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We can do without professional politicians
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Posted by david f, Friday, 4 March 2011 10:18:12 AM
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i partly agre
but we must sepperate them from the purse strings too get their noses out of the trough those who raise a new tax shouldnt be allowed to determine which of their mates gets the new gifts also stop them re-entering ..into business they over-saw govt SERVANTS in fact why give them any pension when they only become borad members or work for those ...they served all allong also ban all party loyalties one cannot serve two masters also this thing about having a quorum ALL SHOULD SIT IF THE HOUSE IS SITTING i sat in the public gallery for weeks most of the time there was me the speaker and the talker and the next talker... quarum should be a job of the speaker both parties should have equal numbers like for like just like pairing arrangments also minesters...job should be auditing their dept expenditure..! not doling it out or being lobby for who gets what the system is rotten time to sepperatye the good fruit from the rotted spoil start with banning party membership.. and fund raising.. or lobby..[without proper oversight's] [and without hearing ...*an opposing argument] properly presented each new law must lose an old law each new subsidy must lose an old one [of equal value] sepperate lawyers from making laws or docters making laws or submissions on big medicine rules or subsidy Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 March 2011 11:27:13 AM
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david f:>> We could have a group of Australians selected by education and willingness to serve in government.<<
David, you would think that a tertiary education would be an asset to being the representative of the people. But I believe it is an encumbrance to ones perception regarding the reality lived by the plebs. Last year in Sydney less than 5% of the graduating students received a UAI that would gain them admission to a uni, and of that 5%, less than 3% will end up with a degree. These people are rare in the broader society and as they peruse their careers they become insular from the plebs because of their career paths. This is the candidate that political parties canvass. Someone who has lived a rarified life is now charged with representing the aspirations of the 95% that did not achieve a UAI, and now inhabit the mortgage or rental belt of struggle street. I would take common sense and life experience over education, we have a public service, they must be educated, and politicians must have common sense and empathy, education is a bonus. >>From this group political office could be filled by lot. Those who show competence in office could be re-elected for two terms. Incompetents could be replaced at any time by referendum or judicial action.<< Bottom line is we need first past the post. The Tasweigan imbecile Andrew Wilkie came third in a five horse race and with preferences he won; the Labor candidate even flogged him. That is disgusting, plain stomach turning idiocy. >>Adequate compensation should be provided for office holders. Political parties would be eliminated. << Italy has had about sixty governments in sixty years, primarily because coalitions to form government may need half a dozen entities. The two party system is the most stable. The concept of no parties and a free vote on issues is appealing but individuals change their minds where parties tend not to, the whip sees to that, you need continuity for efective governance. Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 4 March 2011 3:33:42 PM
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OUG:>>each new law
must lose an old law each new subsidy must lose an old one [of equal value] sepperate lawyers from making laws or docters making laws or submissions on big medicine rules or subsidy<< OUG, you say some good things. Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 4 March 2011 3:37:09 PM
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Sounds like you want to create a dictatorship.
