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Not A Banana Republic.

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So Julia has just managed to outlive Frank Fords (another socialist) listing as the shortest term prime minister in Australian history.

From a federal government and a single Liberal prime minister for around a decade, who oversaw policies of fiscal prudence, to a socialist government who seems to be as profligate with its leaders as it is with tax payer funds.

As John Rotten speaks the sour grapes of “but no-one voted his government in any more than Labor”

Australian electorates do not vote in new governments, the kick out the incumbent for want of a change.

Obviously the change they got 3 years ago with Krudd & Co (now Gizzards and the rabble) was woefully inadequate and not up to the challenge they faced

as the issued forth with:

Bad and wasteful Economics
Bad ETS (any ETS is Bad)
Bad (Deadly) Environmental policies
Bad Education Policies
Bad Social Welfare, which costs more and delivers less

And a general

Contempt for the Electorate

All round, “Bad”, “Bad”, “Bad” government

Now, the electorate are voting and even a hung parliament will eventually fall within a year to be followed by a re-election for Liberal government for :sanity" and against any of the socialist "stupidity"

Footnote…. Maxin McKew, television news reader (and almost a “personality”), who rode into parliament on a fluke, is not happy with Gizzards, saying of the labor party election campaign:

"clearly, it left a lot to be desired."

(aka: more recycled rhetoric and fear campaigning than ever before)

Well, that is one personality who will possibly be crawling up to Aunty for her old job back…

And I do consider issues of Gillards to Tony Abbotts fitness to lead the nation and his “lack of experience” omitted the key points that

The duration of both Tony Abbotts "Government Ministerial Career" and his "party leadership" extended well beyond the almost flash-in-the–pan briefness of Julia’s.

And Belly knows better than I, in the unlikely event she can cobble up a deal to retain government now, she will not be leading the labor party to the next election.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 22 August 2010 10:36:30 AM
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Seems to me that on the whole the electors in this country react more like panicky passengers on an unstable ship - running back and forth between port and starboard trying to keep the ship afloat. This time, owing to a dearth of talent and leadership, they have come to a huddled halt amidships.
With the paucity of inspiration on offer from both camps in this campaign, it's not surprising.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 22 August 2010 11:04:49 AM
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CJ, the last people you should listen to are economists. Tell me just one thing they have got right.

They are also the most likely of all disciplines, other than the so called environmental scientists, to fall for the global warming myth. This may be because they see a quid in it for themselves.

No mate, we don't have much to thank Keating for, unless you're a bank executive, or an importer.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 22 August 2010 12:31:28 PM
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You ARE joking, right? This campaign wasn't about issues, simply who could scare "the great unwashed" the most. Playing on Scaring people is hardly the most desired trait for any government.


Nah Belly would be upset at the loss of usable organs. Not the depleted brain (sleep deprived ?) of course

Based on the speech last night indicated the resurgence of the ALTER ego the Mad Monk over "TA the PM". TA's operation to surgically remove objectivity and humility etc.....was a success but the patient died.

Mind you, are you open to other nominees? In the words of G&S' Mikado "I have a little list...they never would be missed". ;-)
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 22 August 2010 2:00:58 PM
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Very well said, Peter Hume:

"If a mere majority gives moral authority to take people's property, destroy people's livelihoods, stop people from using lightglobes or whitegoods in their own home, wipe out whole industries, and reduce food production"

We are all here by God's grace. If we need to thank any human for the time we spend on this planet, it is our parents. No one else has a right to rule over others, not even a majority, certainly not a self-appointed nanny.

Goverment's only authority, no matter which government it is and who voted for it, must be limited to managing public affairs: no government has a right to dictate to individuals what to do in their private affairs.

Sounds basic, sounds obvious, but this is currently not the case. The one political-party that stands for your individual rights is the LDP (Liberal-Democratic Party). We are likely to get another chance in the coming year to vote and assert our God-given freedom of choice.

One cannot be good unless one freely chooses to do good. Being coerced into making good-deeds, does not count!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 22 August 2010 2:21:56 PM
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It would be funny, if it weren't so hypocritical.

Examinator, you have been touting the greatest scare campaign in history. The global warming scare, developed, & perpetuated to try to force the entire western world to comply with the stupidity of a small click of lefty activists.

Then you have the hide to accuse others, of a scare campaign.

Take care mate, if you look in a mirror, it might just show a pile of something you may not like..
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 22 August 2010 3:10:33 PM
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