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Men are better than women at what?
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Posted by Proxy, Saturday, 15 May 2010 6:25:41 PM
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Dear Proxy,
I know that women have babies and men can't. I also know women can't have babies without a man,s contribution. Men and women are better off in compatibility not competivness as they both have diferent perspectives to bring to a relationship. Mutual respect produces compatibility. Competivness in relationships brings jealousy and strife, both counter productive. Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 16 May 2010 1:24:33 AM
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Off the top of my head Proxy and not directed at you:
(a) being more selfish than a woman who is a mother ie better at behaving selfishly (b) better at placing themselves first generally [the majority I know in my age group 40's] (c) most in this age group are better than the women I know in their 40's with mechanics and engineering [not to say that given the opportunities would be successfully able to qualify]although my girlfriends and self are excellent in identifying each mechanical problem ourselves (d) most males in this age group ride mountain and racing bikes faster than the women of the same age group and develop muscle tone quicker [probably as a result of having natural muscle as opposed to fatty tissue] that we women unfortunately were given I will think of some more later Proxy. Enjoy your week Posted by we are unique, Sunday, 16 May 2010 1:57:55 AM
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Proxy: <"I thought I'd been told that men and women were just the same, or at least equal">
Well that might be something that anti-feminists would disparagingly attribute to feminism. Men and women are not the same and viva la difference. The ideal is that PEOPLE have the same and equal opportunities to excel at whatever they do best, rather than live within confining dictates of roles they are expected to fulfil. Once all opportunities are open and people are equally encouraged towards doing that to which they feel best suited, we might or might not find that more men are drawn to some sorts of endeavour and more women are drawn to another. Women who are suited to driving trucks or being CEOs and want to do that can do; and men who would prefer to work in nursing or homemaking or some other traditionally female role could make such a choice. I don't know why some men work so hard to exclude women from something they want to try (like being a front line soldier or a fire fighter or police officer); because if such a thing really is better done by and suited to a male, then a smaller number of women will have the physical capability or whatever else is needed to fulfil the required tasks. In comparison, I can't think of any traditional female occupation where women have worked to exclude men. Whether many men will choose to take up jobs and interests traditionally classified as female-suited remains to be seen - but at least the opportunity is open to them to give it a whirl. Posted by Pynchme, Sunday, 16 May 2010 1:58:42 AM
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War of the sex's is it?
I surrender take me prisoner. What women do better than men if you do not already know make it up. Blokes with brains know enough to say nothing some times. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 16 May 2010 7:26:58 AM
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Men are better than women at Rugby League, but I can't think of anything much else.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 16 May 2010 9:52:31 AM
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Dear Proxy,
You quoted what I cited to you in your other thread on Elena Kagan the next Supreme Court Justice, however you didn't explain in what context the quotes were given and to what they referred. It was in response to your asserting that this particular female Supreme Court Justice nominee would enforce her own views onto government. Whereas Christopher Larimer, A political Science Professor at the University of Northern Iowa who has studied closely the effect of gender on decision-making in groups disagreed with your opinion about women enforcing their views in group think situations: "Greater gender diversity in any group will likely result in decisions that are more democratic.." Because "women tend to take all members' opinions into consideration in order to seek a universal consensus..." and "Women are more adept to make decisions that reflect group preferences, rather than individual preferences." As any thinking person knows there are vast individual differences between men and women and the typical personality patterns of adult men and women are clearly dissimilar in many ways, but whether these patterns are inborn or learned in the case of adults, this question cannot be answered, since it is impossible to untangle the effects of biological and social influences on personality. Our society today is highly individualistic and highly open to change and experimentation and true liberation from the restrictions of gender would mean that all possible options would be open and equally acceptable to both sexes. And as I've written in the past it would be great if a person's individual human qualities, rather than his or biological sex, would be the primary measure of that person's worth and achievement. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2010 2:37:34 PM
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cont'd ...
In answer to your question, "Men are better than women at what?" I'd like to introduce a bit of humour into this thread. I found this little ditty by "Denim Sue," on the web: "I won't grab your hooters, I won't pinch your butt my belt buckle's not hidden beneath my beer gut. I won't go around readjusting my crotch Or yell like Tarzan when I notch up a notch. I don't belch in public, I don't scratch my behind, I'm a woman you see, I'm just not that kind!" Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2010 2:51:36 PM
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What we are good at or not so good at is not determined by our genders for the most part.
