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Net censorship move a smokescreen

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Shadow Minister

Most people here have never lived in a country where the media are censored.

I have.

You are right.

Australia has taken the first step on the road to a totalitarian state.

The government's true motives are glaringly transparent. Anyone who buys it is simply colluding in their own deception.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Friday, 18 December 2009 4:50:16 PM
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I can't believe I am defending Shadow Minister. At times I think he is indistinguishable from the real thing. In fact I think it is entirely possible he _was_ the real thing.

But, that is no reason to condemn him. I didn't see you condemning Andrew Bartlett for being politically partisan. Like Bartlett, Shadow does go into bat for his favourite hobby horses regardless of politics. The Libs are certainly a favourite, but so is nuclear and apparently free speech is another.

The smokescreen he is referring to is the trials themselves. And he is faithfully reporting on what a "top communications expert" said. Unless you don't consider Bjorn Landfeldt to be an expert, but that would be a dubious proposition. All Shadow is guilty of is not posting a link: But then the bugger rarely does.

As for interesting events today the parody site was up for a while. It got taken down by - as it should have been as it appears it wasn't connected to a business. However the speed it got taken down with was an all time record, and the usual appeals process seems to have been bypassed. How odd. It is not like the government hasn't promised over and over again that will be a Chinese Wall between it and independent bodies, like the one that will police the proposed censorship regime.

So now Conroy is about to learn the meaning of a new internet term, the "streisand effect" The site has now re-appeared here:

Oh well, I expect, this new era in the internet is going to be a learning process for all of us. The sooner Conroy starts his journey about learning what this internet thingy is really capable of, the better it will be for all of us.
Posted by rstuart, Friday, 18 December 2009 5:49:58 PM
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I think censoring the internet (through a bloody secret list even) is probably the biggest act of outright FASCISM by a national Australian government since Menzies introduced conscription. Hands down. Wait, sorry- I take that back- since APEC and WYD2008- both overseen by State Labor and Federal Liberals- together (proving that they're BOTH nothing but corrupt neocons under their facades- although anyone who hasn't got this into their thick skulls long ago is probably so stupid they'd need a bicycle helmet on at all times to stop them hurting themselves).

Nothing else needs to be said- actually no, there is more- this is nothing but abhorrent to a free society and another attempt to cripple Australia's development by access to free information (except the illegal porn- as it's the only content that has no practical use and I could assume is already being filtered by service providers here and worldwide)- absolutely everything else- be it Euthanasia sites, anti-abortion sites, even terrorist advocacy sites should be unrestricted if we want people that can access information outside the scare-media polluting our papers, radio and TV in order to weigh the merits and understand whatever people they would want to know about.

In other words, there is no justification for this abomination to exist.
I know it's partly because Labor jumped into bed with the crazy religious lobby and Family First for preferences and a few extra votes- but I wouldn't put it past them to happily ban gambling sites on behalf of casino owners as Shadow pointed.

I will personally follow Mikk's example and put Labor dead last on my next election paper (where Liberals currently sit- now lucky second-last).
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 18 December 2009 6:15:07 PM
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Is the government really censoring the internet? They are only censoring those aspects of the internet that WWM mentioned.

You can't go out and buy an SM XX rated mag in BIG W why should it be available so freely and easily on the Net. There have been numerous issues about kids accessing this stuff even on school sites although it has been tightened up a lot more.

The internet is accessed by kids as well as adults and kids who more and more are left on their own. Technology seems to come in rapid bursts with very little time for the social factors to catch up.

Yes, there is a risk of this censorship caper being taken too far - and that is a valid concern.

While an internet filter is easily downloaded it is not perfect.

But, wait before rstuart jumps on me about this as he is prone to :) -let me ask again -why on earth can't we offer a clean feed. I would certainly choose the clean one as a parent, but would not expect others to do so if they don't have kids or whatever.

It can't be that difficult - man has landed on the moon and is sending satellites into space - there has to be technology to allow a clean feed option that actually works.

It would solve all the problems and angst on this issue without the need for an outright ban.
Posted by pelican, Friday, 18 December 2009 6:40:43 PM
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I see your point however, I take a lot of stick for my phraseology and so should SM.
Had he phrased it without the political bumf of scare mongering then I wouldn't have taken the stance that I did. I was responding to what he said. I don't believe it's a smokescreen for anything. What's the bet it's cocked up like petrol watch.

BTW I hamper freedom of speech, I have joined the don't call list.
I would also suggest the whole 'freedom of speech' drama is bollocks *it doesn't exist*. freedom of speech is at best relative.

Notwithstanding for me Pelican is on the money (well said you). The govt should offer a clean option to families I would add at a cheaper rate.
Unlike some I aren't the most switched on parents and a little help wouldn't go astray.
I don't believe that Caveat emptor is anything more than an excuse exploitation in Latin.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 18 December 2009 8:04:07 PM
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It is quite amazing that now our Govts will save us from paedophila after eons of abuse from the clergy and family incest.

Suddenly the state will cleanse humanity from it's foibles via censorship of the internet.No mention of the logistics or detail,just trust us and all will be resolved.

You cannot trust Govt with anything unless they are made accountable.When was the last time this happened?
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 18 December 2009 9:10:36 PM
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