The Forum > General Discussion > How secure is your internet from eaves dropping?
How secure is your internet from eaves dropping?
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Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 2 November 2009 8:36:57 AM
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BrianHowes, in his post of Wednesday, 28 October 2009 at 10:53:57 PM, says:
"I am noticing not a lot of posting to this forum at the moment but certainly a lot of interest in looking." On the basis that a substantial proportion of these interested viewers may be unfamiliar with the OLO Forum features, I offer a few tips on how to follow any particular discussion, as such can rapidly disappear from view if the default Forum display is all new viewer uses. This link will take a viewer to the OLO home page, where new articles are first posted: . An article does not appear on the Articles Index page until it has attracted at least one comment. Some never do, but they are few. An indication of the degree of interest in any article is given in a display immediately (beyond the ads) below the list of 'Today's articles' on this page. This link is to the OLO 'Discuss' page: . Bookmark this page as a convenient direct entry to the Forum; it will take you with one click to the 'Welcome to the Forum' page, where you may click to display either the Articles index page, or the General Discussions index page. General Discussions are started with a simple post, not from an article being first published. The default index display is one in chronological order of article publication, or general discussion topic opening post. In the General Discussions index, topics are grouped under four headings, with the default display showing a maximum of five topics at any one time. The display can be altered to one in the order of recency of posting (one that many users prefer), by clicking the words 'Last post' at the top of the column listing. More than five topics per grouping can be displayed by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting from the 'Show (5) discussions per category' menu, then clicking 'display'. For BrianHowes' topic 'Extradition without evidence ....', viewers can alternatively click this link: Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 3 November 2009 7:48:09 AM
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Beware folks.
Everything's a conspiracy. The FBI is after you. Nobody is safe. They're LOOKING at us. The end is nigh. Even those little pink fairies I see in the park every night are probably evil ASIO agents spying on me. Heck, it's all driving me INSANE! Posted by TZ52HX, Tuesday, 3 November 2009 4:11:33 PM
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Just so you know that this forum incorporates the tracking and analyses system below. BY Brian.
NetRatings SiteCensus How they describe themselves: “ SiteCensus is a browser-based audience measurement tool that provides in-depth tracking and analysis of your Web site users, site performance and other critical measurement data. Examine your site performance, usage trends, content and product placement, visitor loyalty, search engine performance and visitor behavior. Analysis is delivered via concisely constructed reporting modules so that each important process can be researched independently and benchmarked internally. “ Popularity: Country: Privacy Policy: Privacy Contact: Application Owner: The Nielsen Company 770 Broadway, 13th Fl. New York, NY 10003 Website: Posted by BrianHowes, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 6:14:56 AM
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Oh Brian you're so right! It's just horrible, as we all know market research companies are just a thin cover for the FBI and ASIO to gather personal information about us in order to persecute us when the New World Order arrives. Be vigilant, be wary and remember they're LOOKING at us. Even last night I counted an extra little pink fairy in the park, and that pink fairy had a LAPTOP. I KNOW what she was doing .... SHE WAS SPYING ON YOU BRIAN. Keep up the good fight and remain forever vigilant ....... if we don't then the end is nigh.
Posted by TZ52HX, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 10:07:46 AM
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not only am I shocked at the naïveté of the member I find it am incredulous at the lack of perception that the readers have as to the ABSOLUTE POWER te Australian government has to its INTRUSION AT WILL into the medium of internet.
So my advice to all you absolutely corrupt self opinionated Orzies is to cease and desist immediately otherwise colonel Klink will getcha an Schulz will know nothing Posted by thomasfromtacoma, Tuesday, 10 November 2009 11:36:59 AM
Save your breath for the judge, old chap. Meanwhile, would you like a tinfoil hat?