Yes, men are generally faster runners, higher jumpers and more physically able than women. Some women may be fitter than some men but even in physcial testing (like Beep tests) there are different benchmarks for assessing fitness. We are different. Which is why in sport genders are usually seperated or at most mixed. One does not normally see all-male teams playing all-female teams in tennis, swimming or basketball. Men have louder voices. There is a perception that women are more conciliatory or consultative in style, but bullies can be either. I have had some amazing male and female bosses who respect and value the worth of all their employees; and knew how to get the best from their staff. I don't believe as a whole women make better managers just because they are women. It will always come down to individual ethos and confidence and talent. Who knows to what extent behaviours are learned or innate. Men can be more aggressive in certain circumstances but this can vary between group expectations eg. bikie gangs vs corporate executives - perhaps a different sort of ruthlessness is fostered. Is male aggression a throwback to the days where men were hunters and protectors? Could female aggression be biological and relate to the desire to protect their young. Foxy mentioned it too, it harks back to the old question of nature vs nuture. Posted by pelican, Sunday, 16 May 2010 2:54:37 PM
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Dear Pelly,
Here's a few more quotes: 1) The only difference between men and boys if the cost of their toys. 2) A gentlemen is a patient wolf. 3) Why do men like intelligent women? Because opposites attract? 4) Men can read maps better than women. Because only a male mind could conceive of one inch equalling a hundred miles. 5) It is the men who are discriminated against. They can't have children. And no one's likely to do anything about that. 6) Why can't men stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck? 7) Men only call themselves "feminists" in the hope of getting a more intelligent root. 8) Boys will be boys and so will a lot of middle-aged men. 9) Men think "monogamy" is something you make dining room tables out of. 10) Many a man thinks himself extremely sensitive simply because he's easily put out. 11) He took his misfortune like a man - he blamed it on his wife. 12) Conceit is God's gift to little men. 13) Egotism - usually just a case of mistaken nonentity. 14) I dress for women, and undress for men. 15) I'm not a snob. Ask anybody. Well, anybody that matters. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2010 3:41:31 PM
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Everything, except child birth of course.
Still, one of the things I love about equestrian sport is that it is one of very few, where we compete equally, & are equally competitive, at the very top level. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 16 May 2010 3:54:45 PM
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I think men in general are more visual that women , allowing for the usual exceptions in any group.
I notice it both in my husband and my father. This is probably an inherent evolutionary ability because they were hunters and warriors. I think they still fill the role of protector to a great extent, I know I always feel a lot safer when my husband is with me when we go riding on lonely river bikeways. I feel safer in general when he is around the house etc. If a man sees a woman with another male they are a lot less likely to attack in most situations. They have no fear of females but they do feel fear of another male because they know a male has their own strength and capabilities when it comes to fighting and defending. Yes women can do well in the army in wars that are fought more at a distance with powerful long range weapons. In the old battles like in the movie Braveheart, I don’t think they would have had too many victories if they had to fight up close with swords against an all male army. (armed to armed combat) Although I am grateful for the job the women do in Iraq I still feel safer knowing our army is predominantly male than I would if our army was 100% female. My husband says females need protection and despite the fact that the women's libbers will probably eat me for dinner for saying it, I think he is right in many situations. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 16 May 2010 4:40:14 PM
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(e) Quite a few men are better at being highly irritable when flu ridden than women [those in their 40's I have worked and socialised with] LOL. (f) Some Men are better at flying off the handle over trivial domestic issues and then in a crisis involving child safety: calmer, not as emotional and more reassuring [those dealt with in their 40's] (g) Quite a few Men are MUCH better nose pickers in their vehicles out in public than women are and some do not care being watched and cringed at [I suppose its the only spare minute they will get during their working day]! (h) Many men seem to be quicker or better than most women in their 40's at a bbq or social gathering to hit the alcohol first and smorgasbord or table once the food is on display [if a beer or wine is in their hand] (i) Quite a few Men in their 30's and 40's seem to always make the time to view sports better/more continuously than a mother or woman in the same age group [I wonder why when children are around]? BTW guys: not generalising with these things as many men do not have those behavioural traits! Posted by we are unique, Sunday, 16 May 2010 10:27:57 PM
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I love my man and except his differences.
