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The Forum > General Discussion > How much do You think I know about YOU

How much do You think I know about YOU

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Houlle “Oh I know. Hey you ruined mine by sending me that picture when I already had you as Maurice Minnifield from Northern Exposure. Before that you were the actor Rip Torn.”
I googled Maurice Minnifield and will admit I was more like Rip Torn, in past years more than recent.

You are one of the few on OLO who would be able to pick me out in a line-up (although I thought you would not notice me (alongside Bling, Bling Barbie Doll).

I have no image of yourself in mind…but that is like many folk who think for themselves.. their images are as varied as their delightful eccentricities, although if you love “romantic walks on the beach” I bet you likewise enjoy “ glasses of red wine infront an open fire”

I imagine Foxy as trim and tidy, fractelle as thin to the point of emaciation and Bronwyn like some Wagnerian soloist wearing a helmet with horns and metal breast guards.

“Sorry pontificator,
you're not interesting enough to warrant an avitar in my mind. Oh, though a sudden image of Hyacinth Bucket comes to mind.”

Love it

The pontificator, I image as a dusky skinned weasel, standing in a fair ground, dispensing the intellectual equivalent of fairy floss (you know something which looks a lot but is just saccharin sweet and completely devoid of substance), to the gullible and feeble minded.

CJ Moron I always image as an red setter… a lumbering beast known for its stupidity and habitually licking itself.

I have a general uniform image of leftie males … under fed, wearing grey, drab Mao uniforms and several days chin hair (you know that unkempt, neglected and impotent look) the sort of non-entity LS Lowry (a pleasant but not one of my favourite painters) painted into his Manchurian streetscapes.

But I will admit, I like your style and attitude, which I find similar to mine. I am sure your life experience will ultimately convert you to the libertarian perspective, you are already on that path,

it is called the acquisition of wisdom
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 12:09:03 PM
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although if you love “romantic walks on the beach” I bet you likewise enjoy “ glasses of red wine infront an open fire”

Ah so funny, you certainly are on my wave length. Pity that old school mistress Bronwyn cant ever manage a smile at the harmless hijinks, but rather sees 'naked hatred'. I'd wager a lot more 'hatred' is directed at myself and the good Sir Rouge than can ever be honestly interpreted as 'jumping' from us by the likes of Mistress Bronwyn.

I suppose as Col says, daring not to fall into line with the conventional leftist intelligentsia, and daring to have fun and not treat life, and oneself, so seriously probably makes a lot of people jealous.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 1:02:28 PM
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Well seeing as we're sharing our "imaginings"
of people's physical appearances, here's mine:

1) Examinator - I imagine to look like
Mr Darcy from "Pride and Prejudice."
Like, the actor Colin Firth . (sigh).

2) CJ - I imagine to look like
David Niven - humorist, actor, and
gentleman extraordinary. Charm, wit,
and daredevilry!

3) Col Rouge - I imagine looking similar
to Malcolm Turnbull.
Coffee, Chocolate, Men...
Some things are better rich!

4) Houellie - I imagine looking similar
to Warick Capper - game for anything!
long in the leg,
but short in the ...

5) Bronwyn - is definitely Cameron Diaz's
twin! Full of fun!

6) Belly's - Hugh Jackman - no doubt about
that! An honest down to earth guy - totally

7) Fractelle - Cate Blanchet - a mysterious enigma.
Beautiful, sexy, mysterious!

That will do for now...
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 2:33:41 PM
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Just by way of appreciation of Seano's post of Sunday, 8 November 2009 at 9:54:34 AM, and to ensure he is at no disadvantage with respect to OLO users of longer standing, here are some of the things examinator, or anyone else reading and paying attention, could know about a number of other regular OLO posters.

examinator's first post on OLO was on 11/06/2008 at 12:10:48 AM. He was among the early posters to Ludwig's topic 'Why did you choose your pseudonym', opened on Sunday, 10 August 2008 at 9:24:04 AM:


Re your post of Sunday, 8 November 2009 at 11:37:15 PM. People who live in, or even anywhere remotely near, glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You have committed some absolute shockers of identity confidentiality security breaches here on OLO, believe me. Do the initials ......? Nah, forget it, it would be too easy.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 3:02:49 PM
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cont'd ...

1) Forrest Gumpp - I see as a very elegant,
sophisticated - George Clooney type.

2) RObert - I see as the dark and mysterious type -
the Antonio Banderas of OLO.
Silent waters run deep.

3) Antiseptic - I see as the Russell Crowe type, -
very masculine, and a great father.

4) Shadow Minister - I see as a Peter Costello
type - a quiet achiever.

5) Runner - I see as a John Cleese type.
Underneath all that seriousness - is a guy
with a sense of humour.

6) Arjay - I see as a Mike Moore type.
A crusader with -
strong opinions about politics and
how things should be run.

7) Hasbeen - I see as a politician - possibly
a Joe Hockey type - a decent, down to earth bloke.

8) The Missus - I see as an earthy Dawn French type -
with a sense of humour. And an opinion about

9) Cornflower - I see as an Emma Thompson type -
intelligent, with very strong opinions.

10) Pelican - I see as a bit of a dark horse -
A beauty with brains - a Catherine Zeta-Jones type.
Totally luverly!

11) Suze - I see as a Goldie Hawn type - bright,
beautiful, and very dedicated in everything
she does.

12) David F. - I see as a wise sage - who can
perform magic. He's the perfect candidate to be
the Headmaster at Hogwarts - in the Harry Potter

13) Steven L. Meyer - I see as Peter Pan - a mischief
maker - a Robin Williams type - very talented - who will
never grow old.

That's all for now...
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 6:42:45 PM
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<< You have committed some absolute shockers of identity confidentiality security breaches here on OLO, believe me. Do the initials ......? Nah, forget it, it would be too easy. >>

I presume you mean I've breached my own security. I hope you're not suggesting I've breached someone else's!

I don't get too hung up on hiding my identity, but I doubt I've revealed it just the same. But with a master sleuth like yourself around, who would know. I probably have. :)
Posted by Bronwyn, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 10:32:29 PM
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