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Mass Production and the Creative Instinct

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here are my latest stones
trying to track down the basics opf creating form
from its cause [the spirit realm]

i began with some basic words
into a search engine..[lets call the act of searching]
looking for a noun
rather than an ajective

so here i have the basic key notes

my music+
shaping tonal/affect
into form

the first search result ..seemed of intrest
seemed interesting
but i moved on

removed the limitator noun of 'music'

again only one search result
seemed of intrest

so i added the noun 'spirit'

here are the most interesting results from the first two pages

thats it for me
this is as far as my creative 'instinct' took it
now it becomes hard work..from here on

the instinct worked by setting up a resonation
that interacted with like resonations
setting up a field of interferance

a spirituawl ossilation
that if focused may result in form
[a concept]..from an far i have done little

others wrote it
i just took note of it

anyhow i will work backwards
[the first link shall be last]

it wont be a mass production
it will be hard to find other simular minds to link up with
not impossable..but each will have its own points of intrest
that disjoint the mind meld

those who enjoy the unity
of common thought and purpose..are lucky

more lucky than many
would or could relise..

anyhow cheers

the dreamer is again dreaming
[just as tony is raving on
in parlement]..on the radio

it just keeps on giving
go on tony give it too her..nbn be dammed go for the imagration center
its the last sitting for 6 into it mate..get into the tax

you beauty
darn you juliar
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 9:10:09 AM
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Houlley you are good at a bit of navel gazing yourself making a national sport of picking at the edges of what anyone else has to say. It is too simplistic to reduce any discussion or opinion as "speaking for mankind".

We don't live in a bubble, and while it is possible to live outside the prescribed course to some extent (the prescribed course can be relatively wide depending in which country one resides), it is naive to think that there are not some constraints.

Largely the important stuff at the domestic level can be ignored until it has an impact on (for example) energy bills or speak to the Japanese citizens about how failure by big corps to adhere to nuclear safety standards will have a massive impact on their lives. Tell them that the prescribed course of unaccountability is in "their mind".

What happens when some of this big stuff of which people mostly do not have much control, starts to impede into one's personal space.

We can do nothing (which is what we all usually do) other than vent spleens on OLO or we can do something, similar to the spirit of Wikileaks or other organisations that seek accountability and for others who push for more participatory democracy.

Fact is Houlley participation is voluntary, it always has been.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 28 March 2011 9:37:04 AM
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What do we mean when we speak
of feeling 'uplifted'..with joy,
or 'weighed down' sadness..
of being 'radiant'..with enthusiasm a 'dark' mood?

What do we mean when we speak of someone..emanating 'warmth'
or being 'cold'..towards us?

Are we simply using 'metaphors'
to describe disembodied mental..or emotional states?

Or are we in fact describing fundamental qualities of awareness itself -its own intrinsic qualities..of lightness and heaviness, light and darkness, warmth and coolness...{upon the id..[you/me]..}

More importantly,what it with which we feel 'closer' or more 'distant' to someone -independently of the physical distance?

What body are we referring to..when we speak of being touched by someone..without any physical contact,..of moving 'closer' to them or 'distancing'..*ourselves from them?

What body are we referring to
when we speak of someone being 'warm-hearted'
or 'cold', 'thick-skinned' or 'thin-skinned', 'balanced' or 'imbalanced', 'solid' or 'mercurial', 'stable' or 'volatile'?

Are these phrases..merely emotional metaphors
derived from motions in physical space,..from our physical anatomy and from elemental states of matter?

Or do they in fact..describe basic motions and elemental states of awareness, motions belonging to an inner body of awareness -a 'soul body' with its own inner anatomy?..{E-motions]

No more important question can be asked
if we wish to understand the true nature of the soul or psyche,
{id]..and with it, the true nature of bodyhood as such.

No more important question can be asked if we wish the 'science' of psychology to live up to its name...Today the very term 'psychology' has become a contradiction in terms.

For this supposedly 'scientific' a 'psychology' which, paradoxically, has absolutely no place for the soul or psyche -

which it either identifies with a disembodied 'mind'
or reduces to a by-product of the brain and body functions.

It will require a revolution in human thinking to shed the myth, still endlessly recycled in new forms,..that awareness is simply a by-product of our brains,

*an instrument by which we perceive other bodies,
or the medium through which we become conscious of our own bodies...

ok..thats the best so far
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 10:21:21 AM
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Dear Joe (Loudmouth),

No argument from me on a fair go for people. If we can divert unprecedented energy and resources to the real problems that face us, including poverty, disease, overpopulation, injustice, oppression, and the devastation of our natural environment we will be able to enhance the life on the bright and lovely planet on which billions of us share our adventure.

Dear Yabby,

The only thing that guarantees freedom is our commitment to it. That commitment must include our capacity to love each other as human beings, to remember we are brothers/sisters on this planet. Without a spiritual basis, every system disintegrates. We mustn't think that our nation is immune to the viruses that destroy nations, any more than any of us are immune to the flu if it's coming through town.
Many of the things that most of us were brought up to think "could never happen here," have already begun to happen. Dangerous scapegoating, violent hate crimes, small-minded intolerance. Without personal commitment to the attributes of fair play and integrity, our country is in grave danger. Of course that's only my opinion - as I wrote previously - that things that make me happy are not posessions.
I believe that Mankind has come to a major crossroads, at which the spirit alone can lead us toward human survival. But enough said.
Posted by Lexi, Monday, 28 March 2011 10:24:53 AM
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'As we give up our collective enslavement to the dictates of Western materialism,...'

Just one in a sea
Of the collective royal we.

Sorry, I just don't feel dictated to, or a slave to anything. Now, the popular retort to you lot would be 'you're blind', but that's exactly my point.


Just because one takes the path of least resistance doesn't, *doesn't* mean they haven't been exposed to other options or had the opportunity to take them. It may just be, now this is radical now, that they LIKE that path.

Certainly, I don't see those who read books and regurgitate the ideas as any more 'creative' or non-conformist. In fact, doing so with the ideal of being non-conformist is in itself conforming.

You can even take the idea back to feminism, since anti isn't here. The woman who enjoys cooking and caring for children, and admits it and spends her life that way is less of a conformist than the idealistic feminist who sees these activities as a nod to The Grand Evil Patriarchy, and so rejects anyone who does enjoy it as a slave to such.

Basing your life on a knee jerk reaction to an ideology is being more of a slave to that ideology than those who take what they like, reject what they don't, and get on with their lives, secure in the knowledge that everyone is different, and all paths are valid.

'Not so....perhaps their spirit is a little more non-conformist and liberated than that of the "levellers" and the "botherers" who can't abide it when someone raises their head above the parapet.'

Ah, so admit you feel you are 'above' the parapet. All seeing all knowing, a little bit smarter than the 'sheeple'.

Are you really liberated? I think the truly liberated person is the one who doesn't feel they need to be liberated from anything. Maybe you're looking to be liberated from yourself, and your guilt at being influenced by marketing or something, but it is folly to project that onto me.

I LOVE my big screen TV.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 28 March 2011 10:40:04 AM
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Poirot, if you're quoting Choprah, then IMHO you are simply on
the fairy flock treadmill, like millions of others.

This is what happened when Dawkins interviewed Choprah about
quantum physics.

All credit to Choprah for turning being a guru for the rich, into
an extremely profitable industry. I gather he worked for the Yogi
himself once, so would have had a great teacher about human
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 28 March 2011 11:10:22 AM
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