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Net censorship move a smokescreen

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Your response to me earlier clearly demonstrates you are missing my point.

Put simply, at the moment parents do not have a choice about which internet they use - there is only one feed - the unfiltered version, and while there are filters one can download they are not perfect. I must say they do make an improvement.

At the moment those like you who want the unfiltered version have it. Those who might like a clean feed as a second option do not have this choice at the moment.

What problem do you have with this? If it is about freedom of choice, at the moment people like me who don't want to risk of their kids getting hold of the Xtreme stuff on the Net, have no choice unless we ban computers in our homes, ban kids from homes with computers and hover over their computer even at school. This is of course untenable, OTT and unrealistic.

My kids are older now so for me it is not as important as it was say three years ago, but for many families it remains an issue.

You seem to have an issue with this unless it is your freedom that is at risk.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 11:27:41 AM
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Restuart. Yes, I was going to give what you asked not to, and for sure, your case holds water for your circumstances, but Pelican has the magic bullet. Two feeds would solve the problem perfectly as well as peace of mind for all-us.

At the moment, our computers are based in the living room, just to keep a visual on the content their viewing. Even you tube has its concerns with the content. But still everyone,s circumvented the point. Does today's world realty need this type of (extreme material)?

eg. A few years ago, my son and buddies were just jumping off the garage roof onto a trampoline, after viewing Internet content, and the stunt went horribly wrong. The thought of my son in wheel chair just chills me to the neck bone. ( lucky he was not killed )

The two feed, is a winner, no doubt in my mind. thanks to all.
Posted by walk with me, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 3:09:55 PM
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How little regard you all have for humanity. You use children as a commodity and you sleep at nights. How the stronger you are! Yes the world is not a perfect place, but like all through human history, the slaves must not know. The matrix is here. smile.

by L.J simmons
Pelican! just a little poem for you.
Posted by walk with me, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 4:25:00 PM
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walk with me: << A few years ago, my son and buddies were just jumping off the garage roof onto a trampoline, after viewing Internet content, and the stunt went horribly wrong. The thought of my son in wheel chair just chills me to the neck bone. ( lucky he was not killed ) >>

Cripes. Don't let your kids watch 'Funniest Home Videos' or any action movie you care to name on prime time TV!

What I'd like to know is why there is apparently a vote in unbridled wowserism. All political parties - including the Greens - seem to be terrified of being offside with the most paranoid prudes in the community, to the point where they all seem quite happy to censor the vast majority to silence a tiny, if loathsome, minority.

Sorry - we don't need it, and what's proposed won't work anyway.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 7:59:44 PM
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pelican: "Your response to me earlier clearly demonstrates you are missing my point."

I am certainly missing something.

pelican: "at the moment parents do not have a choice about which internet they use - there is only one feed - the unfiltered version, and while there are filters one can download they are not perfect."

This is the bit I am missing. Given I have already said you _can_ purchase a clean feed now, this statement makes no sense to me.

For example I said it in this thread:

rstuart: "Failing that there are ISP's that provide filtering now. Eg "

Admitedly that wasn't in a reply addressed to you, so maybe you didn't read it. But I have said it in replies addressed to you in other threads. Eg:

rstuart: "pelican: ... if you really want a filtered feed don't just whinge about it, go and sign up for one. You can do so here: "

So your statement "at the moment parents do not have a choice about which internet they use - there is only one feed - the unfiltered version" is just plain wrong. Either that or I am missing something, as you say.

Here is a piece of gratuitous advice for those of you who do want a filtered feed: use a service like that provided by Webshield, even after mandatory filtering comes in. Why? Because the mandatory filter will miss most of the bits you want to keep out. It simple maths. There are 1 trillion web pages: About 1% are porn: So there are approx 10 billion porn pages out there. Assuming we have devote 1,000 people rating 1 page per minute 8 hours every working day, it will take them about 1 century to get through them all. But it only took 2 decades to add them in the first place. I trust you see the problem.

If you want more stats on internet porn, you may find the flash video on this page useful:
Posted by rstuart, Wednesday, 23 December 2009 9:02:55 PM
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Interesting choice of words CJ so, lets have a look at them shall we.

1. Wowserism: Exclamation of astonishment at a person or thing.

2. Unbridled: not controlled in any way, or feeling and behaviour.

3. Prude: person who is excessively modest prim or proper.

My answer to you is:4: Prudent! Cautious, discreet and sensible.

Your hypocrisies and pretexts seem to have no boundaries, but there,s not one person in the world that's not a Hypocrite my friend. If you picked 3 and 4 for me, your right. smile.

Jokes a side, The funny thing is that we are all working for the same cause and as who,s voting on what, its your constitutional right to do so. Before one Judges another, one must look at him self. In my opinion, the world in a bit of a mess and being an environmentalist and political activist, what do you think I should be doing? sitting around all day with my head up my arse, knowing how much this planet is in trouble! I dont give a sh@t what people think.

All the best to you and your family and best wishes to you.
Posted by walk with me, Thursday, 24 December 2009 12:19:00 AM
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