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Obama Abdicates Responsibility

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Foxy assumes a lot.Firstly that I'm pale and secondly that Obama is all that he seems.She also implies that I'm racist by virtue to disagreeing with a black person.I thought you of all people would be a person of principle.

Obama was groomed by the Corporates as witnessed by the fact he surrounds himself with all the old baggage of the Bush dynasty.Zbigniew Brezizinski is in charge of foreign policy and he openly brags of sucking the Russians into Afghanistan for a taste of their Vietnam. In his book The Grand Chessboard he says,",..moreover as America becomes increasingly multi-cultural society it may find it becomes more difficult to fashion a consensus for foreign policy except in the circumstances of a TRULEY MASSIVE AND WIDELY PERCEIVED DIRECT EXTERNAL THREAT." This was written in 1997.

Zbig as he known,wanted to go into Pakistan long ago,Clinton said no and even Bush said no,but now Obama is in there destabilising a country with nuclear weapons.This has nothing to do with terrorism,it all about getting an oil pipeline down through Afghanistan to source the oil in central Asia.Zbig wants to put nuclear weapons in Poland to neutralise Russia's first strike capacity.

See Webster Tarpley's This is really an excellent insight into geo-politics.

Webster wrote the Unofficial Biography of George Bush senior.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 26 June 2009 7:03:43 PM
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Dear Arjay,

I don't assume that you're pale at all.
For all I know - you could be polka dot.

The term 'Paleface,' as you should know
from your American Westerns was a term
used by American Indians to describe all
non 'red,' people.

And, you have to admit -
that you do suffer from 'Obama Trauma,'
what number thread is this now?

Obviously you don't have a sense of humour.
So, guaranteed - you won't enjoy this bumper-sticker

Seen on the back of a car in Utah, USA (Mormon country),

"You're the reason God invented the middle-finger!"
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 June 2009 8:00:43 PM
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hey arjay we cant expect people to know the ins and outs of everything[people are ea-silly taken in by the skin thing.

people dont realise the plan comes via kissenger[obama was his intern,now kissenger is his main adviser,..he dont do nothing but what henry tells/advises him..but hidden wisely keeps well in the background,..he isnt likely to be as obvious as dikkk cheeney,,but has much the same role and powers...lest the public catch on to really runs the show.

anyhow thats all i got to say..for some it will explain nothing..[for others well who knows...henry runs the bilderberger's as well,that brezzinski dude fits in there as well..[but no one knows how dangerouse that dude truelly was him invented the bin larden character they claim brought down the towers

[..and him created that rightwing religious claptrap in the middle east]..both serve zion..but of course they are too clever..staying in the background..[while advising their black jfk]..the public fall for it all the time...

obama is that faulse prince of peace the prophecy talks about...well lets see what kissenger/barinski make their goy clayman do...he isnt the first puppet...but just might be the last..he is just so likable,..seemingly so intelligent/hansom and certainly well briefed by kidssenger and co..

[so kissenger keeps him..on the need to know basis....oh well obama is a better leader than they deserve...and lets face it kissenger and co..arnt total idiots
Posted by one under god, Friday, 26 June 2009 8:35:16 PM
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Foxy,the middle finger is the repose of impotent cowards.Either you have the courage of your convictions through logical argument and presentation of facts or admit to the foilbles of your present beliefs.Both Yabby and Pericles have on numerous occasions resorted to personal insults[ad homien] upon myself,bereft many times of any real substance in their retorts.They and now yourself seek to discredit argument by virtue of insult.Is this not the vice of racism?Racism seeks to discredit people by virtue of preconceived notions of inferority.

There is one thing you must realise,those in power use the game of left and right to keep us distracted from the real game of keeping the masses enslaved in debt.This present system of letting banks counterfeit money,destroys the value of our currency and creates poverty.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 27 June 2009 1:05:15 AM
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Arjay, I'm afraid your bluster doesn't impress anyone.

>>they and now yourself seek to discredit argument by virtue of insult.<<

This is pure transference.

Your "arguments" have been refuted time after time after tedious time. At which point you simply walk away, only to pop up with the same old tired, discredited ideas somewhere else.

Constant repetition of a falsehood doesn't turn it into a truth, I'm afraid.

Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 27 June 2009 1:24:42 AM
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obama campain got $ 981,000 in campain donations from glodman/sax..two former sacz employeees are bringing on the next part of the scam..[cap and previous points to understand how sacz will clean up big time from this latest bubble

READ CHAPTERS 6 carbon tax..its explosive stuff
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Goldman Sachs: "Engineering Every Major Market Manipulation Since The Great Depression"

Posted by Tyler Durden at 2:58 PM
With a subtitle like "From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression

and they're about to do it again"

run,..don't walk,to your nearest kiosk and buy Matt Taibbi's latest piece in Rolling Stone magazine.

One of the best comprehensive profiles of Government Sachs done to date...
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 27 June 2009 9:21:38 AM
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