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The Way It Will Always Be!

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Hi all,

Did a quick read through the topic discusses and decided to express my 2 cents worth.

I don't think you can change this present world we live in. How do you propose to do such a thing? If you stop shopping at the supermarket and grow your own: let's see.. first you need to have land, then time, then effort, and more time before you yield any results. Not considering all the pest here and disease, for all you know your hard work might not even pay out.

I don't agree that it will always be this way. There are many people who are changing slowly.. Almost everyone here is this forum wants a change(from the little time i've spent here, only the ones with mental illnesses don't because the can't tell the difference :p), now how long do you think the government and its structure will remain in control? I don't think that we are just going to sit back, and watch our lives, or our future generations lives, get wasted due to fear of laws.

I believe that as an individual, we are entitled, to choose how we want to live our lives. Whether right or wrong, it is a personal choice. Sad to say, we can't really do that anymore now can we?

continued...(before i exceed- good exampled of not being able to do what we want to do? :P)
Posted by jinny, Tuesday, 2 November 2010 11:43:28 AM
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Since birth, we have not been allowed to think and decide for ourselves. First our parents... they tell us what is right or wrong, we watch them growing up, and get influence in how we behave later on in life. Then come the media(which is everywhere here), friends, school, everything. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone thinks their opinion is the right one. And, at the end of the day, who's opinion IS right? The government? You parents? The rest? Or Yours?

I have to say, it isn't exactly dandy adapting to reality. Problems occur everyday, problems at work, family, money, everything. To every problem, there is always a solution. So we should work to solve whatever it is our problem is, at that point of time. Prioritize which matters the most, then come up with a solution. If is still doesn't fix it, try something else. If you had enough of trying to fix it and not getting it fix, then change it.

We are actually very compassionate and passionate people, we just sometimes forget we are. I don't see the point of looking back at the past and comparing how good it was then. It doesn't change anything, it only frustrates us more. What's the good in that? We are living now. This is our reality. This is how life works... for now. :)
Posted by jinny, Tuesday, 2 November 2010 11:52:11 AM
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If you want change, be prepared to do something about it.
Judging by the posts, we have identified the problem and in most part have provided the outcome, so that leaves us with the how, so lets think about where we will start and I say we, as we are all in this together, right?
Now, first of all we need to change policy so it represents what the people(we)actually want.
This will take huge amounts of resources, but let's not get carried away. First we have to do our housework and elect party leaders, but I see a problem, EGO,mmm, then cash. Who's gunna cough up without wanting something in return. Sounding familiar, anyway lets move on.
Assuming we have a leader and for the first time in Australian politics, persons with actual experience in the field that they will represent on behalf of their constituents and not be looking for degrees in lying, cheating and how to fill the pockets of friends. Whoops, sorry, for a minute there I couldn't get Neville Wran out of my head. Where were we? right, the plan.
So we have formed a party, now it's time to take on the media. No speedhumps here, just a roadblock the size of Qld.
Initially they will be very interested in our policies as it makes good news, but once our policies become water cooler conversation, they will try and suppress us all directed from the 2 majors.
Anyway are you still with me, all two of you, good.
Right, some of us will get up at the first outing and during our first term, we will learn the ropes and put some runs on the board, but at the next elections,our policies will be matched by stooges from within the 2 majors,to water down our policies and disintegrate our party.
If we survive, it will take at least 2 terms to gain power and in the meantime, who's gunna pay the bills?
Right, lesson 1 complete, now who's up for lesson 2? I am!
Posted by Gasman, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 7:36:12 AM
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I would like to draw people`s attention to a website
that may possibly hold the key to actually changing
things globally for the better, ( it may be the ONLY
real solution!) rather than endlessly postulating about
issues that will never change, because we ourselves
are too greedy, too selfish or simply too ignorant!

The website link is:

Accordingly I would like to acknowledge and thank
BAYGON for his disclosure of this information on his
Forum thread entitled: "Population Growth"
Posted by Crackcup, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:36:10 AM
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I believe it is far cheaper to repair than replace.

Till well into my forties, I repaired any and all devices in my house. Usually a robust repair doubled the life of the device, be it furniture or electronic or dwelling.

The ball-and-chain does similar for our softgoods, and now assists surgery with similar skill and care.

The investment in learning was minutes, thirty years ago.

Cancer research gives similar returns, a natural progression to my mind.

Posted by Rusty Catheter, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:11:11 PM
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The first part of your user name... i wonder why you chose that. Extinction of human race? Brilliant Idea Mate! Yeah, let's wipe out the most intelligent species on out planet. Umm.. suicide or insanity.. I can't decide which one it falls on.

Haven't you realized that there are actually many people all over the world actually working to make a difference. They have, they have come up with advanced medical knowledge, technology, therapy, human rights protection org, animal protection.. and all these in the last how many years?

So you are suggesting by making the humans extinct, it will solve our world problems...
Posted by jinny, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 9:27:53 PM
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