We think differently (spelling has gone with the wine LOL). If he doesn't except mine tough... I can get another fella LOL. Nah I love this one. I can do almost anything he can do... sometimes more. But I love his different views and as much as I Know i'm right (not always but don't tell him), we need both sexes... so how can one bet better than the other? Posted by Tan, Sunday, 16 May 2010 11:10:47 PM
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Another thinking post or not? Yes troll comes to mind. The Y and the xy crom.. the Y is getting smaller. WHY? We don't know as yet. DE-evolution might be the answer and with that, own kind or spices is doing the above.
Funny things humans are. I think all humans are 50/50. ( just my opinion ) Woman is the only one's that can make life, then the woman has to be responsible when it comes to life. it only makes sence. So girls! Who do you let between your legs? Fun is one thing, making a baby is another. And All humans need to take this into account. Or, Am I pressing the line when it comes to you? TTM TTM Posted by think than move, Sunday, 16 May 2010 11:42:09 PM
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Bizarrely Pynchme said "I can't think of any traditional female occupation where women have worked to exclude men."
Personnel departments, social work, care work. Posted by Daeron, Monday, 17 May 2010 10:49:09 AM
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Men are better than women at what?
1) Men are more physically powerful than women, at least in short-term feats of exertion. Their greater strength gives men the potential to dominate women by force, a fact that helps explain why there has never been a society in which women have had political status superior to that of men. 2)Men tend to have greater mathematical ability and they tend to be more aggressive. Women tend to be more nurturant and more emotional. 3) Even in the cradle, according to research studies, male babies are more active than females; female babies smile more readily and are more sensitive to warmth and touch than males. The reality is we should celebrate our differences. Let's face it, what would we do without each other? "Why I like Sylvester is because he acts so tough, He's well built, good-looking, and quite often rough. He's a guy who never loses, defeat is not his game, He's a real Italian hero, who's definitely not lame. Rocky, Rambo, Cobra are names by which he's known. But the best one of all of them Is none other than Stallone. Put the two together,Sylvester and Stallone, And what you get is the toughest fighter the screen has ever known. Fighting for good causes, for Justice, to be free. Fighting for the under-dog, for folks like you and me. As we leave the theatres, we look up at the sky, Up there on the billboard, "It's HIM," Oh what a guy!" Posted by Foxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 12:13:45 PM
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You seem to be lost. Is this the discussion you were looking for: What's Your Favourite Poem --- And, Why? Thread started by Foxy on 8/5/2010, at 4:45:14 PM.? Posted by Proxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 12:43:00 PM
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Proxy you started the topic...what do you think men are better at.
In my experience, I find men to be generally better at engineering, constructing things and some mathematical problems - maybe something to do with left and right brain tendencies. Try this test - mine was Left Brain dominant (only just). But then I did this one: and I was Right Brain dominant. Go figure. Posted by pelican, Monday, 17 May 2010 2:24:30 PM
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Dear Proxy,
My apologies if my satirical - tongue-in-cheek approach was too "subtle" for you. You did ask, "Men are better than women at what?" and I thought that I'd give you an example in a poem of an "alpha-male" like the movie star - Silvester Stallone - in answer to your question. But I can see that it went right over your head - never mind. Not all questions can be answered. Question: "What's he got that I haven't got?" Answer: "Awareness!" Question: "What's that?" Posted by Foxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 3:00:59 PM
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Daeron: <"Bizarrely Pynchme said "I can't think of any traditional female occupation where women have worked to exclude men."
Personnel departments, social work, care work."> Surely you jest. Just how have women excluded men from social work etc? Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 17 May 2010 3:03:54 PM
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A woman I once house-shared with refused to accept even that men were generally taller or stronger than women. She also stood at the lavatory (it was an outhouse and you could see her looking through the broken louvres as it dribbled (I'm guessing) down her legs).
