would be well hidden from sight.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 12 September 2011 9:40:44 AM
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9/11 made an easy method of using fear to govern in Western culture - continuing to today's argument over boat people, restriction of free speech, greater distrust of other cultures.
Posted by Ammonite, Monday, 12 September 2011 9:44:09 AM
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Ammonite commented on distrust of other cultures;

How many members of Al Quiader are Christians, Hindus or Buddists ?
Hmmm, and you wonder why moslems are distrusted ?

Trust has to be earned.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 12 September 2011 10:16:51 AM
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