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The Forum > General Discussion > What happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me?

What happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me?

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Come now this is not a thread about Mr/Mrs average.
It is about a bloke with form for offensive letter writing,a rare bird but far from extinct.
Some times it is linked to a mental problem,do we want all mail to such people ignored?
Innocent staffers open this junk, see the racism and pure hate these contain.
Lets not get warm and cuddly towards this bloke ,few of us share his stated views and most would not want to hear from him via any letters or other way, fools make their own trouble.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 4:27:46 PM
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You are being far too selective in your choice of facts.
By the way there is a big difference between being uneducated and just plain wantonly ignorant and deliberately offensive.

It is nonsensical to assert that because this man may or may not have a good education or that he's 64 are excuses for his behaviour. This man was a serial offender. He is a white Aussie and has no excuse for his wanton rude behaviour.

Think for a moment if there was staff who or an ethnic work experience girl who had to sort the faxes. . At 64 he is a baby boomer and lived through the 60's and as such he would have been aware of attitudinal changes in society over the last 40+ years.He was either trying to bully or simple was too pig headed to think or care.

Is he a racist? Perhaps, but that is also an unsubstantiated extreme.

Notwithstanding the correction(punishment) must fit the crime...IMO a suspended sentence and a good behaviour bond should suffice. I think that jail time is over the top. However, any repeat he should not expect the court to be so understanding.

>In this PC world< give it a rest! Times change as does acceptable behaviour standards. Claims of PC usually come from those who have no sound argument for their prejudices and simply don't want to accept they may be at fault.
Posted by examinator, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 4:29:48 PM
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Foxy, I find the recourse to biblical references and the furphy of proving rape in court to be disingenuous. No woman has to 'prove rape in court in anything like the ways necessary to prove a burgulary had occured in her home or a whiplash injury acquired in a car accident. Have you never heard of Rape Shield rules?

I do not seek to excuse this fellow of his beligerence or his offensiveness. I simply point out that men as a general group - 50% or thereabouts of the population - seem to be singularly at risk of being accused of 'offensiveness' and have inordinate 'official' pressures applied to them. The involvement of the Police and the Courts in this man's 'offensiveness' would never had occured had it been a foul-mouthed woman writing amd a male office worker who read it. Crikey, she could have walked in stark naked and delivered it with a shaking fist and hysterical demeanour and nothing at all would have happened to her.
Posted by Amfortas, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 5:53:13 PM
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thinker 2,

Boer is also a meat goat. Perhaps he is a breeder?. Aryan?. You mean white. Sounds to me like you've got the problem.
Posted by StG, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 5:58:16 PM
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Not white necessarily Stg, just Boer as portrayed on the recent A.B.C. program.

I refer to the remnants of the political extremists that ruled Sth Africa prior
to Democracy. And tell me Stg, do you think people should be able to have Nazi
number plates?.
Posted by thinker 2, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 7:57:00 PM
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Dear Amfortas,

Women have been jailed for less than just
being "offensive," at least one was jailed for
simply not smiling at the cameras and having
an "indifferent" demeanour. Remember Lindy
Chamberlain? Would a man have been judged
as harshly as she was in the same
circumstances? Uncaring mother?

As for cases of rape or any other offence
involving males - ask any lawyer what
a woman has to go through in court and the
accusations and loss of reputation that
she has to endure when she's the victim.
Or for that matter, talk to any
social worker in a woman's refuge, and see
how many "success" stories there are there.

Gender has nothing to do with this man's
offensive behaviour. It would be offensive no
matter what gender the person was.
The man was the one at fault here, and he had
prior convictions and repeat offences, it's his
behaviour that's being questioned, not the fact
that he was male. And your inferences about women,
is simply that - inferences without much evidence.
The fact remains that in this particular case -
it was the man who was at fault, and he got punished
for it despite having pleaded guilty in 2006 to
sending a personally abusive fax to the MP. You'd
think he'd have learnt his lesson from that
experience. Making excuses for him simply because
he's male simply doesn't wash.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 8:25:15 PM
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