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100 very poor people

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I hear all the carping between ego’s going on and cannot help thinking what a waste of time it is.

While we sit in front of a computer, and we all do who post here, others have been working and as Arfur used to say to Terry, Live and learn, live and learn.

This week a blow was struck for the homeless and poor throughout Australia by a Naval Officer, who dropped his genitalia on the forehead of an Army Officer while in a drunken stupor. They call it teabagging, and the sleeping Army Officer was not amused. He complained and the Naval Officer was duly haled into the Australian Military Court and charged.

As all good Navy men do, he did not take too kindly to this, probably believing the Army has no sense of humour, so he engaged three barristers and lo and behold, the High Court wonder of wonders considered it important enough to stir their collective brains into action. He challenged the legislation creating the Australian Military Court and his challenge was upheld.

Because the Australian Military Court was constituted by one Officer, it was held not to comply with Ch III Constitution. This follows on the “Kable Principle” established in 1996, the ruling in the King v Kidman in 1915, and it virtually means that any quasi military Court, constituted by any Officer sitting alone is illegal. If applied universally and adopted by the Rudd or Rees governments, this has to be fantastic news for the poor people of Australia.

While the States have classified their legal systems into two classes civil and criminal, in reality the classification is criminal and military. Currently all Australian Civil Proceedings are conducted under what is in effect, a Military Operations Manual, directing the Officers of the Courts, to operate in a certain manner, as in an army. The operations manual is called variously the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005, or Federal Court Rules or High Court Rules 2004 but in effect they are military orders written by officers for officers. This must be ended by our leaders
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 29 August 2009 12:17:47 PM
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Let me make it easy for you to understand - you are a selfish tosser of the highest order. So self-important and full of turgid BS. You may well have the intellectual ability to twist an argument so that it accords with your a priori view, but you ain't fooling anyone but yourself I suspect.

As I have said about you before you are a puritanical zealot. John Calvin would have been proud of you; you'd have been the first one let into his inner sanctum. You see things through the prism of the "if you are not like me you are a nothing" lens. You remind me of a budgie perched in its cage that has such a limited life it looks in its little mirror and reflects on only what it can see.

You can have your life - and I'm sure you deserve it.

But, the sooner the likes of you end up in the dustbin of history, the better. I hope I am good enough to do it! But, until then, keep it up Col, so the whole world can see what it should avoid becoming.
Posted by RobP, Saturday, 29 August 2009 12:24:14 PM
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Lane v Morrison (2009) HCA 29 26th August 2009, should be a watershed. It should restore civilian rule throughout Australia, and in the time honoured traditions of the Australian Army, nasty and inefficient officers should be fragged.

The Liberal Party has always liked to think of themselves as benevolent dictators. As benevolent dictators, in 1927 in South Australia they had the Parliament legislate to exclude private soldiers as opposed to officers from participation in civilian courts. They abolished civilians from participation in civil courts, and vested all power in one Officer. No Labor government has yet repealed this para military rule. It suits benevolent Labor dictators too.

However as any force that occupies a country knows, discipline must be enforced, and officers do this. To prevent the great unwashed masses from reviewing legislation cheaply and effectively, they had to get rid of judges from courts and put Judges into Courts. In New South Wales they abolished civilian courts with the Supreme Court Act 1970. It makes the Military Rules Manuals published by the Officers higher than the Constitution. In 1915, in 1996, in 2006, and in the Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club Incorporated v The Commissioner of Police [2007] HCATrans 550 (27 September 2007) the High Court accepted that there is a “Kable Principle”.

What is it? I say it is that no single Officer can exercise judicial power, or exercise the judicial power of the Commonwealth. Carried to its logical conclusion, the Rules of Court that permit an Officer to make orders over a civilian, on behalf of any State are illegal. The Commonwealth has provided a liquidated penalty for such conduct, of $165,000 as a fine. The common law, in the Habeas Corpus Act 1640 16 Charles 1 Ch X provuded a fine of 500l Sterling, for a first offence, 100l for a second and disablement, or disqualification from further membership of society, and that law is still in force.

If KR or Nathan Rees take the result in Lane to heart, we will make poverty history, before either must go to the polls again. Make Col Rouge Premier
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 29 August 2009 12:40:33 PM
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"I hear all the carping between ego’s going on and cannot help thinking what a waste of time it is."

PtB, As opposed to what? Being a walking encyclopaedia of history and accurately relating what has happened AFTER the event? That's hardly of much use to anyone who is facing problems today.

But you are right, though. (I find it a little hard to turn the other cheek when Col Rogue gets going.)
Posted by RobP, Saturday, 29 August 2009 12:46:44 PM
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It is good to look back. Memories are only a tail if you are a beaver or a rudder if you are a ship, to be used to go forward. The future beckons and it is up to us all to look to that rather than look to the past. I am believing Lane V Morrison is a landmark decision and will lead us forward in a very positive way.

The problem we have is like Janus, we have had a two faced system, looking both forward and back simultaneously, pretending to be a justice system, but in reality with everything mapped out, and under the control of not us, but of forces outside both the courts and Parliaments. In order to have this happen the manipulators had to have military style Courts, and by graft and gradual cheating, started introducing them one by one, sneaking them in first in South Australia, and when the pig did not squeal, trying it on in New South Wales.

One of the things the Janus system has to do is to never let the facts get in the way of a good story. This was what my mate Jesus Christ hated about the Jewish society he was part of way back about 2000 years ago. So to make the facts fit the preconceived idea of what represented justice, Priests had ordained what was right and what was wrong, and set out punishments accordingly, with a view to holding the population in terroris, under their government. Jesus hated that.

So like all military officers, the then rulers had a set of facts, and vested both fact finding and administration in the body of one man, and called him a Judge. The Christian concept of democracy cannot sit beside the vesting of judgment in one person. We don’t have a democracy in Australia today, we have a theocracy, with Almighty God as some nebulous consensus known only to the cognoscenti. Our Constitution is totally opposed to that concept. Lane and Morrison are vessels who have clarified the thinking of the High Court. Good on them
Posted by Peter the Believer, Sunday, 30 August 2009 8:22:09 AM
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Peter the Believer “I hear all the carping between ego’s going on and cannot help thinking what a waste of time it is.”

Ah that might well be so, PtB but I am merely exercising my libertarian freedom to waste my time in whatever way I see fit.

RobP” you are a selfish tosser of the highest order.”

Guess what…. I don’t give a dead rats what you think of me because

You are a small minded cretin who,

being so bereft of character and personality…

think you will find solace in pretending to have the right to cast your judgments on people you neither know or understand, those of us who exist of an emotional and intellectual plane beyond the limits of your lowly gaze.

“So self-important and full of turgid BS.” Ah like you who pronounces judgments upon others.

“But, the sooner the likes of you end up in the dustbin of history, the better. I hope I am good enough to do it!”

Trust me, you are not good enough….

And your leftie whimpy socialist mates are not good enough either… the left is being ground down and left behind as libertarianism continues to prevail, supported by the obvious merit of its values system.

But you and the other swill can try as much as you want

I have been dispatching other small minded, envious, left wing tossers like you for a long time and will continue to do so.

You see this is really simple, even simple enough for a retarded tosser like you to understand

You just lack the emotional, intellectual and physical substance to make any difference to anyone,

I suggest you just get used to your under-achievers envy and mediocrity RobP…

because it will shadow you for the rest of your life, right up to beyond when you are in your grave

“History” is what got us to where we are today, you can ignore it at your peril.

I learn from it to avoid mistakes like socialism, collectivism and fight against all that leftie crap for the sake of the future.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 31 August 2009 11:44:13 AM
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