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100 very poor people

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I'm not trying to "top" you at all. I'm simply putting my view. Every time I do you run interference on it.

I suggest you start treating people with a bit more respect instead of using your patronising language.

Why don't YOU whack off to the big league if you're so good?
Posted by RobP, Tuesday, 1 September 2009 9:32:24 AM
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Hey could I just ask about “the meek”?

Meek would be in the eye of the beholder?

God might have wanted bigger, tougher, meek types hanging about by now?

Did God define “meek” somewhere?

Does “meek” mean the same now as it did when the holy authors were about?

Where are the people, who are opposite to the meek, going while the meek inherit earth?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Tuesday, 1 September 2009 9:35:48 AM
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Good point, Piper.
The age of Chivalry was a time when all people were NOT considered equal. Some were clearly stronger than others, but it was (at least in theory) recognised that "There, but by the Grace of God, go I".
The (good) strong accepted that they had a duty to protect and defend the less fortunate.
It was also a time of very elaborate manners; like in the southern states of America today, it has been noticed that when big men carry deadly weapons, it pays to be very, very polite.
When I look at the types who run the world these days, I can't help wondering if the 'meek inheriting the Earth' wasn't more of a threat, than a promise.
"John Howard, Man of Steel!" Only a dweeb like George Bush could deliver a line like that with a straight face.
Posted by Grim, Tuesday, 1 September 2009 8:47:08 PM
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Hey Grim, Nowadays leaders are voted briefly in but do you think they do have the same inbuilt regard for their people as Queens and Kings of old? Do you reckon they even see everyone else as their "people”?

I’m wondering what gets lost when a leader isn’t born to lead and trained their whole lives for this one role. Does it work having the system we do?

We may get our 100 poor list (if the pedants stop for a second) but no one is going to be held responsible for any of them. This party will blame it on the last one and this government department will point a finger at the one next door.

This world doesn’t appear to be working if countries like this one have any obviously meek peoples. I reckon the meek inheriting the earth it is more about the meek leaders and not the lost potential of the people who were kept meek without choice or help. clarify, I’m talking about the children, the little ones the government is directly responsible for that they have in their custody and how badly these children do in care and will go on to do badly. If the government can let the kids down and yet they are the Aussies completely under government control then there is no worse failure or more obvious example of how badly a country is run.

Now I’m trying to put how I feel together with what Whistler says about being a Republic
Posted by The Pied Piper, Wednesday, 2 September 2009 9:18:47 AM
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>>Hey could I just ask about “the meek”?

Meek would be in the eye of the beholder?

God might have wanted bigger, tougher, meek types hanging about by now?

Did God define “meek” somewhere?

Does “meek” mean the same now as it did when the holy authors were about?

Where are the people, who are opposite to the meek, going while the meek inherit earth?<<


God didn't define meek, but I suspect a few humans in Biblical times used the phrase to mean humble as opposed to overbearing or, if used in a modern context, balanced rather than unbalanced. Whether it was said as a threat, a wish or a dispassionate prophecy at the time, I don't know. I think they were right though.

You can be humble but still strong. I think that's what the future breed of humans will be. A new equilibrium will be reached where there is perfect balance and when "that which is in part will be done away". Those excessive, incomplete or unbalanced people (the non-meek) who cannot come to terms with the new circumstances will effectively be sidelined and will no longer be a threat to anyone.

IMO, What is playing out today is the best and worst of human nature, neither of which will survive in their current form. They will keep playing themselves out until exhausted at which time the new equilibrium will immediately, and without fanfare, flow in.
Posted by RobP, Wednesday, 2 September 2009 10:03:08 AM
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Hey Rob, I think I did have meek wrong – I was thinking “weak” to start with then decided I never had a definition.

So I have to rethink my post to Grim because “meek” appears the wrong word there now. Humble wasn't what I was thinking.

“IMO, What is playing out today is the best and worst of human nature, neither of which will survive in their current form. They will keep playing themselves out until exhausted at which time the new equilibrium will immediately, and without fanfare, flow in.”

Hope it doesn’t take long because the best and worst both seem to be balanced which isn’t moving anything along and has more the feeling of the world getting bigger but not better.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Wednesday, 2 September 2009 2:02:50 PM
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