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Amanda and her new song.

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am just on the antidote to 60 years of bullsh**

aka just telling it as it is

but just wait for the Rodent/Vanstone interview, as it will reveal all about Amanda's fall from grace

but seriously, what about Song of Australia as the "other" song to be sung at schools etc

hey we HAD that back in 1952 and I still get goosebumps hearing those words

"There is a land where summer skies are floating in a thousand dies"

whereas the sheep gig leaves me cold
Posted by Divorce Doctor, Monday, 5 February 2007 8:51:36 PM
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Here it goes again…your closed-door “no one is welcome” policy on immigration is really getting a little tiring, to say the least.

And on refugees, your claim that they are a “real threat to Australia posed by the introduction of totally unsuitable people into Australian society on the flimsy grounds that they are refugees”.

You are in the minority, I am afraid, most people are not as concerned as you are of black people in our neighbourhood, as long as they are friendly and reasonable people. Why are you and your accessory contributors always so paranoid of anyone who is different?

And to your view on the “flimsy” moral legitimacy/”grounds” of helping refugees, particular when they are black, really shows how out-of-touch and pre-historic you are. Have you learnt the Australian value of Compassion? I agree there should be a quota on any migration intake, but to consider the intake of an appropriate number of genuine refugees as unacceptable (like what you are suggesting) just shows how much of any heart you have, and the selfish self-important self-righteous nature of your views.

I have met some African people in the workplace and they really are just normal human beings. Get over your colour blindness and see the world in a better light. See people as individuals and you will see things differently.

As with Amanda Vanstone, never a big fan of her, but at least she is better than the honorable Mr Ruddick, who has so far honorably dodged any responsibility of the myriad of wrongs he committed.
Posted by Goku, Monday, 5 February 2007 8:57:35 PM
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Thanks DD :)

I'm not all that much younger than you, but at my (State) school it was "God Save the Queen"... for 6 years. As I recall, we also had to "honour my God and salute the Flag".

It was enough to put me off the monarchy, religion and nationalism for life.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 5 February 2007 9:00:33 PM
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Well its over now that the fat lady wants US to sing.
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 5 February 2007 9:47:10 PM
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its even got David Hicks bit "Valiant into battle .." but dont say which side you have to be on - also a politically correct copout for us Viet vets [sorry American word, but now the whole Depart is Veterans Affairs] getting spat upon etc

so come on and all sing along yo all bookmark it and face the flag at 5PM and sing it [or is it 6PM?] I KNOW 5PM is beer o'clock

Oh yeah, it can be American flag if you wish [seems with Howard/Bush congo dance flags are now interchangable - Remember Keating comment to boy with Oz flag "dont worry son, I'll get you a new one" well seems new one might be USA and not boxing kangaroo
Posted by Divorce Doctor, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 11:22:15 AM
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OK, now the Interview between Rodent and Amanda is there on the site so go direct and use return to go to the Song so you can do your duty for the day to flag and country and all things American Apple Pie

"dum da dum dum dar dum

dar dar dar dar da dar

da da dummmmmb .." etc
Posted by Divorce Doctor, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 7:29:16 PM
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