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Daves Gone Missing So Should Labor
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Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 21 May 2010 5:53:33 AM
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Paul1405>>The quicker the 'Keneally Klan' are kicked out of the halls of power in Macquarie Street the better! But what do you get Barry O'Farrell, Oh the pain, the pain of it all!<<
Paul I said the same thing about our feds, the option is Abbott,Oh the pain, the pain of it all!...But Labor has to go. Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 21 May 2010 8:08:17 AM
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It's the same in Qld. The pain, the pain of it all.
Posted by Simpson, Friday, 21 May 2010 8:47:39 AM
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Sonofgloin, Simpson
These things are usually posted by the rabid anti-labour forces but I'm not anti-Labor, far from it, nor am I pro Liberal, I'm a member of The Greens Party, Bob's gay, so it not homophobia by me, but enough is enough. Who's running the State, Keneally will spend today and who knows how long on this rubbish. Last week it was the Paluzzano resignation. it lunges from crises to crises, the Liberals must be having a field day, as for Rudd or the Queensland Government, those Government are not in this league, well not yet. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:04:23 AM
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I am not a Labour supporter, and I have been distinctly unimpressed by Mr Campbell's performance. But I do prefer my scandals to be less distorted.
>>Transport Minister David Cambell caught out using a taxpayer funded car to visit Kens of Kensionton Gay Sex Club<< "Caught out"? Doing what? Using the ministerial car for private purposes is specifically allowed. It is not an offence. Homosexuality is not an offence. The club he attended - while not offering family entertainment that you or I would feel comfortable with - is not an illegal operation. He was right to go. But not because he had done anything illegal, or was rorting the taxpayer. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:12:13 AM
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I'm with Pericles. Campbell has not broken any parliamentary privilege, regulation or the law.
Even our PM, Mr Rudd managed to get away relatively unscathed for attending a pole dancing strip club in the US. It was a risk and probably not a wise move given his position and his wife's health but it is a personal matter between Mr Campbell and his family. Posted by pelican, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:34:19 AM
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Yes, I agree that the NSW Labor government is on the nose and that David Campbell's record as a minister has been woeful. However, while he may have betrayed the trust of his family, that is insufficient reason for him to have resigned.
He's entitled to use his government car for private purposes, the establishment he visited in his own time is quite legal, and it's not illegal to be a closet homosexual. The comments about the poor quality of the Opposition in NSW and Qld are also valid - mind you, with the antics from the LNP in Qld this week it looks like we'll have an ALP dictatorship for some time yet. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:40:10 AM
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Indeed, the man was at a legal business house, doing what he is allowed to do.
And, hang on a moment, under the National Prayer Day (absolute rubbish because it is only a fundie offshoot of a US scam) our pole dancing PM and our GG have posted messages of support for the small businesses of Australia, the people who keep this nation going. So, if pole-dancing Rudd and the GG are supporting this gay club, and asking Jim Wallace and Salt Shakers, and Catch The Fire to join them both in prayerful gratitude for legal small businesses like this, that keep the economy going so well, why should this bozzo have to hand in his ticket for going down there? That transport in NSW is dirty, expensive, poorly run is another matter, and for that he should have done the decent thing, second draw on the left, close the door before you pull the trigger, but that is different to attending a legitimate club. After all, the same citizens who are 'horrified' at this, go each week to support the drug taking, drink driving, raping, assaulting, salary cap rorting 'sports starts' and think nothing of it. Posted by The Blue Cross, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:44:49 AM
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I wonder if it is a prerequisite to be crooked to join NSW labor?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:19:41 PM
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I think a serious line has been crossed here by Channel 7.
