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The Forum > General Discussion > A Brand New Model for an Australian Republic

A Brand New Model for an Australian Republic

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please explain how you would ceate your utopia in practical
Posted by JMCC, Sunday, 27 December 2009 10:42:17 AM
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Firstly I am human not a god , although given your humbling experience , I guess you must think that anyone who actually thinks about their politics is some sort of supernatural entity , I can understand your puzzlement.
The FACT that Australia doesn’t have a bill of rights (like the USA) is the first step to attaining a semblance of a democracy i.e. the basis upon which a democracy works.
Not like in Australia where there isn’t even a signatory to an international bill of rights, I wonder why duh.
Once you have the bill of rights which you can get at any newsagent here, it lays the basis upon which the democratic rights work.
I hate to repeat myself but you must be so thick as to think that ARM is anything but puppet model of lip service, I must.
THEN you have a constitution that is a constitution, not a mish mash of Westminster based garbage that deprives people of human rights, has a DPP that is so self-serving it’s full of corruption, and doesn’t allow the right to vote for say aboriginals.
The separation of powers doesn’t exist in Australia nor does it even pretend to, that in itself is a joke that must go.
Once you have a constitution, and I would suggest that adopting the American model as basis, ethically serving as the base for administering the checks and balances so necessary in any dynamic political ideal ,
Then you have the basis to change law with the changing political population. I.e. Dynamic.
Let me think duh
“How does this sound for start
The freedom of speech, freedom of representation without qualification, freedom of religious belief etc “look it up it’s in the USA constitution.
The problem with you ARM clowns is that you think it’s difficult to create political utopia, whereas it’s only difficult to incorporate the existing status-quo within this utopia
Posted by thomasfromtacoma, Sunday, 27 December 2009 1:11:33 PM
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I never thought of you as a God - God forgive

What sort of egotistisal twit are you.

You have no knowlodge of our system of Government let allow how to change it. The USA system is the most flawed system in the english speeking world.

please study before making comment and thus making a fool of yourself
Posted by JMCC, Sunday, 27 December 2009 6:56:07 PM
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(Just moronic copy cat)
One can only presume.
Please read the intelligent article by Greg Lees, Australia’s shadowy wisp of a democracy, and then you might realize you’re in the minority as far an opinion is concern.
Btw to be called a twit by your self can only be considered a compliment.
You’re a boor , in the true sends of the word.
Run away and annoy the less intelligent of the forum and take your bigoted constitution and put it with your opinion, in the trash
Posted by thomasfromtacoma, Monday, 28 December 2009 1:07:26 AM
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