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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Opposition's policy regarding the current asylum seekers controversy?

What is the Opposition's policy regarding the current asylum seekers controversy?

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Well so much argument, however the Australian people want to have resettled refugees and both sides of politics do as well. It is not even about if we allow them, it is about how to deter them. Much of the world the same. In Europe they were originally steeped in guilt on the jewish persecution and did not want to be seen to repeat history, but now anti-semitism is the on the rise again throughout Europe so history afterall does repeat. The mindset of some displaced people is not compatible often with host country and causes conflict. It is not the best outcome for either side. Especially when fear of being persecuted leads to persecution of anyone that does not agree with them. That is insane.

All our refugee resource at the moment should focused on Afghanistan as we really have moral obligation. However even there I would like to see a safe area set up as was done for the Kurds in Iraq. Tamils, the war is over, no proof of genocide, screening camps normal post war and are quickly being wound up. The war is over.
Posted by TheMissus, Sunday, 8 November 2009 12:17:52 PM
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<< The message given to the journalist was that many had 'registered' with the UNHCR. The words assesed or approved was not used. The Melbourne woman is wrong. >>

Did you read the link I provided? It clearly stated that 37 of the 78 aboard the Oceanic Viking had been “assessed as refugees by the UNHCR”. I provide you with direct evidence and you just ignore it and continue repeating your same old incorrect argument. No wonder you're so convinced you're right about everything. You ignore all evidence that doesn't fit to your narrow and predetermined view. Besides, I've read the same thing in report after report now. You’re plain wrong, once again, and you need to admit it.

<< She also claimed they had spent 5 years in Indonesian camps. Untrue, They said "in Indonesia", nothing about camps. >>

Oh, so you did read the article after all! You've just shown us all how prone you are to cherry picking what suits.

You're right on this point though. They haven't all been in camps. Some have been in rented accommodation, some of which is not too bad, but most of which is fairly appalling. The camps are totally inhumane and some in particular are truly horrendous.

Whether they've been in camps or rental accommodation though, the end result has been much the same. They've all been left in complete limbo for four or five years, unable to work, study, educate their children or do anything to get on and improve their lives, all the while having being verified as bonafide refugees.

Would you patiently put your life on hold for five long years and willingly resign yourself to another five, ten, fifteen years of waiting? Or would you too think that after five years of playing by the rules and being totally ignored and forgotten, that something a little more proactive was in order?

Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 8 November 2009 12:23:00 PM
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Bonwyn, hey can return to Sri Lanka. Their government has assured their safety and it is the government of Sri Lanka's reponsibility. the war is over. Sinhalese have been deported so waste of time trying now. LTTE were far scarier that GOSL.
Posted by TheMissus, Sunday, 8 November 2009 12:28:20 PM
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Banjo (cont.)

<< You want evidence that they are frauds and liars, etc. >>

The list you provided is hardly evidence.

<< 1. If they have passports and can get visa to enter Malaysia, they could get visa to enter Aus.. >>

I’m not 100% sure on this, but I think the passports that get asylum-seekers from say Pakistan to Malaysia are often provided to them by the people smugglers. Again I’m not 100% sure, but my guess is that once in Malaysia, any passport that might have got them that far, just won’t take them any further. The reason that a lot of asylum-seekers don’t have passports is not because they’re fraudsters as you allege (and with no evidence whatsoever to back up your allegations too BTW), but because it is simply too difficult and too dangerous to apply for one. Besides, it in no way negates their right to seek asylum in countries that honour the Refugee Convention.

<< 5. They ... have threatened the lives of their kids. >>

When? Where's your evidence? I hope it’s not of the Children Overboard variety.

<< 6. Police report states that recently they deliberately blew up a boat which killed 5 persons and injured others, including our naval officers. >>

Despite that NT police report, the cause of this incident still hasn't been established conclusively. There's another inquiry and a coronial report to come yet. Much of the evidence points to the incident being a tragic accident and that is very likely to be the final conclusion drawn.


<< There have been no inflection points so far, but this 90-day time limit is one. It will be interesting to see what happens, won't it? >>

Increasing numbers of asylum-seekers are being detained on Christmas Island for ever-longer periods of time. I’m not sure how many, but there are definitely a number who’ve been there now for around twelve months. I don’t think we’re in any immediate danger of seeing the 90-day time limit being honoured any time soon.

BTW, your measured and well-reasoned posts are much appreciated. :)
Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 8 November 2009 12:29:21 PM
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<< There has been a few people here say they can go to rural areas for work displacing opportunities for locals suffering more than most from economic downturn. So there is a not in my backyard mentality. We will take them and palm them off onto struggling regional centres. >>

That’s not at all an accurate representation of what I said.

Looking to regional areas was offered as only one suggestion in a raft of measures. It wasn’t to be a ‘palming off’ of responsibility or a ‘displacement’ of locals as you suggest. As I’ve already pointed out, many regional communities have in the past put their hand up to welcome refugees. They’ve learnt through experience that they can provide a desirable boost to dwindling population numbers and can fill employment gaps within the community.

No, I’m not ascribing to unrealistic utopia dreaming, but nor am I succumbing to the self-fulfilling negativity that runs through many of your posts. With the right policy settings and the right leadership, Australians can be relied on to act as good neighbours. The problem at the moment is that our leaders are pressing the fear buttons and appealing to our baser instincts, rather than our more noble ones.

<< All our refugee resource at the moment should focused on Afghanistan as we really have moral obligation. >>

I agree with you, our moral obligation to Afghanistan is absolute, as it is with Iraq.

<< Bonwyn, hey can return to Sri Lanka. Their government has assured their safety and it is the government of Sri Lanka's reponsibility. the war is over. >>

Again I agree with you, the war is over and hopefully Sri Lanka can soon be a safe place for all its citizens. At the moment though, it is clearly not. It’s been unsafe for some of its population for thirty years now, so it’s not a situation that will resolve easily. I agree though that working with the Sri Lankan government towards this aim has to be a focus of our government and others in the region.
Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 8 November 2009 12:44:12 PM
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>>It also makes proving the true story behind any claim virtually impossible, for the onus is on Australia to disprove any story which a claimant can dream up, not so easy when the action was half a world away. When we know that these people had documents boarding a plane etc, to the public that is not "fairplay".<<


Your "half a world away" argument cuts both ways. If you don't know how to assess a claimant's story because he's half a world away, how do "we know these people had documents when boarding a plane"? I'm sure some have been caught out doing so, but their destroying documents should be seen in the context of their situation. What your argument shows is that there is still a degree of doubt in some of the claims. However, that doesn't mean Australia should turn into a bunch of Nazis and lock them all out (or turn them into long-term prisoners in detention centres) is all I'm saying.

I still reckon we should screen the asylum seekers as well as we can via interviews and international intelligence etc and take the few hangers-on along with, and for the sake of, genuine asylum seekers. However, once you take that route we should understand that future decisions on migration to this country will be subject to a "balance of risk" test. In essence, this means that when the negative effects (to Australia's interests) of migration outweigh the positive effects for the asylum seekers in fleeing their countries, our migration policies and strategies should be reviewed.
Posted by RobP, Sunday, 8 November 2009 1:20:49 PM
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