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A Democratic Alternative To Democracy

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Good points Loudmouth.
Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 21 February 2011 9:12:40 PM
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I have just watched tonights 4 Corners program on coal seam gas extraction in Chinchilla in Qld, and the Hunter Valley in NSW.

Never have I seen a more disgraceful episode of Corporate exploitation than this abomination.
AGL in NSW and QGC in Qld are the subject of this program

I suggest all those that have any faith in Democracy or Capitalism or Govt observe it doing it's stupidest work.

This process has already destroyed large parts of the U.S. and now they are doing it here.

Belly in particular , I think you should watch this program on the ABC's Iview and then consider if the Labor party is that important anymore. Australia is at stake her not just our aquifers and the Great Artesian Basin, but our future and our way of life.

If I was voting in the next NSW election, I would be voting for one of the 20 independent candidates to be fielded in the name of this cause. It shocked me to my activist core. There will be no more of this crap, thank you very much.
Posted by thinker 2, Monday, 21 February 2011 9:13:19 PM
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thinker you beat me to it. The 4Corners program tonight is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the disproportionate influence of corporations on government policy.

The biggest piece of advice to new democracies would have to be:

Never take democracy for granted. To prevent the inevitable gradual creeping corporatism, establish a strong foundation for democracy at the grass roots level. Early on, set up the framework for an open and transparent government with strong governance and ethical principles which are more than window dressing. From the get go, ensure all those vital checks and balances are in the system that support that aim.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 21 February 2011 9:56:27 PM
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Your arithmetic needs some attention, King Hazza.

>>a direct-democracy would require that at least 11 million selfish people benefit from policy<<

Even if voting were compulsory, it only requires a little over six million to get a bill across the line.

Your assumption all along seems to be that we currently have no voice at all.

>>And yes- a better ratio than 99.99999% opposing a policy that suits the 0.00001% in high places, don't you think?<<

Do you really believe that? Or are you just blowing smoke?

Incidentally, it is not my opinion on policy that is at issue here.

>>And apparently, in your book, selling arms is ok so long as if ever a war breaks out, we join in the killing- but sitting out is the evil option?<<

That particular motion has been presented a number of times, indicating some level of local concern that arms-dealing is inappropriate for a "neutral" country. It has consistently been rejected, indicating that the Swiss prefer money to ethics.

My position on selling arms is irrelevant, especially since my country does not pretend to be "neutral". If Switzerland had chosen to align itself against the Nazis, instead of working assiduously on their behalf, their position on arms dealing would also be irrelevant.

>>out of curiosity, what SHOULD a neutral country do in a war?<<

That is a surprisingly intelligent question. I imagine that it should remain neutral, rather than hide behind a profession of indifference, while actively operating as a privileged partner of an evil regime.

What do you think constitutes neutrality?

And your description of the current political climate is interesting.

>>...sending soldiers to fight, kill and die in illegal wars, AND abandoning citizens' rights for the purpose of sucking up to another country, denying people the right to euthanasia because some ratbag lobbyists doesn't like it, converting our cities into police-states to hold a private function, and tearing down public schools and hospitals, leaving the locals screwed, because of political corruption attempting to flog off some waterfront properties to developers...<<

Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to live somewhere... nicer?
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 21 February 2011 10:31:34 PM
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"Even if voting were compulsory, it only requires a little over six million to get a bill across the line. "
Do explain (putting aside that this is still approximately 5,999,950 more than who currently needs to pass it.

"Your assumption all along seems to be that we currently have no voice at all."
I don't recall being asked if I wanted Australia to join Iraq or privatize Telstra.
We don't even get to directly elect our executive branch of government, nor are we even allowed to vote for candidates outside our local area to act as proxies to vote in the government on our behalf.
Without CIR this wouldn't be such a big deal, but lacking any of the above our input into government is limited unless we privately lobby- which I can't exactly regard as an ethical alternative.

"My position on selling arms is irrelevant, especially since my country does not pretend to be "neutral""
Thought so. So selling arms is ok as long you avoid tricky labels that outsiders feel obligates you to isolate yourself completely.

What I think constitutes 'neutrality' is simple- not allying with any side by not joining a war- quite simple and admirable really. You still haven't given a more precise definition of 'neutral' (although implied that it shouldn't have been so at all). Out of curiosity, do you harbor this much animosity to Japan, Finland, Italy and Sweden?

And let me be explicit.
The Iraq and Afghanistan invasion, APEC/WYD city shutdowns, our Euthanasia policy, and the closure of numerous schools, hospitals and mental hospitals across Sydney by the NSW state government to sell the land to private buyers against local wishes- neither particularly happening in Switzerland, and definitely unlikely to happen here if CIR existed.
But you don't seem to mind all of THESE things being done in your name? Or at least consider them slightly worse than banning minarets and having harsh deportation laws?

And as I like the weather, I will remain right here thankyou very much.
Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 21 February 2011 11:57:57 PM
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Should be compulsory viewing Pelican. I hope Peter Hume was watching.

The growth of corporate power and the lack of regulations is alarming. They're not just greedy, they are greedy and reckless lunatics. The people are going to have to demand an immediate banning of coal fracking to make any difference on this one.

This is a massive problem already in the U.S. with possibly permanent damage to their water table. Who knows what the consequences will be in the long term.

it is insane.
Posted by thinker 2, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 9:35:00 AM
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