Apparently there were several journalists who already knew about Campbell's habits but chose not to reveal them because they didn't affect his performance (dodgey as it may have been) as a Minister and were not illegal. There are still a number of closetted homosexuals on both sides of the House but nobody's talking about them. Now he's being also accused of (shock! Horror!)- sending out deceptive Christmas cards and suspected (without any substantiation) of being at "Ken's" during the recent F3 fiasco. He's broken no laws and at this time, we can only assume that his family was completely unaware of his so-called "double life". There have been many public figures, from billionaires to Prime Ministers who have had all sorts of private dalliances but for some reason, this man was singled out by one part of the media at a most inopportune time politically. I can only wonder who will be next. Posted by wobbles, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:31:36 PM
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Glad you see it that way Pluckican
//It was a risk and probably not a wise move given his position and his wife's health but it is a personal matter between Mr Campbell and his family.// His wife is dying of cancer.. and he is out screw**g some bloke. Yep..nothing wrong with that ... by law...... Good to see your moral conscience is hard at work, guiding you through the maze of relativity out there. Hope you share the same emotional neutrality when some bloke does your own wife (or husband). After's not "illegal" is it? Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 21 May 2010 2:50:16 PM
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It might have been better if Dave the Devo (new name) had gone next door to Peters of Kensington and bought the cheese and kisses a new frying pan, to belt him over the head with. "COOK THE MAN SOME F@#&ING EGGS!" So said Jake Heke. LOL.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 21 May 2010 3:53:27 PM
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Morals and politics don't go together. Unfortunately no amount of corruption, sleaze or deceit changes most Labour and some Liberal voters minds.
Posted by runner, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:05:29 PM
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Campbell acted stupidly, but not criminally?
All this junk about doing what he legally can The man is was and always will be handy as tits on a bull, he can however drive his car any place he wants to and using a gay club is not illegal. Bob Brown is wed to a man, and that is his business. Long before Campbell's fall NSW ALP was going to be flogged deservedly so. Stand by however to see Rudd returned to power, after all the QLD scandal is far worse than Campbell's stupid behavior. Phony Tony rabbott would be glad to swap scandals . Posted by Belly, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:49:05 PM
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Don't be disingenuous AlGoreisRich (Boazy). Why let the facts get in the way of a good story. Sheesh...
Clearly I along with others are arguing Campbell did not break the law in relation to the use of his government car, which was the subject of the first media frenzy on this matter. Homosexuality is not illegal, neither is infidelity. wobbles makes a valid point in regard to the proclivities of politicians and the media. There is an unspoken understanding between politicians and journalists in relation to private matters most of the time. Politicians themselves are often reluctant to pull out the personal card given there are hidden skeletons on all sides of politics. The prostitutes, staffers and ComCar drivers in Canberra could probably tell a few stories as well. It is sad that Mr Campbell has felt the need to deceive others. Gay men of his generation often hid their homosexuality because of the bigoted judgements of others, it was much more common in that age group. Thankfully homosexuality no longer holds a negative stigma to most decent thinking people. I am sad for Mrs Campbell and the children, who in addition to coping with her illness now has to come under media scrutiny. Other than that it is not my business. We cannot know the particulars of his private life and marriage nor what his wife knew or didn't know. Of course, if my husband cheated on me, I would be hurt and angry but I won't be asking his employer to sack him on my behalf. And it would be my business as to what I do from there. Mr Campbell's competency as a Minister is a whole other story. Posted by pelican, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:53:21 PM
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ALGOREisRICH>>His wife is dying of cancer.. and he is out screw**g some bloke.
Yep..nothing wrong with that ... by law...... Good to see your moral conscience is hard at work, guiding you through the maze of relativity out there.<< He was a poor transport minister, he was a police minister who could be corrupted if proof of his sexual preference fell into criminal hands, and he was ALSO a shallow self serving husband. Not for his sexual preferences but for his continuing sexual activity with another person while his wife is fighting for her being. Deplorable moral values, a male or female that would continue sexual hedonism while their life partner was gravely ill is capable of any deceit. Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 21 May 2010 5:31:42 PM
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*that* was my point :) agreed. Pelican.. see above. Sorry if you felt I was disengenuous. *conciliatory gesture* Most people interviewed who knew him.. felt the main issue was the double life. Not the use of the car... -Family Values man. -"Other" behavior. Pelican says Politicians hidden skeletons on all sides of politics. The prostitutes, staffers and ComCar drivers in Canberra could probably tell a few stories as well. U betcha.. they (we) are all scumbags! VOTE INDEPENDANT for a bloke who represents your values and who can make the right preference deals in that very very marginal seat. Look for example at Ferntree Gully! .04% Mount Waverley .3% F'TREE GULLY ECKSTEIN, Anne ALP 18315 49.96% WAKELING, Nick Liberal 18342 50.04% 27 votes...... Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 21 May 2010 6:22:01 PM
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When you place yourself in the public eye, be it the Royal Family or rock star, Tiger Woods or our friend Dave, and gain all the trapping which goes with being in this public eye, power, wealth or whatever you want from it. Do you not loose the right to a private life, I think you do. If for example the Queen of England took up jelly wrestling, not illegal, would not the public have the right to judge her on such behavior? when your in the public eye, you have no private life your soul is an open book. Cambell wont stand at the next election, but if he did the red neck Labor voters down in the Gong would give him the flick quick smart, maybe that's why he staid in the closet and promoted the family image with the Chrissy Cards.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 21 May 2010 6:22:07 PM
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Paul whether it is right or wrong I cannot say, but the fact is we do judge those in the public eye far greater than say our neighbour or ourselves.
