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Flood insurance

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SM>>Personally, I believe that the fault lies entirely with the councils who gladly sold this land without even the simplest requirement to build up the houses to a safe level.

I think you will find they did address this, it's just that there assessments were incorrect.

Now, as for insurance, or, lack of, those who are having thier claims rejected must now ask themselves why thier premiums from these insurance providors where so much cheaper than say 'Suncorp'!

Unfortunately, you pretty much get what you pay for.

Now as for rebuilding in these areas, I say no.

Then these land owners should be compensated to the amount which 'THEY PAID' not for what they were valued at pre flood and, if the inherited the property, then that's bad luck cause they are not really out of pocket anyway. You can't claim for something you didn't pay for, can you!

Now if they borrowed against the increased value, then they either have to carry that debt, or, sell down the assett/s that were aquired using this equity. Now if these borrowing were for toys/holidays, then that's bad luck!
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 30 January 2011 7:51:58 AM
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To move these houses to higher ground is to simplistic. Sea level is going to rise, what do you do then.
I think the answer is in engineering, If sea level does rise water will back up the river.
The river has got to be reconfigured so it does not flood, The river bed may have to be raised, Levies to direct water flow, and an empty reservoir to mitigate any influx of water.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 30 January 2011 3:14:09 PM
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Belly, I have seen you critisise the ALP a number of times, but what my
comment was about is that you bring the ALP/LNP into every discussion.

I have not critisised the Libs much at all as they are in opposition.
Generally I do support the Libs but I am not rusted on and have never
belonged to any political party.
I have criticised the NBN because it is something I know something
about and I believe the money should have been spent on refurbishing
the national rail system. That is far more important.

As to my comments on peak oil etc, well it is with us now so you had
better get used to it if you intend to live for another
five to ten years.
Just because the ALP and the Libs won't acknowledge it does not mean
that some of them do not understand the implications.
If you get the chance ask Martin Ferguson, he knows.
Politicians are reluctant to scare the horses.
The UK government is gradually changing its policy.
So maybe our lot will realise they have to warn the public.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 30 January 2011 3:42:43 PM
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Bazz I think your reply uncharitable.
I understand it is an attempt to take some heat out of our problem.
But your post,your quoted line,was unfocused and insulting.
I want to remind you, any one can look at our posting history yours mine any ones.
ALMOST EVERY SUBJECT is about politics,and surely you see no harm in that.
I distance myself from your comments on peak oil, disagree.
Understand your stand against NBN but do not agree,you and I could talk about radio installations as a way around it, maybe it will in the future be used but at what cost.
I know politics drives division but surely to brand me one eyed is the insult I claim it is.
And Bazz your self defense,reason for not taking your side to task is feeble.
Let us both move away from confrontation but give me that right I have already used to defend my self against unfair comment.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 31 January 2011 6:49:12 AM
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