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Pauline Hanson's makes a bid
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Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 14 March 2011 3:44:49 PM
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To save all of you interested and humane people from having to search,
(quote) The list of symptoms include: "…restlessness; increased hyperexcitability; incontinence or diarrhea; excessive salivation; abrupt bouts of vocalization; and finally sudden bursts of violent activity. All affected animals then fall to the ground in teranic seizure, with hind limbs or all four limbs and sometimes the tail extended rigidly from their arched bodies. At other times the front feet are clasped together, clenched or used to scratch frantically at the cage walls. This tonic phase is then followed by a clonic phase in which the animals lie and kick or 'paddle' with the front legs and sometimes squeal, crawl around and bite at objects. During this phase the tongue and penis may be extruded, their eyes rolled back so that only the whites show and the teeth ground together. Breathing is rapid but laboured, with some animals partly choking on their saliva. Finally such individuals begin to relax, breathing more slowly and shallowly and lying quietly with the hind legs still extended but apparently semiparalysed".(unquote). Seen this happening and put an end to the suffering with a bullet, also probably broken the law by shooting a kangaroo that was in the final throes. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 14 March 2011 4:04:55 PM
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You can do more civil than your last post. You condemn realistic working people with academic bile dribble, not very intelligent at all. Posted by individual, Monday, 14 March 2011 5:22:12 PM
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Individual, so you think those that don't support racist would-be politicians like Pauline Hanson,
("I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians.") are non -working, unintelligent people? You can do better than that... Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 14 March 2011 5:35:28 PM
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Dear Suze,
Thanks for your kind words and support. As always it's deeply appreciated. Is Mise, CSIRO have undertaken numerous projects of land management - including how to deal with foxes, feral cats and others, as well as the problems of endangered animals like the quoll. Of course there's more to controlling foxes than baiting and bullets. Another method is the development of an Immunocontraceptive Vaccine for the control of foxes in Australia. If you're interested you can always google the subject on the web. By the way, for your information, my family's ancestry comes from a long line of farmers - including in-laws who used to own stud-farms near Quirindi, NSW. Pop has since retired - but his sons have taken over. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 14 March 2011 5:58:55 PM
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"Immunocontraceptive Vaccine"
Dream on, "Condoms for Foxes" will be just as effective. How about the horrendous deaths from 1080? Foxes; (quote) In Australia, research has shown that the fox normally consumes approximately 30 per cent wildlife in its diet. A single fox can consume around 40kg of small native animals per year. This accounts for a very large number of native animals lost each year, particularly when the current fox population in Australia has been estimated at 7.2 million. That’s a potential of at least 288,000 tonnes of native animals killed and consumed by foxes each year....(unquote) From SSAA. I've shot over 1,000 foxes since I started counting and an old friend, who died recently, had shot over 3,000. That's a lot of natives saved. Paulene Hanson supports these kinds of efforts but the Greens would stop it if they could. Just as they helped boost the number of foxes by the misguided attacks on women who wore fox furs by them and their fellow travellers. The fox fur industry crumpled as it became uneconomical to kill foxes for their pelts. Who is the more practical? Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 14 March 2011 7:44:21 PM
Good, someone's reading up on the problems.
The persistence of 1080 in....commonly used fox baits, Foxoff® and chicken wingettes, was assessed under different climatic and rainfall conditions in central-western New South Wales. Loss of 1080 from wingettes was....remaining lethal for....on average, 0.9 weeks. Foxoff® baits remained lethal for longer than wingettes under all tested conditions, although their rate of degradation increased generally with increasing rainfall......areas baited with Foxoff® will require longer withholding periods for working dogs than those baited with wingettes, especially during dry periods.....(unquote)
In a nutshell they kill foxes and anything else that eats them, like birds and the endangered natve cats.
Captive trials were undertaken to determine whether tiger quolls and eastern quolls could detect baits that were either buried or covered with soil following the methods employed in normal buried-poisoned-bait programmes. Both tiger quolls and eastern quolls detected and consumed buried FOXOFF baits.....trials showed that tiger quolls were capable of consuming 2–3 FOXOFF baits in a single meal and more than three baits overnight. Eastern quolls could consume up to 1.5 baits in a single meal.
Field investigate whether tiger quolls in the wild could also detect and consume buried baits. Trials with both fresh meat and FOXOFF.....The results confirmed that tiger quolls in the wild can detect and consume both fresh meat and FOXOFF baits that have been buried or placed on the surface and covered with soil to a depth of 5–8 cm.
The results indicate that the buried-bait technique is not specific for introduced predators, and free- feeding may not preclude non-target species from taking buried baits. Reliance on the identification of the species visiting bait stations from tracks may also be unreliable as foxes dug up bait stations searching for baits, even after the bait had been removed, potentially obliterating other tracks.(unquote)
Lexi do you have any idea of the suffering and time taken to die of an animal that has ingested 1080?
I would hope not, but read up on it, it might just change your mind.