Bit hard to vote purely on a moral metre AlGoreIR. Some people's view of morality can be a bit warped or extreme eg. homophobia. How do you know what a politician's morals are or if they match your own and (2) does a different moral metre mean they will be unfit to represent their electorate. A pollie might have what one person would view as honourable morals in the sphere of sex and fidelity, but be immoral in their approach to social or economic policy. I know many women who did not vote for Hewson (they said) because he left his wife for a younger and more attractive woman, but I suspect they would not have voted for him in any case - they were mainly Labor voters. Some people can find all sorts of excuses for those on their side of politics while condemning those on the opposition. Someone else who one might term moral (whatever that means) may push for a policy like Work Choices which I could not vote for. Morals encompass a lot of policy ground as well, it is not just about sex and sexuality. Posted by pelican, Friday, 21 May 2010 7:48:05 PM
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*Do you not loose the right to a private life, I think you do.*
The problem with that Paul, is that the public pays a high price, in terms of lots of dummies in politics, the smarts go into business, where results count, not private sex lives. Let me give you an example. They crucified Clinton for his little slip up and spent years hounding him over a blow job, when he could have done something more useful with his time. Clinton left the US in good condition and with even a surplus budget. So they voted for Bush, who was faithfull to wife Laura. But he nearly bankrupted the country in 8 years, wrecked the economy and left the US a debt which they will never repay. Smart thinking on behalf of the public? Methinks not. The list goes on if you wish. Based on your criteria, clearly people deserve the dummies which enter politics. I think that is a shame. Posted by Yabby, Friday, 21 May 2010 8:58:51 PM
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I wonder if the outcome would have been different if was caught at a brothel instead of a gay venue? Are public morals that flexible or selective?
To his credit, O'Farrell has managed to keep his side out of it so far but maybe he doesn't want to start a series of public outings from both sides. Posted by rache, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:58:51 AM
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Pick any street, any suburb,any city, let channel 7 look into the lives of those who live there.
Betcha they find unfaithful people. Bet the sex lives of many are as bad. why do you think only politicians get down and dirty? Every time one falls we blame it on them being politicians. Notice this apparent bi sexual stupid actions have the spotlight focused on him? Not a federal member thrown out of his party charged with much worse. Do not put me on Campbell's side, for being so silly I condemn him. But homophobia seems let loose here. And a blindness that condemns politicians for being human. In matters of sex betrayal we all should know we are all guilty. Think quietly but honestly. If you found channel 7 was about to uncover your private life would you have anything to fear? Would you ask why did they do that? Knowing for generations such as channel 7 hide real crimes of Polly's from both sides from us. Sorry but some have turned this thread into a feeding frenzy for anti politicians and a bit of general bigotry. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 22 May 2010 6:18:42 AM
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said: //Some people can find all sorts of excuses for those on their side of politics while condemning those on the opposition.// Let's hope neither of us are in that my case..I don't actually have a 'side'. I would vote FF/ coalition at the moment, but I would not try to justify a moral lapse (as you say whatever that is) to make 'my' side look better. They are ALL self serving scumbags.. as you well know. It so happens though, that some of their 'self' serving or policy outlook coincides with our own interests I guess...hence we vote for them. My beef with Labor and the Greens will become apparent if you stick with me for a while on the Maurice Green thread. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 22 May 2010 1:13:29 PM
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You have ALWAYS supported Family First, Boazy. Nothing new to see here. And I am sure Pelican knows full well your history. Posted by Severin, Saturday, 22 May 2010 1:50:59 PM
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AGiR care to comment on the charge that you ave posted here under other names?