Posted by a597, Friday, 4 March 2011 3:47:59 PM
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...“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck”. ...There are plenty believe we are in the duck pond of dictatorship already! Posted by diver dan, Friday, 4 March 2011 9:14:20 PM
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we can also do without media disinfo
and we can do without overseas multinationals stealing our natural resources..looting our forrests seas and waters we need workers to do the job for a fair share but appart from that we dont need bosses reaping off the cream or bankers collecting intrest or insurers whio dont insure when govt did phone power and water it was much cheaper why let miners reap the resource when the workers doing it could easy work for govt and the proffits gouing to all of us..not some fat big business banker Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 March 2011 7:46:50 AM
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David f.,
In an ideal society, which we're not, your suggestions would work. Afterall, that's how many community groups work. Unfortunately, the daunting task of responsibility of running a nation is discouraging to those that would be most qualified to do so. So the job is left to those that are not competent to do anything else, get paid well, and become politicians in a Party system which excuses them from doing anything by blaming their opponents. Some nations after the collapse of the Soviet Union did draft idealists to serve their country but after a few years the "politically-minded" element took over. Another concern is the drain on the national economy of the continual pay-out to former Prime Ministers who have already received a substantial package on their retirement from politics but continue to get lucrative pay-outs and support. Why? Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 5 March 2011 2:33:04 PM
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Lexi:>> Another concern is the drain on the national economy of the continual pay-out to former Prime Ministers who have already received a substantial package on their retirement from politics but continue to get lucrative pay-outs and support. Why?<<
I suppose the stipend is to keep the ex PM's off the streets, literally. Could you imagine an ex PM down on his luck and hawking whatever he or she can to support themselves and bringing an air of ill repute to themselves and the office they held. There are billions of other wasted tax dollars to concern ourselves about Lexi. Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 5 March 2011 3:06:42 PM
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I'm not questioning the generous pay-outs (that will keep PMs in comfort for the rest of their lives) that PMs receive when they leave office. What I'm questioning is - the several expensive office accommodations, (one isn't sufficient), state of the art a/v equipment, all their telephone bills, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, first-class flights around the world on a whim, luxury cars, and staff, that continues to be provided (at tax payers expense) even after they've left office. Admitedly some former PMs are not as blatant in the use of these benefits but as we've recently read, there are some that do exploit this opportunity. One former PM managed to spend over 4 million in one year. That is more than just a "stipend." Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 5 March 2011 5:56:35 PM
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"We can do without professional politicians"
We sure do, but they cannot do without themselves, right? So once a headless nail is in, it is there for good! What we can do, is to take away their powers, so they can continue talking out there in Canberra, agreeing, disagreeing, interjecting, calling names at each other, etc. so long as it no longer affects our own lives. We should vote for policies, not for politicians, and even then the scope of those policies should be limited to the minimum necessary do defend ourselves from harm by others, externally and internally. That is all that a state is legitimately about, all the rest should be voluntary. Once the policies are set, anyone competent enough can get the job of seeing that they are carried out properly and it is no longer a big deal who will that person be. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 6 March 2011 12:35:25 AM
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Here is how we can do without professional politicians:
You already benefit from competition every time you go to a store. What if you could shop for a region to live/work in, where all the regions were competing to give you the best of everything? The way it works is the more popular regions get more land, while the unpopular ones go out of business. This results in all regions improving to serve you better. Everything would get better with this type of competition. Imagine regions offering to pay your moving expenses, even offering you a better job, or more, to get you to move to their region. They know this would be an investment for their future. The benefits of competition are well documented, now it is time we start using it for a better life. Todays system doesn't have real competition because the unpopular regions just start to go bankrupt, then reduce services to people, nothing meaningful changes. Thats what happens when we have no real competition. Its the familiar race to the bottom. We can fix all these problems by using economic regions that compete with each other. Any group of people could start and run their own region. Some regions could be run by nonprofits, giving us a higher standard of living. Even though nobody needs to move, the option is always there, which means regions have to stay good all the time to avoid becoming unpopular and going out of business. Its like every day is election day. Right now, after election, the promises are forgotten and there is no hope of improvement for a long time. A lot more details at: Posted by betterworld, Sunday, 6 March 2011 4:39:36 PM
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Betterworld. Not much of late here on lol has sparked much interested lately, however something in what you feel is just a pipedream, and I QUOTE this sentence.........
