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A gap in legislation!

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If you think there are too many rules in the world,
and the Nanny State we have created is suffocating the life out
of'd be wrong!,27574,26202828-421,00.html

A MOTHER outraged by clothing shop music peppered with the F-word could not find a single agency to deal with her complaint.

Victorian Consumer Affairs had referred her to ARIA (the Australian Recording Industry Association), which sent Ms Sorensen to AMRA (the Australian Music Retailers Association), which suggested the Australian Retail Association, which passed her on to the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission), which suggested ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission).

Ms Sorensen also contacted her local MP and Melbourne City Council. While most were sympathetic, no one could help.

A spokesman for the State Government later said offensive behaviour was covered by the Summary Offences Act, enforced by police and amenity laws administered by local government.

But a city council spokeswoman said it was not responsible, leaving only the police.

"There is obviously a gap in legislation, and authorities seem confused about who is responsible," the mother of seven said.

Perhaps NOT. What we really need is a new agency to deal with complainers.
People who have so much time on their hands, and are so sadistic they
would happily ring eight different authorities because they didn't
like the music in a shop.

I'm sure in a time long past, a mother might have a quite word to the manager, who would change the music and apologise. Then possibly the mother might consider not going to shops where this kind of music is likely to be played. She might think, 'I find it offensive, but others may not. I don't have a right to impose my principles on the rest of the world, and I have the choice not to enter this shop again. There is no need for more rules and people being employed to deal with my complaints on every little thing.'

No need for any government agencies to be involved at all. Taxes saved, people taking responsibility for themselves, and a happier life all-round for everyone.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 13 October 2009 11:10:48 AM
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Houellebecq “No need for any government agencies to be involved at all. Taxes saved, people taking responsibility for themselves, and a happier life all-round for everyone.”

We will make a libertarian of you yet H…

As you rightly point out, what is the point of paying blood-sucking bureaucrats if all they can do is hand-ball the problem to someone else….

Better we retrenched the whole lot of them, saved the taxes and left real people to make their own mind up how to spend the extra, than pretend a bunch of parasites did anything for anyone, except themselves.

It is called "Value-adding" and despite these government agencies costing alot, all you see, in this instance, is they add nothing.
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 13 October 2009 5:06:25 PM
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So who's the villain here the woman for being so hyper, the media or the shop.?
I favour following the pecuniary interest.
Yet another commercial organisation seeking to sensationalise a non story (for the reasons you made)for profit.

Solution: don't read the rubbish or if you do simply treat it with the contempt it deserves, I would!
Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 13 October 2009 5:17:42 PM
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"Value-added," simply another buzz word like
"Client-Focused," "Best Practice,"
"Benchmarking," "Mission Statement."
et cetera. The reality of which actually
amounts to very little, as Col pointed out.

Houellie, I agree with you. The matter could
have been handled differently.
The woman obviously had too much time on her hands.

Talking about objections to music in shops...
With Christmas just around the corner - give a few
thoughts to the poor staff in Department Stores
who have to listen to "Jingle Bells," et cetera -
being played every few minutes, all day, every day,
including in the staff rooms and lifts.

Egg nog anyone?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 October 2009 7:05:01 PM
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Too funny, Howler - and incisively so. At last you've posted something worth responding to!

You're quite right, of course. Mind you, all she needs to do is get some branch of the God Squad on to the case and I'm sure it'll become a major issue. Indeed, it has the potential to eclipse the Black/Red Faces brouhaha!

I'm even quite close to Col's position, on this issue at least. What's happening?

It must be time for my quarterly checkup.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 13 October 2009 8:10:54 PM
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The solution is simple.
You tell the shop that you find the song offensive.
Either turn it off or i'm leaving. And do.
The last thing we need is beaurocrats censoring songs.
How many f words how many s words, it would be a nightmare.
Be your own censor.
Similarly with offensive TV just turn it off.
Posted by ponde, Wednesday, 14 October 2009 10:20:19 AM
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