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MULTI-CULTURALISM, quick kill it before it kills you.

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During this past 'interesting' week I encountered a disturbing story of discrimination.

A neighbour related an experience she had at the Angliss hospital in Ferntree Gully. She is white and Aussie. She had her first baby in difficult circumstances. Premature and complications saw her precious little one needing humidicrib time of a few days. When she and her husband came to the hospital to meet and nurse their precious little bundle of joy, the last thing they expected was outright discimination in the name of MultiCulturalism.
When the nurse brought out their child, and this lady was going to breast feed him, the nurse asked the husband to leave, because it might offend a Muslim woman present in the room.

HAM SANDWICH affair. Yes, we all know that one. 87% of Hume shire residents discriminated against by the council, who denied them the opportunity to eat Ham Sangers, so as not to offend the 13% Muslim residents at council functions. (all they needed was a table of Halal Food, but hey.. who am I to speak common sense ?)

PASTORS SUED. The Racial and Relgious Tolerance Act was meant to protect people from discrimination and racism based on their religion.
It turned out being interpreted in the opposite way. By protecting manipulation, conspiracy and religious discrimination against Christians by Muslims.

Territorial Claim and racist gangs

STOP WHINGING AND START DOING. Yep, such things disturb us all. But how do we respond ? Usually, we whine, whinge, complain, pace, rant, rave, mumble and maybe even chirp and mutter.

TEN TEAMS ...what are they ?

They are an idea for peaceful protest against such things as above.
Angliss hospital would be a prime target. Failure to draw attention to abuse in the name of MCism will result in our epitath being 'Said much, did little, died in cultural isolation"

If we speak but don't act, we are PART of the problem, rather than part of the solution :)
Form your group soon.

Imagine. 150 people at a Hospital with signs. Video it, sent to media outlets. Voila social change :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 18 January 2007 5:52:24 AM
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When I read the title of your new thread, I thought: *Sigh* here we go again :)

But I ended up agreeing with your view about your neighbour's breast feeding experience. ;) I hope her husband refused to leave the room.

I remember when I was breastfeeding my 1 month-old daughter (and I fed my children very discretely when in public so it really was not offensive) at a restaurant I was asked to feed my baby 'on the toilet' because people may be offended.
I think I said something like, "make me" and kept on feeding.

I also agree with you about the ham-sandwich thing. Whether there are Australian or immigrant vegetarians or no-ham eaters we have to cater for everyone.
I don't generally eat ham either- not for religious reasons but because of the intesive pigfarming industry (I do eat free-range ham when available).
I'd never expect a place to serve 'no ham' because of choices I make- perhaps I'd even protest about that myself, even if I don't eat ham.
It would be a good thing if in a protest like this, some wondeful Muslims or vegetarians could take part.
This is what multiculturalism should look like- accepting and standing up for each other's rights even though it may not serve us personally.

We should never pick out 'one' group and serve only the best interest of that group.
Multiculturalism means being able to all respect each other's life style and cultures.

I wouldn't be very eager to form groups to protest immediately though-I'll my own rebellious acts; but I would be willing to do this as a last resort.

For example, when we finished dinner at that restaurant, I deliberately told the waiter we would be booking a table here again in a month WITH my baby.
Had he'd DARED to refuse to re-book us, then it would have been time to gather some breastfeeding mums for some peaceful action.
Posted by Celivia, Thursday, 18 January 2007 10:57:38 AM
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Your quite right Celivia :) yes..and guess what.. if you wanted some extra man power for your breast-feeding protest..I'D BE THERE !

I had an interesting breast related experience once. At a teenage youth camp in the Yarra valley, we had mixed campers. (no.. not mixedup :).. and a couple who acted as house parents. My 2ic youth leader was about 20 or so, (you know..the hormone age). Well all was going fine, until the wife of the camp parent who has a new baby at the time, let it all hang out (and she had generous boobs) and breast fed her baby in the most noticable manner.. welllll my 2ic got kind of awkward and asked me to request she did it more privately.

Didn't really bother anyone as far as I could see, and neither should it. I'm all for contextualizing breasts for their primary God given purpose.

Now..back to the topic :)

A GREEKs version of multiculturalism. "Wogs rule, Aussies get lost"
This is quite disturbing and I believe illegal, as it suggests hatred towards anglo Australians and praises flag burning.

Some LEBANESE Muslims version "Australia is under new management"

SHEIKH FAIZ MOHAMMED Sydney "Kaffirs are dirty, Jews are pigs"

SERBS and CROATS... war at the tennis.

Bottom line, emphazising difference..diversity.. does NOT produce unity nor harmony. The ONLY white anti migrant stuff I can find on youtube is Cronulla.... a once of thing and a reaction to all the above.

Has anyone experienced Multiculturalism which in reality has become 'cultural imperialism' and outright discrimination against Aussies represented by the Union Jack ?

Please share them with us in a balanced way.

PROTEST is an adventure and provides many conversation opportunities as well as actually shaming some who need it. Be part of the solution :)

Cel, if you had a group, you can protest ur own issues, if they overlap mine, I can join you and vice versa.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 18 January 2007 11:20:53 AM
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Just as an aside, the reason that jews and moslems do not eat ham &
other pig meat is well founded because of parasites. In biblical times they were unable to manage pigs from the animal husbandry viewpoint.
However the Chinese as usual got to work on the problem some 3 thousand
years ago and solved the problem. The information travelled to the west
and farmers in the west have managed pigs sucessfully for at least the
last 2000 years or so.

However the jews and arabs being the "progressive" people they are have
not been able to learn the techniques of animal husbandry.

So it is a practice based on ignorance, not the will of God.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 18 January 2007 12:07:21 PM
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"So it is a practice based on ignorance, not the will of God."

Or just...tradition..
Posted by spendocrat, Thursday, 18 January 2007 12:11:19 PM
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“I'm all for contextualizing breasts for their primary God given purpose.”
I’m glad you’re not one of those offended people; breastfeeding is good for babies and mothers, I’d hate to think that some women don’t breastfeed because other people may be offended by it!

A little off topic:
However, the size of women’s breasts is not functional. Apes and other mammals do not have breasts as large as human breasts in proportion to their body. Women’s breast could have stayed flattish as well and the function would have still been there.

Evolution made women’s breasts’ stand out by adding fatty tissue to enlarge them because women started walking totally upright and more noticeable breasts were necessary to attract men. In animals that don’t walk upright, males are attracted by the female’s behind and smell.

“A GREEKs version of multiculturalism. "Wogs rule, Aussies get lost"” -I know a Greek family that doesn’t think that at all. They think that Australians are wonderful. Don’t generalise- it’s racist.

“SHEIKH FAIZ MOHAMMED Sydney "Kaffirs are dirty, Jews are pigs"”
Didn’t Mel Gibson say that?

“… emphazising difference..diversity.. does NOT produce unity nor harmony.”
Then why do you emphasise difference?

The clips you can find on youtube don’t really show a true picture of our society.
Does it show the EVERYDAY minor acts of racism committed by the majority of White Australians that are just interweaved in our society?
It’s in workplaces, government- in many aspects of life.
There's a myriad of racism happening that is not shown on youtube but that immigrants still have to deal with.

That was interesting, Bazz.
But Spendocrat is right: we also have to have respect for each other’s traditions. The reason some people don’t eat pork is not that important- the fact is, that they don’t and should be respected. However, it should also be respected by them that some people DO eat pork.
Posted by Celivia, Thursday, 18 January 2007 2:14:12 PM
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