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Cheers Belly and Arjay.

I’m not going to leave OLO.

Forrest, old buddy, thanks for immortalising those numbers in a twitpick. Good one. A couple of celebratory drinks and a lightning strike to the back of the head eh? No wonder you are particularly loquacious this evening!! ( :>0

“You didn't want to upset your neat little numbers as you neared your milestone!”

Bronwyn, the numbers were almost natural. I only had to keep them on track over the last two days. Pity that such a beautiful set of numbers is now corrupted by this post !!

“Congratulations, Ludwig, on the big 3000. Hopefully, you'll stick around for another thousand or so. The place would be much poorer without you. :)”

Much appreciated. Thanks. And congrats on reaching 1000 posts three days ago.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 25 November 2009 9:00:11 PM
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Sorry if some find what i say as offensive.
But i am not going to tell lies to suite anyone.
I say it as i see it, and nothing is going to change that.
Some peoples opinions are just that. Without a constructive word to be seen.
All of these off site references, are someone elses opinion, which does not mean a thing, some scientific reference is good.
Have a good day.
Posted by Desmond, Thursday, 26 November 2009 7:07:20 AM
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Pretty fundamental questions, Ludwig, thanks for asking.

>>How effective is this forum?<<

I am not sure that its function is to be "effective" at anything except providing a scribble-space.

>>What are us participants achieving?<<

Don't know about others, but I pop in pretty much every day, to get a broader view on what people are thinking about widely different subjects. It's like an extended yarn in the pub, with whole lot of folk from different walks of life throwing in their pennyworth. Endlessly interesting, and useful to keep tabs on the "will of the people".

>>Is it helping to facilitate the views of ordinary people in reaching the decision-makers and influencing policy direction?<<

I doubt that, very much.

It might occasionally make individual people such as me aware of issues that might otherwise have passed them by. But influence policy? Don't think so.

>>is it effectively waylaying people and causing them to spend their time expressing themselves in a place where their comments won’t be read, rather than bothering politicians or bureaucrats more directly?<<

That's just being cynical. In fact, I suspect that people who spend time here honing and refining their thoughts and arguments would be more, rather than less, likely to "bother" politicians

>>Does it have entertainment or social networking value?<<

Entertainment, certainly. Social networking though, not at all, as contributors are anonymous.

>>Is OLO the right place for people like me to express their deep concerns and put forward ideas?<<

Only if it feels right. For some, it is good therapy to see their "deep concerns" replayed to them in print.

And all ideas, crazy or mundane, deserve to be put forward and exposed to daylight.

>>Is its significance being diluted or is it expanding as its reputation as the most eminent online debating forum for social and political debate becomes better known?<<

Significance or otherwise doesn't matter a damn, I suspect, to the individual contributor.

It's a place where we can think out loud, and get some feedback.

And to get ourselves comfortable with the fact that we are individuals, with one voice amongst many.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 26 November 2009 8:33:24 AM
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You inspire me to keep going, Ludwig!
This is only my 173rd in my first year, and I've often doubted the use of it.
But in brighter mental climes I'm convinced of OLO's edify effects, if not its effectiveness.
By edifying, I mean that OLO supports and encourages colloquies on diverse issues of importance and human trivia, in the process devolving language and interpersonal skills upon its denizens. Though we interact remotely, the forum encourages this development. It seems to me that most of the long-term devotees to the medium in time evolve enhanced skills in debating and representing themselves; more importantly yet, in cultivating personae that are greeted cordially, affectionately or brusquely as the case may be, so that a social-evolutionary process begins with each new member's stumbling advent.
My own noviciate statements early on, and even latterly, have on occasion been lacking in these graces; more accurately, the persona, half formed, has suffered the random abuses of he who must be obeyed, and so been misrepresented (for this, I sincerely apologise, Squeers).
Given time, OLO appears to breed urbane manners, wit or charm in the crudest of doppelgangers that once stalked and halted, unfinished, among the intertext.
At this point, far distant for me I fear, the respective Creator must fashion herself a new caricature, one who can strut the stage uninhibited by fear or favour. For good representation and gentility always come at a price!
On OLO's effectiveness? I shall have more to say.
Posted by Squeers, Thursday, 26 November 2009 11:00:11 AM
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its interesting to read people dont read the full posts

so i will reply to a few selections

quote],,,<<How effective is this forum?>>.clearly it has great amusment value...but i feel its educative...and a great place to meet as equals...thanks to fair moderation

What are us participants achieving?...we manage to pass the day..with challanging thoughts an opinions...its not about achievment...but exchanging facts/vieuw's...and lol...opinions

<<Is it helping to facilitate the views of ordinary reaching the decision-makers and influencing policy direction?>>


the few polititions/public servants..i have met here..are fixed in stone...mainly intent in bolstering their point

<<waylaying people and causing them to spend their time expressing themselves in a place where their comments won’t be read,>>>

of course its hard to know..who is reading and why...but rest assured the secuirity agencies lap up every word....some must surface somewhere near..the powers that were

<<rather than bothering politicians or bureaucrats more directly?>>.

yes a good point...but we dont have much lobbying here
and accesing them..has gotten a bit complicated

<<Does it have entertainment or social networking value?>>>both[and then some]

<<Is OLO the right place for people like me to express their deep concerns and put forward ideas?>>not sure about you...but for me it beats sitting overnight waiting for the bris/sydney train...7 am in the morning...after leaving the canberra train previojus day at 3 pm,

<<Is its significance being diluted>>>thats presuming significance...its not a science[wrong egsamplr]..its not a math journal...its opinion...i find so often its a fact free zone

<<or is it expanding as its the most eminent online debating forum for social/and political debate...becomes better known?>>...i believe in the end...we get as we give...and not banning people with divergent[or strange vieuws]...i feel it more have a little faith...and open up
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 November 2009 3:23:22 PM
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Thanks for the thoughtful responses to my questions Pericles. This is very good feedback, from one who has been on this forum for a long time.

Nicely written Squeers. I’m pleased to have given you some inspiration.

Good comments one under god. Cheers.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 27 November 2009 8:32:40 AM
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