I personally think in terms of two overlapping normal distributions, men to the right for some things and women to the right for others. The gap between the two right hand tails is where men exert their dominance over women in engineering, science, maths, motorcycle racing, strength, etc. Conversely, women have a greater affinity for languages, nurturing, caring, cleaning and housework, etc. Posted by Proxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 4:25:49 PM
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Dear Proxy,
I'm not sure how accurate we can be when we talk about people. Males or females. There's always exceptions to every rule, I guess. Yes, men are strong, but then there's females who also exhibit strength as well, and so it goes. Speaking strictly from my own point of view, for me, my "perfect" man is (the magic is), one who satisfies my emotional appetite. People either connect or they don't. If they do, that means they're going to be starting to mould to one another. He's sensitive, and strong, and mysterious. I love tenderness. But it's the rarest emotion one encounters. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 4:49:46 PM
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I will avoid the copy and paste:
What are the 78 differences between women and men? Posted by Cornflower, Monday, 17 May 2010 5:22:19 PM
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I read an article by a woman who worked for a women's magazine which paid her to visit a male prostitute and then write about her experience.
When relating her adventures to her female friends one of the first things they wanted to know was whether she would be seeing him again. I don't know if that's better or worse than what men's reactions would be but it's certainly different. Posted by Proxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 6:00:52 PM
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The human male and female are made to complement each other- not to be physically or emotionally equal. Most men are physically able to be stronger than women at some tasks, purely because of the larger muscles they possess.
I found the following quote which I think sums it all up! "The only jobs for which no man is qualified are human incubators and wet nurse. Likewise, the only job for which no woman is or can be qualified is sperm donor. ~Wilma Scott Heide" Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 17 May 2010 6:28:30 PM
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<<The only jobs for which no man is qualified are human incubators and wet nurse>> ABC News reported on 09/06/09 that Thomas Beattie gave birth to a healthy baby girl in June 2009 although, admittedly, his wife had to breastfeed the child because Thomas had had his tits cut off. All it would take would be a man who hadn't had his tits cut off yet and you would be wrong on both counts of what men can't do. Whether Thomas' wife donated the sperm is unknown. Posted by Proxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 7:09:03 PM
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Dear Proxy,
Sorry, we can't pay your reference to Thomas Beattie. I think Suze went on the assumption that you were talking about real men and women in this thread. Thomas Beattie (transgender man) was born a female. When science can get a real man pregnant - that's when your argument will be credible - until then ... Anyway, here's a few more things that men are better at than women: Men wear hair on their legs better. They wear bald better (shave their heads). They go grey better. They hold their liquor better. They pee standing up better. They age better. They can pass gas anywhere. They can belch better. They're better at playing rough sports. They can fertilize eggs (impregnate). They can go topless anywhere. They can navigate spatially better (see things in 3D). That's all from me Folks! Posted by Foxy, Monday, 17 May 2010 7:34:43 PM
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If woman are so much cleverer than men it begs the question why affirmative action is needed to stack the public service. Christine Nixon was a likely outcome of this process. In saying that their aren't to many men or women as smart as my wife.
Posted by runner, Monday, 17 May 2010 7:39:11 PM
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Foxy "They can go topless anywhere." - yeah but women do that one so much better then men when they do do it ;)
R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 17 May 2010 8:11:40 PM
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R0bert. your a man of my dreams. lol/. you do have a condom?
TTM lol. Posted by think than move, Monday, 17 May 2010 11:13:20 PM
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think than move: "TTM"
I've seen that a few times recently on OLO and was wondering what it meant (I enjoy the language of the interwebs :)) So far I have come up with it as an acronym for: Talk To Me Time To Market To The Moderator To The Max Total Tumor Mass Thermal Test Module Transfer Through Mail Time To Maturity Through The Mail Traditional Tibetan Medicine umm. pynch:) Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 17 May 2010 11:49:51 PM
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Dear Robert,
So you think wommen do topless better then men? You've obviously only seen the ones that are perky. (giggle). Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 9:48:05 AM
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Foxy I'm not trying to start a new thread (or divert this one) but perky is not everything. I once saw a picture of Russ Hinze with his shirt off (with some friends of similar build) and it's hard to imagine any woman not doing topless better than that.
On the other hand there was that scene from "Something about Mary" ( - for the brave) TTM sorry to hear that you are having bad dreams, perhaps a glass of warm milk before bed. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 11:44:01 AM
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Dear RObert,
To each his own, I guess. Perky may not be everything, but it certainly helps in the gravity stakes! Anyway - I prefer looking at David Beckham topless to Dawn French topless, any day of the week. Much as I love Dawn French! Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 12:15:12 PM
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Just digressing for a moment, have you read Fatty? Here is a taste: Dawn French's favourite author was Sylvia Path (read her poetry) who like her dear father eventually committed suicide. Tragically Sylvia's son has also committed suicide. David Beckham? A balloon of ego and the wind whistles through his ears. His marriage was a perfect pairing. Read Fatty instead. Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 12:51:12 PM
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Wretched lack of a modify option, that should be Plath.
Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 1:13:57 PM
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Proxy, are you still fantasizing about 'men' birthing babies?
Foxy, you were far too nice in your reply to his rubbish! Cornflower, while I admire Dawn French, and enjoyed her book immensely, I am with Foxy when she said she would prefer to look at David Beckham topless. We can enjoy looking, while not having to worry about what is between his ears or who he is married to. One only has to compare this to many men ogling Pamela Anderson's chest when her brain power would surely be even less than Beckham's? Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 1:36:20 PM
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Dear Cornflower,
It's not David Beckham's brain that I find visually pleasing (or his ears)! And RObert and I are only talking visuals here. I'm re- reading Dawn French's book at the moment, "Dear Fatty!" Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 1:39:58 PM
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In patriarchies men once delivered collaborative, creative genius which built empires, realised miracles of technology and defined fundamental principles of human justice, accompanied by a dark side of conflict, prejudice and unimaginable destruction brought about by the imbalance with women of human sensibility.
With the empowerment of women male genius is fragmenting in competition for female attention as parliaments stall and corporations struggle while militant groups hold the world to ransom. Equal rights governance recovers male sensibilities in men's legislatures, courts and corporate committees prior to negotiation with women’s legislatures, courts and corporate committees through cabinets, judicial councils and boards of directors comprised of equal numbers of women and men, the dark side denied in equality. Both women and men perform at a premium when ideas are workshopped independently before conferencing together. Posted by whistler, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:14:28 PM
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I don't have much interest in their tits, but I bet David Beckham is a better footballer than Dawn French ;)
whistler, normally a find your posts pleasantly 'wistful', but really... << when ideas are workshopped independently before conferencing together >> I think I'm going to vomit. Do you envisage a parliament of social workers? Actually, was it supposed to be a joke? It sounds like something Dawn French would write. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:30:34 PM
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I started the book reluctantly, but enjoyed it. My book club ended up reconvening for a dinner party to continue our discussion. CJ Morgan, "It sounds like something Dawn French would write." Heh, heh, you worked hard to fit that snipe in. No surprise though, the author would be way too genuine and good humoured for you. Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 3:40:34 PM
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Dear Suze,
I'm so pleased that I'm not the only David Beckham fan. Mind you, I love Dawn French as well, but only not topless. I've got the "Vicar of Dibley," series on DVD. It sill makes me laugh out loud. Dear Cornflower, If your book club wants another good book to read and discuss, I can strongly recommend "Alzheimer's: A love story," by Vivienne Ulman. It's totally different from Dawn French of course - but its a very moving book and well worth a read. I just remembered a few other things men are better at than women: Reading maps. Growing beards and facial hair. Men are better chefs, morticians, and forensic scientists. (don't know why). Men are better at telling jokes. Men are better hairdressers. Men are better masseusses. (perhaps it's the strong hands?). Men are better personal trainers. I'll think of more later... Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 9:01:50 PM
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<<Men are better masseusses>> How does that work? Posted by Proxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:08:34 PM
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FOXY!! NO MORE!! LOL! Stop being kind leading the blokes on, particularly those who dont personally or professionally know any Forensic Scientists!! The females are on par and excellent in this field and would you believe my hairdresser is studying to be a Forensic Scientist at present; like me, a true Scorpio on the cusp of Sag.
Not had a massage Foxy therefore take your word for this one. One of my sibling's is a Chef [my older sister though cooks better than him, yet he owns highly acclaimed and receives rave reviews on his restaurants] all this in good humour Foxy, and you would be right with the ratio Foxy here, as the cooking industry is still trying to build up and 'retain' the qualified female chefs within the industry, therefore more longer term male Chefs owning businesses here. I communicate and interact better with females in every day life generally and therefore double over in pain when women tell me jokes or hilarious stories [that's just me though] - stemming from shared interests and experiencing similar things Posted by we are unique, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:58:32 PM
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Dear Proxy,
How does it work? It's not something I can describe. You have to try it for yourself! Dear We Are Unique, Glad that I made you laugh! You're an absolute delight yourself! So positive - always! Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 11:04:17 PM
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thanks for the feedback CJ and apologies for interrupting the banter, but what i find of concern on this topic is that full on misogynist male militias are holding the world to ransom, not to mention that nature has gone feral, as blokes prance around in parliaments performing for the attention of women while achieving nothing more than making things worse.
