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The Forum > General Discussion > Julian Assange, a true Aussie hero

Julian Assange, a true Aussie hero

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There is a huge amount of support gathering for Julian Assange, it will be interesting to see what develops next and what effect (if any) public pressure has on our government.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 5:23:11 PM
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That New Matilda article was an eye opener - the stories about CIA activity and the case of mistaken identity re Al-Masri should be more reported including attempts to block an impending court case.

One wonders, as the article suggests, that the emphasis on the 'gossip' content of the cables masks a intent to deflect interest away from some of the more potent information however, in the real world most media organisations would I think be very focussed on content.

The latest revelations about US cables concerning Kevin Rudd only confirm the criticism from within his own party and from other sources. So he is a micro-manager - no new revelations there and hardly a threat to national security. One would expect Embassy officials to report their opinons based on exposure to Australian media and other sources.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 5:36:14 PM
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I was totally gosmacked by the New Matilda article. It makes you wonder how much else is out there that we don't know about. And possibly that's why the US is so adamant at concealing it. Our media seems to be focusing on superficial stuff. And our government is playing along.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 5:47:50 PM
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I have to say I'm underwhelmed by all these events and the article Lexi provided.
Have we been living under a rock?
Hasn't the US and its allies been sporting their corrupt credentials for decades?
All that's happened is their crudely woven fabric of lies and deceit (the stuff of dreams!) has split at the seams; more frightful than the usual innuendoes because it's verbatim, easily repaired I'm sure. And people are gobsmacked? I must be a cynic!
Don't worry, citizens, order will be restored soon and you can all get back to your unruffled lives..
Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 6:15:54 PM
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Squeers, "Hasn't the US and its allies been sporting their corrupt credentials for decades?"

Well you wouldn't be expecting to see any leaks from other countries and there are reasons why that is the case.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 6:59:53 PM
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Dear Lexi - thanks for the link.

Dear Squeers,

I suppose it all comes down to proof. As you point out, we are now seeing verbatim evidence of dubious and corrupt activities. It will be interesting to see if this really is a change in the dynamics of international relations or whether it is just something quickly mended and business carried on as we know, apathy usually reigns supreme.

I must say, however, that I'm intrigued by that nice furry little critter regularly trotted out by the Americans called "bilateral relations". Apparently it is by nature a creature of delicate sensibilities and is easily harmed or "negatively impacted" by any robust criticism of its master by her allies.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 7:28:44 PM
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