"Thats what happens when we have no real competition." I beg the differ, tooo much competition is just what the main problem is and of course miss-management from a too short-slightness top level greed, and just look around you.......but you say there is more we can add to the mess, Iam all ear,s. \ The way I see it....because of all the competition, NO one can make any real money and some of this has happened never since some bright-spark suggested that we increase child production, which they thought would solve the major problems and keep the cash flows going........but it just didn't work. Now global self-destruction we are seeing. More people the merrier! Yeah right! Now you have the great plain to save all...............A little too late my friend for that don't you think? Wishful-thinking to save the starving people is not for your shoulders for it to rest on...OH NO ...its the smart-arses that are and always have been ruling us, its them that has made this mess, and its them that the broom has to be handed too. I just love the title............"We can do without professional politicians" some of the one,s that helped this mess along, if not fully responsible for. Too many people my friend, and the arm,s contractors have just a little to much sur-plus...and i think you can do the maths on global greed. But just in-case Iam wrong:) how are you going to pull this off? BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Sunday, 6 March 2011 10:38:18 PM
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Here is just what we are all facing, and your plan:) Dont get me wrong, hope is all we have.....just ask any religious organization:)
$$$bull$$$$bull$$$$and more bull$$$$+ people= cash! This is your equation, is it not? 6.7 billion people and counting. Here is something to see. How many seconds is a baby born. Every five seconds a human baby is born.....and the planet is changing for a dryer system...yes, all ear,s still:) How many baby's are born each day? Well it depends what time and when you see how fast humans are growing:) How many babies are born each week? 2,000,000 How many babies are born each day? 691,200 babies born each year. I think that is a lot of babies! I don't see many people with babies. I think they must be at home. I mostly would stay home. But, I am not a girl) Thats a joke:)with a point.sssssh:) How many babies are born a second in the UK? 5 people are born and 3 people die each second And how many are you going to save? Please tell us that your the new coming of Christ, which I,ve got marked on my calender......I bit early:) Mate! If humans dont evolve very quickly out of their childish duals with the mind-sets, time as it comes, will just consume them like all other life before them. Good luck with your quest. BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Sunday, 6 March 2011 10:57:10 PM
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These are the currant pop figs.
Monthly World population figures: 07/01/10 6,852,472,823 08/01/10 6,858,904,297 09/01/10 6,865,335,772 10/01/10 6,871,559,780 11/01/10 6,877,991,255 12/01/10 6,884,215,263 01/01/11 6,890,646,738 02/01/11 6,897,078,213 03/01/11 6,902,887,287 04/01/11 6,909,318,762 05/01/11 6,915,542,770 06/01/11 6,921,974,245 07/01/11 6,928,198,253 And there's not a problem, all-righty then:)Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base. World Vital Events Per Time Unit: 2011 (Figures may not add to totals due to rounding) Natural Time unit Births Deaths increase Year 132,697,074 56,260,324 76,436,750 Month 11,058,090 4,688,360 6,369,729 Day 363,554 154,138 209,416 Hour 15,148 6,422 8,726 Minute 252 107 145 Second 4.2 1.8 2.4 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base., Enjoy:) People of the world. To have a child in these times is suicide for the one you say your giving birth to. Attention to all females! You are the only one,s that can give birth. We are but males, led by a tiny brain between our legs. You have the control of what and how many people are here. Only you have the power of life, not us. Religion trys not to stop more people entering this planet, but we know their out of date thinking's, is just fueling the problems we are seeing. BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Sunday, 6 March 2011 11:44:22 PM
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Sorry David f. Your looking in the wrong direction. Greed, and the world knows the Jewish mind-sets David, Money, money, money, which has caused others to disagree with your.....lets say....singular thinking's. No-one own,s this planet. Its only humans that cant play.
The carrot and the donkey...........I think you know the story and how this is not No longer the answer. The world as one! Funny how the answers are so simple:) but who said humans where simple:).....I think they are just too smart for they own good. Now! the people can see what we are doing:) but can they see? Multiculturalism is the blend for that, in the long run, will mix all, so that you and I, in blood.....will be as brother like never before. Maybe too soon:) But what other choice does mankind have in this time-line? You have no need to answer such questions, time and the pure thought of the mind can and will do this. WHY? its our time to see. Again, sorry for what would seem to be hi jacking your thread, but as you know............all is reflective from where we have come from. Ask yourself this question.......if man is a part of life.........why do we not fit? BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Monday, 7 March 2011 12:39:47 AM
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QUOTE:"because of all the competition, NO one can make any real money "
Thats because today, stores compete for money, not land. If we change it so companies and nonprofits run a region of land, and lose the land if they are unpopular, then they will work very hard to become popular. Everybody will get more of everything including money. Regions will make all kinds of improvements to stay popular. According to my plans, any group could start and run their own region. The more popular it becomes, the more land it gets. if you were to start and run your own region, what would it be like? Posted by betterworld, Monday, 7 March 2011 7:19:37 PM
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Betterworld......I wish you all the best......I have heard of small towns dieing out and offering homes for a dollar, but that's the best understanding I have for you, unless you lay out your plan here for all to see what and how this will work. Good luck.
BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Monday, 7 March 2011 11:39:27 PM
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Deep Blue wrote:
"Your looking in the wrong direction. Greed, and the world knows the Jewish mind-sets" Dear Deep Blue, There are many Jewish mind-sets. Just as Christians, atheists, Hindus, etc. have different mind-sets so do Jews. The bigoted, prejudiced world knows the Jewish mind-sets. Thinking people don't lump all of a particular religion or ethnicity together. They know that a label doesn't define a person. They know that one Jew is different from another Jew just as one Christian is different from another Christian. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 8:37:10 AM
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My plan is the land is divided into economic regions.
A different organization runs each region and makes the laws and rules for that region. Some regions are run by nonprofits, some by companies, others by local governments. You could run your own region if you wanted. Some regions would do a better job than we have today. In other words, some regions would have higher pay rates, a better economy, a more efficient system. It would be more fun to live in those regions. So those regions get more land (they started small). This is competition, and results in improvements. I think David F is right, we don't need professional politicians. The regions run by nonprofits would have more good times and more fun, they would be great places to live. Everybody would benefit from this system. There are a lot of details needed to get it started and make it work, you can read the details at my website if you want: So I would like to ask everybody, if you were running your own region of land, how would you do it? What improvements would you make, compared to the way everything is run now? Posted by betterworld, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 4:57:06 PM
| | know how the world works. The lab;els are in fact a product of what humans are, and labels would constitute our mentality of our present evolutionary small-mindfulness:) David.f......I ask you this question. How many ban-aids can be administrated, before someone see,s AID will no-longer heal the festering sore? I think most would know by to-nights....lets say rants and testing s, that the 360 is nothing more than a circle.
Mountains out of mole hills was the line of, however not a bad bet;) I think land as it is, holds great promise to the eye:) I,ll leave it there I think. It doesn't hurt to think big, but wise:) I mean....this is how we got here, was it not. BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 11:03:22 PM
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You have come up with an interesting concept about using competition to work to the people's advantage (as long as there is no cartel or 'fixing' of sorts between all the landowners in that scenario ie. removing choice from the equation). The issue is as always about distribution of power. We have become less of a pluralistic society, governments becoming open to abuse by those heavily geared interest groups. The success of a happy society (I reckon) lies in a mixture of individual and collective benefits. eg. some things best left to the people through government such as universal health care, law enforcement, retirement, education, energy but with greater involvement of people. And some things left to private groups, business and individuals, so that revenue (the pool) can best be used for quality care in those essential areas. That is, some spheres of life should not be subject to a pure profit motive. Too much is spent of window dressing and vote buying guff, get rid of the waffle and wah wah programs marketed to the LCD factor, and get on with providing value for money in those esesential services and let creative individuals do the rest. Get rid of the notion of shareholder and focus more on people as employees, family members, or even dare I say it, consumers. Provide a mix of incentives for entrepreneurism and innovation but work to remove the huge wage disparities. The health of nations tend to hinge on that gap. Too many issues to go into, but in terms of david f's premise maybe we could elect representatives but have citizens involved in parliament as well to introduce legislation or a petition, a referendum etc. It might be unwieldy but there has to be a way to facilitate more involvement from ordinary people - democracy hinges on that premise. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 8:13:58 AM
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Dear Deep-Blue,
I disagree. The labels are quite often not what people are at all. Often they are the product of prejudice and ignorance. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 8:41:11 AM
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as if we needed another reason not to hire