male competition in the form of chest thumping stonewalling for the attention of sarah palin and julie bishop, in particular, has brought the legislatures of two nations to a grinding halt. this is not the way to deal with bands of male insurgents or the end of the world as we know it. men need to get their act together in men's councils to come up with strategies to run by women's councils to cull the outright dumb from the awesome genius. there is no other way to counter what we're confronted with right now which will succeed. somewhere in this process is the essence of what is male and what is female. nothing more and nothing less than the optimum utilisation of available resources will do. Posted by whistler, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 11:55:42 PM
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Vivienne Ulman was on Life Matters and I was surprised to learn that her father started Gloweave shirts. I don't remember much else but will have a look for her book. Tks. Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 10:40:37 PM
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What a wonderful imaginational minds your all have, and you all could start your own book deals.( olo is the blue print ) But just for the girls, what do think of the supernatural and yes, its off topic once again, but what do the today's woman thinks, and does she see's more than we do.
TTM Posted by think than move, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:10:13 PM
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Jokes aside, not that I took this thread seriously considering its just another girls club attack or troll on everything us men make in this world. Sometimes I think you women want us blokes to go back to the stone age and drag you along the ground by the hair to the nearest cave. Sh@t stirring the delicate balance between male and female patrons of this planet and I can see no good coming from this type of thread.
When things are a peace, best leaving well enough alone and there are other graffiti walls to spin your tripe. Foxy the fact is without us you would have nothing at all and it all comes down to a second pair of brains which assists greatly in the world you enjoy. With threads like this, If you play with fire you will always get burnt. Smile, and have a nice day we built..........hehehe. TTM Posted by think than move, Friday, 21 May 2010 12:52:57 PM
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mmmmmmmmmmmm Its means think than move or cant you read and the translation is for the world and its people to think before you move;)
think than move: "TTM" I've seen that a few times recently on OLO and was wondering what it meant (I enjoy the language of the interwebs :)) So far I have come up with it as an acronym for: Talk To Me Time To Market To The Moderator To The Max Total Tumor Mass Thermal Test Module Transfer Through Mail Time To Maturity Through The Mail Traditional Tibetan Medicine umm. pynch:) :) to you as well. TTM. Posted by think than move, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:02:18 PM
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'Til ToMorrow.
Posted by Proxy, Friday, 21 May 2010 10:01:01 PM
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TTM I was just joshing. Couldn't resist.
I have wondered whether you meant 'then' instead of 'than' but whatever. Proxy got it I think - and good one btw. :) Posted by Pynchme, Saturday, 22 May 2010 2:34:30 AM
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THIS is for you :) something I found on youtube. you can comment there too. We can have an on-going dialog there. On topic. Men/males and Women/Females are best described as being complementary. Two pieces of the puzzle which when placed together in correct order produce a meaningful picture. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:35:46 AM
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I eat capitalism for breakfast. I you dont give us a fair deal in the 21 century, how will you make make your money, and answer this Question too me.
TTM. Posted by think than move, Sunday, 23 May 2010 8:24:34 PM
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TTM I was just joshing. Couldn't resist.
I have wondered whether you meant 'then' instead of 'than' but whatever. Proxy got it I think - and good one btw. :) Posted by Pynchme, Saturday, 22 May 2010 2:34:30 AM Yes, I know and its all good. Man and woman have shared this planet for quite some time in harmony and this will continue for all of time. I joke a bit sometimes, but that makes the world go round. Maybe a whole woman government might just what we need, cause lets face it! the men are making a world not fit for anything and one can see how two bulls fight in the fields.( Parliament question time) What ever happens on this planet, the two will solve the problems we all see. Just to clear things up, There are two of us here posting at different times. See how two minds are better than one. Wink. TTM Posted by think than move, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:59:25 PM
They "encourage more co-operation"
They "strive to find resolutions that make everyone happy"
They "tend to take all members' opinions into consideration"
I thought I'd been told that men and women were just the same, or at least equal.
If it is permitted to say that women are better than men at some (all?) things,
is it permitted to say that men are better than women at some things?
Or is that sexist?
Does anybody think that men are better at some things than women?
If so, what are they?