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Can We Talk ,Should We?
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Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 6:08:22 AM
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belly quote..""Look truly at each charge.""
i have belly..and the alp at federal and state level is guilty of overseeing a lot of debt that many [including unionists]..will spend years paying off ""Some are so fantastic no one surely thinks they are true."" mate look at the bottum line qld govt...under over ten years under labour 65 billion*...[they spent it mate...on their other NON union mates] to wit those who support the 2 party machine men ""Rudd/Gillard constructed potholes,"" thats non-sense ""seemingly unaware of the concept party first"" i didnt say that they are well aware its party first or rather the party line[ie whatever it takes to keep their true masters[the public service happy...and sitting on the qungo boardrooms ""both miss used me."" no both serve other masters not their union membership nor the rest of the mug voters only tghose with too much power and money allready ""hands from out side our country or from with in it,"" both mate[recall beatup beaty..went os to talk to his masters ""conspiracy to remove Labor."" no conspiricy but lets admit...the party adgebnda got stolen[highjacked] ""look at Tony Abbott,stand him, in your minds eye along side Howard Menzies others find me a past Liberal leader even close to this bloke."" mate you gotta work with the lemmon you got ""once in power are you truly sure Abbott will not betray most of us?"" of course not but mate they are all corrupt Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 9:31:23 AM
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but at least with tony..
you know he isnt there..*for us juliar actually thinks she has licence when clearly she dont people wont forget we got burned by liers too much mate you done scrutinisation...look at ryan by election like i did... the alp scrutineers were all swarthy greek/young the lib scruiteners was a young old guy...and a few other asorted races/sexes... it was rather blatent..that the young greks run the ryan ""how many potholes how many years before Labor returns to power."" mate in time..we will only vote for,..anyone,,,*NOT party this is the last see if..the union party actually cares for unionists and ends making of over 100 new laws/levies sucking the very life blood..from their wages these new laws mate are any..helping the unionist? for god sake lexie LIST THEM.. [you appear to be some public serrvant so in your flexie some of them] [have you read even one of them?] just cause you make new laws..dont mean they are any good [heck look at the high court overturning her last ones] if smokers got it together those laws would be found to be racist like[biased] based on spin fear and lies too are these over 100 new laws legal or just helping drain them unionist fodderr..dry lib/lab..two sides of the same coin mired in gren slime Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 9:37:30 AM
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Antiseptic you will not find me defending a thief, a union official/officer who is such is less than human.
This event, no evidence will be found because it is not in existence Gillard did any wrong, took place while ago. My union today is the result of amalgamation and restructuring. Mostly but not all, for the better. However ,yes thieves operate in unions, headlines challenge others today. I have, out of my own pocket, payed bills the union should have, because I had doubts I may have contributed to the bills need, cars mostly. A man currently,well I think it is still on, is said to have taken hundreds of thousands in bribes. Like every thing, we are on the take, if you supervise construction you will be aware. Extra plant get hired every thing from brown paper bags to homes being built, massive theft. I detest the lot, know more construction supervisors and managers who should be in prison, right along side bent union officials. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 2:53:10 PM
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A similar story
Cost's paid in relation to a legal bill for an action not related to the role in the union. "Mr Ludwig said the AWU had a long-standing policy that an attack on a union official was an attack on the union. However, he said the AWU held a meeting regarding the costs incurred in the Carter case. A formal resolution was passed that the union would pay the legal costs, Mr Ludwig said. Mr Ludwig said he still had a copy of the resolution. He said union officials lost their private identity when they took on the job of union representation. "Any attack on them becomes an attack on the union," he said. "That is why their costs are covered" R0bert Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 7 September 2011 3:52:35 PM
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RObert I will not lie Bill Ludwig is one of my hero's
He has been charged with nothing, he may never be. I in defense of my union fought a few battles ,internally, not one more important than my resignation. In a fight against a flea riding on the back of my union. If I was in charge of that Great Union, I would put two things in place before stepping aside and letting youth take over. School and review every current and future officer of the union. Educate and remind them they are not wanted if the motive for taking the job is not pride in them selves the union and its members , and too industrial relations last and final resort is strike action. The other? Halve union membership/overheads/ internal costs/double union membership Look RObert at the current culture in this country fraud is not a union illness alone. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 8 September 2011 4:32:03 AM
This story has a lot further to run. The stat dec is unequivocal in its language and highly detailed. I'll get a copy of it today if I can and reproduce it here.