Boaz David being one. By the way Cambell could have been from any party or just the bloke next door. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 22 May 2010 3:19:04 PM
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He was a government minister and concealed a secret that embarrassed him and could have led to him being leaned upon for advantage, instances being preference in government contracts or access to confidential government information, including that obtained from private companies.
He should never have accepted his position of trust in the first place knowing that some might think he could be compromised even if he supposed he would never do the wrong thing. In any event, it was possible for others close to him to be blackmailed to protect him. As a minimum, the same rules (code of conduct and ethics) should apply to elected representatives as apply to senior public servants, after all they claim to be the 'masters' of the 'servants' and often have far more access to confidential information through their privileges and contacts both in and outside of government. He did the right thing in resigning and it is to the discredit of others that they have not done the same. In saying that I am thinking about recent events in WA. Posted by Cornflower, Saturday, 22 May 2010 4:19:18 PM
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"I wonder if the outcome would have been different if was caught at a brothel instead of a gay venue? Are public morals that flexible or selective?"
Rache: Probably not a great deal of difference I would think, other than being tagged a dirty old man in both cases. "Pick any street, any suburb,any city, let channel 7 look into the lives of those who live there. Betcha they find unfaithful people. Bet the sex lives of many are as bad." Belly: Probably more going to the supermarket than to the gay brothels, besides who cares what Paul1405 and the rest of suburbia get up to with dogs, cats, blow up dolls and an assortment of other objects. David Campbell on the other hand he's news and sex sells, are we not shocked, Channel 7 thinks we should be! Its good to see there has not been a great deal of homophobia in this debate (here). In true Aussie tradition I think Campbell has been give a fair go, not much support for his efforts as a Minister of the Crown, but even those here who don't particularly like him have stuck up for his rights. I think he's been found guilty here more of double standards and deceitfulness to both the public and his family, rather than anything to do with (his) homosexuality. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:10:35 AM
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Cornflower raises a salient point in terms of confidentiality, security clearances and vulnerability to bribes.
Sexual orientation is only an issue in this context if it is hidden and there is fear of being revealed, which it appears to have been in this case. In the modern age up and coming politicians won't be so hesitant in revealing their sexuality as we become more tolerant. It has not dettered or influenced the rise of one great politician - Bob Brown. I am not sure if politician's or candiates (prior to election/nomination) are required to submit to security clearances like many public servants (more and more these days) but if not perhaps they should be to aid in reducing the risks of corruption. Posted by pelican, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:58:27 AM
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"I am not sure if politician's or candiates (prior to election/nomination) are required to submit to security clearances like many public servants (more and more these days) but if not perhaps they should be to aid in reducing the risks of corruption."
Pelican: A list of organizations and/or individuals to conduct such investigations and clearances: Gestapo, KGB, CIA, ASIO, KKK, Cardinal Pell, Rev Fred, Alan Jones, Bruce Ruxton (RIP), Unemployed Roads Minister and his friend Ken, any member of the CWA, and of course Paul1405. LOL Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 24 May 2010 11:01:26 AM
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Point taken Paul but it seems odd that those who work for or on behalf of politicians (staffers and public servants) are subject to quite intrusive security clearances if our elected representatives are not.
But maybe they do, I really can't remember. Posted by pelican, Monday, 24 May 2010 3:06:33 PM
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Good question. Politicians generally see limits on any limitations of their behaviour, arguing that they might not be able to do their jobs well if someone is looking over their shoulders and anyhow, the parliament is a check. Party politics is a problem though. Mr Rudd made a promise in 2007. I do not know what came of it or if it was just limited to disclosure of interests. The Democrats did some good work. This is a link to 'A Code of Conduct for Parliamentarians?' by Dr Andrew Brien (Consultant), Politics and Public Administration Group 14 September 1998 Posted by Cornflower, Monday, 24 May 2010 5:28:57 PM
Where was Cambell on the night of April 12 during the F3 meltdown, Despite all his senior Departmental officials being present, Transport Minister Campbell was absent throughout the debacle. He has since joked about his whereabouts in Parliament. Was he down at Ken's, or was he writing out some of his family friendly Xmas cards featuring his kids and sick wife who is battling cancer.
The quicker the 'Keneally Klan' are kicked out of the halls of power in Macquarie Street the better! But what do you get Barry O'Farrell, Oh the pain, the pain of it all!