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Leadership - Are We Losing It?
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Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 30 June 2011 9:10:41 AM
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Unfortunately the main political parties are do not listen to the people of Australia who they claim to represent.
It is my firm belief that all the major political parties and their leaders are more concerned with fighting each others policies whether good or bad. With regards to the controversual CARBON TAX most Australian people have views and concerns on whether it will or will not be good and the impact it will have if it gets enacted. As the CARBON TAX will have a large impact on all the people and businesses in Australia, then I firmly believe a REFERENDUM by the people should be held. Holding a REFERENDUM of the people will either endorse or decline a CARBON TAX or E.T.S. No one I have spoken to knows what the financial costs will be to all of us the people but most beleive what ever the costs will be passed on to us the people. To name some but not just limited to below; The cost of food will increase, we all have to eat. The cost of our oops sorry the foreign owned utility companies will increase their prices and past them onto us, The cost of fuel will increase and will be passed onto us. How many of the businesses in Australia which provide us with employment will relocate off shore to countries where it is cheaper to manufacture and wages are a less? We the people of Australia elect the governments to serve us, this means we the people of Australia are their employer and they are our servants. Our Constitution of Australia 1900 enacted by Federal Parliament in 1901 is still our Supreme legal document to this very day. For many decades our governments have unlawfully ignored and hidden it from us the people. Posted by gypsy, Thursday, 30 June 2011 9:39:53 AM
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Leadership does help a lot but it's the masses who need to wake up.
It's like a rowing competition, no matter how good a coxwain if the rowers don't perform the the race is lost. Posted by individual, Thursday, 30 June 2011 10:58:04 AM
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we are allowed a choice
we are not allowed a voice jesus said whoever would lead you must serve you...[and there lies the root exposed] they serve over you...lord it over others...serve others like themselves look at ana blight...with clive pal;mers [who took her to her on his side..*by threat] now is reaping and pilaging his way to being aussies richest blob/slob there are no good leaders demonic autrocracy has built its walls well we will not have a leader change..till seconds before they run to election...before the opposition can reveal their feet of clay.. we expect too much from small people we have rules to control their excess abbuses but any fool knows that rules are only able to be enforced by a watchdog...[and that bit on the rules we dont got] in qld they actually did away completly with the upper house..[who voted their whiole role out of govt] NO WHERE IN THE SO-CALLED constitution is this kind of theft from the people..allowed yet the courts still act like..they got legitimate powers enforce rules that call a plant a drug...that call wages income when income-tax..isnt wages tax.. and cannabis is a plant... but such is the dumness of the runmcorpse.. they police petty crime..ignoring the crime of their masters and the people...too dumb or lazey to read the rules or find out what words really mean..get the govt they de-serve [soon they are to be the next abused.. and they will get the adverse debt..made payable on their bill...while lamenting govt selling off the family silver to her mates] just like peter beatup before her and joe bejerkley petershun before him its comforting that they dig their own pit/fall partey loyalty is treason upon proper governance but give monkies gold they give it away for mere peanuts yes we got..the very poor leaders we have earned* Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 June 2011 11:28:21 AM
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Love to invite the Nay Sayers to get on board. Read the link, form their own opinions not be lead by Tony Abbott and his branch of the American Tea Party. Soon, Very soon so very many who say no carbon tax will claim they always wanted one. And so very soon 2 years is soon, after Conservatives doubt it as a wise and needed measure the ground will be covered in fallen Henny Penny's still and forever waiting for the sky to fall. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 30 June 2011 11:37:17 AM
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I for one am not against a tax which reduces pollution. I never have nor will I be against that. What I am against is the carbon tax proposed by the knee jerker Association. Can anyone tell me how a carbon tax in Australia will affect the climate & by when will that effect be measurable ? How much will the motor racing industry have to pay ? How much will the private jet mob have to pay ? Will non-essential industry be curbed & if so, by how much ? Will the up & coming manufacturing countries discipline themselves & cut back on pollution ? If we really are so silly as to believe our little mob can make a difference then surely we'd be silly enough to stop all non-essential industry as well like stop free travel for pensioners or pensioner concessions etc. Will Bathurst 1000 & the Grand Prix & Philip Island etc be things of the past or can they continue polluting because they can afford to pay the carbon tax ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 30 June 2011 12:19:40 PM
In fact she may not need any hoods, as we already know, she's pretty good with the knife herself, particularly in the back.
Brown would only lead you into the stream the better to make it difficult for you to do anything you may want to, without his permission.
Abbott may make you ride a bike up a hill, or run a mile, either of which may hurt a bit, but he'd have a beer waiting for you when you finished.
Thanks for helping us put these people in perspective.