pro polititions..[prostitutes] Naomi Klein: "Shock Doctrine" Unleashed by Right-Wingers in Wisconsin and Throughout the Country For decades right-wing ideologues have exploited crises to push through an agenda that has nothing to do with resolving those crises. Wisconsin is no different. AMY GOODMAN: As a wave of anti-union bills are introduced across the country in the wake of the Great Recession, many analysts are picking up on the theory that award-winning journalist and author Naomi Klein first argued in her bestselling book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. In it, she reveals how those in power use times of crisis to push through undemocratic, radical, free market economic policies... continues at link or watch vidio or how about the leaked documents or robo signers? hello serf no charges for leighmans lies i see nothing bahrain [use nerve gas mate] more faulse flags semite ethnic cleansing tsa [scanners cook the books] heck why bother right yes we can do without proffesionals that allow this* to be reasonable Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 7:59:44 AM
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David f,
Agreed. We don't need professional politicians. We do need politicians to be professional. Australia's form of representative democracy seems to have 'worked' for the most part. I regard it as a reasonable model of government – in the sense of – the best of less-than-ideal options. Is there an ideal option? Yes. Unfortunately, it is the same ideal that every other citizen of our nation wants: that the parliament always thinks, talks and acts as I would were I the government. Whilst we're all waiting for that to happen… Back here in the real world I concluded the problem is, most politicians only care about representing the members of the electorate once every four years with the rest of the time spent busily representing their party and, selfishly, representing themselves within it. To survive as a professional politician they need first to look after themselves and their political party and lastly to look after those who elected them. Voters, I contend, seek politicians whose primary focus is to serve their electorate and to do so professionally. I've tried to think of the simplest change to our current structure of government which I think will have the biggest improvement in the quality of governance. This is it so far: "A person who is a member of a political party may only be elected for a single term of government." cont. Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 27 March 2011 3:31:34 PM
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Three initial reasons in support of this:
It is democratic. Anyone would still be able to nominate for every election as an independent and with any set of policies they wished. Political parties continue, but not as before if they wish to survive. Fewer opportunities to reward 'political mates' because any individual party member has left after one term in office even if the electorate continues to vote that party a majority. It alters the extra-parliamentary position and powers the executive branch of government has gleaned for itself over the past 40 years. I have other thoughts about the topic you started here, but I suspect they can be saved for other opportunities online. I hadn't discovered this thread until a few hours ago and suspect I may have missed the boat...but I thought your proposition important and wanted to try to contribute. Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 27 March 2011 3:32:40 PM
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hi win
you say ""We don't need professional politicians. We do need politicians to be professional"" thats where we went wrong they need to stop professing [stop saying we believe in the people when all they really care about is getting elected [getting into power...getting the benifits of office etc] im sick of giving monkeys gold bars and honour stars its time their feet where held to the flame took on responsability [accountability] as well as felt blame and shame electing people for one term is one term too much for most so much dammage can be done in one term [look at the last term of the howard years] opolitical parties ill allways be arround politricks is a numbers game,.. only parties can deliver the numbers look arround your will have at least ten and more likely many more places to vote from..each booth needs to be manned [its a numbers game]polititions need supporters in numbers..just to man the booths[or scrutenise the votes recieved][its a dirty game] there will allways be people to 'reward' thats how the game is played to get real change we need to get rid of the others that get their mate elected..[so their mates gives them their kickback]..thats where the parties are so clever no-one can get elected without others helping its the helpers [the faceless backdoor men.. who control the member] or get their next patsy elected go into any parlement you wouldnt vote for any of em they need to sellout just to get nominated have had to sell out to get elected dont save your thoughts the topic may never come up again as your new here know.. 30 days without a response and..the topic simply dies..goes away also many prefer to not reply..[it goes away quicker] Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 4:57:44 AM
Adequate compensation should be provided for office holders. Political parties would be eliminated. Those Australians who have served in public office could also serve as advisers after their term of office if they have served creditably.